Ferguson Preparations Go Wrong, National Guard Shows Up This Morning, Who's to Blame?

From what I saw, Nat'l Guard wasn't needed. It wasn't like it was a 60's riot or something...........
How many building were looted and burned? The regular police were just standing in the street doing absolutely nothing. TV crews were trying to get interviews with the looters as they left the stores carrying as much as they could in their arms but there was not one policeman in sight! At one point they police said they were out manned which would be a pretty good indication that the National Guard was needed.
The count is 25.....It will probably grow tonight.
that is not true, the DA said there were witnesses with consistent stories. and what else besides witnesses can the prosecutor tell, he wasn't there.

If he did I missed that part because it mustve been done in a wink. The entire presentation went like:

Social media said this...
News said this...
Some witnesses say this...
Some others say that...
Others still said this...

Then never said what the officer gave for a statement. It was pretty much "eye witnesses were liars...let me count the ways"

Arent you liberals the ones who say "id rather 99 guilty men go free than 1 innocent man go to jail"?

If the evidence is such a cluster of inconsistencies. ...why dont you stand by that?

Or is it different bc hes a cop....and all you idiots truly want is just for a cop to be jailed...guilty or not.

Because the witness statements are not evidence. Evidence is evidence and when asked about any more evidence that shows (for example) that MB was charging he referred to the "evidence presented".

Yeah, but they asked what evidence...Some witnesses were inconsistent which happens but the prosecutor entire schtich was to make this Officer Wilson V Witness statements.

witness statements are not evidence? how can you be this stupid and still breathe?

and stop lying, he didn't make it officer wilson's statement vs the witness statements. that is a complete and utter lie.

You're right he didnt say anything about Ofc Wilsons statements or why he felt the need to shoot 12 times. He made it all about the wrong witness'.

Are there really still people ^^^ this stupid?
The City of Ferguson had weeks to prepare for last night. The Police Department had months to plan for the most destructive evening they were going to revisit from last summer. So, they should have been ready.

So, how many looters did they arrest? Better yet, how many businesses did they save from looting? They had planned to have the National Guard there to protect the businesses and generally help the situation. So, what went wrong?

They arrested 60 people. I watched as the looters ran out of the Liquor store and the news reporters were trying to interview them. So where were the police? Where was the National Guard? They didn't come in until this morning! They were on the outskirts of Ferguson... This came from the Lt. Governor. He wants the Governor to answer why they weren't in Ferguson last night.
The State governor is the ultimate decider on matters of NG Deployment.
Unless someone higher up had some input...
That governor has a lot of questions to answers. He might as well be truthful. He's over in politics.
That governor has a lot of questions to answers. He might as well be truthful. He's over in politics.

And so does the White House, perhaps.
I think we will find out that Holder and the Obama administration put pressure on the governor to withhold the guard.
The question at that point is of course - why?
The 2nd question would be did the Administration also have something to so with the truly insane decision to announce the non-indictment at just before sunset. Seriously, that has got to be one of the dumbest executive decisions by a sitting governor in history. It boggles the mind. His own Lt. Governor goes on national TV mind you - and literally asks the media to pressure the governor why not 6 a.m. as he was advised.
Who ALL was involved in that choice?
That governor has a lot of questions to answers. He might as well be truthful. He's over in politics.

And so does the White House, perhaps.
I think we will find out that Holder and the Obama administration put pressure on the governor to withhold the guard.
The question at that point is of course - why?
The 2nd question would be did the Administration also have something to so with the truly insane decision to announce the non-indictment at just before sunset. Seriously, that has got to be one of the dumbest executive decisions by a sitting governor in history. It boggles the mind. His own Lt. Governor goes on national TV mind you - and literally asks the media to pressure the governor why not 6 a.m. as he was advised.
Who ALL was involved in that choice?

We all know Holder. The discussions with Obama would go like this: "Our people deserve this night and more. Let them riot and loot. THe business owners can get more money from their claims, the people can get some free things and they can let out pent up energy and show whitey whats up! We need to show that police department there's hell to pay for their actions! Maybe we can make it nation wide!" Something like that...
No clue if it is or isn't. Just posting links to stuff I found on google.

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