Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House

Sharpton Advising Obama Insults Police — And Blacks
Posted 12/01/2014 06:45 PM ET


Crime:By rolling the red carpet out for black "leader" Al Sharpton, President Obama spits in the eye of every police officer — white, black or whatever. A federal war on police begins.
Scholar Heather MacDonald of the Manhattan Institute's City Journal charges that "President Obama betrayed the nation" and "perverted his role as the leader of all Americans and as the country's most visible symbol of the primacy of the law" in his comments after a grand jury found no evidence of wrongdoing by white police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting of black suspect Michael Brown.
"The testimony of a half-dozen black observers at the scene demolished the early incendiary reports that Wilson attacked Brown in cold blood and shot Brown in his back when his hands were up," MacDonald noted, with witnesses claiming brutality by Wilson exposed as inconsistent and finding themselves "contradicted by the physical evidence and by other witnesses, who corroborated Wilson's testimony that Brown had attacked him and had tried to grab his gun."
Obama should have praised the grand jury's conclusion, coming after a thorough examination of all the evidence, and affirmed the integrity of America's criminal justice system. But like the violent, looting protesters in Ferguson, Mo., our president is uninterested in the truth.
No wonder a demagogue who personifies politicized lies like Al Sharpton is welcomed into the White House — not by any means for the first time — to advise Obama.

all of it here:
Read More At Investor's Business Daily:Sharpton Advising Obama On Ferguson Is An Insult To Police And Blacks - Investors.com
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Can anyone believe your own President is involved in causing riots and looting so he can take over states police forces?

this man is one scary dude.

No. It's as stupid as the conspiracy theories about Fast and Furious.

Fast & Furious was a failure.

This is just another attempt to do the same thing.
The president said or did nothing inflammatory. This is another RW propaganda myth.

Riiiight lol its amazing you libs think anyone believes your nonsense.

These guys are always so innocent, so trusting, so gullible.

Are they the ones Gruber was shitting on?

Notice how Gruber has been so quickly erased from the news?

Gruber was talking about all of us though. He's one of those elitist pricks that populate our institutions of higher learning.
Can anyone believe your own President is involved in causing riots and looting so he can take over states police forces?

this man is one scary dude.

No. It's as stupid as the conspiracy theories about Fast and Furious.

oh well, bury your head in the sand if you want

What words by the President have been inciting riots and looting in Ferguson? Be specific please.

Asked and answered.

But you and I both know he doesn't express his true feelings in public, and if he ever does his media won't cover it.
These people in office are a great danger to us and our families

They helped in CREATING this crisis so they swoop in and put their agenda on us

people better wake up
cember 1, 2014
Coming full circle: Wright, Farrakhan, and Obama
ByCarol Brown
Despite all we did not know about Barack Obama back in 2008 when he first ran for president, we knew enough to realize he would be a menace to the nation.
Obama sat in the same church for 20 years, listened to the horrid, hateful, screeching, screaming, anti-Semitic, “God damn America”sermons/rantsof Jeremiah Wright, and embraced the man as his mentor. And Louis Farrakhan was given a lifetime “achievementawardin Wright’s name. Farrakhan, a professional hater who is nowbellowing, “tear this goddamn country apart.”
One needn’t have known anything more (though there was plenty more that was, and is, profoundly disturbing) about Obama. This history alone disqualified him for any position in government, no less to be president of the United States.
So here we are. With race riots sweeping the country. And the president egging them on (while feigning innocence).
The realization of damning America and a promise to tear the country apart.
Isn’t this just what the vision was all along? Isn’t this what our community organizer-in-chief envisioned as part of the fundamental transformation of greatest nation on earth? Isn’t this the actualization of the massive chip on his shoulder, the personal pathology, the indoctrination he experienced growing up surrounded by communists, terrorists, and other agitators?
Ferguson should surprise no one. Nor the madness taking hold in increasing numbers of cities across the United States. Nor that the presidentplans to hold meetingstoday to discuss Ferguson.
What about, you ask? About this, per The Washington Times:
While tensions have calmed somewhat in Ferguson, debate rages on about what happened nearly four months ago, and what it means for race relations in America.
In that context, Mr. Obama will meet with Cabinet members Monday to review federal funding and programs that provide military-style equipment from the Pentagon to local police departments, a program the president and top advisers signaled they were concerned about when armored vehicles and heavy weapons were deployed to confront protesters.
Mr. Obama also will meet with young civil rights leaders “to discuss their efforts and broader challenges we still face as a nation, including the mistrust between law enforcement and communities of color,” the official said.
And finally, the president will confer with elected officials, community, civil rights and religious leaders and law enforcement officials from around the country “to discuss how communities and law enforcement can work together to build trust to strengthen neighborhoods across the country,” the aide said.
In a search for common sense and truth, let’s explore Obama’s Monday meeting agenda, shall we?
First, the heavy weaponry that arrived in Ferguson seemed to have little effect on the outcome. Mob rule ruled. So why the focus on militarized police? There’s only one reason Obama would zero in on that: so that he can use it to demonize law enforcement.
But Obama won’t stop there. He appears to be planning a multi-pronged approach to undermining law enforcement while adding fuel to the fire raging across America by focusing on mistrust “communities of color” feel toward the police.

