Ferguson lawsuits on the horizon

Did the have a grant of authority from city hall to rampage, loot, and shoot at police?
Of course they are going to sue. Its the national past time.

They watched their city looted and burned and many of them were the looters and burners.

Now they want to sue someone for their own stupidity and greed.

They also want the taxpayers of America to bail them out.

Sorry. No sympathy here. The store owners should have been up on the roofs of their businesses shooting those pricks just like the Koreans did in the LA riots.

As for those black lawyers? They will get the money if the suit is successfull. Wonder why none of those idiots have figured that out yet??
It has been proven that the majority of looters and burners were not even from Mizzouri. But push your agenda, we expect nothing less...

Fuck you and the *******. I've about had enough of the bullshit.
Stop the looting and start learning how to be normal citizens.
If they cant do that expect to be gunned down in the streets.
NO FUCKEN MORE!!!! We as Americans are FUCKEN sick of it !!!
I shit you not! Try that where I live and the dumbfucks are gonna die!!!

Irrational rant is irrational

and very awkward

Fuck you dumber then the average bag of hammers!
Bring your shit to Houston and see what happens! You'll see dead negros all over the streets. Don't believe it? Go ahead and give it your best shot.
We dont play that shit here.
I'f you think we're kidding bring it douche bag!!
I dare you!!

Please cut it out...it's pathetic...


"You want trouble????...I'll give you trouble!!!"
Blacks burn down their own neighborhoods & sue the government lol

Only in America

Multi-Million Dollar Suit To Be Filed Against Cops 93.1 WIBC

The civil liberties violations committed by the Ferguson PD and St Louis County PD are unconscionable. The city should be sued straight into bankruptcy and the entire police department should be dissolved.
funny because a lot of us has been saying the same thing about this Obama/Holder administration.

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