fetus of woman on forced life support malformed?

i did a quick layman's living will this am.....simple....if i go south...its all up to my spouse....the person i trust most in this world...i do not want court interference or involvement in any thing like this....this is a family decision
Hey, dead baby, dead mom...win/win for the baby killing ghouls.

Your whole attitude toward the living is despicable. You claim to care about the unborn but I seriously doubt it. You just want an excuse to heap abuse on others.

This family has lost a daughter, a wife and a mother - the couple has another child already. This situation has been devastating to the survivors. And there you are acting self righteous and obnoxious.

The fetus was never viable but you wanted the family to maintain the corpse just in case everyone was wrong. The is the very definition of ghoul.
A sad situation. May they both RIP in the lords loving arms and prayers to the family.
Annnnnnd you sick politicizing people still can't control yourselves.
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except we don't knopw what were HER wishes, if we talk strictly from the lawful point of view.
It is what he CLAIMS.

With absolutely no proof to back it.

Terri Schiavo variation all over again.

And the prenatal ultrasound is false-posirive almost in 50% of the cases, BTW.
You won't believe how many absolutley healthy babies, kids and adults I know who have had an abysmal diagnosis with an US. Including hydrocephalus, abnormal heart, Down's and couple of others - all absolutely FALSE.

It is not a proof of anything - neither US, nor even an MRI( which she did not have)

Too many variables in the picture to side definitely with any side and ultrasound diagnostics are the least of the argumentation.

There is a major difference between this and Schiavo.

First, there is no doubt this woman stated that she did not want to be kept alive by a machine. Unlike Schiavo, her family agrees with her husband, this is what she would want.

The other difference is this woman is completely brain dead, unlike Schaivo, where just the higher functions were dead. (Schaivo's heart and lungs still worked on their own.)

And how do you know that? did you see the living will? oh, no, you did not, as it does not exist. That's what I thought - you believed the husband. How convenient :lol:

I guess I have to chew it up for you - I am talking about the absence of the WRITTEN will of the wife, which is IDENTICAL with the Terri Schiavo situation - the supposed "will" by the wife is relayed by the husband, which in BOTH cases, albeit by different reasons, might have had the interest of "pulling the plug" and stating it to be the wishes of the wife, which there is no proof of whatsoever.

The clinical picture does not matter.

Well, no. IN Schiavo's case, her parents and siblings claimed that she was so devoted to her invisible sky man she would want her body kept alive.

In this case, her parents and siblings all agreed, she never would have wanted to be kept alive in these circumstances. And it kind of made sense, since she was an EMT and probably saw a lot of this sort of stuff.

Not one family member objected to pulling the plug. It was this hospital, afraid the State would swoop in and sanction them for not following Retard Rick's Law on Breeding Machines.

Thankfully, we have judges with more sense than the guy who couldn't name which three agencies he'd eliminate.

Oh, yeah, and again.

This lady was ONLY being kept alive by a machine

Schaivo was alive, but had to be starved to death.

After this post, I honestly hope your claims of being a medical professional are an internet lie, because I would hate to think any patient might be exposed to you....
Hey, dead baby, dead mom...win/win for the baby killing ghouls.

Your whole attitude toward the living is despicable. You claim to care about the unborn but I seriously doubt it. You just want an excuse to heap abuse on others.

This family has lost a daughter, a wife and a mother - the couple has another child already. This situation has been devastating to the survivors. And there you are acting self righteous and obnoxious.

The fetus was never viable but you wanted the family to maintain the corpse just in case everyone was wrong. The is the very definition of ghoul.

"The corpse". That's funny.

You ghouls are disgusting.
so the hospital came out and said that the foetus wasn't viable and the resident anti-choicer/Big Gov't Conservative (oxymoron) flips-out. Quelle surprise!!! :doubt:
Hey, dead baby, dead mom...win/win for the baby killing ghouls.

Your whole attitude toward the living is despicable. You claim to care about the unborn but I seriously doubt it. You just want an excuse to heap abuse on others.

This family has lost a daughter, a wife and a mother - the couple has another child already. This situation has been devastating to the survivors. And there you are acting self righteous and obnoxious.

The fetus was never viable but you wanted the family to maintain the corpse just in case everyone was wrong. The is the very definition of ghoul.

"The corpse". That's funny.

You ghouls are disgusting.

You should fly down there and save it.
Hey, dead baby, dead mom...win/win for the baby killing ghouls.

Your whole attitude toward the living is despicable. You claim to care about the unborn but I seriously doubt it. You just want an excuse to heap abuse on others.

This family has lost a daughter, a wife and a mother - the couple has another child already. This situation has been devastating to the survivors. And there you are acting self righteous and obnoxious.

The fetus was never viable but you wanted the family to maintain the corpse just in case everyone was wrong. The is the very definition of ghoul.

"The corpse". That's funny.

You ghouls are disgusting.

No, what is disgusting is keeping a woman on life support who is dead and let her deformed baby slowly die too. That is what is disgusting.
They can't even tell the sex of the baby. It will never live outside of the womb.
Thankfully the state of Texas can't force her husband to go through this hell anymore and he can grieve his wife and child in peace.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers
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Your whole attitude toward the living is despicable. You claim to care about the unborn but I seriously doubt it. You just want an excuse to heap abuse on others.

This family has lost a daughter, a wife and a mother - the couple has another child already. This situation has been devastating to the survivors. And there you are acting self righteous and obnoxious.

The fetus was never viable but you wanted the family to maintain the corpse just in case everyone was wrong. The is the very definition of ghoul.

"The corpse". That's funny.

You ghouls are disgusting.

No, what is disgusting is keeping a woman on life support who is dead and let her deformed baby slowly die too. That is what is disgusting.
They can't even tell the sex of the baby. It will never live outside of the womb.
Thankfully the state of Texas can't force her husband go through this hell anymore and he can grieve his wife and child in peace.

Sent from my iPhone using no lube, maximizing the butt hurt in right wingers

^ that
Kosher and the right are all about exploiting anything for thier agendas.a family is torn apart and all they can think of is their own selfish greed.
And pballs is a misogynistic ghoul.

All he can think of is where he can find the next story that involves a comatose woman and an abortion. His sexual fantasy come true.
She didn't have an abortion. She wanted her baby to be born. The spouse doesn't want to be saddled with a baby it will cut into his love life. If men could kill off their children when they shed a wife many more children would be dead. A lot of men kill their kids anyway. This guy is anticipating doing it legally.

What an absolutely hateful post.

This poor man lost his wife and knew she didn't want to be kept alive by machines. And now he has the government interfering in what should be a private family matter.

This is yet another example of Big Government crowding out Civil Society, and the role of family, church, and community in the governance of our daily lives.

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