It’s ironic, no, that the president wants to shine a light on this based on a case that highlights the exact opposite scenario?

That is, given that Michael Brown assaulted and attempted to murder a police officer, this seems a perfect time to shine a light on the ways that members of law enforcement put their lives on the line every day, never knowing if in an instant they’re going to encounter some lunatic bent on killing them. This seems a perfect time to acknowledge how police officers need to modulate feelings of mistrust toward suspects, felons, and criminals, and how much professionalism and self-control they must exert to do their jobs effectively.
But no . It’s all about the big bad cops.

Hey, guess what. Those cops are the ones going into “communities of color” and trying with all their might to solve crimes. Those cops care deeply about innocent people living in “communities of color” who are murdered. Those cops work around the clock to close cases when members of “communities of color” won’t come forward to testify as witnesses, which results in thousands and thousands of murderers running free.
And some of those cops get killed doing their job.
Such was almost the case with Officer Wilson.
How about instead of demonizing Wilson and police departments across the country, we stand up and take our hats off to them for keeping our communities safe? Anyone who has a complaint is free to leave his doors unlocked and vow never to call 911. Since such people would be the same types who don’t own guns, I’d say: good luck with that.

Despite all we did not know about Barack Obama back in 2008 when he first ran for president, we knew enough to realize he would be a menace to the nation.
Obama sat in the same church for 20 years, listened to the horrid, hateful, screeching, screaming, anti-Semitic, “God damn America”sermons/rantsof Jeremiah Wright, and embraced the man as his mentor.

And Louis Farrakhan was given a lifetime “achievementawardin Wright’s name. Farrakhan, a professional hater who is nowbellowing, “tear this goddamn country apart.”
One needn’t have known anything more (though there was plenty more that was, and is, profoundly disturbing) about Obama. This history alone disqualified him for any position in government, no less to be president of the United States.
So here we are. With race riots sweeping the country. And the president egging them on (while feigning innocence).

The realization of damning America and a promise to tear the country apart.

Isn’t this just what the vision was all along? Isn’t this what our community organizer-in-chief envisioned as part of the fundamental transformation of greatest nation on earth? Isn’t this the actualization of the massive chip on his shoulder, the personal pathology, the indoctrination he experienced growing up surrounded by communists, terrorists, and other agitators?
Ferguson should surprise no one. Nor the madness taking hold in increasing numbers of cities across the United States. Nor that the presidentplans to hold meetingstoday to discuss Ferguson.
What about, you ask? About this, per The Washington Times:

all of it here:
Read more:http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/12/coming_full_circle_wright_farrakhan_and_obama.html#ixzz3Kl2KUrEv
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The president said or did nothing inflammatory. This is another RW propaganda myth.

Riiiight lol its amazing you libs think anyone believes your nonsense.

These guys are always so innocent, so trusting, so gullible.

Are they the ones Gruber was shitting on?

Notice how Gruber has been so quickly erased from the news?

Gruber was talking about all of us though. He's one of those elitist pricks that populate our institutions of higher learning.

The punch line is, your average rank and file puke liberal actually thinks they are a member of the elitist puke liberal club when in fact the elitists mock and make fun of them behind their backs.
And here everyone was thinking it was dem leadership in ghettos, the self destruction of black families, drugs, crime, gangsterism and poor genetics that were to blame.....oh, and clinging to the victimhood of ancestral slavery...

