Ferguson thug, angry over Mike Brown, murders KY cop and is killed by police


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Police kill North County man wanted in fatal shooting of Kentucky state trooper : News

Huh. Maybe the Ferguson police weren't the problem. Maybe it was the thugs.

This thug trash was driving from Atlanta....back to the Ferguson region. A Navy veteran...less than a year out of the Kentucky State Police academy....pulls him over in Western Kentucky. The thug flees...slams his brakes on causing the cop to rear end him....exits...murders the cop in a hail of gunfire....then is later killed by officers on scene.

This thugs Facebook page expressed anger over cops not facing consequences from the Mike Brown case.

Good job liberals. This one is on you all too.

Guess you can take a thug out the ghetto....but can't take the ghetto out the thug.
Lets not get it twisted, the OP doesn't give two shits about the violence the police face in this nation. His only concern is how to use these deaths to his political advantage. He isn't any different then the liberals that do that exact same shit. Transparent as hell.
Oh and heres a clue.....There are millions of people who were upset with Police killing MB. But you cant show causation so you do your usual act "He's black so that means Obama something and BLM something"
Oh and heres a clue.....There are millions of people who were upset with Police killing MB. But you cant show causation so you do your usual act "He's black so that means Obama something and BLM something"
No one cared about Michael Brown and no one would care about you, Michael Browns have been killed by other Michael Browns, and if a Micheal Brown killed you, no one could care less.
Oh and heres a clue.....There are millions of people who were upset with Police killing MB. But you cant show causation so you do your usual act "He's black so that means Obama something and BLM something"

Nobody cares.........90% of the white population.........at least.......knows the media fucked up the MB story on purpose and Soetero and his racist attorney general threw gas on the fire. duh. The millions you are referring to are a gigantic minority. They get their shit together or they're going to shoot the shit out of each other while the police sit back and eat donuts........and most whites are very cool with that.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
People on this board who hail from Bumfook USA and Scratchmyassville USA don't get how the dynamic works in urban area's like where I live right near NYC. Police and blacks have an understanding.......that why the lid is always on things here. Blacks in neighborhoods and even in gangs don't want NYPD heat coming down on them so they out the Neanderthal types on their own. Its understood. Sections that get out of line are sent a firm message in the form of a billy club under the nose.........hard. And nobody else says shit.........its take your bat and ball and go home time. Police depts in mid-west areas like Ferguson are ghey......if anything, far too docile. But then again, they are protecting fucked up ghetto's that nobody cares about because the people don't care. In places like NYC, no way the big boys are going to let blacks get out of control and lose a fortune a neighborhood over.

Realville is what it is s0ns..............:coffee:
Oh and heres a clue.....There are millions of people who were upset with Police killing MB. But you cant show causation so you do your usual act "He's black so that means Obama something and BLM something"
No one cared about Michael Brown and no one would care about you, Michael Browns have been killed by other Michael Browns, and if a Micheal Brown killed you, no one could care less.

Thanks Professor X

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