fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

Amazing how the pro life nuts think that the husband hates his wife because he wants her off life support. You people have no idea, do you?
There is nothing in writing about what she wanted. And I didn't say shit about marriage or wanting her dead. And please tell us about the assistance you have sent.
There is nothing in writing about what she wanted. And I didn't say shit about marriage or wanting her dead. And please tell us about the assistance you have sent.

I don't argue for the kid to be born, the psychos like KG are wanting that.
Too bad the death merchants are afraid to rely on medical evidence instead of opinion. Produce a 4D ultrasound documenting such deformity. It's very simple, and very cheap.

And who should make the decision to remove life support from this poor woman?

Let the court decide. If the baby is deformed and cannot survive, let them both die. If the child can be taken at a viable stage of gestation (as has been done MANY times before), then let the child survive. This woman's last wish is that her child live. Can't that get some measure of respect?

How do you know that was her last wish?

Why the FUCK should a COURT be deciding this? The only reason why the hospital is keeping her plugged in is because Rick Perry passed this idiotic law that requires them to.

But this is what happens when you turn women into breeding machines. How dare you die before you've fufilled your biblical duty!
I love the "OH MY GOD THE BABY IS A LIFE SUCKING MONSTER RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" arguments for killing babies.

You mean gestating a baby inside a dying body isn't the definition of "Mad Science"?

This is the ultimate conclusion of right wing nuttery on abortion. The fetus, deformed and almost definitely not viable, has more rights than the woman that it is in.
The woman's body was hers. Now she is no longer conscious...so it looks like the body belongs by default to her baby.

Legally, and in the other 49 states, her next of kin get to make these kinds of decisions.

And there's an argument that as absolutely horrible and unconstitutional as the Texas law is, the hospital is probably misapplying it in this case.

Pregnant and dead in Texas: A bad law, badly interpreted - latimes.com

The Texas Advance Directives Act, Section 166.049, provides that "a person may not withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment under this subchapter from a pregnant patient." The Texas law, like similar laws in other states, is almost always applied when the woman is incapacitated and terminally or irreversibly ill.

It does not, however, on any reading, apply to a pregnant patient who has died.

The Texas Advance Directives Act defines "life-sustaining treatment" as that which "sustains the life of a patient and without which the patient will die." Because Munoz has died, cardiopulmonary or any other form of support is not, and cannot be, "life-sustaining." The law requires only that a living pregnant woman be kept alive.

Not to worry, though, this is the kind of ghoulish nonsense the "Pro-Life" crowd has always hoped for- making women's uteri property of Church and State.
note: the woman had only great intentions..she wanted this child.....etc and so forth

but the man who no one has any evidence he was anything but a loving husband and father is condemned like a demon.....

why is that?

my husband would fight to fulfill my last wishes....which he knows more than anyone else.....how can you negate that relationship?
How the fuck do you know anything about her except what her FAMILY says? Shouldn't they be in control of her DEAD BODY?

I don't know alot about this stuff, KG, but I know enough that that womans body is HERS. And her family knows what is best. For the state to take over against THEIR wishes is just wrong. Period.
And no, I don't care to debate anything with you. Your mind is closed.

gotta love big gov't SOCONs like kgrill :lol: Shows their pretzel logic.
note: the woman had only great intentions..she wanted this child.....etc and so forth

but the man who no one has any evidence he was anything but a loving husband and father is condemned like a demon.....

why is that?

my husband would fight to fulfill my last wishes....which he knows more than anyone else.....how can you negate that relationship?

Men who fight to kill their wives and children are naturally suspect.

And her wish was to have the child.
Why is she being "forced" to live, but if she's killed, she isn't being "forced" off life support?

No matter what happens with her, she's being *forced*.
note: the woman had only great intentions..she wanted this child.....etc and so forth

but the man who no one has any evidence he was anything but a loving husband and father is condemned like a demon.....

why is that?

my husband would fight to fulfill my last wishes....which he knows more than anyone else.....how can you negate that relationship?

Men who fight to kill their wives and children are naturally suspect.