Reparations, Reparations !!!
Can anyone believe your own President is involved in causing riots and looting so he can take over states police forces?

this man is one scary dude.

No. It's as stupid as the conspiracy theories about Fast and Furious.

oh well, bury your head in the sand if you want

What words by the President have been inciting riots and looting in Ferguson? Be specific please.

Asked and answered.

But you and I both know he doesn't express his true feelings in public, and if he ever does his media won't cover it.

Where are the direct quotes by the President in this thread which fan the flames of the rioters? I am seeing loads of opinions but I am not seeing any direct quotes. I take hunches and gut feelings with a very small grain of salt.
this was a comment from the article I posted above

I speculate that the proposal will take the form of "Fairness Training and Certification Licensing Process." All applicants fo police officers will have to attend a Fed training program which will include sensitivity and fairness classes. The Fed could then filter who gets to become local police and who does not contingent upon whatever perimeters the Feds want. Yes, the Training Center would create a leviathan bureaucracy which, of course, is always the WDC goal. "We can't continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded," quote Pres 0bama. Here's the crisis that could deliver on that goal.

Blog Coming full circle Wright Farrakhan and Obama
another comment from article:
The outcome of Pres 0bama's meeting in the White House today will be a growth in government. It is unclear what form the growth will take, but there will be more government employees and an expansion of government power. No matter what the problem is, the Feds solution is always the same. The problem doesn't get solved, the Feds reform whatever it is they did the last time which results in another growth of government.

Blog Coming full circle Wright Farrakhan and Obama

Yesterday Obama was calling for more money from Congress to pay for a crisis he caused in the first place.

Anyone who has been paying attention would know that Obama has been militarizing police forces around the country, made the Michael Brown shooting national news, and planned the demonstrations that preceded and followed the grand-jury decision they are protesting. It's all made up. Jesus Christ, this guy has so many other problems he has to deal with, why is he creating new ones?

Obama has been selling armored MRAP vehicles to police departments all year. He's been taking vehicles that cost $600,000 each and selling them to the police for $2500 despite the fact we're still embroiled in two wars where they could be better put to use. Yesterday he actually held a meeting to discuss this terrible occurrence acting as if he wasn't directly responsible for it. He also wants the federal government to takeover local police departments and spend $75 million for body-cameras and another $250 million to retrain cops so they'll learn to treat black perpetrators differently from other perpetrators. Obama has also been using hired organizers to foment unrest in Ferguson and he has had his media spread lies to incite violence. Yet he sat there yesterday acting like everybody in the room wasn't aware that this is a crisis of his own making.

I guess the only crisis Obama is capable of handling is the ones he intentionally causes. Eric Holder is acting like he hasn't resigned and he's in the middle of this mess as well. Al Sharpton, another instigator, was at yesterday's meeting as well.

The Daily Kos fainted that this was an issue that Obama was wearily dealing with like the brave soldier he is, but nothing that he had anything to do with.

The problems of militarized policing, astonishingly high incarceration rates, and massive racial disparities in policing and incarceration are assuredly not going to be solved in a day of meetings. But they just as certainly won't be solved if those in power ignore them, so this is a decent step.

Obama holding meetings to focus on Ferguson and militarized policing
Obama is trying to take over police forces all over the country and he's using a manufactured crisis to do it.


Obama Wants to avoid militarized police culture - SFGate S
WashPost Can t Find One Angry Driver In a Protester-Caused Traffic Jam

I blame you for the crisis in Ferguson........makes about as much sense.
Can anyone believe your own President is involved in causing riots and looting so he can take over states police forces?

this man is one scary dude.

No. It's as stupid as the conspiracy theories about Fast and Furious.

Fast & Furious was a failure.

This is just another attempt to do the same thing.

That's true. AZ gun laws make it nearly impossible to prosecute straw buyers.

The other thing you say it also true. Tin foilers see conspiracy everywhere.
Idiotic. Obama was taking heat last week for ignoring it, now this week he is the master mind behind it. Society is to blame for waiting until there are riots to take notice of a slow, silent crisis that has been festering for years if not decades. No one gives a fuck if the cops can beat and shoot people arbitrarily and get away with it but let a brick get thrown through a storefront window and people lose their fucking mind.
The dirty little secret in this is the only problem here is blacks are being conditioned to hate authority and hate whites.

Then again it's not that much of a secret.

I don't know about that.....but I can certainly see why they'd hate you.

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