Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House

And President Bush caused the Los Angeles riots in '92.
It's always Boooooooooosh!!!!!!

No, it's always Obama with you. Your derangement is a running joke on this forum.

The difference between you and me is I've been paying attention and you've been desperately trying to ingore everything.

Explain why Al Sharpton was at that meeting? He's one of major causes of the violence in Ferguson. He's a known charlatan, race-baiting, instigator. Why the hell was he there?

Because he's meeting with Obama regularly and because he's a tax-cheat. Obama has his balls in a sling.
the difference is you are a fucking moron and nothing else. You are a bottom feeder of politics that outside of here and maybe facebook, have no voice. This is some of the dumbest shit ive seen you post, and you post some IQ dropping crap.

Perhaps infowars is more your pace? They do retard rather well over there. Next time you want to start a thread like this, punch yourself in the face and save us from your stupidity.

Ferguson was waiting to happen had you paid attention. Things have been boiling for a long time and we hit the tipping point.
Yeah, whitey has been killing blacks daily.........but for some strange reason most of it is being done through abortions.

So who supports abortion rights?

Yesterday Obama was calling for more money from Congress to pay for a crisis he caused in the first place.

Anyone who has been paying attention would know that Obama has been militarizing police forces around the country, made the Michael Brown shooting national news, and planned the demonstrations that preceded and followed the grand-jury decision they are protesting. It's all made up. Jesus Christ, this guy has so many other problems he has to deal with, why is he creating new ones?

Obama has been selling armored MRAP vehicles to police departments all year. He's been taking vehicles that cost $600,000 each and selling them to the police for $2500 despite the fact we're still embroiled in two wars where they could be better put to use. Yesterday he actually held a meeting to discuss this terrible occurrence acting as if he wasn't directly responsible for it. He also wants the federal government to takeover local police departments and spend $75 million for body-cameras and another $250 million to retrain cops so they'll learn to treat black perpetrators differently from other perpetrators. Obama has also been using hired organizers to foment unrest in Ferguson and he has had his media spread lies to incite violence. Yet he sat there yesterday acting like everybody in the room wasn't aware that this is a crisis of his own making.

I guess the only crisis Obama is capable of handling is the ones he intentionally causes. Eric Holder is acting like he hasn't resigned and he's in the middle of this mess as well. Al Sharpton, another instigator, was at yesterday's meeting as well.

The Daily Kos fainted that this was an issue that Obama was wearily dealing with like the brave soldier he is, but nothing that he had anything to do with.

The problems of militarized policing, astonishingly high incarceration rates, and massive racial disparities in policing and incarceration are assuredly not going to be solved in a day of meetings. But they just as certainly won't be solved if those in power ignore them, so this is a decent step.

Obama holding meetings to focus on Ferguson and militarized policing
Obama is trying to take over police forces all over the country and he's using a manufactured crisis to do it.


Obama Wants to avoid militarized police culture - SFGate S
WashPost Can t Find One Angry Driver In a Protester-Caused Traffic Jam
And President Bush caused the Los Angeles riots in '92.
It's always Boooooooooosh!!!!!!

No, it's always Obama with you. Your derangement is a running joke on this forum.

The difference between you and me is I've been paying attention and you've been desperately trying to ingore everything.

Explain why Al Sharpton was at that meeting? He's one of major causes of the violence in Ferguson. He's a known charlatan, race-baiting, instigator. Why the hell was he there?

Because he's meeting with Obama regularly and because he's a tax-cheat. Obama has his balls in a sling.
the difference is you are a fucking moron and nothing else. You are a bottom feeder of politics that outside of here and maybe facebook, have no voice. This is some of the dumbest shit ive seen you post, and you post some IQ dropping crap.

Perhaps infowars is more your pace? They do retard rather well over there. Next time you want to start a thread like this, punch yourself in the face and save us from your stupidity.

