Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House

Can anyone believe your own President is involved in causing riots and looting so he can take over states police forces?

this man is one scary dude.

No. It's as stupid as the conspiracy theories about Fast and Furious.
Well, since Fast and Furious caused legitimate and measurable harm, I guess you are admitting Steph is right, eh?

Attorney General Holder was the first US Attorney in history to be found in contempt of congress for blocking their investigation. Who knows what documents and emails he had shredded and destroyed while he was blocking their investigation?
Can anyone believe your own President is involved in causing riots and looting so he can take over states police forces?

this man is one scary dude.

No. It's as stupid as the conspiracy theories about Fast and Furious.
Well, since Fast and Furious caused legitimate and measurable harm, I guess you are admitting Steph is right, eh?

Attorney General Holder was the first US Attorney in history to be found in contempt of congress for blocking their investigation. Who knows what documents and emails he had shredded and destroyed while he was blocking their investigation?

AZ gun laws are responsible for untold numbers of gun sales to the Drug Gangs. Still the overriding policy that is to blame is the bipartisan War on Americans who use non-government approved recreational drugs. Anyone who actually believes that they were arming the Drug Cartel to incite more violence in a effort to gain sympathy to pass anti-gun legislation is a Tin Foiler.
The Obama Administration has clearly exhausted the supply of naturally occurring Crises, so now it must resort to Manufacturing Faux Crises Du Jour.

I don't think this was "manufactured" by the White House. Sure, Obama & Holder are going to milk it for all they can, but it's the PC Police, the media, the race pimps and the division pimps who are stoking the fires here. And they'll keep doing so, every last chance they get.

The people listed above aren't trying to bring people together, that's for damn sure.

The Obama Administration has clearly exhausted the supply of naturally occurring Crises, so now it must resort to Manufacturing Faux Crises Du Jour.

following suit.

RW's are NEVER guilty of making shit up are they?

The Obama Administration has clearly exhausted the supply of naturally occurring Crises, so now it must resort to Manufacturing Faux Crises Du Jour.

following suit.

RW's are NEVER guilty of making shit up are they?


Your complete and utter ignorance is showing (again).

I don't think this was "manufactured" by the White House. Sure, Obama & Holder are going to milk it for all they can, but it's the PC Police, the media, the race pimps and the division pimps who are stoking the fires here. And they'll keep doing so, every last chance they get.

The people listed above aren't trying to bring people together, that's for damn sure.

Wow, we got a look into Mac's paranoia in one sentence there.

Here's why this is a crisis. Because people expected justice. Because after years of a mostly black community being abused by a mostly white police force, here was something the world noticed was wrong.

And nothing was done.
Idiotic. Obama was taking heat last week for ignoring it, now this week he is the master mind behind it. Society is to blame for waiting until there are riots to take notice of a slow, silent crisis that has been festering for years if not decades. No one gives a fuck if the cops can beat and shoot people arbitrarily and get away with it but let a brick get thrown through a storefront window and people lose their fucking mind.

Except none of this really happened... come back to reality. A black kid robbed a store, was stopped and attacked a police officer. He's now dead.. tragic, but it his own fucking fault.

You want to get outraged? get outraged over the stupid shit that Sharpton and his gang do to foment outrage over shit that isn't really happening while remaining silent over what the black community is doing to its own.

Whitey is the least of their problems.
I don't think this was "manufactured" by the White House. Sure, Obama & Holder are going to milk it for all they can, but it's the PC Police, the media, the race pimps and the division pimps who are stoking the fires here. And they'll keep doing so, every last chance they get.

The people listed above aren't trying to bring people together, that's for damn sure.

Wow, we got a look into Mac's paranoia in one sentence there.

Here's why this is a crisis. Because people expected justice. Because after years of a mostly black community being abused by a mostly white police force, here was something the world noticed was wrong.

And nothing was done.

Where was the abuse by this White Policeman?
Went to a call to help a sick black baby, never used his gun in the 5 or 6 years he was on the force in a predominately black community, yet has been labeled a racist white cop.
I don't think this was "manufactured" by the White House. Sure, Obama & Holder are going to milk it for all they can, but it's the PC Police, the media, the race pimps and the division pimps who are stoking the fires here. And they'll keep doing so, every last chance they get.

