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Ferguson Activist Found Shot to death inside burning Car


2 Communist Birds of a feather -1 is in hell
the other one on his way...

Fidel Castro's greatest atrocities and crimes - Part 1 | Babalú Blog
Mandela: An Evil World Mourns An Evil Man - The Last Resistance


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Rumor was that Winnie Mandela had police informants killed by having tires tied to them, gasoline poured all over them and then set on fire alive.

those weren't rumors; her Party thugs did indeed do that sort of savagery, and despite the PR campaign to cover it up, her Hubby wasn't upset by it at all.

Maybe the left is getting kinder and killing them before hand these days and using the fire to destroy DNA evidence mostly?

Or maybe they feared he could shoot back and took the safer choice first. There is nothing 'kinder' about these BLM animals. Any other country's police would just shoot them on sight, especially black majority countries.

Man being put to death by Necklacing - rubber tire put over his body, flammable liquid poured and then they strike a match and set him on fire. This is what Nelson Mandela and his wife were involved in. Take a close look and ask yourselves why any American should have honored Mandela when he died.
Necklacing was promoted by Winnie but Nelson opposed it and I have read it was one of the causes of their divorce.

Nelson Mandelas crimes were for the freedom of his people. Of course acts of rebellions are always illegal or they wouldnt be acts of rebellion.

What a lot of people dont realize is that the South African government kept giving Mandela opportunities to escape but he never did. He had become a Christian and saw his imprisonment as Gods will and he accepted it until the government finally released him.
Rumor was that Winnie Mandela had police informants killed by having tires tied to them, gasoline poured all over them and then set on fire alive.

those weren't rumors; her Party thugs did indeed do that sort of savagery, and despite the PR campaign to cover it up, her Hubby wasn't upset by it at all.

Maybe the left is getting kinder and killing them before hand these days and using the fire to destroy DNA evidence mostly?

Or maybe they feared he could shoot back and took the safer choice first. There is nothing 'kinder' about these BLM animals. Any other country's police would just shoot them on sight, especially black majority countries.

Man being put to death by Necklacing - rubber tire put over his body, flammable liquid poured and then they strike a match and set him on fire. This is what Nelson Mandela and his wife were involved in. Take a close look and ask yourselves why any American should have honored Mandela when he died.
Necklacing was promoted by Winnie but Nelson opposed it and I have read it was one of the causes of their divorce.

Nelson Mandelas crimes were for the freedom of his people. Of course acts of rebellions are always illegal or they wouldnt be acts of rebellion.

What a lot of people dont realize is that the South African government kept giving Mandela opportunities to escape but he never did. He had become a Christian and saw his imprisonment as Gods will and he accepted it until the government finally released him.
Actually people who knew him (and were not covering for him) do not agree, Jim. Mandela was pure evil. To the core. His wife was a serial adultress on him. He divorced her and remarried.

Mandela, Killer of Nations: Atheist, Marxist, Terrorist, New World Order poster boy, Black Pope, Communist Mass Murderer, Abortionist, Role-player… | SA-News.com

This Saturday the mass media world worships the mandela creation again, so we look at all the people who worked together to sell the lie to the masses and to build the atheist’s Black Pope, the New World Order’s “poster boy” and “democracy’s” dummy, to smuggle communism in via the back door.

His worst crime (which is the one single reason behind the entire charade) goes unnoticed and unrecognised: Mandela single-handedly destroyed the Sovereign Independence and Self Rule of at a DOZEN Nations! No wonder the Supremacist Communists and Zionists praise him and put billions into marketing him.

Nelson Mandela, founder of the MK terrorist organization which was defined as a terrorist group by the US government and Amnesty International.

The Mandela “Legend”:

Webster defines a legend as “a story generally of a marvelous character, told respecting a saint”. It has an historical background, but is often padded and tainted by fantasy. In Mandela’s case, when the facts are viewed realistically and objectively, any sensible person will no longer see a saint, but a fantasy blown up to something supernatural. It will become clear that a false image of the so-called beloved Madiba is being presented to the world. He is by no means the peace-loving, gentle daddy he is made out to be, but nothing less than a tyrant. He did not spend 27 years in jail for no reason, as continuously maintained. One example of these untruthful presentations appeared in the London Independent, May 1993: “Nelson Mandela is a noble man … imprisoned for 27 years for his dedication to the cause of Black majority in South Africa”.

