fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

Killing babies is killing babies...it's all good for Noom.

Define "severely malformed". Generally speaking, "malformations" can't be seen until after 20 weeks...and even then, the extent and severity can be very difficult to determine.

What the baby killers always argue is that if there's even a whisper of a chance that a baby isn't 100 percent perfect, it is a monster and must be destroyed. No matter how close to birth.

No tolerance for imperfect babies. Diversity is just a word when it comes to babies...we're only supposed to embrace diversity when it's in reference to sexual deviants.

Then after it is born, YOU raise it, KG.

There are plenty of people available to raise the baby, gracie. I imagine they have already stepped up to the plate and offered to do so.

But you won't hear of those offers from the baby killers, or from the family lawyers.
If this woman wanted her baby dead she would have had an abortion. Very simple. She wanted to bring this child into the world. Because she never had a chance to say "save my baby" can we honestly say her preference is for the child to die? Keeping her body functioning isn't a pointless exercise. Allowing a baby to develop to the point where it can be removed and cared for as a premature infant is no longer uncommon. Twins were delivered of a dead mother not that long ago and developed into healthy baby girls. Premature babies have survived at 22 weeks gestation. 25 weeks gives a better chance.

If it is alleged that the child is malformed, there is nothing easier to prove. Take a picture it's worth a thousand legal opinions.
Killing babies is killing babies...it's all good for Noom.

Define "severely malformed". Generally speaking, "malformations" can't be seen until after 20 weeks...and even then, the extent and severity can be very difficult to determine.

What the baby killers always argue is that if there's even a whisper of a chance that a baby isn't 100 percent perfect, it is a monster and must be destroyed. No matter how close to birth.

No tolerance for imperfect babies. Diversity is just a word when it comes to babies...we're only supposed to embrace diversity when it's in reference to sexual deviants.


If I thought you knew what you were talking about, I'd ask you to elaborate. But since I know you aren't capable of intelligent debate, I won't.
How the fuck do you know anything about her except what her FAMILY says? Shouldn't they be in control of her DEAD BODY?

I don't know alot about this stuff, KG, but I know enough that that womans body is HERS. And her family knows what is best. For the state to take over against THEIR wishes is just wrong. Period.
And no, I don't care to debate anything with you. Your mind is closed.
Killing babies is killing babies...it's all good for Noom.

Define "severely malformed". Generally speaking, "malformations" can't be seen until after 20 weeks...and even then, the extent and severity can be very difficult to determine.

What the baby killers always argue is that if there's even a whisper of a chance that a baby isn't 100 percent perfect, it is a monster and must be destroyed. No matter how close to birth.

No tolerance for imperfect babies. Diversity is just a word when it comes to babies...we're only supposed to embrace diversity when it's in reference to sexual deviants.

All I can say is google 4D untrasound and see what they look like. Take a moment and see what a baby looks like at 12 weeks. Then let us know your opiniin of when a malformation can be seen.

The first one I saw was my friend's at 12 weeks. It wasn't a blob. It was a tiny baby boy. With tiny little fingers and toes. His teeny hand was holding the umbilical cord.

Pro life support is now at 62%. The increase is in part due to people actually seeing these little people that aren't at all blobs of tissue and look nothing at all like tumors.
The woman's body was hers. Now she is no longer conscious...so it looks like the body belongs by default to her baby.
Since she didn't have an abortion and wasn't planning to have one, her plan was to bring this child into the world. It isn't a case of killing the child to save the mother's life. Mother is gone.

The creepiest one is the husband who wants no part living of his wife. He must have really hated her on some level to want her child dead too. Most men would die themselves rather than see their child and the child of a beloved wife dead.

It defies understanding. My husband has a daughter. Not my daughter, from another woman long before we met. I love seeing that girl. She has her dad's chin, the shape of his eyes and his feet, of all things. Some of her mannerisms are just like him. Part of him still lives. How can this ugly souled cretin not want any part of his wife to survive? If the baby is malformed, prove it, take a picture. Let the court see it, let everyone see it.
Again, you know NOTHING of what the husband feels except what you WANT to assume. If I were in his shoes, I damn sure would not want a baby that was without oxygen and is deformed with God knows whatever else is wrong with it and a lifetime of caring for that child. And what if the malformed child suffers neverending pain due to it's condition?

