fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

Have the doctors been arrested yet? If they didn't get some kind of immunity, they broke the law as soon as they pulled the plug.
Have the doctors been arrested yet? If they didn't get some kind of immunity, they broke the law as soon as they pulled the plug.

Bullshit. They broke no law. The law says you can't withhold "life saving" treatment from a terminally ill pregnant woman.

This patient's life has ended. She is not terminally ill, she's clinically dead. There is no life saving treatment which can help her.
May Marlise Munoz (she has a name, you know ....) finally rest in peace.

Texas Hospital Finally Pulls the Plug on Brain-Dead Pregnant Woman

The fetus, at 14 weeks, was not viable. But Texas' draconian laws and views regarding how to handle pregnancies meant that Munoz and her family had to endure a situation they had no interest in being a part of. "May Marlise Munoz finally rest in peace, and her family find the strength to complete what has been an unbearably long and arduous journey," said the family's lawyers in a statement.

RIP Marlise.
Have the doctors been arrested yet? If they didn't get some kind of immunity, they broke the law as soon as they pulled the plug.

The judge ordered them to. Doesn't that mean the judge has to answer any questions arising?

No. The judge who gave the disconnect order is a civil court judge. A judge hearing a criminal action for violation of state law would be a criminal court judge.

I have really never heard of a judge ordering anyone to break a state law before. The last I heard of it, the hospital was talking to prosecutors trying to work out some kind of deal.
the order was given after the hospital admitted that the foetus wasn't viable. I already posted that in the other thread.

That's one defense. Hopefully proveable.

The supervising judge in the criminal court should sit with all parties and agree to some kind of immunity, or get the prosecutors to exercise prosecutorial discretion and drop the whole thing. As it stands now, slam dunk the hospital broke the law.

They did it pursuant to court order. That's a defense.
the order was given after the hospital admitted that the foetus wasn't viable. I already posted that in the other thread.

If the fetus wasn't viable, and the mother was brain dead, there was no point keeping either of them 'alive'.
Whomever it was that posted the husband wanted rid of the wife and the baby and this was just his excuse to dump them both...should be ashamed.
People who fight to kill others should die of shame.
People who referred to this woman as a corpse and who were silent at the depiction of the baby as a "sad little monster" should be ashamed.

People who think that people have no value unless they are able to communicate their desire to live in King's English should be ashamed.

You are the monsters. You're the monsters in every age. You never change.
the order was given after the hospital admitted that the foetus wasn't viable. I already posted that in the other thread.

If the fetus wasn't viable, and the mother was brain dead, there was no point keeping either of them 'alive'.

There have been quite a few babies born to brain dead mothers...babies who weren't viable when their mothers slipped or were pushed into unconsciousness.

The mother wasn't hurt any by the delay while the hospital, the courts and the family figured out what to do. Better to take the time to get it right, than to jump hastily and make a wrong decision than couldn't be taken back.
Too bad the death merchants are afraid to rely on medical evidence instead of opinion. Produce a 4D ultrasound documenting such deformity. It's very simple, and very cheap.

And who should make the decision to remove life support from this poor woman?

Let the court decide. If the baby is deformed and cannot survive, let them both die. If the child can be taken at a viable stage of gestation (as has been done MANY times before), then let the child survive. This woman's last wish is that her child live. Can't that get some measure of respect?

You know the minute a progressive hears of a defenceless unborn baby they start salivating at the thought of killing it

tapatalk post
the order was given after the hospital admitted that the foetus wasn't viable. I already posted that in the other thread.

If the fetus wasn't viable, and the mother was brain dead, there was no point keeping either of them 'alive'.

There have been quite a few babies born to brain dead mothers...babies who weren't viable when their mothers slipped or were pushed into unconsciousness.

The mother wasn't hurt any by the delay while the hospital, the courts and the family figured out what to do. Better to take the time to get it right, than to jump hastily and make a wrong decision than couldn't be taken back.

The mother wasn't hurt, you say? No, she was just forcibly kept alive against her wishes.
People who fight to kill others should die of shame.
People who referred to this woman as a corpse and who were silent at the depiction of the baby as a "sad little monster" should be ashamed.

People who think that people have no value unless they are able to communicate their desire to live in King's English should be ashamed.

You are the monsters. You're the monsters in every age. You never change.

you need to just shut up now. You dont get a say in this matter with the woman. In fact you never will. You and people like you dont get a say in private family matters like this. You should in reality be ashamed of how you have conducted yourself. Sadly you won't because you are a selfish person. A selfish victim who lashes out at people on the internet instead of dealing with your problems. you are a sad person Allie. Its not even fun anymore. You are nothing but a burden to people.
Well, KG! the sad part is, the woman is a corpse. The sequence of events is, Marlise had an aneurysm and died. She was taken to the hospital and put on life support because pursuant to state law all pregnant women are put on life support. Not to keep her alive but to maintain the baby. Marlise was already dead. Had there been no state law, there wouldn't have been any life support.

The medical question was what effect did the deprivation of oxygen have on the baby between the moment of death and when the ventillator was attached? She was 14 weeks along when she died, but the baby has been developing and is now 22 weeks along. Still alive! In two weeks, it could be taken by ceasarian.

We are told that evidence was presented that the effect of oxygen deprivation between Marlise's death and the attachment of the ventillator rendered the child not viable and the plug was pulled.

To me, they could have waited the two weeks and seen what happened. If daddy dearest wanted to, he could have parted the kid out to newborns who needed transplants.
This is just...horrendous. Evil lurks this thread, in the guise of caring for a baby when in essence, it chitters it's teeth with glee at the evil it spreads and has NOTHING to do with a baby.

Unsubscribed. Shunning. Ignoring.
If the fetus wasn't viable, and the mother was brain dead, there was no point keeping either of them 'alive'.

There have been quite a few babies born to brain dead mothers...babies who weren't viable when their mothers slipped or were pushed into unconsciousness.

The mother wasn't hurt any by the delay while the hospital, the courts and the family figured out what to do. Better to take the time to get it right, than to jump hastily and make a wrong decision than couldn't be taken back.

The mother wasn't hurt, you say? No, she was just forcibly kept alive against her wishes.

Are you under the impression that her feelings were hurt?
People who fight to kill others should die of shame.
People who referred to this woman as a corpse and who were silent at the depiction of the baby as a "sad little monster" should be ashamed.

People who think that people have no value unless they are able to communicate their desire to live in King's English should be ashamed.

You are the monsters. You're the monsters in every age. You never change.

you need to just shut up now. You dont get a say in this matter with the woman. In fact you never will. You and people like you dont get a say in private family matters like this. You should in reality be ashamed of how you have conducted yourself. Sadly you won't because you are a selfish person. A selfish victim who lashes out at people on the internet instead of dealing with your problems. you are a sad person Allie. Its not even fun anymore. You are nothing but a burden to people.

she sure is good at judging people. That would mean that she aint no christian because:

"Judge not, 'lest ye be judged"
Trig Palin is considered malformed to these people and this is the main reason they hate Sarah . She committed the ultimate sin to them she didn't kill him

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