How much of such misrepresentation could be ascribed to naive parrot-talk and how much to deliberate communist propaganda cannot easily be determined. The truth is that he was not imprisoned on Robben Island without reason – not even because he was merely an opponent of apartheid. He was there because he planned to overthrow a government and in the process, cause the violent deaths of thousands of innocent people (including blacks) – a crime which deserved the death penalty, and he must consider himself fortunate that the so-called apartheid-regime did not press for it.

In his auto-biography Long Walk to Freedom, he admits inter alia that he gave the order to plant the Church Street bomb during the 80’s, which killed 11 innocent people and injured many more.

Bottom line - Mandela was a mass murderer and he didn't oppose necklacing or try to stop it. He was a terrorist without a conscience.
One last clip from an article about the real Mandela:

It is ironic that people should clamour to declare 18 July as international Mandela-day, almost as ironic as awarding the Nobel Peace prize to Mandela and De Klerk. Now one understands why God revealed in the Bible that there will be difficult times ahead for the Christian, times in which men would rather “not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fable”, when wrong will be right and the lie will be the truth.

Interesting comment from a neutral website:

“So there we have it. Mandela. Blew up a few buildings, went to prison for years, came out and destroyed his country’s economy. Quite a record. Ironically, he was probably responsible for more deaths through his disastrous stewardship of the economy than Umkhonto we Sizwe ever managed to knock off during the armed struggle.”

Mandela, Killer of Nations: Atheist, Marxist, Terrorist, New World Order poster boy, Black Pope, Communist Mass Murderer, Abortionist, Role-player… | SA-News.com
What a terribly sad story. It is reported that he was a well known civil rights activist from Ferguson, Missouri.

Well-known Ferguson activist Darren Seals found shot to death inside burning car

A well-known civil rights activist from Ferguson, Missouri, was found shot to death in a burning car, reported The St. Louis American.

Darren Seals, 29, a factory line worker and hip-hop musician, took to the streets to protest the fatal 2014 police shooting of Michael Brown Jr., an unarmed black teenager.

He co-founded the group “Hands Up United” and was frequently quoted in the national media, and Seals was critical of the Black Lives Matter movement, whom he considered outsiders.

Seals had recently uploaded a Facebook Live video of his encounter with Ferguson police officers, who he said drew guns on him and his younger brother.

St. Louis County police said they were called at 1:50 a.m. Tuesday to assist Riverside police with a vehicle fire.
Karma is a bitch.
There is no such thing as karma. There is only the Word of God and the judgments of God as it is written:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Galatians 6:7

We do not know the intimate details of this mans life nor do we know if he was perhaps working as an informant as Jim suggested. I had never heard of the man before reading the news story and posting it. For all we know - if he was leading a rebellion against authority and trying to incite violence - he could have repented and become a follower of Jesus Christ. It is something to consider before rushing to judgment.
And if I said Galations 6:7 that would not make people laugh, so I say Karma.
Karma is a bitch.
There is no such thing as karma.

Oh, no, there is karma, but not the mystical sort of nonsense that Religionists intend, but there is this effect of how you live your life filling your social circle with either good or bad values and vibes. IF you live righteously and honorably, the evil little lying shit4brains tend to avoid you and thus you are not impacted so directly and with the full throated evil as those who are inclined to gossip, slander and betray good or innocent people. Thus your life is improved by not being an evil little shit.

The same is true if you live a life of horrible behavior, slandering people without cause, lying about everything, engaging in theft and other sleazeball tactics. IT comes back to you because that is what you are filling your world with and what you acclimate to.

Birds of a feather tend to do to each other as they wind up getting done to themselves.

There is only the Word of God and the judgments of God as it is written:

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Galatians 6:7

We do not know the intimate details of this mans life nor do we know if he was perhaps working as an informant as Jim suggested. I had never heard of the man before reading the news story and posting it. For all we know - if he was leading a rebellion against authority and trying to incite violence - he could have repented and become a follower of Jesus Christ. It is something to consider before rushing to judgment.

