Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House

You do realize that Foreign Affairs IS that mouth piece of the CFR? That is the proverbial globalist publication in the US. What are you, a paid shill? Nobody in their right mind would ever use that source to prove a serious point other than that something is globalist shilling or that it is unreliable anti-US information.

If anything, you have just served up confirmation of Obama's sinister agenda. Thanks!

OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
And President Bush caused the Los Angeles riots in '92.
It's always Boooooooooosh!!!!!!

No, it's always Obama with you. Your derangement is a running joke on this forum.

The difference between you and me is I've been paying attention and you've been desperately trying to ingore everything.

Explain why Al Sharpton was at that meeting? He's one of major causes of the violence in Ferguson. He's a known charlatan, race-baiting, instigator. Why the hell was he there?

Because he's meeting with Obama regularly and because he's a tax-cheat. Obama has his balls in a sling.
If Wilson had a body cam we'd know what happened. Protects the police and the people they are sworn to serve.

Nice amalgam of gibberish and non scandals. Dittohead fodder!
Militarized local police under the control of a Progressive federal government. Raise your right hand if you see what problems arise from this


Wait a minute, isn't he suppose to already have a new National Security Force only he controls? I thought he was going to disband local police departments!
Explain why Al Sharpton was at that meeting? He's one of major causes of the violence in Ferguson. He's a known charlatan, race-baiting, instigator. Why the hell was he there?

The ONLY cause of the violence is that Michael Brown was murdered in the street, and the man who did it got away with it.

I'm sorry you can't seem to comprehend this.
And President Bush caused the Los Angeles riots in '92.
Actually, that riot was geniune. The is why we can tell the one in Ferguson is orchestrated. Why don't you go back and WATCH the videos from Ferguson, and COMPARE them to the ones in LA. THOSE were real riots. I haven't been able to find any footage covering these riots from the air like I do of the LA riots. I'll believe these riots are real when I see them from the air. If someone can please post video of them from the air, do so. Until then, these are a set up to push forward police state policies.

It almost seems like the buildings in Ferguson were prepared ahead of time to be lit up. It almost looks like the rioters were paid (this is known as Agent Provocateurs), or the media was set up to cover the riot. A person on the ground tries to tell us as a CNN reported covers the action in this video.

Do you honestly think those big name journalists would have been on the ground covering that riot, seriously?

Find me footage of that riot filmed from the air. Do it, and I believe this was a REAL RIOT. I can find plenty of footage of the LA riot from the air. WHY? Because it WAS REAL. THIS ONE WAS NOT.

I'm warning you now, don't expect this shit to end when they put a Repubican in the white house in '16. That is IF Obama decides not to declare Martial Law. . . .
You do realize that Foreign Affairs IS that mouth piece of the CFR? That is the proverbial globalist publication in the US. What are you, a paid shill? Nobody in their right mind would ever use that source to prove a serious point other than that something is globalist shilling or that it is unreliable anti-US information.

If anything, you have just served up confirmation of Obama's sinister agenda. Thanks!

OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.
You do realize that Foreign Affairs IS that mouth piece of the CFR? That is the proverbial globalist publication in the US. What are you, a paid shill? Nobody in their right mind would ever use that source to prove a serious point other than that something is globalist shilling or that it is unreliable anti-US information.

If anything, you have just served up confirmation of Obama's sinister agenda. Thanks!

OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.
Explain why Al Sharpton was at that meeting? He's one of major causes of the violence in Ferguson. He's a known charlatan, race-baiting, instigator. Why the hell was he there?

The ONLY cause of the violence is that Michael Brown was murdered in the street, and the man who did it got away with it.

I'm sorry you can't seem to comprehend this.
Another person that didn't read the Grand Jury transcripts.

This is what results when there is no trial and there is a secret Grand Jury. It is almost as if this whole thing was planned. At least with the whole Trayvon affair, these low information dolts were forced to slowly ingest the info. via a trial. There's nothing you can do about the situation when the State purposely hides the truth from the ignorant public to cause strife.
You do realize that Foreign Affairs IS that mouth piece of the CFR? That is the proverbial globalist publication in the US. What are you, a paid shill? Nobody in their right mind would ever use that source to prove a serious point other than that something is globalist shilling or that it is unreliable anti-US information.

If anything, you have just served up confirmation of Obama's sinister agenda. Thanks!

OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.
You do realize that Foreign Affairs IS that mouth piece of the CFR? That is the proverbial globalist publication in the US. What are you, a paid shill? Nobody in their right mind would ever use that source to prove a serious point other than that something is globalist shilling or that it is unreliable anti-US information.

If anything, you have just served up confirmation of Obama's sinister agenda. Thanks!

OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

We know it sounds nuts.

Everything Obama eventually does sounds nuts before he does it.
Another person that didn't read the Grand Jury transcripts.

This is what results when there is no trial and there is a secret Grand Jury. It is almost as if this whole thing was planned. At least with the whole Trayvon affair, these low information dolts were forced to slowly ingest the info. via a trial. There's nothing you can do about the situation when the State purposely hides the truth from the ignorant public to cause strife.

I read the grand jury transcripts- specifically, the parts where Wilson testified, and they practically offered him cookies and milk and asked him if the bad black man scared him.
You do realize that Foreign Affairs IS that mouth piece of the CFR? That is the proverbial globalist publication in the US. What are you, a paid shill? Nobody in their right mind would ever use that source to prove a serious point other than that something is globalist shilling or that it is unreliable anti-US information.

If anything, you have just served up confirmation of Obama's sinister agenda. Thanks!

OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.
So we have threads here claiming Obama's words fanned the flames of Ferguson and others claiming his "silent approval" fanned the flames of Ferguson. Which is it today?

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