Ferguson: Bottom Line

Are the people and business owners in Ferguson Mo. safer with the death of M. Brown ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 40.0%

  • Total voters
The man owned a convenience store that he maintained through honest hard work. Brown assaulted and robbed him. Adios scumbag.

How do you know there weren't passed grievances between the cigar man and Michael Brown? Maybe Brown was owed back wages for part-time work? I don't know. Do you?

Brown graduated from high school and was headed to college.

Has anyone come up with that college acceptance letter?

"I be wanton ta go to yo school. Or I gonna hurts you."
All social indicators that we have, point to this young man progressing to more violent acts in the future. Someone will live because of this criminals death.

Incorrect, age 18, no criminal record, about to start college. His death has given an open door to the criminal element. No indications this young would make a 180 into crime. Fairly stable home, loving family, no known sunstance abuse...........what social indicators are you referencing ?

Open door to the criminal element ? :cuckoo:

Rioters and looters, looking for an excuse.
Reportedly, we know Michael Brown graduated from high school, was headed to college, and had no criminal record.

We don't know jack shit about the convenience store owner.

So why are you racists so quick to condemn Michael Brown without knowing all the facts?
All social indicators that we have, point to this young man progressing to more violent acts in the future. Someone will live because of this criminals death.

Incorrect, age 18, no criminal record, about to start college. His death has given an open door to the criminal element. No indications this young would make a 180 into crime. Fairly stable home, loving family, no known sunstance abuse...........what social indicators are you referencing ?

I think that the part where he steals openly without concern and then manhandles the clerk is telling enough. It is more than likely this was a future criminal and that the OP's question is likely yes - they are safer.

The followup question though has been left unasked - why does it matter?

That is not how rights and law work. We do not kill those that may or may not cause trouble. We don't even do it to those that have. The basic fact of the matter is that the safest form of government is a totalitarian police state. Period.

OP, do you want to live under a government like that? Are your rights worth less than your safety? Why even ask this question? It is so inane that it has no point whatsoever. Whatever the answer to the poll is, it is utterly irrelevant. At no time does the police (the actual expression of government power) have the right to remove someone because we 'will be better off without them.'

He was a thug - we get it. Now please tell us how that is even remotely relevant to the fatal shooting?
The man owned a convenience store that he maintained through honest hard work. Brown assaulted and robbed him. Adios scumbag.

How do you know there weren't passed grievances between the cigar man and Michael Brown? Maybe Brown was owed back wages for part-time work? I don't know. Do you?

Brown graduated from high school and was headed to college.

Has anyone come up with that college acceptance letter?

Dead 8 days and you want his college acceptance letter......the KKK crowd is working overtime, fake criminal record posted, lies and distortions, disgusting. Here is info about the school, ask them. If he had not been admitted, Stormfront would be bleating loud. I already read "the Jews caused this":

Friends and family said the teenager was ecstatic about starting classes at Vatterott College.

On graduation day, he told friends he was relieved, according to the newspaper.
"He said he wasn't going to end up like some people on the streets. He was going to get an education," Hershel Johnson, a friend of Brown's, told the Post-Dispatch. "He was going to make his life a whole lot better."

Michael Brown, teen shot by police, days before college - CNN.com
On Facebook, Brown said he liked the St. Louis Rams, Kanye West's music and comedies including "House Party" and "Scary Movie II."
On graduation day, he told friends he was relieved, according to the newspaper.
"He said he wasn't going to end up like some people on the streets. He was going to get an education," Hershel Johnson, a friend of Brown's, told the Post-Dispatch. "He was going to make his life a whole lot better."
Something must have changed in the last two months. Maybe he was just having a bad-hair day.
All social indicators that we have, point to this young man progressing to more violent acts in the future. Someone will live because of this criminals death.

Incorrect, age 18, no criminal record, about to start college. His death has given an open door to the criminal element. No indications this young would make a 180 into crime. Fairly stable home, loving family, no known sunstance abuse...........what social indicators are you referencing ?

He just committed a strong arm robbery. What world are you in? Brown was no angel. He attacked a cop and got his ass shot off. We reap what we sow.
From what i've researched about the man, the glowing Media accounts of him being an 'Angel' and a 'Wonderful contributor to the Community', are absolute Bullshite. It's actually the furthest thing from reality. It's just more Race-Baiting red meat for the usual suspects.

In reality, he was a violent criminal thug who would have likely terrorized the community for many years. He would have terrorized right up till the point he was murdered by another black man or went to prison. His future wasn't too hard to predict. The Community is better off with him gone. There will be a few less victims now. It's the harsh reality, but it is what it is.
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From what i've researched about the man, the glowing Media accounts of him being an 'Angel' and a 'Wonderful contributor to the Community', are absolute Bullshite. It's actually the furthest thing from reality. It's just more Race-Baiting red meat for the usual suspects.

In reality, he was a violent criminal thug who would have likely terrorized the community for many years. He would have terrorized right up till the point he was murdered by another black man or went to prison. His future wasn't too hard to predict. The Community is better off with him gone. There will be a few less victims now. It's the harsh reality, but it is what it is.

You sir are 100% correct.
Would you open a business in that Shithole? African Americans in this community have done themselves a huge disservice. Most businesses will try to avoid operating there in the future. Burning and pillaging isn't the answer.
What a ridiculous poll.

The Real Bottom Line in Ferguson is threefold:

- Obama Administration has made race relations worse in the U.S.

- The end result of the Great Society program is a marginalized black underclass.

- The Federal Government has destroyed "peace officer" local police forces by pushing militarization.
An important message to People of the World...

Don't be bad people. Don't be criminals. Just be decent people, and do the right thing. Because in your heart, you do know right from wrong. If you do choose to be bad and do wrong, you must suffer the consequences. And one of those consequences could be you losing your life. This man chose to be bad and do the wrong thing. And he paid dearly for that choice. If he was a good man and did right, he would be alive today. So that's the simple message. Just be decent and do right. Ok, gotta run. Enjoy your Sunday.
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What a ridiculous poll.

The Real Bottom Line in Ferguson is threefold:

- Obama Administration has made race relations worse in the U.S.

- The end result of the Great Society program is a marginalized black underclass.

- The Federal Government has destroyed "peace officer" local police forces by pushing militarization.

My poll cuts through the bullshit. But your comments are correct.
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All social indicators that we have, point to this young man progressing to more violent acts in the future. Someone will live because of this criminals death.

Incorrect, age 18, no criminal record, about to start college. His death has given an open door to the criminal element. No indications this young would make a 180 into crime. Fairly stable home, loving family, no known sunstance abuse...........what social indicators are you referencing ?

He just committed a strong arm robbery. What world are you in? Brown was no angel. He attacked a cop and got his ass shot off. We reap what we sow.

No charges, trial or conviction. No criminal record, graduated from high school & was on his way to college:

We are setting up a reward/fund for the police officer who shot this thug,” the Klan group said in an email. “He is a hero! We need more white cops who are anti-Zog and willing to put Jewish controlled black thugs in their place. Most cops are cowards and do nothing while 90% of interracial crime is black (and non-white) on white.”

?He is a hero?: Why the KKK is raising money for Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown - Salon.com

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