Ferguson Gang Leader: “Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots”

this would not surprise me at all. just an excuse for Obama to impose martial law

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.
Check it out:

Eric Holder’s career has survived a long list of scandals; The 2008 Black Panther debacle, overturning Arizona’s immigration laws and ‘Fast and Furious‘ immediately spring to mind. These, however, pale in comparison to the recent allegations against Holder, the likes of which could easily land the Attorney General behind bars.

Evidence has been uncovered showing Eric Holder contributed funds to Ferguson’s gang population as incentive to loot and spread civil unrest in the area. These angry, government-sponsored terrorists have systematically infiltrated peaceful protests with the intention of escalating the situation and inciting riots.

A local gang leader came forward last week after being arrested during a night of mass-looting. The unnamed criminal is using his information to bargain for a reduced sentence.

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge.

This is the dimension of imagination.

It is an area which we call the Namvet Zone.
It could very well be bullshit, but it would not surprise me if it is true.

Why would you not be surprised? What evidence do you have which drives you to this opinion?
No evidence. Just no surprises at what the players in high office would do to get the masses (that would be us) under some sort of control...regardless of what that control consists of i.e martial laws, more reason to break the 2nd Amendment, etc.

I am no fan of Holder, but this doesn't pass the smell test. (1) Gang members don't have much creditability. (2) I don't think anyone needs to give blacks extra motivation to loot and riot.

What would be Holder's motive?

A Free Trip to Ferguson, MO!!!!!

It could very well be bullshit, but it would not surprise me if it is true.

Why would you not be surprised? What evidence do you have which drives you to this opinion?
No evidence. Just no surprises at what the players in high office would do to get the masses (that would be us) under some sort of control...regardless of what that control consists of i.e martial laws, more reason to break the 2nd Amendment, etc.

How does bribing gangs to riot in Ferguson, MO get "the masses (that would be us) under some sort of control?

I'm no where near MO.
Come on. there's no shot in this being true.
A rule of thumb here, that I hope others here will remember for next time. Be very suspicious of a story like this, that makes a claim black residents and gang members were paid to riot. Think for a minute, when's the last time anyone needed to pay blacks to riot ?

They do quite well on their own, free of charge.
It could very well be bullshit, but it would not surprise me if it is true.

Why would you not be surprised? What evidence do you have which drives you to this opinion?
No evidence. Just no surprises at what the players in high office would do to get the masses (that would be us) under some sort of control...regardless of what that control consists of i.e martial laws, more reason to break the 2nd Amendment, etc.

How does bribing gangs to riot in Ferguson, MO get "the masses (that would be us) under some sort of control?

I'm no where near MO.
OMG They lied again Lerner s emails were safely backed up. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
One example ^
that's my story and im sticking to it.
That is pretty funny given your source isn't even sticking to it.

this would not surprise me at all. just an excuse for Obama to impose martial law

This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.
Check it out:

Eric Holder’s career has survived a long list of scandals; The 2008 Black Panther debacle, overturning Arizona’s immigration laws and ‘Fast and Furious‘ immediately spring to mind. These, however, pale in comparison to the recent allegations against Holder, the likes of which could easily land the Attorney General behind bars.

Evidence has been uncovered showing Eric Holder contributed funds to Ferguson’s gang population as incentive to loot and spread civil unrest in the area. These angry, government-sponsored terrorists have systematically infiltrated peaceful protests with the intention of escalating the situation and inciting riots.

A local gang leader came forward last week after being arrested during a night of mass-looting. The unnamed criminal is using his information to bargain for a reduced sentence.

Read more at Ferguson Gang Leader Admits Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots - Conservative Byte

Eric Holder Archives - Common Sense Evaluation

Proof that Ferguson riots where planned Eric Holder paid gang leaders to Riot Veooz 360

Ferguson Gang Leader Admits Eric Holder Paid Us To Start Riots

As crazy as that sounds? Stop and think about how all those out of state gang members got to Ferguson.
They drove from chicago on the off chance they could make big bucks looting in a jerk water town like Ferguson? Yeah right....
It could very well be bullshit, but it would not surprise me if it is true.

Why would you not be surprised? What evidence do you have which drives you to this opinion?
No evidence. Just no surprises at what the players in high office would do to get the masses (that would be us) under some sort of control...regardless of what that control consists of i.e martial laws, more reason to break the 2nd Amendment, etc.

How does bribing gangs to riot in Ferguson, MO get "the masses (that would be us) under some sort of control?

I'm no where near MO.
OMG They lied again Lerner s emails were safely backed up. US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
One example ^

Is that supposed to be somehow relevant to answering the question:

How does bribing gangs to riot in Ferguson, MO get "the masses (that would be us) under some sort of control?
for every action there must be a reason for the action. I don't believe Holder's would use civil unrest as a reason.

I call BS on this story.
Screw Micheal brown. This piece of shit was one of 4,500 per year....More damages, more bull shit and nothing but b
for every action there must be a reason for the action. I don't believe Holder's would use civil unrest as a reason.

I call BS on this story.

Obama and holders support of the criminal actions made the criminal actions worse....Now we have another st.travon! Why do you think it is below these people?

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