Ferguson Gang Leader: “Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots”


Is any rational conservative going to byte on this one?

Is any rational liberal going to byte on this one?

no such thing as a rational libtard


How unbelievable someone gave you a red X just for posting this?
mods might look into this abuse
Red X's are "abusive"? I thought conservatives were made of sterner stuff.

They are, but only when they are giving out red X's, cuz that shit is powerful!!
But if a lib gives them a red X, then that is like a nukular explowshun.

But what this all has to do with the OP mystifies me.

I see an OP title that insinuates that AG Eric Holder paid black people to start the Ferguson riots.

However, I see no evidence to back this OP claim up.

You probably never will. Even if you do, the administration will paint any proof as politically motivated, and must be dismissed.

I thinks it's pretty clear these folks think they can get away with murder. Nothing seems to phase them. I wish they worked this hard defending this nation and trying to improve the economy along with fostering peace and tranquility. Instead they takes sides against the cops with a known felon.

Not true. Hard evidence is hard evidence. But this thread is based on nothing more than hearsay. We are better than that as a people, I would hope.

I am quite sure that something with the IRS is very fishy. Emails don't just disappear like that, but again, evidence is needed.

Were hard, irrefutable evidence to appear that the AG of the USA, Eric Holder, paid for black people to demonstrate in Ferguson, I would call for his resignation, for that would be a true violation of his oath of office.
I'm afraid that isn't the worst he's guilty of. I don't think he paid rioters, but they did send the same rabblerousers to Ferguson that were down in Florida during the Trayvon Martin protests.
this would not surprise me at all. just an excuse for Obama to impose martial law

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.
Check it out:

Eric Holder’s career has survived a long list of scandals; The 2008 Black Panther debacle, overturning Arizona’s immigration laws and ‘Fast and Furious‘ immediately spring to mind. These, however, pale in comparison to the recent allegations against Holder, the likes of which could easily land the Attorney General behind bars.

Evidence has been uncovered showing Eric Holder contributed funds to Ferguson’s gang population as incentive to loot and spread civil unrest in the area. These angry, government-sponsored terrorists have systematically infiltrated peaceful protests with the intention of escalating the situation and inciting riots.

A local gang leader came forward last week after being arrested during a night of mass-looting. The unnamed criminal is using his information to bargain for a reduced sentence.

Read more at Ferguson Gang Leader Admits Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots - Conservative Byte

Eric Holder Archives - Common Sense Evaluation

Proof that Ferguson riots where planned Eric Holder paid gang leaders to Riot Veooz 360

Ferguson Gang Leader Admits Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots

Completely fucking stupid has to be the most accurate description of this post.
that's my story and im sticking to it. if you think the sunshine blows out Holder's ass you need a Lobotomy. shit walks and money talks. and he wasn't there for the shit.

Or in your case shit for brains.

are you a paid troll or do it for it free?
no matter it's ugly

Are you as stupid as you seem to be or just pretending?

Do you kick your dog every morning? I bet you do you're such a nasty human being
see ya bye
that's my story and im sticking to it. if you think the sunshine blows out Holder's ass you need a Lobotomy. shit walks and money talks. and he wasn't there for the shit.

Or in your case shit for brains.

are you a paid troll or do it for it free?
no matter it's ugly

Are you as stupid as you seem to be or just pretending?

Do you kick your dog every morning? I bet you do you're such a nasty human being
see ya bye

If I thought my dog were only as intelligent as you are I'd kick him every day in the hopes he could still learn.
Shouldn't this be under conspiracy theories?

Yes, or fairy tales.
Funny how things didn't get hot till Al Sharpton and Eric Holder got involved. Same exact thing happened before the 2012 election. It's called "Getting out the black vote".

Get all of the blacks worked up and they'll show up on election day.

Opposed to What will cause whites to show up on election day?
Meaning what?

That's the question.

Is any rational conservative going to byte on this one?

Is any rational liberal going to byte on this one?

no such thing as a rational libtard


How unbelievable someone gave you a red X just for posting this?
mods might look into this abuse
Red X's are "abusive"? I thought conservatives were made of sterner stuff.

They are, but only when they are giving out red X's, cuz that shit is powerful!!
But if a lib gives them a red X, then that is like a nukular explowshun.

But what this all has to do with the OP mystifies me.

I see an OP title that insinuates that AG Eric Holder paid black people to start the Ferguson riots.

However, I see no evidence to back this OP claim up.

You probably never will. Even if you do, the administration will paint any proof as politically motivated, and must be dismissed.

I thinks it's pretty clear these folks think they can get away with murder. Nothing seems to phase them. I wish they worked this hard defending this nation and trying to improve the economy along with fostering peace and tranquility. Instead they takes sides against the cops with a known felon.

Not true. Hard evidence is hard evidence. But this thread is based on nothing more than hearsay. We are better than that as a people, I would hope.

I am quite sure that something with the IRS is very fishy. Emails don't just disappear like that, but again, evidence is needed.

Were hard, irrefutable evidence to appear that the AG of the USA, Eric Holder, paid for black people to demonstrate in Ferguson, I would call for his resignation, for that would be a true violation of his oath of office.
I'm afraid that isn't the worst he's guilty of. I don't think he paid rioters, but they did send the same rabblerousers to Ferguson that were down in Florida during the Trayvon Martin protests.


Voodoo Priests are raising an Army of Undead Negroes to follow Holder around the country wherever racial tensions boil over.
that's my story and im sticking to it. if you think the sunshine blows out Holder's ass you need a Lobotomy. shit walks and money talks. and he wasn't there for the shit.

Or in your case shit for brains.

are you a paid troll or do it for it free?
no matter it's ugly

Are you as stupid as you seem to be or just pretending?