But that is neither here nor there. The POINT is, she is DEAD. Her family requested she be taken off life support. It is NOT the state or the hospitals choice! I don't give a rats ass if she is preggers with quintuplets. IT IS HER BODY AND SHE IS DEAD.

And I know that if I wound up in the hospital and my husband said to take me off life support but the HOSPITAL and the STATE decides they want my organs for whatever reason DESPITE MY WISHES, he would do what needs done to see that I GET MY WISHES.

What part of this do you not understand? Her body is HERS. Just like my eyeballs are MINE. The state can't take them unless I say so. Nor my heart. Nor my liver. Nor my kidneys. Nor my skin. Nor my lungs. NOTHING. They have NO SAY. Yet, that is exactly what they are doing with this woman. And if you can't see that and agree with what they are doing, then you are in for some rude awakenings when this right that is being withheld is done TO YOU.
Usually when the hubby is desperate to off his wife, it's because he bears some responsibility for her injuries.

I imagine it's all about life insurance. It usually is. The attorneys probably get paid only if she is killed, from the life insurance settlement.
She's gone. So her body isn't hers any longer, gracie.

Now take a pill or something. You're getting all hysterical.
I'm not the one saying alternately that the woman is dead and gone, and that it's her body.

Which is it?

If she's dead, then she doesn't care what's done, and she can't *own* anything.

If she's not, then why are you talking about killing her?

If she's dead and gone, how can it be her body, and how do you know she wants to kill her baby?

Talk about loopy.
Attorneys for the family of a brain-dead pregnant woman who is in life support in a Texas hospital said Wednesday they have medical records showing the fetus is "distinctly abnormal."

They issued the statement, they said, to clear up any “misconceptions about the condition of the fetus.”

Fetus of Texas woman on life support 'distinctly abnormal,' family lawyers say - U.S. News

now we have it...a nice moral debate on 'mercy' killing or following the wishes of the family and now the issue of keeping the host body alive to keep a malformed fetus alive?

I supported keeping the woman alive so the child could be saved, but I was not aware of the condition of the fetus/baby. If there is actual proof that the baby is going to be born a complete mess, then I would have to change my mind and support letting her die along with the baby.
There is no such proof. They say they can't tell the sex because the legs are malformed, and the head *may* be oversized.

My guess is that the baby is laying in a way that hides its genitals, which happens every day with perfectly normal babies. It's not unusual at all for the sex of the baby to be hidden.
I'm not the one saying alternately that the woman is dead and gone, and that it's her body.

Which is it?

If she's dead, then she doesn't care what's done, and she can't *own* anything.

If she's not, then why are you talking about killing her?

If she's dead and gone, how can it be her body, and how do you know she wants to kill her baby?

Talk about loopy.

You are :cuckoo:
Doctors have said that there is little chance the baby will gestate properly. The woman is dead and her vital organs are shutting down. They don't know how long the mother and baby were deprived of oxygen before help arrived so there is a strong possibility the fetus is severely brain damaged.

It is possible that the fetus will die because its host is deteriorating. In which case, the family will have suffered for nothing.

Because this happened so early in the pregnancy, the likelihood of the baby gestating long enough to be viable outside the womb is pretty much Nil.

Other cases where healthy babies have been delivered after the mother was pronounced brain dead did not involve such early pregnancies. The hospital is doing this because of Texas law, not because they think there's any chance of this resulting in a healthy baby.
If we relied on a lawyer's assessment of "distinctly abnormal appearance" being justification for execution we would all be in danger.

Seriously. I went to the mall. Scary looking freaks.

Shocking but not surprising; "I'd leave (it) the human child on the Church steps". How freaking sad when the radical left encourages adoption of freaking pets.

I am not one of them. And I would save dog over a person. Actually did that. True story.

If it was severely malformed, would you be okay with an abortion, then?

There never was going to be an abortion. Surely even you recognize that.

That is not what she asked.

What she asked was stupid.
So, based on "they don't know" and "they can't see the child's sex" our astute posters here maintain the child will be a malformed monster and must be destroyed, because it's the dead woman's body.

Got it.
Remember the *discussion* we had a while back where the left was screeching that a woman should kill her third trimester child based on the fact that it might have some issues when it was born?

And we kept arguing that they didn't know for sure?

I wonder what happened with that baby. I think it must have been much more healthy than was anticipated (with glee) by the pro-death cultists, or they would be dragging the poor little mite out as evidence that all malformed babies should be butchered in the third trimester, or later...

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