Ferguson Is A Crisis Manufactured Entirely By The Obama White House

December 2, 2014
No room at White House meeting for Ferguson PD, but guy named 'T-Dubb-O' advises POTUS on police-'community' relations
ByThomas Lifson
Priorities, priorities. The president who promised to “bring us together” has thrown in his lot with racial agitator Al Sharpton (withblood on his handsfrom Freddy’s Fashion Mart) and rap artists like “T-Dubb-O,” whoofferedthis policy insight:
If police departments are not committed to community input and oversight, and refuse to train officers appropriately, they should be completely defunded,” said St. Louis-based hip-hop artist T-Dubb-O. “Funding body cameras and other tactics to review police actions is a start, but that doesn’t solve the problem of too many officers who see us as ‘demons’ and not members of a community. Until we deal with that, we can’t move forward.

As Glenn Reynolds always says with sarcasm, “The country is in the best of hands…”
Hat tip: Weasel Zippers, Ed Lasky
Priorities, priorities. The president who promised to “bring us together” has thrown in his lot with racial agitator Al Sharpton (withblood on his handsfrom Freddy’s Fashion Mart) and rap artists like “T-Dubb-O,” whoofferedthis policy insight:

all of it here:
Read more:http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2014/12/no_room_at_white_house_meeting_for_ferguson_pd_but_a_guy_named_tdubbo_advises_president_on_policecommunity_relations.html#ixzz3KlCKkkXQ
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Idiotic. Obama was taking heat last week for ignoring it, now this week he is the master mind behind it. Society is to blame for waiting until there are riots to take notice of a slow, silent crisis that has been festering for years if not decades. No one gives a fuck if the cops can beat and shoot people arbitrarily and get away with it but let a brick get thrown through a storefront window and people lose their fucking mind.
The dirty little secret in this is the only problem here is blacks are being conditioned to hate authority and hate whites.

Then again it's not that much of a secret.
Do you think this is something new just because it is in the news? I have news for you, black people have never trusted cops or people in authority for good reason.

All thieves, drug dealers, gangs and law breakers don't trust cops. DUH
This is just the beginning of his last two years. We are in for a world of hurt
Anyone who has been paying attention would know that Obama has been militarizing police forces around the country

Anyone who has been paying attention would know that program started under Bush.

But like I have said many times, you rubes were in a coma during that period and did not wake up until January 20, 2009.
Anyone who has been paying attention would know that Obama has been militarizing police forces around the country

Anyone who has been paying attention would know that program started under Bush.

But like I have said many times, you rubes were in a coma during that period and did not wake up until January 20, 2009.

you have to be a smartass?

I don't think this was "manufactured" by the White House. Sure, Obama & Holder are going to milk it for all they can, but it's the PC Police, the media, the race pimps and the division pimps who are stoking the fires here. And they'll keep doing so, every last chance they get.

The people listed above aren't trying to bring people together, that's for damn sure.

Anyone who has been paying attention would know that Obama has been militarizing police forces around the country

Anyone who has been paying attention would know that program started under Bush.

But like I have said many times, you rubes were in a coma during that period and did not wake up until January 20, 2009.

Every damned thing Obama does wrong he blames on Bush.

If he caught the clap he'd tell Michelle Bush gave it to him.
If he caught the clap he'd tell Michelle Bush gave it to him.

Uh ... Oh crap ... Never mind ... :oops:

I was going to ask how else could he get the clap if bush wasn't involved ... But that may be a completely different thread.
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Anyone who has been paying attention would know that Obama has been militarizing police forces around the country

Anyone who has been paying attention would know that program started under Bush.

But like I have said many times, you rubes were in a coma during that period and did not wake up until January 20, 2009.

you have to be a smartass?
I require honesty and accuracy. You can call that "smartass", if you like. Does not surprise me.
Every damned thing Obama does wrong he blames on Bush.

When you fabricate a yardstick, don't whine like a puppy left out in the cold when that yardstick is used to measure other Presidents, mm-kay?
Every damned thing Obama does wrong he blames on Bush.

When you fabricate a yardstick, don't whine like a puppy left out in the cold when that yardstick is used to measure other Presidents, mm-kay?

So, lets see now. What you are saying is that if Bush did something corrupt that makes it ok for Obama to do something corrupt???? Really?
Every damned thing Obama does wrong he blames on Bush.

When you fabricate a yardstick, don't whine like a puppy left out in the cold when that yardstick is used to measure other Presidents, mm-kay?

That excuse is so worn out it's an insult to my intelligence. It isn't even a decent excuse considering the fact that Obama is the dumbass who raised the issue as a problem needing solving you fucking imbecile.

Bush didn't say it was a problem, Obama did. Anyone with half a brain can spot the utter hypocrisy here. You can't explain it away that easy. Obama is trying to act like he's the solution when in fact he's a major contributor to the problem. Can you figure that out or must I be more frank?
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I agree that both parties are nothing more then the different side of the same coin but I do not foresee any executive action declaring Marshall Law that keeps the President in office past 2016. It is overly dramatic claptrap used by the blind partisans on either side of the aisle.

But then again if the unrest continues to grow he'll reluctantly have to do it. Occupy-WallStreet didn't pan out. Fomenting false rage is very expensive.

Again, this is nothing more overly dramatic hyperbole. Do you honestly believe this unrest in Ferguson is going to persist for two more years?

the libs and dems will do everything they can to keep it stirred up until 2016. they realize that the only way they win is to stir up hate and unrest. Why do you think obozo wants to legalize 10 million illegals? its called buying votes with taxpayer money, and you silly libfucks just sit buy and watch as the country goes down into financial ruin. liberalism is clearly a mental disease.

You do realize it is very hard to take anything you post seriously if you think people have a metal disorder because they simply dare to have a differing political view then you?

By the way, the only time politicians seem to care about the debt is when they are in the minority party. Once they are the majority the spend liken drunken pirates. I hope the GOP majority is different this time around but if history is any judge I doubt it.

the defective liberal gene has been diagnosed and it is real. It is called DRD 4. Look it up if you doubt me.

I do agree that both parties are responsible for our obscene debt. However, only the GOP is talking about trying to get it under control. They have the next 2 years to make some progress in spite of the fact that obama will try to block anything the might look like a GOP success.
I did not know that about the DRD 4 gene. Although, you did say, liberalism is a "mental disease," not that it is hypothesized to have a genetic link. There is a HUGE difference. After all, having a greater exposure to multiple experiences and many points of view is a strength, not a weakness.

Having the ability to think in new ways a be flexible is not necessarily a bad thing. Though, to be fair, liberals can be just as dobmatic as conservatives. They are SO unimaginative when it comes to some issues.

It is almost as if you got your information from Limbaugh or Fox News and they spun it in such a way as to make it SEEM that it was a weakness and not a strength.

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