Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House

You do realize that Foreign Affairs IS that mouth piece of the CFR? That is the proverbial globalist publication in the US. What are you, a paid shill? Nobody in their right mind would ever use that source to prove a serious point other than that something is globalist shilling or that it is unreliable anti-US information.

If anything, you have just served up confirmation of Obama's sinister agenda. Thanks!

OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.

But then again if the unrest continues to grow he'll reluctantly have to do it. Occupy-WallStreet didn't pan out. Fomenting false rage is very expensive.

Nice amalgam of gibberish and non scandals. Dittohead fodder!

Yep....not a smidgen of corruption, in the most corrupt administration since US Grant.

Lying pols can fool some of the people ALL the time.

Most corrupt in order. Grant, Harding, Nixon and Reagan.

Excluding the partisan House of Republicans, who has been charged with a crime in the Obama administration?
You do realize that Foreign Affairs IS that mouth piece of the CFR? That is the proverbial globalist publication in the US. What are you, a paid shill? Nobody in their right mind would ever use that source to prove a serious point other than that something is globalist shilling or that it is unreliable anti-US information.

If anything, you have just served up confirmation of Obama's sinister agenda. Thanks!

OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

We know it sounds nuts.

Everything Obama eventually does sounds nuts before he does it.

It doesn't just sound nuts...it is nuts. Watching the blind partisans on the right accuse this President of the same exact nonsense the blind partisans of the left did for Bush is comical at this point. Same play with different actors.
OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.

But then again if the unrest continues to grow he'll reluctantly have to do it. Occupy-WallStreet didn't pan out. Fomenting false rage is very expensive.

Again, this is nothing more overly dramatic hyperbole. Do you honestly believe this unrest in Ferguson is going to persist for two more years?
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.

But then again if the unrest continues to grow he'll reluctantly have to do it. Occupy-WallStreet didn't pan out. Fomenting false rage is very expensive.

Again, this is nothing more overly dramatic hyperbole. Do you honestly believe this unrest in Ferguson is going to persist for two more years?

Nope, they're already saying that this isn't about Ferguson. It's about racism and police profiling.
You do realize that Foreign Affairs IS that mouth piece of the CFR? That is the proverbial globalist publication in the US. What are you, a paid shill? Nobody in their right mind would ever use that source to prove a serious point other than that something is globalist shilling or that it is unreliable anti-US information.

If anything, you have just served up confirmation of Obama's sinister agenda. Thanks!

OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.
Well, I can only hope you are right.

But any sober and intelligent person that can analyze economics and mathematics KNOWS that the fiscal situation is untenable. What happened in 2008 WILL happen again. The US is the world's new fascist economy, the rest of the world depends on it to keep going.

It creates one bubble after another, each successive one to replace the other. Eventually, the next one will come crashing down.

The millennials are underwater, and I am not talking about house loans. There are too few high paying jobs, and too much education debt. And now they are expected to prop up health care? Fat chance.

That WILL ripple through the financial markets. There is a law on the books that these folks can't declare bankruptcy, and they will never pay these debts off. If the US population is defaulting, what do you think the government is going to do?

Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.

But then again if the unrest continues to grow he'll reluctantly have to do it. Occupy-WallStreet didn't pan out. Fomenting false rage is very expensive.

Again, this is nothing more overly dramatic hyperbole. Do you honestly believe this unrest in Ferguson is going to persist for two more years?

the libs and dems will do everything they can to keep it stirred up until 2016. they realize that the only way they win is to stir up hate and unrest. Why do you think obozo wants to legalize 10 million illegals? its called buying votes with taxpayer money, and you silly libfucks just sit buy and watch as the country goes down into financial ruin. liberalism is clearly a mental disease.
OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.
Well, I can only hope you are right.

But any sober and intelligent person that can analyze economics and mathematics KNOWS that the fiscal situation is untenable. What happened in 2008 WILL happen again. The US is the world's new fascist economy, the rest of the world depends on it to keep going.

It creates one bubble after another, each successive one to replace the other. Eventually, the next one will come crashing down.

The millennials are underwater, and I am not talking about house loans. There are too few high paying jobs, and too much education debt. And now they are expected to prop up health care? Fat chance.

That WILL ripple through the financial markets. There is a law on the books that these folks can't declare bankruptcy, and they will never pay these debts off. If the US population is defaulting, what do you think the government is going to do?


just one point. did you notice how college tuition went up dramatically when the govt made unlimited student loans available? Do you understand that that is just another way to make everyone dependent on the government?

Pay attention to what is really happening-----------------------THINK.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.

But then again if the unrest continues to grow he'll reluctantly have to do it. Occupy-WallStreet didn't pan out. Fomenting false rage is very expensive.

Again, this is nothing more overly dramatic hyperbole. Do you honestly believe this unrest in Ferguson is going to persist for two more years?
It doesn't need to. It only needs to persist long enough to get middle class Americans scared enough to support the Federal Government's attempt at more militarization of the local police forces and more security measures.

Remember, eventually, it will be used against them, not the minorities.

