Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House

there's a peaceful way to end the protest ..

shut down all the utility services, power,water, sewer etc along with food services, gas stations, and medical care .. sooner than later things will calm down.
Where was the abuse by this White Policeman?
Went to a call to help a sick black baby, never used his gun in the 5 or 6 years he was on the force in a predominately black community, yet has been labeled a racist white cop.

Well, it's like they say, if you fish ever day, they won't call you a fisherman, but if you suck one cock, they'll call you a cocksucker.


What did you think I was talking about?

You shoot one black young man, and yes, that probably makes you a racist in a lot of people's eyes.

I was referring, however, to the overall conduct of the FPD.
I don't think this was "manufactured" by the White House. Sure, Obama & Holder are going to milk it for all they can, but it's the PC Police, the media, the race pimps and the division pimps who are stoking the fires here. And they'll keep doing so, every last chance they get.

The people listed above aren't trying to bring people together, that's for damn sure.

Wow, we got a look into Mac's paranoia in one sentence there.

Here's why this is a crisis. Because people expected justice. Because after years of a mostly black community being abused by a mostly white police force, here was something the world noticed was wrong.

And nothing was done.

"Justice" = Agree with the PC Police


Well, yeah, that's true. In PC World, no one sees why you would need to shoot an unarmed man 8 times.

In the real world, too.
I don't think this was "manufactured" by the White House. Sure, Obama & Holder are going to milk it for all they can, but it's the PC Police, the media, the race pimps and the division pimps who are stoking the fires here. And they'll keep doing so, every last chance they get.

The people listed above aren't trying to bring people together, that's for damn sure.

Wow, we got a look into Mac's paranoia in one sentence there.

Here's why this is a crisis. Because people expected justice. Because after years of a mostly black community being abused by a mostly white police force, here was something the world noticed was wrong.

And nothing was done.

"Justice" = Agree with the PC Police


Well, yeah, that's true. In PC World, no one sees why you would need to shoot an unarmed man 8 times.

In the real world, too.

Yeah, all the kid did was jaywalk, fer cryin' out loud.

there's a peaceful way to end the protest ..

shut down all the utility services, power,water, sewer etc along with food services, gas stations, and medical care .. sooner than later things will calm down.
Are you that ignorant of human nature?
I don't think this was "manufactured" by the White House. Sure, Obama & Holder are going to milk it for all they can, but it's the PC Police, the media, the race pimps and the division pimps who are stoking the fires here. And they'll keep doing so, every last chance they get.

The people listed above aren't trying to bring people together, that's for damn sure.

Wow, we got a look into Mac's paranoia in one sentence there.

Here's why this is a crisis. Because people expected justice. Because after years of a mostly black community being abused by a mostly white police force, here was something the world noticed was wrong.

And nothing was done.

"Justice" = Agree with the PC Police


Well, yeah, that's true. In PC World, no one sees why you would need to shoot an unarmed man 8 times.

In the real world, too.

Because ONLY the last shot hit an area where it would STOP a raging 280 pound THUG, head down and rushing you like a linebacker!

"Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House"

The premise of this thread is a lie manufactured entirely by the OP and other partisan hacks on the right, and fails as a straw man fallacy consequently.

Luckily we can always count on the PC Police to be the one, objective and final arbiter of which threads here have merit.


Where was the abuse by this White Policeman?
Went to a call to help a sick black baby, never used his gun in the 5 or 6 years he was on the force in a predominately black community, yet has been labeled a racist white cop.

Well, it's like they say, if you fish ever day, they won't call you a fisherman, but if you suck one cock, they'll call you a cocksucker.


What did you think I was talking about?

You shoot one black young man, and yes, that probably makes you a racist in a lot of people's eyes.

I was referring, however, to the overall conduct of the FPD.

What evidence is there? All I have seen is talk from the ones who are the lawbreakers in the first place.
You don't change one thing by looting and burning the stores.
"Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House"

The premise of this thread is a lie manufactured entirely by the OP and other partisan hacks on the right, and fails as a straw man fallacy consequently.

Why wasn't a single CONSERVATIVE BLACK MAN, or BLACK ORGANIZATION INVITED to the White House yesterday with the BLACK GET TOGETHER hosted by the obomanation on POLICE BEHAVIOR, instead of BLACK BEHAVIOR???
there's a peaceful way to end the protest ..

shut down all the utility services, power,water, sewer etc along with food services, gas stations, and medical care .. sooner than later things will calm down.
Are you that ignorant of human nature?

its human nature to survive ... take away survival tools until the riot stops, and watch human nature in action.
I don't think this was "manufactured" by the White House. Sure, Obama & Holder are going to milk it for all they can, but it's the PC Police, the media, the race pimps and the division pimps who are stoking the fires here. And they'll keep doing so, every last chance they get.

The people listed above aren't trying to bring people together, that's for damn sure.

Wow, we got a look into Mac's paranoia in one sentence there.

Here's why this is a crisis. Because people expected justice. Because after years of a mostly black community being abused by a mostly white police force, here was something the world noticed was wrong.

And nothing was done.

"Justice" = Agree with the PC Police


Swing and a miss....

Gosh, a lefty would think that?

What a shocker!

there's a peaceful way to end the protest ..

shut down all the utility services, power,water, sewer etc along with food services, gas stations, and medical care .. sooner than later things will calm down.
Are you that ignorant of human nature?

its human nature to survive ... take away survival tools until the riot stops, and watch human nature in action.
It is also human nature to respond very violently to such an act of war against an entire town. The blowback from trying to starve out protests would make anything that has gone before look like a minor dispute. Also what you suggest is an affront to everything in the constitution concerning individual and civil rights and due process.

Yesterday Obama was calling for more money from Congress to pay for a crisis he caused in the first place.

Anyone who has been paying attention would know that Obama has been militarizing police forces around the country, made the Michael Brown shooting national news, and planned the demonstrations that preceded and followed the grand-jury decision they are protesting. It's all made up. Jesus Christ, this guy has so many other problems he has to deal with, why is he creating new ones?

Obama has been selling armored MRAP vehicles to police departments all year. He's been taking vehicles that cost $600,000 each and selling them to the police for $2500 despite the fact we're still embroiled in two wars where they could be better put to use. Yesterday he actually held a meeting to discuss this terrible occurrence acting as if he wasn't directly responsible for it. He also wants the federal government to takeover local police departments and spend $75 million for body-cameras and another $250 million to retrain cops so they'll learn to treat black perpetrators differently from other perpetrators. Obama has also been using hired organizers to foment unrest in Ferguson and he has had his media spread lies to incite violence. Yet he sat there yesterday acting like everybody in the room wasn't aware that this is a crisis of his own making.

I guess the only crisis Obama is capable of handling is the ones he intentionally causes. Eric Holder is acting like he hasn't resigned and he's in the middle of this mess as well. Al Sharpton, another instigator, was at yesterday's meeting as well.

The Daily Kos fainted that this was an issue that Obama was wearily dealing with like the brave soldier he is, but nothing that he had anything to do with.

The problems of militarized policing, astonishingly high incarceration rates, and massive racial disparities in policing and incarceration are assuredly not going to be solved in a day of meetings. But they just as certainly won't be solved if those in power ignore them, so this is a decent step.

Obama holding meetings to focus on Ferguson and militarized policing
Obama is trying to take over police forces all over the country and he's using a manufactured crisis to do it.


Obama Wants to avoid militarized police culture - SFGate S
WashPost Can t Find One Angry Driver In a Protester-Caused Traffic Jam

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