The people listed above aren't trying to bring people together, that's for damn sure.

Wow, we got a look into Mac's paranoia in one sentence there.

Here's why this is a crisis. Because people expected justice. Because after years of a mostly black community being abused by a mostly white police force, here was something the world noticed was wrong.

And nothing was done.

"Justice" = Agree with the PC Police

Idiotic. Obama was taking heat last week for ignoring it, now this week he is the master mind behind it. Society is to blame for waiting until there are riots to take notice of a slow, silent crisis that has been festering for years if not decades. No one gives a fuck if the cops can beat and shoot people arbitrarily and get away with it but let a brick get thrown through a storefront window and people lose their fucking mind.
The dirty little secret in this is the only problem here is blacks are being conditioned to hate authority and hate whites.

Then again it's not that much of a secret.
Do you think this is something new just because it is in the news? I have news for you, black people have never trusted cops or people in authority for good reason.

Yeah those people in authority would their local KKK Democrats who have been using black codes, jim crow and modern gun control laws to disarm them since the 1600's.
And President Bush caused the Los Angeles riots in '92.
It's always Boooooooooosh!!!!!!

No, it's always Obama with you. Your derangement is a running joke on this forum.

The difference between you and me is I've been paying attention and you've been desperately trying to ingore everything.

Explain why Al Sharpton was at that meeting? He's one of major causes of the violence in Ferguson. He's a known charlatan, race-baiting, instigator. Why the hell was he there?

Because he's meeting with Obama regularly and because he's a tax-cheat. Obama has his balls in a sling.
the difference is you are a fucking moron and nothing else. You are a bottom feeder of politics that outside of here and maybe facebook, have no voice. This is some of the dumbest shit ive seen you post, and you post some IQ dropping crap.

Perhaps infowars is more your pace? They do retard rather well over there. Next time you want to start a thread like this, punch yourself in the face and save us from your stupidity.

Ferguson was waiting to happen had you paid attention. Things have been boiling for a long time and we hit the tipping point.
Idiotic. Obama was taking heat last week for ignoring it, now this week he is the master mind behind it. Society is to blame for waiting until there are riots to take notice of a slow, silent crisis that has been festering for years if not decades. No one gives a fuck if the cops can beat and shoot people arbitrarily and get away with it but let a brick get thrown through a storefront window and people lose their fucking mind.
The dirty little secret in this is the only problem here is blacks are being conditioned to hate authority and hate whites.

Then again it's not that much of a secret.
Do you think this is something new just because it is in the news? I have news for you, black people have never trusted cops or people in authority for good reason.

Yeah those people in authority would their local KKK Democrats who have been using black codes, jim crow and modern gun control laws to disarm them since the 1600's.
I don't suppose any white conservative ever did a bad thing to a black man ever huh? Dumbass.
I don't think this was "manufactured" by the White House. Sure, Obama & Holder are going to milk it for all they can, but it's the PC Police, the media, the race pimps and the division pimps who are stoking the fires here. And they'll keep doing so, every last chance they get.

The people listed above aren't trying to bring people together, that's for damn sure.

Wow, we got a look into Mac's paranoia in one sentence there.

Here's why this is a crisis. Because people expected justice. Because after years of a mostly black community being abused by a mostly white police force, here was something the world noticed was wrong.

And nothing was done.

"Justice" = Agree with the PC Police


Swing and a miss....
I don't think this was "manufactured" by the White House. Sure, Obama & Holder are going to milk it for all they can, but it's the PC Police, the media, the race pimps and the division pimps who are stoking the fires here. And they'll keep doing so, every last chance they get.

The people listed above aren't trying to bring people together, that's for damn sure.

Wow, we got a look into Mac's paranoia in one sentence there.

Here's why this is a crisis. Because people expected justice. Because after years of a mostly black community being abused by a mostly white police force, here was something the world noticed was wrong.

And nothing was done.

"Justice" = Agree with the PC Police


Swing and a miss....

Gosh, a lefty would think that?

What a shocker!


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