fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
Attorneys for the family of a brain-dead pregnant woman who is in life support in a Texas hospital said Wednesday they have medical records showing the fetus is "distinctly abnormal."

They issued the statement, they said, to clear up any “misconceptions about the condition of the fetus.”

Fetus of Texas woman on life support 'distinctly abnormal,' family lawyers say - U.S. News

now we have it...a nice moral debate on 'mercy' killing or following the wishes of the family and now the issue of keeping the host body alive to keep a malformed fetus alive?
So malformed they can't determine its gender one article I read said. Reminded me of the transporter accident in "Star Trek:The Motion Picture"

This is a really messed up situation. Had the baby been further along at the time of the mother's death, and could have been 'salvaged' promptly I'd say go ahead and keep her on a respirator until the c-section (presumedly.) But forcing the baby to develop from just 3 or 4 months is horrific. Every soul deserves a chance to live, but this is going too far.
...Texas cons are always complaining about government controlling their lives, and they're the most intrusive state in the country. They don't want to be forced to have health care, but they love to force people to have deformed babies.
I'm sure they will have no problem proving such deformity in a court. A 4D ultrasound should be able to do it.
They issued the statement, they said, to clear up any “misconceptions about the condition of the fetus.”

Sounds like this poor family is bracing for the inevitable meddling do-gooders.

Too bad they can't just mind their own business and leave people to deal with the horrible tragedies in their lives.
Too bad the death merchants are afraid to rely on medical evidence instead of opinion. Produce a 4D ultrasound documenting such deformity. It's very simple, and very cheap.
Too bad the death merchants are afraid to rely on medical evidence instead of opinion. Produce a 4D ultrasound documenting such deformity. It's very simple, and very cheap.

And who should make the decision to remove life support from this poor woman?
BTW, notice that this is Texasss - they passed a law saying the wishes of the family and the owner of the now-brain-dead body count for nothing and that the state could take control.

Think about it. This family was looking forward to the birth of a loved child. Now, thanks to the radical religious right, they'll go broke trying to deal with a dead mother and a blob of baby.

If we let them, the right will own every facet of our lives.
Too bad the death merchants are afraid to rely on medical evidence instead of opinion. Produce a 4D ultrasound documenting such deformity. It's very simple, and very cheap.

And who should make the decision to remove life support from this poor woman?

Let the court decide. If the baby is deformed and cannot survive, let them both die. If the child can be taken at a viable stage of gestation (as has been done MANY times before), then let the child survive. This woman's last wish is that her child live. Can't that get some measure of respect?
Too bad the death merchants are afraid to rely on medical evidence instead of opinion. Produce a 4D ultrasound documenting such deformity. It's very simple, and very cheap.

And who should make the decision to remove life support from this poor woman?

Let the court decide. If the baby is deformed and cannot survive, let them both die. If the child can be taken at a viable stage of gestation (as has been done MANY times before), then let the child survive. This woman's last wish is that her child live. Can't that get some measure of respect?

Bookmarked for posterity.
Experts interviewed by The Associated Press, including two who helped draft the legislation, said a brain-dead patient's case wouldn't be covered by the law.

"This patient is neither terminally nor irreversibly ill," said Dr. Robert Fine, clinical director of the office of clinical ethics and palliative care for Baylor Health Care System. "Under Texas law, this patient is legally dead."

AOL.com Article - Pregnant, brain-dead woman's husband sues hospital
Too bad the death merchants are afraid to rely on medical evidence instead of opinion. Produce a 4D ultrasound documenting such deformity. It's very simple, and very cheap.

And who should make the decision to remove life support from this poor woman?

Let the court decide. If the baby is deformed and cannot survive, let them both die. If the child can be taken at a viable stage of gestation (as has been done MANY times before), then let the child survive. is that her child live. This woman's last wish Can't that get some measure of respect?

since she died suddenly you have no clue what her last wish was......i would think her spouse would be the one to make that decision
And who should make the decision to remove life support from this poor woman?

Let the court decide. If the baby is deformed and cannot survive, let them both die. If the child can be taken at a viable stage of gestation (as has been done MANY times before), then let the child survive. is that her child live. This woman's last wish Can't that get some measure of respect?

since she died suddenly you have no clue what her last wish was......i would think her spouse would be the one to make that decision

I agree but rw's want bigger and more invasive government.

Like I said, if we let them, there is no part of our personal lives the Rs will not control.
And who should make the decision to remove life support from this poor woman?

Let the court decide. If the baby is deformed and cannot survive, let them both die. If the child can be taken at a viable stage of gestation (as has been done MANY times before), then let the child survive. is that her child live. This woman's last wish Can't that get some measure of respect?

since she died suddenly you have no clue what her last wish was......i would think her spouse would be the one to make that decision

She didn't have an abortion. She wanted her baby to be born. The spouse doesn't want to be saddled with a baby it will cut into his love life. If men could kill off their children when they shed a wife many more children would be dead. A lot of men kill their kids anyway. This guy is anticipating doing it legally.
If we relied on a lawyer's assessment of "distinctly abnormal appearance" being justification for execution we would all be in danger.
I'd terminate my parental rights and hand the child over to the State of Texas. And if that's not an option, I'd leave it on the church steps.

Shocking but not surprising; "I'd leave (it) the human child on the Church steps". How freaking sad when the radical left encourages adoption of freaking pets.
She didn't have an abortion. She wanted her baby to be born. The spouse doesn't want to be saddled with a baby it will cut into his love life. If men could kill off their children when they shed a wife many more children would be dead. A lot of men kill their kids anyway. This guy is anticipating doing it legally.

Invariably, I read a lot of stupid stuff on this board, but this is probably the dumbest yet....
If we relied on a lawyer's assessment of "distinctly abnormal appearance" being justification for execution we would all be in danger.

We don't have to rely on anyone's assessment of abnormal appearance. Medical science has progressed to the point where fetal development is no longer a mystery hidden within the mother's body and subect to speculation. If you have not seen what a 4D ultrasound looks like, google it. This photographic evidence is one of the reasons that pro abortion has slid into a minority.

If abnormality is what the lawyer is hanging onto, the judge would be wise to order a 4D ultrasound so he could see it for himself or herself. Healthy babies are delivered from mothers that have died before. It is no longer unusual. Normally the fathers loved the mothers and wanted this last living part of them. Not so here.

A reasonable resolution would be to allow parents who were trying to adopt a Russian orphan to pick up the expenses and adopt this child. It will cost less than an international adoption. Russia will no longer allow Russian children to be adopted into American homes. Here's a chance for one puppy slated for execution to find a forever home.

If liberals were not so heavily invested in dead babies it wouldn't even be a question.

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