Ferguson Preparations Go Wrong, National Guard Shows Up This Morning, Who's to Blame?

And they announced it at 8pm central time. 8pm there.

Why? So the peaceful WORKING people can get off work, pick up their kids, and take shelter.

They announced it so the civilized working class would be home and safe.
In summer the hooligans wanted cops to back off and demilitarize. Now...the cops back off and demilitarize. And the hooligans burn the town.
Fuck em. Im glad the cops stood down and let the true nature of that ccommunity shine for the world to see.

ridiculous. the harm to innocent bystanders and their business far exceeds your bizarre wants...
It wasnt MY wants. I was fine with the militarized response of August....which prevented a lot of the burning and looting.

You liberals wanted SWAT to back off. So you got it. And the animals showed their true nature.
In summer the hooligans wanted cops to back off and demilitarize. Now...the cops back off and demilitarize. And the hooligans burn the town.
Fuck em. Im glad the cops stood down and let the true nature of that ccommunity shine for the world to see.

ridiculous. the harm to innocent bystanders and their business far exceeds your bizarre wants...
It wasnt MY wants. I was fine with the militarized response of August....which prevented a lot of the burning and looting.

You liberals wanted SWAT to back off. So you got it. And the animals showed their true nature.
What they wanted was piles of dead "protestors" in the streets.

Authorities did not comply.

Remember the mantra when a thief gets shot, "lives are more valuable than property".

Now, when the outside agitators go back to their comfortable homes, Ferguson can delight in having to drive 20 miles to get groceries.
The City of Ferguson had weeks to prepare for last night. The Police Department had months to plan for the most destructive evening they were going to revisit from last summer. So, they should have been ready.

So, how many looters did they arrest? Better yet, how many businesses did they save from looting? They had planned to have the National Guard there to protect the businesses and generally help the situation. So, what went wrong?

They arrested 60 people. I watched as the looters ran out of the Liquor store and the news reporters were trying to interview them. So where were the police? Where was the National Guard? They didn't come in until this morning! They were on the outskirts of Ferguson... This came from the Lt. Governor. He wants the Governor to answer why they weren't in Ferguson last night.

I started another thread that is the answer to your question. What went wrong? Not enough people showed up to vote. So the people that wanted this to happen are responsible. The people who benefit from disasters. In the past we've called them Kings, Pharoahs, Lords, The Haves, Robber Barons. Today we just call them the rich. I know you're going to think I'm a conspiracy theorist but they wanted this to happen. And they control the media too so they even set you up for it. It was on purpose. Just like Katrina was a fiasco. Just like Detroit went bankrupt. Just like Greece went bankrupt, GM, Chrysler. Just like gas went up to $4 a gallon. It was all done on purpose.

And how/why do they get away with it? Because you reward their bad behavior. Instead of getting mad and showing up to show your concern, they won when they convinced you that your vote doesn't matter. And when you don't vote, they win. 40% of us voted in the last election. This throws everything off. The rich know we don't vote in midterms. Not enough of us. So what we say and care doesn't matter. You dumb Americans who don't vote. Piss off.

They got you distracted with Ferguson to divide us by race. Fact is to THEM, we are all N*#$*rs.
This doesn't serve any purpose if we get a conviction.

The goal is to find a clear-cut case of self-defense and turn it into a case of racism, a white shooting an unarmed black. They can't use a case that is authentic. They need outrage from the black community.
Finding a real example of whites attacking blacks is so rare these days they have to manufacture them.
They waited until 8pm to announce because fires when the sun out dont have the same je ne sais quoi
I have a question. Do witnesses dispute the kid hit the cop? Does anyone corroborate that the kid hit the cop even once? Slammed the car door on the cop? Did any of that really happen? When I first heard it I didn't believe the kid did any of that. I thought his cop buddies probably put those marks on him just like Zimmerman roughed himself up after he killed Treyvon.

All I need to know is if the kid hit the cop even once or slammed the door on the cop, then the kid got what was coming to him. You can not charge an officer of the law for defending himself. Show some fucking respect for the cops next time and you won't end up dead. I say yes sir no sir to the officers when I see them. Time to grow up black people and learn some respect. I know what happened after the 68 riots and the Civil Rights movement and the Black Panthers you guys aren't afraid anymore but now is the time to stop being thugs and a violent angry baby mama drama society. Gangsta.

Did he hit the cop? Then the cop is innocent. If he didn't then the cop is guilty. Does the kids friends dispute what happened? I doubt it or that would be public. I think he did hit the cop. Sorry black people. Innocent.

This is what we felt like after OJ. LOL.
From what I saw, Nat'l Guard wasn't needed. It wasn't like it was a 60's riot or something...........
The City of Ferguson had weeks to prepare for last night. The Police Department had months to plan for the most destructive evening they were going to revisit from last summer. So, they should have been ready.