Ferguson was waiting to happen had you paid attention. Things have been boiling for a long time and we hit the tipping point.
Yeah, whitey has been killing blacks daily.........but for some strange reason most of it is being done through abortions.

So who supports abortion rights?

An abortion would have been merciful in your case.
Are we at the point where the RWnuts start demanding reparations for their suffering?
And President Bush caused the Los Angeles riots in '92.
It's always Boooooooooosh!!!!!!

No, it's always Obama with you. Your derangement is a running joke on this forum.

The difference between you and me is I've been paying attention and you've been desperately trying to ingore everything.

Explain why Al Sharpton was at that meeting? He's one of major causes of the violence in Ferguson. He's a known charlatan, race-baiting, instigator. Why the hell was he there?

Because he's meeting with Obama regularly and because he's a tax-cheat. Obama has his balls in a sling.
the difference is you are a fucking moron and nothing else. You are a bottom feeder of politics that outside of here and maybe facebook, have no voice. This is some of the dumbest shit ive seen you post, and you post some IQ dropping crap.

Perhaps infowars is more your pace? They do retard rather well over there. Next time you want to start a thread like this, punch yourself in the face and save us from your stupidity.

Ferguson was waiting to happen had you paid attention. Things have been boiling for a long time and we hit the tipping point.
Yeah, whitey has been killing blacks daily.........but for some strange reason most of it is being done through abortions.

So who supports abortion rights?

Is it legal to force black women to have abortions? Or are you just more retarded than most of us had already assumed you were?
It's always Boooooooooosh!!!!!!

No, it's always Obama with you. Your derangement is a running joke on this forum.

The difference between you and me is I've been paying attention and you've been desperately trying to ingore everything.

Explain why Al Sharpton was at that meeting? He's one of major causes of the violence in Ferguson. He's a known charlatan, race-baiting, instigator. Why the hell was he there?

Because he's meeting with Obama regularly and because he's a tax-cheat. Obama has his balls in a sling.
the difference is you are a fucking moron and nothing else. You are a bottom feeder of politics that outside of here and maybe facebook, have no voice. This is some of the dumbest shit ive seen you post, and you post some IQ dropping crap.

Perhaps infowars is more your pace? They do retard rather well over there. Next time you want to start a thread like this, punch yourself in the face and save us from your stupidity.

Ferguson was waiting to happen had you paid attention. Things have been boiling for a long time and we hit the tipping point.
Yeah, whitey has been killing blacks daily.........but for some strange reason most of it is being done through abortions.

So who supports abortion rights?

Is it legal to force black women to have abortions? Or are you just more retarded than most of us had already assumed you were?

Without Planned Parenthoods abortion mill, the black population would be 36%! Can you imagine what POLITICAL POWER blacks could have had?

RUSH Without Planned Parenthood And All Of The Abortions The Black Population Would Be 36 8211 Daily Rush Limbaugh Conservative Video Blog Posts
And President Bush caused the Los Angeles riots in '92.
It's always Boooooooooosh!!!!!!

No, it's always Obama with you. Your derangement is a running joke on this forum.

The difference between you and me is I've been paying attention and you've been desperately trying to ingore everything.

Explain why Al Sharpton was at that meeting? He's one of major causes of the violence in Ferguson. He's a known charlatan, race-baiting, instigator. Why the hell was he there?

Because he's meeting with Obama regularly and because he's a tax-cheat. Obama has his balls in a sling.
the difference is you are a fucking moron and nothing else. You are a bottom feeder of politics that outside of here and maybe facebook, have no voice. This is some of the dumbest shit ive seen you post, and you post some IQ dropping crap.

Perhaps infowars is more your pace? They do retard rather well over there. Next time you want to start a thread like this, punch yourself in the face and save us from your stupidity.

Ferguson was waiting to happen had you paid attention. Things have been boiling for a long time and we hit the tipping point.
Yeah, whitey has been killing blacks daily.........but for some strange reason most of it is being done through abortions.