And yes, while God and you may forgive them, they do not escape the justice of the law, in theory.

Jim, I'm not denying that God will reward each person according to the works of their own hands - and truly God can and will fulfill His judgment down to the finest detail. Karma is a concept that comes out of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, etc. - ALL OF WHICH ARE FALSE CULTS / FALSE RELIGIONS that deny the Written Word of God and seek to replace it. I refuse to acknowledge any of their occult teachings or lingo - of which karma is a part of. The bottom line is whatever a man sows that is what he will reap. It is God's judgment and yes, as you describe God does reward the righteous and punish the wicked according to their own works - and Yes Again - A man (or woman) is known by the company they keep and not only the company they keep but also by who they choose to listen to in regards to ministry, reading Christian Books, where they go, how they spend their money, their time, etc.
Defiant, I think the right thing for you to do would be to use the delete post feature because there but for the grace of God go you or I. We have all done things, wrote or said wrong things in the past which we wish we had not wrote (or said). The delete / edit feature on this thread offers the opportunity for a second chance to get it right.
By the grace of God? So people don't have free will? Maybe your Calvinist propaganda will get better traction in the religion forum.
If you have evidence that he's an informant who is pretending to be racist, I'll be happy to look at it.
If some random internet ass hole like me had such evidence then the PD in Ferguson would be pretty god damned inept, wouldnt you say?
I wonder why you suggested it in the first place.
lol, because it is a possibility, no? That is why we do things like investigations and trials before taking them out back and shooting them.
Inventing things out of thin air is not part of any investigative process.
Exploring the possibilities of any set of circumstances requires what is called "imagination" and "creativity" guided by the facts.

The fact is we dont know that this man is in fact as he is depicted.

Its really simple.
What you're suggesting is a complete waste of time. Quit inventing fake scenarios and thinking your being an investigator while doing it. It's super lame.
If some random internet ass hole like me had such evidence then the PD in Ferguson would be pretty god damned inept, wouldnt you say?
I wonder why you suggested it in the first place.
lol, because it is a possibility, no? That is why we do things like investigations and trials before taking them out back and shooting them.
Inventing things out of thin air is not part of any investigative process.
Exploring the possibilities of any set of circumstances requires what is called "imagination" and "creativity" guided by the facts.

The fact is we dont know that this man is in fact as he is depicted.

Its really simple.
What you're suggesting is a complete waste of time. Quit inventing fake scenarios and thinking your being an investigator while doing it. It's super lame.
Well you have both made very good points. But let's keep in mind that this young man is someone's son. He was shot and burned (perhaps while still alive) in a car and now he is dead. He was only 29 years old. That is very young. He had his entire life in front of him. If it turns out that he was working undercover, you'll undoubtedly feel bad so why not wait until we learn more about it? What Jim is suggesting is possible and with that isn't it worth considering all the possibilities of what could have happened?
I wonder why you suggested it in the first place.
lol, because it is a possibility, no? That is why we do things like investigations and trials before taking them out back and shooting them.
Inventing things out of thin air is not part of any investigative process.
Exploring the possibilities of any set of circumstances requires what is called "imagination" and "creativity" guided by the facts.

The fact is we dont know that this man is in fact as he is depicted.

Its really simple.
What you're suggesting is a complete waste of time. Quit inventing fake scenarios and thinking your being an investigator while doing it. It's super lame.
Well you have both made very good points. But let's keep in mind that this young man is someone's son. He was shot and burned (perhaps while still alive) in a car and now he is dead. He was only 29 years old. That is very young. He had his entire life in front of him. If it turns out that he was working undercover, you'll undoubtedly feel bad so why not wait until we learn more about it? What Jim is suggesting is possible and with that isn't it worth considering all the possibilities of what could have happened?

No....Nigahs like that all come out of the same mould...absolutely worthless.

Nighas like dat were good workers not all that long ago...then the public schools filled their heads full of crap and they think they are entitled to all da goodies without having to work.