Do you kick your dog every morning? I bet you do you're such a nasty human being
see ya bye

If I thought my dog were only as intelligent as you are I'd kick him every day in the hopes he could still learn.

well you can start by kicking yourself. Then work on the dog, the cat, the car, the mailman, paper boy or girls even. Might change that ugly person after all that
Im not going to read all the pages so far, has anyone on the left who tried to pretend they are so smart yet pointed out this is (SATIRE)?

No one, Left or Right, seems to have recognized this.

I noted "too weak" to read, after reading, appears to be satire.

Actually as I recall, at the end of the article it is actually described as "satire."
Im not going to read all the pages so far, has anyone on the left who tried to pretend they are so smart yet pointed out this is (SATIRE)?

No one, Left or Right, seems to have recognized this.

I noted "too weak" to read, after reading, appears to be satire.

Actually as I recall, at the end of the article it is actually described as "satire."

Here is the article again:

Ferguson Gang Leader Admits Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots National Report

There is absolutely not one word in that article that lists that particular article as satire, but there is this disclaimer:

DISCLAIMER: National Report is not intended for readers under 18 years of age.

And there is a link to "Black Friend Connect", which is obviously satire, just a pinch of racism, perhaps. But only perhaps.

So, if you read the entire site and check out other articles, you see that the site is a satire site, but there is no disclaimer in this article.

Which means that the writer of the op placed this thread is the wrong forum. So, I am asking the mods to please move it to political humor, since the "information" in the OP is not real. HA HA HA

@flacaltenn @Dont Taz Me Bro

PS: I started reading the site, it's actually kind of funny.
Im not going to read all the pages so far, has anyone on the left who tried to pretend they are so smart yet pointed out this is (SATIRE)?

No one, Left or Right, seems to have recognized this.

I noted "too weak" to read, after reading, appears to be satire.

Actually as I recall, at the end of the article it is actually described as "satire."

Here is the article again:

Ferguson Gang Leader Admits Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots National Report

There is absolutely not one word in that article that lists that particular article as satire, but there is this disclaimer:

DISCLAIMER: National Report is not intended for readers under 18 years of age.

And there is a link to "Black Friend Connect", which is obviously satire, just a pinch of racism, perhaps. But only perhaps.

So, if you read the entire site and check out other articles, you see that the site is a satire site, but there is no disclaimer in this article.

Which means that the writer of the op placed this thread is the wrong forum. So, I am asking the mods to please move it to political humor, since the "information" in the OP is not real. HA HA HA

@flacaltenn @Dont Taz Me Bro

PS: I started reading the site, it's actually kind of funny.

There are several sites in the OP.

The article at Viralsurvival specifically notes it is satirical.
I'm afraid that isn't the worst he's guilty of. I don't think he paid rioters, but they did send the same rabblerousers to Ferguson that were down in Florida during the Trayvon Martin protests.

Again, same question. Where is your evidence? Exactly WHO were those "rabblerousers"? Who?

Here's your evidence. I didn't just pull this story out of my ass BTW:

Eric Holder is instituting the same process in Ferguson Missouri he used in Sanford Florida. The civil rights wing of the DOJ is dispatched into Ferguson. They are officially called the “Community Relations Service” (CRS), and historically -in previous administrations- have been called upon when racial animus is a concern amid a local municipality.

However, under the Eric Holder tenure, and as a specific mandate of the current administration, the CRS has been given a different mandate. The CRS is a statutorily protected secret entity within the DOJ, and is now the official racial advocacy network for the professional black grievance industry. As witnessed in the Trayvon Martin case the CRS now use their federal expense accounts to purchase venues for protest, contract audio/visual needs, purchase signs and professional media materials and purchase hotel rooms and coordinate airline flights and travel accommodations for the professional agitators. Many of the CRS professionals are within the AME network.

We would be remiss if we did not point out the CRS was previously deployed in 2012 -which was an election year- as part of a coordinated strategy. 2014 is -not coincidentally- another election year, and yes, numerous more tragic examples have taken place in multiple communities far more severe than the current incident involving the Mike Brown shooting, yet they fell outside the calendar of convenience. Eric Holder Kick Starts DOJ Distraction Machine 8211 Begins Ferguson Missouri Racial Grievance Movement 8230 The Last Refuge
DOJ Sends Marshals To Coach The Protesters In Ferguson - Freedom Outpost

Now that the Obama administration is getting involved, who knows what is going to happen next. According to the Daily Caller, two "protest marshals" have already been deployed to Ferguson so far…

Two Department of Justice "protest marshals" are in Ferguson, Mo., to help train people taking part in demonstrations over the fatal police shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown.

That's according to Ferguson mayor James Knowles, who spoke with The Daily Caller on Wednesday evening.

We are being told that they will be "conducting training for the groups on best practices for participating in protests."

That sounds good, but as Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch has pointed out, this particular Department of Justice division has a troubled history

Responding to news that the Justice Department has dispatched its Community Relations Service to the scene of racially charged unrest in Ferguson, Missouri, the head of the Washington watchdog group Judicial Watch says it's time for a civil rights investigation of Attorney General by cosstminn"> Eric Holder's agency.

by cosstminn">
by cosstminn">"
Eric Holder's Justice Department is unfortunately not to be trusted on racial matters," said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton in an interview with WND.

Under Holder's leadership, he said, the department "has a record of racially inflammatory rhetoric that is extreme in ideology and cynical in its politics."

"The idea that this Justice Department could be trusted to mediate is highly suspect," he said.

So precisely what kind of "coaching" and "training" will these protesters be receiving?

Read more at DOJ Sends Marshals To Coach The Protesters In Ferguson - Freedom Outpost

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