So, how many looters did they arrest? Better yet, how many businesses did they save from looting? They had planned to have the National Guard there to protect the businesses and generally help the situation. So, what went wrong?

They arrested 60 people. I watched as the looters ran out of the Liquor store and the news reporters were trying to interview them. So where were the police? Where was the National Guard? They didn't come in until this morning! They were on the outskirts of Ferguson... This came from the Lt. Governor. He wants the Governor to answer why they weren't in Ferguson last night.

I started another thread that is the answer to your question. What went wrong? Not enough people showed up to vote. So the people that wanted this to happen are responsible. The people who benefit from disasters. In the past we've called them Kings, Pharoahs, Lords, The Haves, Robber Barons. Today we just call them the rich. I know you're going to think I'm a conspiracy theorist but they wanted this to happen. And they control the media too so they even set you up for it. It was on purpose. Just like Katrina was a fiasco. Just like Detroit went bankrupt. Just like Greece went bankrupt, GM, Chrysler. Just like gas went up to $4 a gallon. It was all done on purpose.

And how/why do they get away with it? Because you reward their bad behavior. Instead of getting mad and showing up to show your concern, they won when they convinced you that your vote doesn't matter. And when you don't vote, they win. 40% of us voted in the last election. This throws everything off. The rich know we don't vote in midterms. Not enough of us. So what we say and care doesn't matter. You dumb Americans who don't vote. Piss off.

They got you distracted with Ferguson to divide us by race. Fact is to THEM, we are all N*#$*rs.

Great post, except what you don't understand is that both parties do that same thing on essential polices. Still never researched Iron Triangles and interest groups eh? You still have no clue what the CFR is huh?

If you don't understand that both parties are essentially funded by the same elites, then you really don't understand how American politics work. Sure, you can go vote if you like, but what you fail to realize, is you HAVE NO CHOICES. Both politicians are controlled by the same folks.

Let's say there is a small hamlet, controlled by the King. And the people demand a voice in who governs their affairs and makes their laws, so they want to elect a mayor of that Hamlet. So the King gives them two candidates to choose from. . . Is that Democracy?

Yeah, same thing. Your choices are almost always inevitable corrupt. Not always. Occasionally you will get a Dennis Kucinich, a Ron Paul, or a Cyntihia McKinney, but what does it matter? The press is owned by the King, so Americans are TOO STUPID to know when a candidate is really from the people, and they believe the negative propaganda against genuine anti-corporate, pro-AMERICA candidates.

Now, with new redistricting, fagettaboutit. Get real. Voting makes no difference. It isn't who votes, it's who counte 'em sonny.
The City of Ferguson had weeks to prepare for last night. The Police Department had months to plan for the most destructive evening they were going to revisit from last summer. So, they should have been ready.

So, how many looters did they arrest? Better yet, how many businesses did they save from looting? They had planned to have the National Guard there to protect the businesses and generally help the situation. So, what went wrong?

They arrested 60 people. I watched as the looters ran out of the Liquor store and the news reporters were trying to interview them. So where were the police? Where was the National Guard? They didn't come in until this morning! They were on the outskirts of Ferguson... This came from the Lt. Governor. He wants the Governor to answer why they weren't in Ferguson last night.

I started another thread that is the answer to your question. What went wrong? Not enough people showed up to vote. So the people that wanted this to happen are responsible. The people who benefit from disasters. In the past we've called them Kings, Pharoahs, Lords, The Haves, Robber Barons. Today we just call them the rich. I know you're going to think I'm a conspiracy theorist but they wanted this to happen. And they control the media too so they even set you up for it. It was on purpose. Just like Katrina was a fiasco. Just like Detroit went bankrupt. Just like Greece went bankrupt, GM, Chrysler. Just like gas went up to $4 a gallon. It was all done on purpose.

And how/why do they get away with it? Because you reward their bad behavior. Instead of getting mad and showing up to show your concern, they won when they convinced you that your vote doesn't matter. And when you don't vote, they win. 40% of us voted in the last election. This throws everything off. The rich know we don't vote in midterms. Not enough of us. So what we say and care doesn't matter. You dumb Americans who don't vote. Piss off.

They got you distracted with Ferguson to divide us by race. Fact is to THEM, we are all N*#$*rs.

Great post, except what you don't understand is that both parties do that same thing on essential polices. Still never researched Iron Triangles and interest groups eh? You still have no clue what the CFR is huh?

If you don't understand that both parties are essentially funded by the same elites, then you really don't understand how American politics work. Sure, you can go vote if you like, but what you fail to realize, is you HAVE NO CHOICES. Both politicians are controlled by the same folks.