Dis heah nigah getting way tooo much attention...let this thread die...and concentrate on sumptin dat is worthwhile.
Rumor was that Winnie Mandela had police informants killed by having tires tied to them, gasoline poured all over them and then set on fire alive.

those weren't rumors; her Party thugs did indeed do that sort of savagery, and despite the PR campaign to cover it up, her Hubby wasn't upset by it at all.

Maybe the left is getting kinder and killing them before hand these days and using the fire to destroy DNA evidence mostly?

Or maybe they feared he could shoot back and took the safer choice first. There is nothing 'kinder' about these BLM animals. Any other country's police would just shoot them on sight, especially black majority countries.

Man being put to death by Necklacing - rubber tire put over his body, flammable liquid poured and then they strike a match and set him on fire. This is what Nelson Mandela and his wife were involved in. Take a close look and ask yourselves why any American should have honored Mandela when he died.

Pure scum, which is why he's such a' Hero' to the Commies and assorted degenerates on the faux 'Left' and the Pedo-Friendly Democratic Party tools.
Defiant, I think the right thing for you to do would be to use the delete post feature because there but for the grace of God go you or I. We have all done things, wrote or said wrong things in the past which we wish we had not wrote (or said). The delete / edit feature on this thread offers the opportunity for a second chance to get it right.
Gee, I thought you were being sarcastic in your original post. This guy bought into the "hands up, don't shoot" LIE. Apparently you did too.

The life of a perfectly good cop was destroyed by a CRIMINAL and the LIE that sprang up around this incident.

This character CHOSE the BLM crowd. THAT got him killed. I'll shed no tears.

Man being put to death by Necklacing - rubber tire put over his body, flammable liquid poured and then they strike a match and set him on fire. This is what Nelson Mandela and his wife were involved in. Take a close look and ask yourselves why any American should have honored Mandela when he died
The left is very good about rewriting history and turning sinners into saints. His wife should have been put to death. He never should have gotten out of prison . But he was black, so special rules for the special people.
lol, because it is a possibility, no? That is why we do things like investigations and trials before taking them out back and shooting them.
Inventing things out of thin air is not part of any investigative process.
Exploring the possibilities of any set of circumstances requires what is called "imagination" and "creativity" guided by the facts.

The fact is we dont know that this man is in fact as he is depicted.

Its really simple.
What you're suggesting is a complete waste of time. Quit inventing fake scenarios and thinking your being an investigator while doing it. It's super lame.
Well you have both made very good points. But let's keep in mind that this young man is someone's son. He was shot and burned (perhaps while still alive) in a car and now he is dead. He was only 29 years old. That is very young. He had his entire life in front of him. If it turns out that he was working undercover, you'll undoubtedly feel bad so why not wait until we learn more about it? What Jim is suggesting is possible and with that isn't it worth considering all the possibilities of what could have happened?

No....Nigahs like that all come out of the same mould...absolutely worthless.

Nighas like dat were good workers not all that long ago...then the public schools filled their heads full of crap and they think they are entitled to all da goodies without having to work.

Dis heah nigah getting way tooo much attention...let this thread die...and concentrate on sumptin dat is worthwhile.
Do not tell me what to do with my own thread. You're a racist. Seek help.

Man being put to death by Necklacing - rubber tire put over his body, flammable liquid poured and then they strike a match and set him on fire. This is what Nelson Mandela and his wife were involved in. Take a close look and ask yourselves why any American should have honored Mandela when he died
The left is very good about rewriting history and turning sinners into saints. His wife should have been put to death. He never should have gotten out of prison . But he was black, so special rules for the special people.
He was a Communist. And yes. Special rules for Communists.
Defiant, I think the right thing for you to do would be to use the delete post feature because there but for the grace of God go you or I. We have all done things, wrote or said wrong things in the past which we wish we had not wrote (or said). The delete / edit feature on this thread offers the opportunity for a second chance to get it right.
Gee, I thought you were being sarcastic in your original post. This guy bought into the "hands up, don't shoot" LIE. Apparently you did too.

The life of a perfectly good cop was destroyed by a CRIMINAL and the LIE that sprang up around this incident.

This character CHOSE the BLM crowd. THAT got him killed. I'll shed no tears.
I fully support the police officer. He was innocent. This isn't about that. I thought you understood the OP. Apparently you did not.

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