And her wish was to have the child.

A loving father does not want his child dead. Otherwise men who kill their entire families would have that as a built in defense.
And who should make the decision to remove life support from this poor woman?

Let the court decide. If the baby is deformed and cannot survive, let them both die. If the child can be taken at a viable stage of gestation (as has been done MANY times before), then let the child survive. This woman's last wish is that her child live. Can't that get some measure of respect?

How do you know that was her last wish?

Why the FUCK should a COURT be deciding this? The only reason why the hospital is keeping her plugged in is because Rick Perry passed this idiotic law that requires them to.

But this is what happens when you turn women into breeding machines. How dare you die before you've fufilled your biblical duty!

^ that

Reminds me of the Schiavo matter that the Repubs regretted getting involved in because it painted them as big-gov't, just like this situation does.
The woman's body was hers. Now she is no longer conscious...so it looks like the body belongs by default to her baby.

Legally, and in the other 49 states, her next of kin get to make these kinds of decisions.

And there's an argument that as absolutely horrible and unconstitutional as the Texas law is, the hospital is probably misapplying it in this case.

Pregnant and dead in Texas: A bad law, badly interpreted - latimes.com

The Texas Advance Directives Act, Section 166.049, provides that "a person may not withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment under this subchapter from a pregnant patient." The Texas law, like similar laws in other states, is almost always applied when the woman is incapacitated and terminally or irreversibly ill.

It does not, however, on any reading, apply to a pregnant patient who has died.

The Texas Advance Directives Act defines "life-sustaining treatment" as that which "sustains the life of a patient and without which the patient will die." Because Munoz has died, cardiopulmonary or any other form of support is not, and cannot be, "life-sustaining." The law requires only that a living pregnant woman be kept alive.

Not to worry, though, this is the kind of ghoulish nonsense the "Pro-Life" crowd has always hoped for- making women's uteri property of Church and State.

This is seriously scary big gov't rw utopia stuff. Policing women's naughty bits, taken to the extreme.
Scary big government utopia stuff is calling a debilitated woman a "host" as if her unborn child is some sort of parasite, and insisting family has the right to kill family members who cannot defend themselves.
Again, you know NOTHING of what the husband feels except what you WANT to assume. If I were in his shoes, I damn sure would not want a baby that was without oxygen and is deformed with God knows whatever else is wrong with it and a lifetime of caring for that child. And what if the malformed child suffers neverending pain due to it's condition?

But that is neither here nor there. The POINT is, she is DEAD. Her family requested she be taken off life support. It is NOT the state or the hospitals choice! I don't give a rats ass if she is preggers with quintuplets. IT IS HER BODY AND SHE IS DEAD.

And I know that if I wound up in the hospital and my husband said to take me off life support but the HOSPITAL and the STATE decides they want my organs for whatever reason DESPITE MY WISHES, he would do what needs done to see that I GET MY WISHES.

What part of this do you not understand? Her body is HERS. Just like my eyeballs are MINE. The state can't take them unless I say so. Nor my heart. Nor my liver. Nor my kidneys. Nor my skin. Nor my lungs. NOTHING. They have NO SAY. Yet, that is exactly what they are doing with this woman. And if you can't see that and agree with what they are doing, then you are in for some rude awakenings when this right that is being withheld is done TO YOU.

except we don't knopw what were HER wishes, if we talk strictly from the lawful point of view.

It is what he CLAIMS.

With absolutely no proof to back it.

Terri Schiavo variation all over again.

And the prenatal ultrasound is false-posirive almost in 50% of the cases, BTW.
You won't believe how many absolutley healthy babies, kids and adults I know who have had an abysmal diagnosis with an US. Including hydrocephalus, abnormal heart, Down's and couple of others - all absolutely FALSE.

It is not a proof of anything - neither US, nor even an MRI( which she did not have)

Too many variables in the picture to side definitely with any side and ultrasound diagnostics are the least of the argumentation.
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We know she was planning to have a baby. That much we know for sure.

It's about the only thing we know.

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