So who supports abortion rights?
Apple pies.
But then again if the unrest continues to grow he'll reluctantly have to do it. Occupy-WallStreet didn't pan out. Fomenting false rage is very expensive.

Again, this is nothing more overly dramatic hyperbole. Do you honestly believe this unrest in Ferguson is going to persist for two more years?

the libs and dems will do everything they can to keep it stirred up until 2016. they realize that the only way they win is to stir up hate and unrest. Why do you think obozo wants to legalize 10 million illegals? its called buying votes with taxpayer money, and you silly libfucks just sit buy and watch as the country goes down into financial ruin. liberalism is clearly a mental disease.

You do realize it is very hard to take anything you post seriously if you think people have a metal disorder because they simply dare to have a differing political view then you?

By the way, the only time politicians seem to care about the debt is when they are in the minority party. Once they are the majority the spend liken drunken pirates. I hope the GOP majority is different this time around but if history is any judge I doubt it.

the defective liberal gene has been diagnosed and it is real. It is called DRD 4. Look it up if you doubt me.

I do agree that both parties are responsible for our obscene debt. However, only the GOP is talking about trying to get it under control. They have the next 2 years to make some progress in spite of the fact that obama will try to block anything the might look like a GOP success.
I did not know that about the DRD 4 gene. Although, you did say, liberalism is a "mental disease," not that it is hypothesized to have a genetic link. There is a HUGE difference. After all, having a greater exposure to multiple experiences and many points of view is a strength, not a weakness.

Having the ability to think in new ways a be flexible is not necessarily a bad thing. Though, to be fair, liberals can be just as dobmatic as conservatives. They are SO unimaginative when it comes to some issues.

It is almost as if you got your information from Limbaugh or Fox News and they spun it in such a way as to make it SEEM that it was a weakness and not a strength.

you really don't get it, there is nothing I can do for you. Fox gives equal time to both sides, your problem is that when both sides are heard equally, the left always loses.

as to limbaugh, I do not listen to him, but you must since you know everything that he has ever said.
You don't change one thing by looting and burning the stores.

Oh, I don't think they're trying to "change" or improve anything.


again, Mac, I'd be more impressed if you challenged some of the racists here rather than constantly whine about the "PC" police.

The real racists are simply ignorant, angry, hateful sad sacks who are dwindling in number and have relatively little real influence.

The PC Police have caused real damage for generations now, particularly in recent years, victimizing and isolating an entire race of people based purely on skin color, all under the guise of "caring".

So yeah, they make me far more angry.

The real racists are simply ignorant, angry, hateful sad sacks who are dwindling in number and have relatively little real influence.

Funny, I thought it was the folks comparing him to an animal and celebrating his death. But, okay, at least you admit you don't challenge them here.

The PC Police have caused real damage for generations now, particularly in recent years, victimizing and isolating an entire race of people based purely on skin color, all under the guise of "caring".

So yeah, they make me far more angry.

Why? Honestly, i see you whine abuot this all day when some minority or gay complains about shitty behavior from whites or Christians, you are right up there making the whites or Christians the "victims".

Seems your priorities are a tad skewed.
The real racists are simply ignorant, angry, hateful sad sacks who are dwindling in number and have relatively little real influence.

Funny, I thought it was the folks comparing him to an animal and celebrating his death. But, okay, at least you admit you don't challenge them here.

The PC Police have caused real damage for generations now, particularly in recent years, victimizing and isolating an entire race of people based purely on skin color, all under the guise of "caring".

So yeah, they make me far more angry.

Why? Honestly, i see you whine abuot this all day when some minority or gay complains about shitty behavior from whites or Christians, you are right up there making the whites or Christians the "victims".

Seems your priorities are a tad skewed.

If they are, they are.

I'll continue to hold a mirror up the face of the PC Police until they stop victimizing and dividing people.

Fortunately, I don't require your approval.


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