Let's say there is a small hamlet, controlled by the King. And the people demand a voice in who governs their affairs and makes their laws, so they want to elect a mayor of that Hamlet. So the King gives them two candidates to choose from. . . Is that Democracy?

Yeah, same thing. Your choices are almost always inevitable corrupt. Not always. Occasionally you will get a Dennis Kucinich, a Ron Paul, or a Cyntihia McKinney, but what does it matter? The press is owned by the King, so Americans are TOO STUPID to know when a candidate is really from the people, and they believe the negative propaganda against genuine anti-corporate, pro-AMERICA candidates.

Now, with new redistricting, fagettaboutit. Get real. Voting makes no difference. It isn't who votes, it's who counte 'em sonny.

If you don't vote then they win game over. If you vote then there is hope. And did you hear what I said that if you vote then it changes everything? The candidates will no longer cater to their far left and right fringes. They'll then have to moderate and go for the independents and undecideds. And they'll know if they screw us over we'll vote them out.

They don't know that now. They aren't afraid of us anymore. They use to want to fight for our votes. Its easier to discourage you with their bad behavior and they know the less people that vote the better their chances are.

The rich love it that "we" don't vote. Are you rich? If not, this is not good for you. And if you don't vote, you don't even deserve to live in this country.
Or you deserve the shitty country this country becomes because you don't vote. Pieces of shit!
The City of Ferguson had weeks to prepare for last night. The Police Department had months to plan for the most destructive evening they were going to revisit from last summer. So, they should have been ready.

So, how many looters did they arrest? Better yet, how many businesses did they save from looting? They had planned to have the National Guard there to protect the businesses and generally help the situation. So, what went wrong?

They arrested 60 people. I watched as the looters ran out of the Liquor store and the news reporters were trying to interview them. So where were the police? Where was the National Guard? They didn't come in until this morning! They were on the outskirts of Ferguson... This came from the Lt. Governor. He wants the Governor to answer why they weren't in Ferguson last night.
the job of the national guard was to provide security for infrastructure. things like power transmission stations, water supplies, gas lines. hospitals. fire departments.

they were not there to protect businesses. that's the job of police.
I have a question. Do witnesses dispute the kid hit the cop? Does anyone corroborate that the kid hit the cop even once? Slammed the car door on the cop? Did any of that really happen? When I first heard it I didn't believe the kid did any of that. I thought his cop buddies probably put those marks on him just like Zimmerman roughed himself up after he killed Treyvon.

All I need to know is if the kid hit the cop even once or slammed the door on the cop, then the kid got what was coming to him. You can not charge an officer of the law for defending himself. Show some fucking respect for the cops next time and you won't end up dead. I say yes sir no sir to the officers when I see them. Time to grow up black people and learn some respect. I know what happened after the 68 riots and the Civil Rights movement and the Black Panthers you guys aren't afraid anymore but now is the time to stop being thugs and a violent angry baby mama drama society. Gangsta.

Did he hit the cop? Then the cop is innocent. If he didn't then the cop is guilty. Does the kids friends dispute what happened? I doubt it or that would be public. I think he did hit the cop. Sorry black people. Innocent.

This is what we felt like after OJ. LOL.

These are all questions that should've been answered but instead the prosecuter spent all the time telling you what people said happened and never saying what actually happened.

He basically made this Officer Wilson vs Lying ass witnesses who cant keep their lies together.

If ONE witness told the truth you didnt hear about it
I have a question. Do witnesses dispute the kid hit the cop? Does anyone corroborate that the kid hit the cop even once? Slammed the car door on the cop? Did any of that really happen? When I first heard it I didn't believe the kid did any of that. I thought his cop buddies probably put those marks on him just like Zimmerman roughed himself up after he killed Treyvon.

All I need to know is if the kid hit the cop even once or slammed the door on the cop, then the kid got what was coming to him. You can not charge an officer of the law for defending himself. Show some fucking respect for the cops next time and you won't end up dead. I say yes sir no sir to the officers when I see them. Time to grow up black people and learn some respect. I know what happened after the 68 riots and the Civil Rights movement and the Black Panthers you guys aren't afraid anymore but now is the time to stop being thugs and a violent angry baby mama drama society. Gangsta.

Did he hit the cop? Then the cop is innocent. If he didn't then the cop is guilty. Does the kids friends dispute what happened? I doubt it or that would be public. I think he did hit the cop. Sorry black people. Innocent.

This is what we felt like after OJ. LOL.

These are all questions that should've been answered but instead the prosecuter spent all the time telling you what people said happened and never saying what actually happened.

He basically made this Officer Wilson vs Lying ass witnesses who cant keep their lies together.

If ONE witness told the truth you didnt hear about it

that is not true, the DA said there were witnesses with consistent stories. and what else besides witnesses can the prosecutor tell, he wasn't there.

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