Feminist on Hillary: Men Need to Understand Women Suffer from Heat More

That is so true because there were thousands of other woman fainting at the 911 ceremony. Wait...that didn't happen. This means you are making this up.
A review of comparative responses of men and women to heat stress. - PubMed - NCBI

A review of comparative responses of men and women to heat stress.

Kenney WL.
Most of our present knowledge regarding human responses to thermal stress is primarily a result of research conducted on male subjects. Recently, as women have moved into the industrial workplace and forefront of athletic activity, attention has turned to comparative responses of men and women. Very limited research on preadolescent children suggests no physiological thermoregulatory sex differences except for a slightly higher sweat rate in lean boys as compared to lean girls of a similar age. Boys also tended to be more tolerant of higher temperatures. Current beliefs regarding men and women are: Women, as a population, are less tolerant to a given imposed heat stress; however, if cardiovascular fitness level, body size, and acclimation state are standardized, the differences tend to disappear; women have a lower sweat rate than men of equal fitness, size, and acclimation which is disadvantageous in hot-dry environments, but advantageous in hot-wet environments; and menstrual cycle effects are minimal. It is concluded that aerobic capacity, surface area-to-mass ratio, and state of acclimation are more important than sex in determining physiological responses to heat stress.
I've had heat stress, but never acted like that.
But then again I'm a man and physically superior to women. :scared1:
But but but men and women are the same?

Time to get women out of combat roles then.

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It wasn't even an extraordinarily hot day. High 70's with a mild breeze. And she's the only one that collapsed. Perfectly normal folks, nothing to notice, keep moving. Yup...ha ha ha.

The video I saw indicated something neurologically wrong with her, probably related to her concussion and subsequent blood clot in her brain. Since there is no honesty or integrity in anything she says or does, nothing coming out of her or her campaign can be trusted. And now the crooked witch can't even show up for a fundraiser in California tomorrow, to vacuum some more bribe money. And this is the same bitch that is questioning Trump's fitness? Seriously.
It was like she couldn't get her legs to work. I've known a few Parkinson's victims, never saw that. It wasn't alcohol. But definitely something neurological.
Yup. They take the public as fools. I've seen ,any people who were dehydrated, heat stressed, or had pneumonia, and I have yet to see any symptoms like that.
A review of comparative responses of men and women to heat stress. - PubMed - NCBI

A review of comparative responses of men and women to heat stress.

Kenney WL.
Most of our present knowledge regarding human responses to thermal stress is primarily a result of research conducted on male subjects. Recently, as women have moved into the industrial workplace and forefront of athletic activity, attention has turned to comparative responses of men and women. Very limited research on preadolescent children suggests no physiological thermoregulatory sex differences except for a slightly higher sweat rate in lean boys as compared to lean girls of a similar age. Boys also tended to be more tolerant of higher temperatures. Current beliefs regarding men and women are: Women, as a population, are less tolerant to a given imposed heat stress; however, if cardiovascular fitness level, body size, and acclimation state are standardized, the differences tend to disappear; women have a lower sweat rate than men of equal fitness, size, and acclimation which is disadvantageous in hot-dry environments, but advantageous in hot-wet environments; and menstrual cycle effects are minimal. It is concluded that aerobic capacity, surface area-to-mass ratio, and state of acclimation are more important than sex in determining physiological responses to heat stress.
This study is deplorable and bigoted! It doesn't take into account those gender neutral individuals who are men but feel like they're women, or vice versa.
A review of comparative responses of men and women to heat stress. - PubMed - NCBI

A review of comparative responses of men and women to heat stress.

Kenney WL.
Most of our present knowledge regarding human responses to thermal stress is primarily a result of research conducted on male subjects. Recently, as women have moved into the industrial workplace and forefront of athletic activity, attention has turned to comparative responses of men and women. Very limited research on preadolescent children suggests no physiological thermoregulatory sex differences except for a slightly higher sweat rate in lean boys as compared to lean girls of a similar age. Boys also tended to be more tolerant of higher temperatures. Current beliefs regarding men and women are: Women, as a population, are less tolerant to a given imposed heat stress; however, if cardiovascular fitness level, body size, and acclimation state are standardized, the differences tend to disappear; women have a lower sweat rate than men of equal fitness, size, and acclimation which is disadvantageous in hot-dry environments, but advantageous in hot-wet environments; and menstrual cycle effects are minimal. It is concluded that aerobic capacity, surface area-to-mass ratio, and state of acclimation are more important than sex in determining physiological responses to heat stress.
I've had heat stress, but never acted like that.
But then again I'm a man and physically superior to women. :scared1:

What is truly hillarious is that I put this with the liberals in California agreeing with racists and having segregated housing. Now the women libs are telling us that the bigots, as they call them, were right all along and women are the weaker sex. Too funny.
Another in an endless series of meaningless posts.
Generalities are not accurate.
Besides the only combat you've ever been in is fighting with your sister over the remote and you lost.

The irony....

This is the most meaningless post here. Generalities are usually at least somewhat accurate, and when it comes to feminism... well.

Another in an endless series of meaningless posts.
Generalities are not accurate.
Besides the only combat you've ever been in is fighting with your sister over the remote and you lost.

The irony....

This is the most meaningless post here. Generalities are usually at least somewhat accurate, and when it comes to feminism... well.

Nice selfie, love your hair!

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