fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

And looky who is still right as always. The disrespect for the family goes on.

So a family has the right to kill a baby?

No that would be infanticide, or murder. Abortion isn't considered infanticide in this country.

As has been pointed out repeatedly, this wasn't an abortion.

They killed the pregnant mother, and the baby necessarily died. They timed it to ensure the death of the baby, rather than waiting a few weeks.
It was a matter of "Hurry up and unplug that corpse, unhook her naughty bits!!!! The monster might make it, if we don't...HURRY!"
Healthy babies are delivered to dead mothers, which was the reason for the law in the first place.

Healthy Baby Born From Brain-Dead Mother Confirms Hospital Dilemma

A baby has been delivered by Cesarean section at 27 weeks, after the brain-dead mother was held alive on a ventilator. The baby was only 15-weeks-old when its mother suffered a stroke and was declared brain-dead. The child’s 31-year-old mother was removed from life support just two days after the child was born. Texas hospital hopes for a chance at the same miracle.

Baby Born To Brain-Dead Mother 3 Months After Woman's Declared Death
The woman's family and doctors had to make a choice: Should they keep the mother on life support so the 15-week-old fetus would have a shot at life? The answer was yes, and three months later the baby boy was born to a brain-dead mother at 27 weeks.

Delivered prematurely via cesarean section in July, the baby boy weighed in at 3 pounds, 2 ounces. Physicians at University of Debrecen Medical and Health Science Center announced the unique birth Wednesday and said the infant is healthy and home with his family, the Agence France-Presse reports.

This woman died from the same kind of aneurysm that killed Munoz
Brain dead mom gives birth to twins while on life support - CBS News

"Every week was a good sign," said an aunt, Danyell Bolden, referring to March when her niece was being sustained by machines. "We felt like we lost her but, God willing, we'll have something of hers. There's a lot of prayer."

Terrell recalled the phone call from his sister announcing that she was having twins.

"She said, `You're going be there for your nephews when I have them.' I just went crazy," Terrell said of his excitement. "I know she wants the babies to be with us. This has brought our family together."

It's American liberals that are invested in dead babies. Anything to kill that baby. Deny all the science and medical advances in the world to make sure that baby dies. Every live baby is a failure of abortion.

The baby won't be healthy if delivered, it has many medical complications and would most likely die.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
There's zero evidence of that, that's just the assumptions of the baby killers who view all babies as parasites deserving of death.

So do you think if they had unplugged her and she continued to breathe, the baby killers would have volunteered to stab the...breathing corpse?

Would they have called her something else if she continued to breathe? Perhaps...I dunno...zombie?
Mother gives birth while dead, then is revived:

Mom dies, gives birth, then is revived -- and they're both fine - CNN.com

Baby of mom in coma for 8 months doing well:

Baby of Mom in Coma Doing Well - ABC News

Woman in coma for entire pregnancy delivers healthy baby:

Mom in coma for months gives birth

This is where all the medical professionals...er....hobbyists...come forward to tell us all the medical reasons these cases are different from the case with our corpse.

Though of course, the hospital professionals would disagree with them. But I'm sure Luser knows more than any dumb doctor that actually treated The Corpse!
People who fight to kill others should die of shame.
People who referred to this woman as a corpse and who were silent at the depiction of the baby as a "sad little monster" should be ashamed.

People who think that people have no value unless they are able to communicate their desire to live in King's English should be ashamed.

You are the monsters. You're the monsters in every age. You never change.


I really think you need therapy. Your craziness on this issue is only going to end in tears.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycLRComNF7A]Gheorghe Iovu - Tears for Diana (Relaxing Music Therapy) - YouTube[/ame]

Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.


So, how does one kill someone who is already dead?

And did you look up the medical definition of "monster"?

How can one who is already dead wish to die?
Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.


So, how does one kill someone who is already dead?

And did you look up the medical definition of "monster"?

Hey, I think I saw that on the Walking Dead.
Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.


So, how does one kill someone who is already dead?

And did you look up the medical definition of "monster"?

Hey, I think I saw that on the Walking Dead.

Actually, it's from South Park "Make Love, Not Warcraft."

Rob Pardo: Whoever this person is, he's played World of Warcraft nearly every hour of every day for the past two years. Gentlemen, we are dealing with someone here who has absolutely no life.

Blizzard executive: How do you kill that which has no life?
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Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.


So, how does one kill someone who is already dead?

And did you look up the medical definition of "monster"?

How can one who is already dead wish to die?

Ever hear of a Living Will?
There's zero evidence of that, that's just the assumptions of the baby killers who view all babies as parasites deserving of death.

So do you think if they had unplugged her and she continued to breathe, the baby killers would have volunteered to stab the...breathing corpse?

Would they have called her something else if she continued to breathe? Perhaps...I dunno...zombie?

News flash, she probably breathed for awhile after. She could still be breathing, but she will die. People, especially young people can stay alive for a few days.
And there is quite a bit of evidence.
You are a lunatic.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
It was a matter of "Hurry up and unplug that corpse, unhook her naughty bits!!!!

"Unhook her naughty bits"?

I have no idea what your diseased mind is imagining this time. Could you spell it out precisely for everyone?
The mother was brain DEAD. The foetus was NON-VIABLE. Thats why a judge issued the order after the hospital admitted that, yes, that was the situation. kgrill's obsession :tinfoil: is on parade AGAIN for all to see.
Let the court decide. If the baby is deformed and cannot survive, let them both die. If the child can be taken at a viable stage of gestation (as has been done MANY times before), then let the child survive. is that her child live. This woman's last wish Can't that get some measure of respect?

since she died suddenly you have no clue what her last wish was......i would think her spouse would be the one to make that decision

She didn't have an abortion. She wanted her baby to be born. The spouse doesn't want to be saddled with a baby it will cut into his love life. If men could kill off their children when they shed a wife many more children would be dead. A lot of men kill their kids anyway. This guy is anticipating doing it legally.

She didn't have an abortion because she didn't know she was going to die. If she knew she was going to die and her child was going to be mentally retarded and deformed, and that some meddlers were going to fight to keep it alive, she probably would have had an abortion.

You seem to be quite capable of reading the poor man's mind....he's grieving the death of his wife and you are already accusing him of having a love life, and of wanting to kill her. Do you have any shame at all? Do you think that making such accusations toward someone you don't even know makes you a righteous person, just because you are in favor of saving a deformed, retarded and ill fetus?
Killing babies is killing babies...it's all good for Noom.

Define "severely malformed". Generally speaking, "malformations" can't be seen until after 20 weeks...and even then, the extent and severity can be very difficult to determine.

What the baby killers always argue is that if there's even a whisper of a chance that a baby isn't 100 percent perfect, it is a monster and must be destroyed. No matter how close to birth.

No tolerance for imperfect babies. Diversity is just a word when it comes to babies...we're only supposed to embrace diversity when it's in reference to sexual deviants.


The "right" is all for saving deformed, mentally ill and probably severly ill fetuses, but don't ask them if they are willing to help pay for the medical expense or raising it....hell they don't even want to do that for children that are alive and healthy but poor...they want to cut their food stamps, and welfare.....and they try to sound so righteous by calling us "Baby Killers"......that is too funny.....

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