feminism was a failure


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
Feminism began to teach that women should be sexually free like men are (or like men APPEAR to be anyhow)

Wow... Who knew that lowering yourself to a very bad level would be "freeing"

I heard this one older woman once say that women were always the ones who, through marriage, were lifting men up from their baser natures.. Not today, I guess

That's not to say all men are animals or anything.

In any case, there is a lot more to be said about this bad trend that started in the 60s
Feminism began to teach that women should be sexually free like men are (or like men APPEAR to be anyhow)

Wow... Who knew that lowering yourself to a very bad level would be "freeing"

I heard this one older woman once say that women were always the ones who, through marriage, were lifting men up from their baser natures.. Not today, I guess

That's not to say all men are animals or anything.

In any case, there is a lot more to be said about this bad trend that started in the 60s

And all that "sexual freedom" turned so many American women into murderers who'll jump through a million "logical" hoops to justify their crimes.

Feminism began to teach that women should be sexually free like men are (or like men APPEAR to be anyhow)

Wow... Who knew that lowering yourself to a very bad level would be "freeing"

I heard this one older woman once say that women were always the ones who, through marriage, were lifting men up from their baser natures.. Not today, I guess

That's not to say all men are animals or anything.

In any case, there is a lot more to be said about this bad trend that started in the 60s
Holy shit!

Talk about clueless!!

feminism was originally about equal rights and opportunities

weather that goal has been achieved over the last 1/2 century is debatable

Roe V Wades overturn has, imho, devalued demeaned and downright degraded that entire concept

Feminism began to teach that women should be sexually free like men are (or like men APPEAR to be anyhow)

Wow... Who knew that lowering yourself to a very bad level would be "freeing"

I heard this one older woman once say that women were always the ones who, through marriage, were lifting men up from their baser natures.. Not today, I guess

That's not to say all men are animals or anything.

In any case, there is a lot more to be said about this bad trend that started in the 60s
Feminism, like the NAACP and Affirmative Action, was never meant to be a success.

Women nor Blacks are any better for these movements, and arguably worse off.

All they are, are cults that indoctrinate as they gain the support and devotion from their cult following, not based on results, but based on dogma.

Both movements only virtue signal to their adherents.
Feminism fails because women don't want to be equal.

The issue is women demand higher pay but they don't want to do the work equal to what men do.

They say they want to be equal but still expect men to cater them, pay for them, and treat them special as if their pussy is a prize to be won. And worse yet, they expect men to do everything for them but feel they have absolutely no obligation to do anything in return for men.

They want to be whores but don't want it to be acknowledged as such. They want to dress to get attention, they want to openly talk about sex, and basically cock tease every guy for attention but then are upset when they get an appropriate response to acting like a whore.

Women act like shitty, entitled, bitchy, and demanding twats but complain when real men don't want them.

They want to constantly be praised as special, unique, amazing, powerful, capable, wonderful beautiful creatures and all this other nonsense in one breath and the next breath demand to be equal to men.

Women get to go on social and make up unfounded and proven accusations against men and watch as men's lives are ruined. They call men toxic while they themselves are the only ones being toxic and hateful and spiteful.

Really women just want all the cake in the world and want to eat it too. It doesn't work that way.

And all that "sexual freedom" turned so many American women into murderers who'll jump through a million "logical" hoops to justify their crimes.

you refer to abortion, I think?

Men justify abortion also, so both genders get in on the act--the act of... well... lowering themselves to animal-level

But as some newscaster/commentators on Fox have said

Don't insult animals

Animals do as they were programmed to do by their Creator. And so they are perfect

Man... OMG

different story entirely

Feminism didn't fail. You guys failed.

ALL humankind failed. What a shock. We are still sinners, after all these centuries of "evolving" (supposedly evolving)

But libs like u don't believe in sin so I guess I'll mosey right along
Feminism, like the NAACP and Affirmative Action, was never meant to be a success.

Women nor Blacks are any better for these movements, and arguably worse off.

All they are, are cults that indoctrinate as they gain the support and devotion from their cult following, not based on results, but based on dogma.

Both movements only virtue signal to their adherents.
kind of like Al Sharpton and that Jesse Jackson and their race baiting/hustling. There was good commentary on this last night on Fox

from of all people--a Black person

He said these people are race hustlers because of one thing: it's a cash cow.

Again, some of the more intelligent among us already knew that. But it's nice to hear it from a Black person who hasn't bought the BS of the crazy libs
you refer to abortion, I think?

Men justify abortion also, so both genders get in on the act--the act of... well... lowering themselves to animal-level

But as some newscaster/commentators on Fox have said

Don't insult animals

Animals do as they were programmed to do by their Creator. And so they are perfect

Man... OMG

different story entirely


Well said. Thank you.

Feminism fails because women don't want to be equal.

The issue is women demand higher pay but they don't want to do the work equal to what men do.

They say they want to be equal but still expect men to cater them, pay for them, and treat them special as if their pussy is a prize to be won.
Wow, this is really something. Do you know all women so you can say that NONE Of them want to really be equal? I hven't known ONE woman in my lifetime who doesn't want the same opportunities as men get, which is not to say they never did or anything. Women are not men (contrary to what liberals "think"... ha ha to that word :auiqs.jpg:). They are and always have been equal in importance (can't re-populate w/o them, I've heard). It's just that "women's work" has not always been actually considered work.. another joke :auiqs.jpg:. Raising children is the hardest and most important job in the world. If you fail at that... all of society will suffer (or at least your own neck of the woods, but we know how the rock thrown into the placid lake has waves going all the way to the shoreline)
It as a failure because it made things worse

Women were forced out of the home and away from their children who needed them.

Well said.

Anyone who can't take one quick look at where the US stands in terms of academics and behavior and figure that one out needs to put down the pipe.


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