When martial law is declared because there is no more food on the grocery store shelves and the American dollar no longer has value, when their retirement savings are all wiped out and completely worthless and social security checks quit being mailed, THAT is when uncle Sam needs to have his civilian security force.
Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.

But then again if the unrest continues to grow he'll reluctantly have to do it. Occupy-WallStreet didn't pan out. Fomenting false rage is very expensive.

Again, this is nothing more overly dramatic hyperbole. Do you honestly believe this unrest in Ferguson is going to persist for two more years?

the libs and dems will do everything they can to keep it stirred up until 2016. they realize that the only way they win is to stir up hate and unrest. Why do you think obozo wants to legalize 10 million illegals? its called buying votes with taxpayer money, and you silly libfucks just sit buy and watch as the country goes down into financial ruin. liberalism is clearly a mental disease.

You do realize it is very hard to take anything you post seriously if you think people have a metal disorder because they simply dare to have a differing political view then you?

By the way, the only time politicians seem to care about the debt is when they are in the minority party. Once they are the majority the spend liken drunken pirates. I hope the GOP majority is different this time around but if history is any judge I doubt it.
You do realize that Foreign Affairs IS that mouth piece of the CFR? That is the proverbial globalist publication in the US. What are you, a paid shill? Nobody in their right mind would ever use that source to prove a serious point other than that something is globalist shilling or that it is unreliable anti-US information.

If anything, you have just served up confirmation of Obama's sinister agenda. Thanks!

OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

We know it sounds nuts.

Everything Obama eventually does sounds nuts before he does it.

It doesn't just sound nuts...it is nuts. Watching the blind partisans on the right accuse this President of the same exact nonsense the blind partisans of the left did for Bush is comical at this point. Same play with different actors.

Problem is some of us don't have short attention spans. Some of of us have been keeping track of all of the issues involved here.

Earlier this year i was wondering why Obama was taking perfectly good armor away from active-duty units that still needed it and practically giving it away to police departments?

Why was Obama's media spreading lies about the Michael Brown shooting?

Why did Obama meet with Ferguson protesters the day after the election telling them to "stay the course"?

Why won't Obama even acknowledge the findings of the grand-jury?

Why is Obama holding meetings with Al Sharpton sitting across the table from him?

Why is Obama claiming that the militarization of the police is a serious problem after he contributed greatly to it?
Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.

But then again if the unrest continues to grow he'll reluctantly have to do it. Occupy-WallStreet didn't pan out. Fomenting false rage is very expensive.

Again, this is nothing more overly dramatic hyperbole. Do you honestly believe this unrest in Ferguson is going to persist for two more years?
It doesn't need to. It only needs to persist long enough to get middle class Americans scared enough to support the Federal Government's attempt at more militarization of the local police forces and more security measures.

Remember, eventually, it will be used against them, not the minorities.

When martial law is declared because there is no more food on the grocery store shelves and the American dollar no longer has value, when their retirement savings are all wiped out and completely worthless and social security checks quit being mailed, THAT is when uncle Sam needs to have his civilian security force.

Sadly Americans have been blithely accepting the militarization of the police force for years. They are far more concerned with living their lives and making ends meet. They also foolishly believe that they will never be at the wrong end of the law and never have to stare down a police tank.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.
Well, I can only hope you are right.

But any sober and intelligent person that can analyze economics and mathematics KNOWS that the fiscal situation is untenable. What happened in 2008 WILL happen again. The US is the world's new fascist economy, the rest of the world depends on it to keep going.

It creates one bubble after another, each successive one to replace the other. Eventually, the next one will come crashing down.

The millennials are underwater, and I am not talking about house loans. There are too few high paying jobs, and too much education debt. And now they are expected to prop up health care? Fat chance.

That WILL ripple through the financial markets. There is a law on the books that these folks can't declare bankruptcy, and they will never pay these debts off. If the US population is defaulting, what do you think the government is going to do?


just one point. did you notice how college tuition went up dramatically when the govt made unlimited student loans available? Do you understand that that is just another way to make everyone dependent on the government?

Pay attention to what is really happening-----------------------THINK.
You'll garner no argument here. Like I said, it's about creating one bubble after the next.

You might see it as creating government dependency, I see it as a way to crash the economy, devalue the dollar and move us to a one world currency.

Both are equally nefarious and wrong.
Can anyone believe your own President is involved in causing riots and looting so he can take over states police forces?

this man is one scary dude.
OMG! The CFR!!!! The Bilderbergers! The Illuminati!!! The Trilateralists!!!

They are all hiding under your bed plotting to take your freedom.

Or at least make you take your meds.

Dude, you are making me want to change my AVI.
Please do so, your partisan bullshit and clouded mind is a disgrace to the image.

Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

We know it sounds nuts.

Everything Obama eventually does sounds nuts before he does it.

It doesn't just sound nuts...it is nuts. Watching the blind partisans on the right accuse this President of the same exact nonsense the blind partisans of the left did for Bush is comical at this point. Same play with different actors.

Problem is some of us don't have short attention spans. Some of of us have been keeping track of all of the issues involved here.

