Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House

Violence of any kind is wrong. However, McVeigh wasn't the rightwinger you have been led to believe. He was actually an anti-government anarchist which makes him a bit of a leftist. He was also a nut-case that was bounced out of Special Forces Selection because he failed his psychological evaluation. Just because he was a vet doesn't mean he was a Republican. Witnesses said that some Middle-Eastern guys were seen hanging around with him. He would be a perfect candidate for ISIS today if he was still around. It was rumored that he was quickly executed to shut him up. Normally an execution goes through decades of appeals. Not in his case. Only 4 years.

Yeah but the rabid right claims Hitler was of the liberal left too, so......

McVeigh refused to appeal his sentence.

And nobody jumped to his defense.

Hitler was a Socialist/ Fascist. That makes him a lefty.

No you're wrong, you don't get to make up your own definitions. Fascists and Nazis have always been characterized as right wing. Right wing is defined as ultra conservative and reactionary. End of story, there is no actual controversy about that.

Perhaps you should evolve.

The Nazi Party was socialist. End of story.

Yeah and North Korea is a Democratic Republic too.

In reality when Hitler was appointed and took total power, he killed all the socialist left in the Party.

Yet socialism is either a cunthair from communism or facism. It's more authoritarian than Capitalism.

Btw, most dictators get rid of threats to their authority, sort of what Obama has been doing.
Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House

I would not say that is manufactured by the white house, but the far left has done their best to keep racism alive in this country, especially in things that do not even involve it..
Joe you have ignored the facts of the Brown case. It is the most clear cut case of a cop defending himself from a criminal intent on murder.

You will get no argument from me about the heinous actions of police and the militarization of them. But this is a consequence of unlimited government you so love.

In short, you are all for big government when they are keeping the Darkies in line. It's when they try to tell you to do something you get upset.

Well, it explains why you haven't moved to Somalia yet.

No, sorry, a clear case of a police officer defending himself usually means the other guy HAD AN ACTUAL WEAPON. or A CRIMINAL RECORD.
Hitler took away guns, Hitler indoctrinated young kids, Hitler wanted thought control, Hitler wanted an all-controlling government------------------Sorry dude, but those are liberal progressive traits.

Hitler didn't take anyone guns. He actually repealled the common sense gun control they enacted under the Weimar Government when people were shooting each other in the streets.

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