fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

And pballs is a misogynistic ghoul.

All he can think of is where he can find the next story that involves a comatose woman and an abortion. His sexual fantasy come true.

Well if they talk like you I agree....you would be better in a coma.
She didn't have an abortion. She wanted her baby to be born. The spouse doesn't want to be saddled with a baby it will cut into his love life. If men could kill off their children when they shed a wife many more children would be dead. A lot of men kill their kids anyway. This guy is anticipating doing it legally.

What an absolutely hateful post.

This poor man lost his wife and knew she didn't want to be kept alive by machines. And now he has the government interfering in what should be a private family matter.

This is yet another example of Big Government crowding out Civil Society, and the role of family, church, and community in the governance of our daily lives.
Agreed. ....nice to see logic coming from you.
Hey, dead baby, dead mom...win/win for the baby killing ghouls.

Your whole attitude toward the living is despicable. You claim to care about the unborn but I seriously doubt it. You just want an excuse to heap abuse on others.

This family has lost a daughter, a wife and a mother - the couple has another child already. This situation has been devastating to the survivors. And there you are acting self righteous and obnoxious.

The fetus was never viable but you wanted the family to maintain the corpse just in case everyone was wrong. The is the very definition of ghoul.

You are correct, from heaping abuse to the definition of KGhoul.

And I hope the husband sues the hospital and wins at least enough to erase his 'debt' to them.
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She didn't have an abortion. She wanted her baby to be born. The spouse doesn't want to be saddled with a baby it will cut into his love life. If men could kill off their children when they shed a wife many more children would be dead. A lot of men kill their kids anyway. This guy is anticipating doing it legally.

What an absolutely hateful post.

This poor man lost his wife and knew she didn't want to be kept alive by machines. And now he has the government interfering in what should be a private family matter.

This is yet another example of Big Government crowding out Civil Society, and the role of family, church, and community in the governance of our daily lives.
Agreed. ....nice to see logic coming from you.

Frell off, loser.
Hey, dead baby, dead mom...win/win for the baby killing ghouls.

Your whole attitude toward the living is despicable. You claim to care about the unborn but I seriously doubt it. You just want an excuse to heap abuse on others.

This family has lost a daughter, a wife and a mother - the couple has another child already. This situation has been devastating to the survivors. And there you are acting self righteous and obnoxious.

The fetus was never viable but you wanted the family to maintain the corpse just in case everyone was wrong. The is the very definition of ghoul.

You are correct, from heaping abuse to the definition of KGhoul.

And I hope the husband sues the hospital and wins at least enough to erase his 'debt' to them.

Ah, yes, he should sue the hospital for keeping his wife and baby alive long enough for the court to decide the issue.

That sets a dandy precedent for future killings. Awesome!
I'm not angry and bitter. The anger and bitterness comes from the people in this thread calling a poor comatose woman a 'corpse' and her child a malformed monster. There's nothing more hateful, angry or bitter than those who wish to visit death upon others, based on their own squeamishness regarding the pathetic condition that we all suffer as a symptom of our mortality.
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Attorneys for the family of a brain-dead pregnant woman who is in life support in a Texas hospital said Wednesday they have medical records showing the fetus is "distinctly abnormal."

They issued the statement, they said, to clear up any “misconceptions about the condition of the fetus.”

Fetus of Texas woman on life support 'distinctly abnormal,' family lawyers say - U.S. News

now we have it...a nice moral debate on 'mercy' killing or following the wishes of the family and now the issue of keeping the host body alive to keep a malformed fetus alive?

Go Red State Texas!!
I'm not angry and bitter. The anger and bitterness comes from the people in this thread calling a poor comatose woman a 'corpse' and her child a malformed monster. There's nothing more hateful, angry or bitter than those who wish to visit death upon others, based on their own squeamishness regarding the pathetic condition that we all suffer as a symptom of our mortality.

Yes you are. And it's beyond strange that everybody can see it but you.
I'm not angry and bitter. The anger and bitterness comes from the people in this thread calling a poor comatose woman a 'corpse' and her child a malformed monster. There's nothing more hateful, angry or bitter than those who wish to visit death upon others, based on their own squeamishness regarding the pathetic condition that we all suffer as a symptom of our mortality.

