fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.


Yes, your habit of referring to women, most of whom are adults and married or in a committed relationship, sluts who can't stop themselves from spreading their legs, is so much more dignified.

You don't giving a rat's ass for the living, for these women or their children, once they've come into the world. You just want to insult, denigrate and control others. You've often said that women shouldn't have sex if they can't accept the consequences.

Babies aren't "consequences". If you choose to have a child, that child deserves to be loved, cared for and wanted. You don't care about any of that.

Do a search of the word "sluts" and post my multiple references to the word, in comparison to any of the rabid baby killers on here.
Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.


No, what is demeaning is forcing a woman who is brain dead to stay on life support so her unborn child can slowly die inside of her. The state of Texas is Policing this family's rights.
Only a cold person would want her to stay on life support. Have some humanity, shit.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
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The hospital was not applying the law correctly according to the judge.

Over and done.
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Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.


No, what is demeaning is forcing a woman who is brain dead to stay on life support so her unborn child can slowly die inside of her. The state of Texas is Policing this family's rights.
Only a cold person would want her to stay on life support. Have some humanity, shit.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

What is demeaning is calling that woman a corpse, her child a monster, and pretending that any objection to keeping her alive has something to do with "naughty bits".

That's demeaning.

But you don't know what demeaning is or you wouldn't continue to make an idiot of yourself the way you do... so you get a pass.
What also boggles the mind is the baby killers' assertion that a woman continues to have the *right* and *obligation* to kill her baby, even after they claim the woman is dead.

That's some screwed up logic.
Ah, I knew it would come.

The justification for killing the apparently already dead corpse is to keep anyone from policing her *naughty bits*...and it is by her *naughty bits* that the ghouls on this board identify her.

Yeah, that's not demeaning to women or anything.


No, what is demeaning is forcing a woman who is brain dead to stay on life support so her unborn child can slowly die inside of her. The state of Texas is Policing this family's rights.
Only a cold person would want her to stay on life support. Have some humanity, shit.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

What is demeaning is calling that woman a corpse, her child a monster, and pretending that any objection to keeping her alive has something to do with "naughty bits".

That's demeaning.

But you don't know what demeaning is or you wouldn't continue to make an idiot of yourself the way you do... so you get a pass.

You talk about being demeaning, then write a personal demeaning attack?

I made an idiot of myself? You want to force a man to keep his wife on child support so his child can slowly die inside her or as soon as it is delivered.
No, Allie, you are demeaning to this woman and her family. Get over yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
What also boggles the mind is the baby killers' assertion that a woman continues to have the *right* and *obligation* to kill her baby, even after they claim the woman is dead.

That's some screwed up logic.

You are a lunatic.
Keeping her on life support isn't being pro life and letting her die and her child die isn't an abortion. They are using modern technology to keep two people alive that will never survive without life support.
You are a heartless woman, keeping that baby alive by forcing it's mother to stay on life support isn't pro life, it's torture.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
As I said, it's just evidence that death cultists are NOT just interested in killing babies in utero.

Their pro-death interests are much more all-encompassing than that.
What also boggles the mind is the baby killers' assertion that a woman continues to have the *right* and *obligation* to kill her baby, even after they claim the woman is dead.

That's some screwed up logic.

You are a lunatic.
Keeping her on life support isn't being pro life and letting her die and her child die isn't an abortion. They are using modern technology to keep two people alive that will never survive without life support.
You are a heartless woman, keeping that baby alive by forcing it's mother to stay on life support isn't pro life, it's torture.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

Let it go dear..you are giving her a voice when there is none to have. Starve the monster, don't feed it.
As I said, it's just evidence that death cultists are NOT just interested in killing babies in utero.

Their pro-death interests are much more all-encompassing than that.

While you are pro torture. Good for you. God would love it.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
And who pays for it? The husband, who wanted to bury his wife months ago, but was force to keep her alive?

A 4D ultrasound is $35.00 the court pays expert costs all the time. It can pony up $35.00.

Is the state of Texas going to pay to raise the baby until the age of 18? Or will the father be stuck with that?

Cons love a baby until it's born then their love is conditional on who you were born to. Born to a welfare mother you automatically become scum, a taker. That is until you turn 18, then they love you again.
No, you are the ones who maintain the babies of welfare mothers are without worth, and therefore nothing but meat for the abortion mill.

We maintain there are no unwanted babies, and we fund the homes and programs for single mothers and provide the adoptive parents to prove it.
And looky who is still right as always. The disrespect for the family goes on.

So a family has the right to kill a baby?

No that would be infanticide, or murder. Abortion isn't considered infanticide in this country.

What you consider it and what it truly is is two separate things.... How is the Mothers right to do what she wants with her own body served with others deciding to kill her child? Another proof that what you all really care about is killing babies.
Healthy babies are delivered to dead mothers, which was the reason for the law in the first place.

Healthy Baby Born From Brain-Dead Mother Confirms Hospital Dilemma

A baby has been delivered by Cesarean section at 27 weeks, after the brain-dead mother was held alive on a ventilator. The baby was only 15-weeks-old when its mother suffered a stroke and was declared brain-dead. The child’s 31-year-old mother was removed from life support just two days after the child was born. Texas hospital hopes for a chance at the same miracle.

Baby Born To Brain-Dead Mother 3 Months After Woman's Declared Death
The woman's family and doctors had to make a choice: Should they keep the mother on life support so the 15-week-old fetus would have a shot at life? The answer was yes, and three months later the baby boy was born to a brain-dead mother at 27 weeks.

Delivered prematurely via cesarean section in July, the baby boy weighed in at 3 pounds, 2 ounces. Physicians at University of Debrecen Medical and Health Science Center announced the unique birth Wednesday and said the infant is healthy and home with his family, the Agence France-Presse reports.

This woman died from the same kind of aneurysm that killed Munoz
Brain dead mom gives birth to twins while on life support - CBS News

"Every week was a good sign," said an aunt, Danyell Bolden, referring to March when her niece was being sustained by machines. "We felt like we lost her but, God willing, we'll have something of hers. There's a lot of prayer."

Terrell recalled the phone call from his sister announcing that she was having twins.

"She said, `You're going be there for your nephews when I have them.' I just went crazy," Terrell said of his excitement. "I know she wants the babies to be with us. This has brought our family together."

It's American liberals that are invested in dead babies. Anything to kill that baby. Deny all the science and medical advances in the world to make sure that baby dies. Every live baby is a failure of abortion.

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