Earlier this year i was wondering why Obama was taking perfectly good armor away from active-duty units that still needed it and practically giving it away to police departments?

Why was Obama's media spreading lies about the Michael Brown shooting?

Why did Obama meet with Ferguson protesters the day after the election telling them to "stay the course"?

Why won't Obama even acknowledge the findings of the grand-jury?

Why is Obama holding meetings with Al Sharpton sitting across the table from him?

Why is Obama claiming that the militarization of the police is a serious problem after he contributed greatly to it?

Handing over these militarily style weapons and vehicles to the civilian police force is nothing more then corporate welfare for the military-industrial complex. The militarization of the police is a serious issue and neither party cares because they are out betters and will never have to deal with the police like us peasants.

I was given a tour of the police armory in my community several years back and I was gobsmacked by the amount of firepower. The police department hasn't fired a shot in my community since in the early 90's so I was little started as to why they needed such firepower. They have enough firepower to kill person in my community ten times over.
Can anyone believe your own President is involved in causing riots and looting so he can take over states police forces?

this man is one scary dude.

What specific words of the President on this incident do you believe are causing riots and looting? Be specific please.
It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.

But then again if the unrest continues to grow he'll reluctantly have to do it. Occupy-WallStreet didn't pan out. Fomenting false rage is very expensive.

Again, this is nothing more overly dramatic hyperbole. Do you honestly believe this unrest in Ferguson is going to persist for two more years?

the libs and dems will do everything they can to keep it stirred up until 2016. they realize that the only way they win is to stir up hate and unrest. Why do you think obozo wants to legalize 10 million illegals? its called buying votes with taxpayer money, and you silly libfucks just sit buy and watch as the country goes down into financial ruin. liberalism is clearly a mental disease.

You do realize it is very hard to take anything you post seriously if you think people have a metal disorder because they simply dare to have a differing political view then you?

By the way, the only time politicians seem to care about the debt is when they are in the minority party. Once they are the majority the spend liken drunken pirates. I hope the GOP majority is different this time around but if history is any judge I doubt it.

the defective liberal gene has been diagnosed and it is real. It is called DRD 4. Look it up if you doubt me.

I do agree that both parties are responsible for our obscene debt. However, only the GOP is talking about trying to get it under control. They have the next 2 years to make some progress in spite of the fact that obama will try to block anything the might look like a GOP success.
Its rich that you speak of partisan bullshit after a post claiming Obama may declare Marshall Law. You sound exactly the liberal nuts in 2006. Too funny.

It's not a matter of partisanship. The executive orders for administrative control of operations of government are already in place, all they need is the proper crises to invoke them.

That crises would be the purposeful collapse of the dollar by China and Russia. I didn't know if it would be forced before Bush left office, or before this president leaves office. They all serve the same master. I am neither Republican nor Democrat.

Once they decide to switch to a one world currency, chances are, they WILL invoke those executive orders, no matter WHEN the presidential elections are due. Martial Law is an inevitable. Just like it was in Russia when it collapsed.

I don't care WHO is in office, I DON'T vote, because I KNOW it doesn't matter who wins, the same moneyed interests own both parties.

THAT is what Mister Beale was talking about in the movie Network. He wasn't a Democrat or a Republican. Ostensibly, he was an Anarchist. He realized, in the end, the only power that could save humanity was the people helping people. The only cure was knowledge, kindness, and love.

I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.
Well, I can only hope you are right.

But any sober and intelligent person that can analyze economics and mathematics KNOWS that the fiscal situation is untenable. What happened in 2008 WILL happen again. The US is the world's new fascist economy, the rest of the world depends on it to keep going.

It creates one bubble after another, each successive one to replace the other. Eventually, the next one will come crashing down.

The millennials are underwater, and I am not talking about house loans. There are too few high paying jobs, and too much education debt. And now they are expected to prop up health care? Fat chance.

That WILL ripple through the financial markets. There is a law on the books that these folks can't declare bankruptcy, and they will never pay these debts off. If the US population is defaulting, what do you think the government is going to do?


just one point. did you notice how college tuition went up dramatically when the govt made unlimited student loans available? Do you understand that that is just another way to make everyone dependent on the government?

Pay attention to what is really happening-----------------------THINK.
You'll garner no argument here. Like I said, it's about creating one bubble after the next.

You might see it as creating government dependency, I see it as a way to crash the economy, devalue the dollar and move us to a one world currency.

Both are equally nefarious and wrong.

yes, the problem is that the current liberal agenda sees the USA as the bad guy in international finance, politics, and trade. Their agenda (and that of obama) is to punish the USA for its wealth and success. That, is the real danger.
Can anyone believe your own President is involved in causing riots and looting so he can take over states police forces?

this man is one scary dude.

What specific words of the President on this incident do you believe are causing riots and looting? Be specific please.

have you heard Sharpton's words? Obozo brought Sharpton to the whitehouse to "advise" him on Ferguson and race issues.

By giving credence to Sharpton, obama becomes Sharpton. THINK

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