She is NOT comatose, she is BRAIN DEAD. She is DEAD. Her body, internally, is decomposing. She has been dead since November. Just because a machine is keeping her heart beating doesn't mean there is life in her. Her brain is turning to mush, and the fetus is expected to develop normally? It never had a chance, and nor did she.

How cruel of you to want to keep this poor brain dead woman alive just so a fetus - which would never live anyway - could remain gestating. Think about the husband who just lost his wife, has another son to care for, and is forced to sit by the bedside of a woman he knows in his heart is dead!

FFS have some fucking compassion!
Attorneys for the family of a brain-dead pregnant woman who is in life support in a Texas hospital said Wednesday they have medical records showing the fetus is "distinctly abnormal."

They issued the statement, they said, to clear up any “misconceptions about the condition of the fetus.”

Fetus of Texas woman on life support 'distinctly abnormal,' family lawyers say - U.S. News

now we have it...a nice moral debate on 'mercy' killing or following the wishes of the family and now the issue of keeping the host body alive to keep a malformed fetus alive?

There's no evidence the baby is malformed. The statement said the baby was non-viable because of it's prematurity...not due to "malformations" which may or may not exist.

The woman wasn't dead..the hospital had not pronounced her dead. She was found UNCONSCIOUS...and remained comatose.

"Wallace said that "Mrs. Munoz is dead," meaning that the hospital was misapplying the law. The ruling did not mention the fetus. Marlise Munoz was 14 weeks pregnant when Erick found her unconscious Nov. 26, possibly due to a blood clot. The hospital has not pronounced her dead..."

She wasn't dead because the hospital hadn't pronounced her dead. But her family wanted her dead, so they went to the court, and the court pronounced her dead.


Texas pregnant woman Marlise Munoz hospital ordered to stop life support | abc7chicago.com
I'm not angry and bitter. The anger and bitterness comes from the people in this thread calling a poor comatose woman a 'corpse' and her child a malformed monster. There's nothing more hateful, angry or bitter than those who wish to visit death upon others, based on their own squeamishness regarding the pathetic condition that we all suffer as a symptom of our mortality.

She's not comatose she brain dead - big difference. Comatose people usually wake up. The brain dead are only breathing because the machines force them to. That's not life. That's a cruelty inflicted by those who refuse to accept God's will. There is no life when the brain ceases to live.

No one called the fetus a monster except you.
The hospital has decided that if you are brain dead, you are not actually dead? Bet they'd say she was brain dead if she wasn't pregnant. You cannot have a hospital ignore science. Brain death is death. She is dead, remove life support, and let the husband bury her and move on.
The report said it was not viable, so whether it is "malformed" is immaterial.

The woman is dead.
KG, I would be the first to agree with you. This time one of your wheels is on the wrong rail. It was undisputed that this woman was dead. Not comatose or even measurably brain dead. She is dead in every sense of the word. She was dead when she got to the hospital. The only reason she was put on life support was because of the pregnancy. It is not uncommon for a deceased woman to give birth to perfectly healthy normal children. The child in this case would have been taken by cesarian in two weeks.

We have no idea what evidence was presented to the court that led to this ruling. It could have been an ultrasound or MRI. The judge might have just been a liberal who wants as many dead babies as possible. Assuming that there was demonstrable evidence that the child was not viable, the judge made the correct decision.

The judge did not give immunity or relief to the hospital for breaking the law in removing life support. The hospital is dealing with the prosecutors over that issue right now. The judge effectively ordered the hospital and all treating medical personnel to commit a felony. He will have to find some way out of that legal mess because that law still stands.
The judge did not order the hospital to commit a felony. A felony is a breach of federal laws. The law in question is a state law and even the author of the statute has said the hospital was misinterpreting the law. It was never intended to be applied to those deemed brain dead.
Gads you people are dense.

Yes, she is brain dead.

However, the hospital didn't pronounce her dead. They refused to do so. So the family took it to the court, and the court ordered the hospital to remove her life support.

The ghouls are pretending, as they always do, that there was something heinously wrong with the baby...when really, there was no evidence that there was. The baby wasn't non-viable because there was something wrong with him...he was non-viable because he was not old enough to survive. So he will die when the mother is killed. What a joyous occasion for the baby killers.

And yes, someone up above was calling the baby an "it" and I believe a monster as well.

So..tell me...would a hater be the person who is calling for the death of woman and child...or the person who says hold?

How is protecting life indicative of a hatred for it?

You're so psychotic you don't even make the smallest smidgen of sense.

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