fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

We know she was planning to have a baby. That much we know for sure.

It's about the only thing we know.

Its Texass.

It doesn't matter what she wanted.

She's dead and her baby is a sad little monster.

And, the damned R will use this tragedy to further their big govt agenda.


Its beyond horrible that this has happened to theis family but can't you just leave them alone? Leave them to grieve. Just leave them alone.

:clap2:The compassion of the baby killers strikes again.
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The mother isn't being killed because she's already dead. Had she not been pregnant, the hospital would have pronounced her dead when she arrived at the hospital.

You are not protecting life. You are prolonging the suffering of the surviving family.

You have spewed heinous vile at the surviving husband suggesting he just wanted to rid himself of his comatose wife and unborn child and even suggesting that the husband was responsible for her condition.

All information presented in court indicated that:

1. The woman was dead:

2. She died from a blood clot in the brain and was beyond help when her husband found her.

3. There is no way of knowing how long the fetus was deprived of oxygen after the mother stopped breathing.

4. All members of the family agreed that the mother had expressed the wish not to be kept alive by machines.

5. The ultra sound confirmed that the fetus was not viable.

And still you accuse this family of killing both mother and child and calling those who turn off the machines murderers.

You seem to enjoy pinning the murderer label on people. You keep insisting that liberals want to murder babies, which is false. Yet you don't want women to have birth control, prenatal care, or maternity leave, all of which reduce abortions and infant mortality.

You just want to run around screaming murderer at everyone.
She IS the most vile, disgusting, perverted, hateful person I have ever met online. Ever.
I don't waste my time with her filth.
Gads you people are dense.

Yes, she is brain dead.

However, the hospital didn't pronounce her dead. They refused to do so. So the family took it to the court, and the court ordered the hospital to remove her life support.

The ghouls are pretending, as they always do, that there was something heinously wrong with the baby...when really, there was no evidence that there was. The baby wasn't non-viable because there was something wrong with him...he was non-viable because he was not old enough to survive. So he will die when the mother is killed. What a joyous occasion for the baby killers.

And yes, someone up above was calling the baby an "it" and I believe a monster as well.

So..tell me...would a hater be the person who is calling for the death of woman and child...or the person who says hold?

How is protecting life indicative of a hatred for it?

You're so psychotic you don't even make the smallest smidgen of sense.

The doctors at that hospital are fucking insane not to say that a DEAD woman is DEAD!
Whatever. I'm sure it's a huge conspiracy among the trained medical personnel to thwart the baby killers of fresh meat.

You do realize that Nazi ideologues had the same horror of imperfection? They were also strong proponents of euthanasia....
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A judge ordered life support withdrawn and the death of the child.

There was no reason given for the ruling. Whether tests showed a severely malformed fetus or whether the left is just so heavily invested in dead babies that the child had to die to support the principle of as many dead children as possible. The father is now free of both wife and child.

Yay now everyone can shuts da fuck up and let the family alone.

Annnnnnd you sick politicizing people still can't control yourselves.

And four more pages later not only have you all shown your complete lack of respect as I knew you would. it becomes crystal clear that you don't give two shits about anything but the party agendas.
It's not politics, it's about the basic definition and defense of humanity. Those of us who hold it dear will continue to fight for it. That's the way it is. Quit whining about it, you are in no way obligated to participate in the discussion.
It's completely about politics. If it wasn't the last six pages wouldn't have happened. And there will be more. I am never wrong.
I'm not angry and bitter. The anger and bitterness comes from the people in this thread calling a poor comatose woman a 'corpse' and her child a malformed monster. There's nothing more hateful, angry or bitter than those who wish to visit death upon others, based on their own squeamishness regarding the pathetic condition that we all suffer as a symptom of our mortality.

She wasn't "Comatose", dumbass. She was dead. the fact that medical science was keeping her corpse alive for another two months was a perversion of science.

The Hospital wasn't trying to save the "baby", it was trying to comply with an insane law.
Whatever. I'm sure it's a huge conspiracy among the trained medical personnel to thwart the baby killers of fresh meat.

You do realize that Nazi ideologues had the same horror of imperfection? They were also strong proponents of euthanasia....

Well you are a doctor..

Man I wish this was 1942..either you would be in a camp or supporting hitler.
No, I'd be smuggling babies out of the camps, and you'd be killing babies and butchering women.
May Marlise Munoz (she has a name, you know ....) finally rest in peace.

Texas Hospital Finally Pulls the Plug on Brain-Dead Pregnant Woman

The fetus, at 14 weeks, was not viable. But Texas' draconian laws and views regarding how to handle pregnancies meant that Munoz and her family had to endure a situation they had no interest in being a part of. "May Marlise Munoz finally rest in peace, and her family find the strength to complete what has been an unbearably long and arduous journey," said the family's lawyers in a statement.
May Marlise Munoz (she has a name, you know ....) finally rest in peace.

Texas Hospital Finally Pulls the Plug on Brain-Dead Pregnant Woman

The fetus, at 14 weeks, was not viable. But Texas' draconian laws and views regarding how to handle pregnancies meant that Munoz and her family had to endure a situation they had no interest in being a part of. "May Marlise Munoz finally rest in peace, and her family find the strength to complete what has been an unbearably long and arduous journey," said the family's lawyers in a statement.
Thank God it's over and her family can get back to their lives and raising her young child.
No, I'd be smuggling babies out of the camps, and you'd be killing babies and butchering women.

There you go, calling someone a butcher or a killer. You're rabid on the topic.

You're so quick to judge others. The Bible says "Judge not lest you be judged". I'd like to be a fly on the wall when you meet The Lord.
May Marlise Munoz (she has a name, you know ....) finally rest in peace.

Texas Hospital Finally Pulls the Plug on Brain-Dead Pregnant Woman

The fetus, at 14 weeks, was not viable. But Texas' draconian laws and views regarding how to handle pregnancies meant that Munoz and her family had to endure a situation they had no interest in being a part of. "May Marlise Munoz finally rest in peace, and her family find the strength to complete what has been an unbearably long and arduous journey," said the family's lawyers in a statement.

Oh...she has a name now...I thought she was *the corpse, and her baby *a sad little monster*.

Funny how when people are alive, you dehumanize them...and when they're dead you are sure they're on your side...
No, I'd be smuggling babies out of the camps, and you'd be killing babies and butchering women.

There you go, calling someone a butcher or a killer. You're rabid on the topic.

You're so quick to judge others. The Bible says "Judge not lest you be judged". I'd like to be a fly on the wall when you meet The Lord.

You won't be.

That comment was in response to a couple of comments from your fellow baby killers, calling me foul names more appropriate to actual baby killers and murderers than someone who is arguing to preserve life.

Apparently you people think it's vile to protect life, and you have the skewed notion that Nazis were in the business of protecting women and children...instead of killing and forcibly aborting them.

And it's funny how enraged you become at me when I defend the vulnerable...and how you then assign your own vicious rage to me.

What's up with that?

Why do you get so angry at people who want to protect pregnant women and their babies from untimely deaths and abuse?

It's kinda weird.

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