fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

There have been quite a few babies born to brain dead mothers...babies who weren't viable when their mothers slipped or were pushed into unconsciousness.

The mother wasn't hurt any by the delay while the hospital, the courts and the family figured out what to do. Better to take the time to get it right, than to jump hastily and make a wrong decision than couldn't be taken back.

The mother wasn't hurt, you say? No, she was just forcibly kept alive against her wishes.

Are you under the impression that her feelings were hurt?

I am thinking of the husband who was prevented from burying his wife.
There have been quite a few babies born to brain dead mothers...babies who weren't viable when their mothers slipped or were pushed into unconsciousness.

The mother wasn't hurt any by the delay while the hospital, the courts and the family figured out what to do. Better to take the time to get it right, than to jump hastily and make a wrong decision than couldn't be taken back.

The mother wasn't hurt, you say? No, she was just forcibly kept alive against her wishes.

Are you under the impression that her feelings were hurt?

How odd..I didn't realize brain dead/medical dead corpses had a will, and thus could be forced to do anything "against their wishes".

It's sort of like claiming that she's being forced to stay alive when she'd dead..but then saying it's her "wish" to be dead. Wait..isn't she being forced to die as well? Either way, she's being forced to do something, since she can exert no control over the situation one way or another. She's forced onto life support...she's forced off. She's forced to live, she's forced to die...and yet we're to grant that dying is the option she would have chosen.
Look at all of them clamouring for another dead baby. What a twisted people they are

tapatalk post

You as well just need to stop and leave. For the same reasons. Go do something else with yourself. This isnt something you get a say in. You dont get a choice in what happened. You are not a player in it, you dont get a voice in this.

I swear if i was the husband you got in my face and started this crap , i would have punched you to the point you would have been like the wife.
People who fight to kill others should die of shame.
People who referred to this woman as a corpse and who were silent at the depiction of the baby as a "sad little monster" should be ashamed.

People who think that people have no value unless they are able to communicate their desire to live in King's English should be ashamed.

You are the monsters. You're the monsters in every age. You never change.

you need to just shut up now. You dont get a say in this matter with the woman. In fact you never will. You and people like you dont get a say in private family matters like this. You should in reality be ashamed of how you have conducted yourself. Sadly you won't because you are a selfish person. A selfish victim who lashes out at people on the internet instead of dealing with your problems. you are a sad person Allie. Its not even fun anymore. You are nothing but a burden to people.

she sure is good at judging people. That would mean that she aint no christian because:

"Judge not, 'lest ye be judged"

its not worth it Dot. these people dont deserve to be given the time of day. You do and that means they have a voice, where they don't have any when it concerns this private matter.
Look at all of them clamouring for another dead baby. What a twisted people they are

tapatalk post

You as well just need to stop and leave. For the same reasons. Go do something else with yourself. This isnt something you get a say in. You dont get a choice in what happened. You are not a player in it, you dont get a voice in this.

I swear if i was the husband you got in my face and started this crap , i would have punched you to the point you would have been like the wife.

Hey you can go fuck off death groupie I am not going anywhere. You sick evil people need to be exposed for what you are.

tapatalk post
you need to just shut up now. You dont get a say in this matter with the woman. In fact you never will. You and people like you dont get a say in private family matters like this. You should in reality be ashamed of how you have conducted yourself. Sadly you won't because you are a selfish person. A selfish victim who lashes out at people on the internet instead of dealing with your problems. you are a sad person Allie. Its not even fun anymore. You are nothing but a burden to people.

she sure is good at judging people. That would mean that she aint no christian because:

"Judge not, 'lest ye be judged"

its not worth it Dot. these people dont deserve to be given the time of day. You do and that means they have a voice, where they don't have any when it concerns this private matter.

Look at this shit thinking he had the high ground when he revels in infanticide

tapatalk post
The mother wasn't hurt, you say? No, she was just forcibly kept alive against her wishes.

Are you under the impression that her feelings were hurt?

I am thinking of the husband who was prevented from burying his wife.

He was able to bury her, once she was declared dead.

Your desire to bury people before they're cold almost surpasses your delight in dispatching them in the first place...
I love it when men who delight in the killing of babies and victimization and butchery of women quote scripture to me as if they have any authority to do so.

Trust me, I will not be held in contempt for advising people to stay their hand when it comes to killing the weak, the innocent, and vulnerable.
People who fight to kill others should die of shame.
People who referred to this woman as a corpse and who were silent at the depiction of the baby as a "sad little monster" should be ashamed.

People who think that people have no value unless they are able to communicate their desire to live in King's English should be ashamed.

You are the monsters. You're the monsters in every age. You never change.


I really think you need therapy. Your craziness on this issue is only going to end in tears.
People who fight to kill others should die of shame.
People who referred to this woman as a corpse and who were silent at the depiction of the baby as a "sad little monster" should be ashamed.

People who think that people have no value unless they are able to communicate their desire to live in King's English should be ashamed.

You are the monsters. You're the monsters in every age. You never change.

Educate yourself.

"Monster" is a medical term.
People who fight to kill others should die of shame.
People who referred to this woman as a corpse and who were silent at the depiction of the baby as a "sad little monster" should be ashamed.

People who think that people have no value unless they are able to communicate their desire to live in King's English should be ashamed.

You are the monsters. You're the monsters in every age. You never change.


I really think you need therapy. Your craziness on this issue is only going to end in tears.

^ that. She's obsessed w/ policing women's naughty bits. :eusa_eh:
People who fight to kill others should die of shame.
People who referred to this woman as a corpse and who were silent at the depiction of the baby as a "sad little monster" should be ashamed.

People who think that people have no value unless they are able to communicate their desire to live in King's English should be ashamed.

You are the monsters. You're the monsters in every age. You never change.


I really think you need therapy. Your craziness on this issue is only going to end in tears.

^ that. She's obsessed w/ policing women's naughty bits. :eusa_eh:

That's pretty much the entire Repub agenda. Its certainly all they talk about.

That and screwing over the poor and working class.

I really think you need therapy. Your craziness on this issue is only going to end in tears.

^ that. She's obsessed w/ policing women's naughty bits. :eusa_eh:

That's pretty much the entire Repub agenda. Its certainly all they talk about.

That and screwing over the poor and working class.

The entire Repub Agenda is to help the 1%ers and MNC get richer.

Whinging about Abortion is how they keep stupid people like Kocher-Ghoul voting against their own economic interests.

Even if those economic policies in fact cause...(wait for it).... more abortions than social democracies in Europe have.
Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.

Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.


So, how does one kill someone who is already dead?

And did you look up the medical definition of "monster"?
Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.


Yes, your habit of referring to women, most of whom are adults and married or in a committed relationship, sluts who can't stop themselves from spreading their legs, is so much more dignified.

You don't giving a rat's ass for the living, for these women or their children, once they've come into the world. You just want to insult, denigrate and control others. You've often said that women shouldn't have sex if they can't accept the consequences.

Babies aren't "consequences". If you choose to have a child, that child deserves to be loved, cared for and wanted. You don't care about any of that.
Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.


Yes, your habit of referring to women, most of whom are adults and married or in a committed relationship, sluts who can't stop themselves from spreading their legs, is so much more dignified.

You don't giving a rat's ass for the living, for these women or their children, once they've come into the world. You just want to insult, denigrate and control others. You've often said that women shouldn't have sex if they can't accept the consequences.

Babies aren't "consequences". If you choose to have a child, that child deserves to be loved, cared for and wanted. You don't care about any of that.

Actually, babies are the natural consequence of sex.

What they aren't is a mistake, or monsters, or medical waste, or unwanted.

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