fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

I'd terminate my parental rights and hand the child over to the State of Texas. And if that's not an option, I'd leave it on the church steps.

Shocking but not surprising; "I'd leave (it) the human child on the Church steps". How freaking sad when the radical left encourages adoption of freaking pets.

The church steps would be a big improvement over wrapping the child in a plastic bag and throwing it in the nearest dumpster.
Attorneys for the family of a brain-dead pregnant woman who is in life support in a Texas hospital said Wednesday they have medical records showing the fetus is "distinctly abnormal."

They issued the statement, they said, to clear up any “misconceptions about the condition of the fetus.”

Fetus of Texas woman on life support 'distinctly abnormal,' family lawyers say - U.S. News

now we have it...a nice moral debate on 'mercy' killing or following the wishes of the family and now the issue of keeping the host body alive to keep a malformed fetus alive?

So much for people's rights... But hey they sure protect their second amendment.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
If that child is so malformed they can't even tell what sex it is...and if it was withouth oxygen "for awhile", then why put it thru possible pain via it's deforimity by FORCING the DEAD MOTHER to stay on life support just to birth it? This makes no sense at all and if something isn't done to STOP the state/government from carrying out this farce, no telling what other "rights" will be taken from us. Are we slaves now to the state? Are wishes of the person or the persons family no longer valid? Once this happens....more will follow. That you can be sure of.
Too bad the death merchants are afraid to rely on medical evidence instead of opinion. Produce a 4D ultrasound documenting such deformity. It's very simple, and very cheap.

And who pays for it? The husband, who wanted to bury his wife months ago, but was force to keep her alive?
Let the court decide. If the baby is deformed and cannot survive, let them both die. If the child can be taken at a viable stage of gestation (as has been done MANY times before), then let the child survive. is that her child live. This woman's last wish Can't that get some measure of respect?

since she died suddenly you have no clue what her last wish was......i would think her spouse would be the one to make that decision

She didn't have an abortion. She wanted her baby to be born. The spouse doesn't want to be saddled with a baby it will cut into his love life. If men could kill off their children when they shed a wife many more children would be dead. A lot of men kill their kids anyway. This guy is anticipating doing it legally.

Do you think he should be forced to pay for the medical treatment of a severely disabled baby when its born?
Or will you offer to help him pay for it?
I'd terminate my parental rights and hand the child over to the State of Texas. And if that's not an option, I'd leave it on the church steps.

Shocking but not surprising; "I'd leave (it) the human child on the Church steps". How freaking sad when the radical left encourages adoption of freaking pets.

It. Yes. They can't even tell the gender, it's THAT malformed. And she didn't want to be on life support. Texas brought this about, Texas can deal with the fallout.

Too bad the death merchants are afraid to rely on medical evidence instead of opinion. Produce a 4D ultrasound documenting such deformity. It's very simple, and very cheap.

And who pays for it? The husband, who wanted to bury his wife months ago, but was force to keep her alive?

A 4D ultrasound is $35.00 the court pays expert costs all the time. It can pony up $35.00.
Too bad the death merchants are afraid to rely on medical evidence instead of opinion. Produce a 4D ultrasound documenting such deformity. It's very simple, and very cheap.

And who pays for it? The husband, who wanted to bury his wife months ago, but was force to keep her alive?

A 4D ultrasound is $35.00 the court pays expert costs all the time. It can pony up $35.00.

Is the state of Texas going to pay to raise the baby until the age of 18? Or will the father be stuck with that?
I'd terminate my parental rights and hand the child over to the State of Texas. And if that's not an option, I'd leave it on the church steps.

Shocking but not surprising; "I'd leave (it) the human child on the Church steps". How freaking sad when the radical left encourages adoption of freaking pets.

It. Yes. They can't even tell the gender, it's THAT malformed. And she didn't want to be on life support. Texas brought this about, Texas can deal with the fallout.


If it's that malformed it will be readily apparent in the photographs. So far there is only the lawyer's assessment. Produce evidence of malformation. Not an opinion.
Let the court decide. If the baby is deformed and cannot survive, let them both die. If the child can be taken at a viable stage of gestation (as has been done MANY times before), then let the child survive. is that her child live. This woman's last wish Can't that get some measure of respect?

since she died suddenly you have no clue what her last wish was......i would think her spouse would be the one to make that decision

She didn't have an abortion. She wanted her baby to be born. The spouse doesn't want to be saddled with a baby it will cut into his love life. If men could kill off their children when they shed a wife many more children would be dead. A lot of men kill their kids anyway. This guy is anticipating doing it legally.

Poor woman, poor baby, poor dad. WTF is up with this stupid law keeping her alive? That is BS. Let them both die with dignity. Her condition is not reversible and it sounds like the baby won't even be able to live outside the womb anyway. WTF is wrong with this BS? This isn't some frickin' science experiment. Damn, that's just wrong.
It shouldn't be a "law" to begin with. She did not want to be on life support. Her family knew this and spoke in her behalf. But the hospital steps in and takes control of her body against her own wishes? Due to her being pregnant? Since when is slavery back in action? They have no rights to her body. Period.
And like I said..if this is not stopped immediately, watch out the next time you wind up in the hospital and said NO on your donor card and they keep you alive anyway to harvest your organs against your will.
I love the "OH MY GOD THE BABY IS A LIFE SUCKING MONSTER RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" arguments for killing babies.
Killing babies is killing babies...it's all good for Noom.

Define "severely malformed". Generally speaking, "malformations" can't be seen until after 20 weeks...and even then, the extent and severity can be very difficult to determine.

What the baby killers always argue is that if there's even a whisper of a chance that a baby isn't 100 percent perfect, it is a monster and must be destroyed. No matter how close to birth.

No tolerance for imperfect babies. Diversity is just a word when it comes to babies...we're only supposed to embrace diversity when it's in reference to sexual deviants.

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