Fetterman’s Debate Performance Proves Early Voting Should Be Banned Completely

LOL….I’ll note that in the midst of people not being able to afford groceries, unable to fill their gas tanks, an inflation rate the highest in 40 years, millions of semi-literate illegals swarming in, Putin threatening nuclear war, retirees losing their retirement funds, and a president who can’t complete a sentence or find his way off stage, that you think the better candidate won.

Those are the challenges Biden faces.. he's not to blame for them. Blaming him is for temperamental children. Trump didn't create COVID.
No thats early voting.
No. that’s early voting AND VOTING ON ELECTION DAY.
They are literally the same except one occurs before election day. There also may be a restricted number of polling places. Thats what everyone in my family did two days ago.
I don’t give a shit about early voting, frankly.
Thats absentee voting. We're not discussing absentee voting in this thread per the OP.
I disagree with the OP. I’ll discuss whatever I wish when it involves the issue of voting fraud. And, imho, it is absentee voting that presents the biggest risk of deliberate and orchestrated election fraud.
Still waiting on that legislation to allow early voting
Your point is being evaded or missed.

Let me summarize and you, please, correct me if I am wrong.

My assumption is that YOU recognize that the US constitution says that it is the various STATE Legislatures that determine the rules for voting. When the State LEGISLATURE hasn’t authorized a particular voting procedure, then that procedure is invalid.
No. that’s early voting AND VOTING ON ELECTION DAY.

I don’t give a shit about early voting, frankly.

I disagree with the OP. I’ll discuss whatever I wish when it involves the issue of voting fraud. And, imho, it is absentee voting that presents the biggest risk of deliberate and orchestrated election fraud.

In Georgia they are very strict about voter registration and you have to request an absentee ballot every election cycle. Like Trump I vote by mail.
I've been sayin this for years. It's just another form of election fraud.
Pennsylvania Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman’s “painful” debate performance is a prime example of the perils of early voting, allowing people to cast ballots before they’ve even had a chance to watch a candidate argue in favor of his policies and platforms.
Fetterman’s performance was a debacle by any measuring stick – including by some very prominent left-wing pundits.
What is even more devastating is that several hundred thousand voters were robbed of the opportunity to see that the Democrat candidate is clearly incapable of performing the duties required in holding a Senate seat prior to voting.
Fetterman’s opponent, Republican candidate Mehmet Oz, challenged him to a series of five debates before the late October one-off was agreed to.
It immediately became clear why the Fetterman campaign wanted to hide their candidate as long as possible.
The Political Insider pointed out prior to the debate that it had been scheduled well after early voting was already underway in the state of Pennsylvania.
Voters in The Keystone State are not required to give an excuse to attain a mail-in ballot and some counties were sending out ballots in late September and earlier this month.
How many of those voters cast their ballot on the word of the Fetterman campaign that their candidate was up to the task of serving in the Senate? On the word of a doctor who, as it turns out, is a campaign donor for the Democrat?
Rather than taking the word of a campaign donor doctor, Pennsylvanians could have decided with their own eyes and ears last night that Fetterman is not fit to run for dog catcher, let alone a seat in the Senate.
It is an unmistakable conclusion.

If a single debate changes your mind then you are a fucking moron that should not be voting anyhow
In Georgia they are very strict about voter registration and you have to request an absentee ballot every election cycle. Like Trump I vote by mail.
No one has issue with absentee balloting. You are still confused.
Your point is being evaded or missed.

Let me summarize and you, please, correct me if I am wrong.

My assumption is that YOU recognize that the US constitution says that it is the various STATE Legislatures that determine the rules for voting. When the State LEGISLATURE hasn’t authorized a particular voting procedure, then that procedure is invalid.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding,

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