Fewer Democrats..Fewer Lefties..Fewer illegal Mexicans..More God=Almost no shootings.

Beats the lying liberal bullshit you peddle....
So you admit this is is about focing your so-called god on us.

Who is saying forcing " a god on you"

It's called picking a side good or evil..

You pick evil.. it's obvious.

Also, seeing as it was your wish that Trump was POTUS (your own words) then you have sided with the immoral.
hat makes you evil as good would never side with the immoral.

How so? He said stopped liberals from taking over the supreme court and I totally enjoy Trump trolling the left...

It's like Christmas morning every day.

Adultery is an immoral act. Trump committed adultery, thus he is immoral. You support Trump (even without voting for him), which means you support immorality, which makes you on the side of evil, as good cannot ever support immorality.

You lowered the bar with Bill , so what's your point?

The only way to beat the lefts childish games anymore in politics is to go as low as them.
Force your so-called god on people?

Lefties are real quick to suggest a loss of Liberty for the Right as a solution....but doesn’t it make more sense for the perpetrators and the filthy humans that manifest these actions to lose liberties first?

It make more sense. So say it’s potentate “Broke loser” having to deal with this. How do you identify those perps and filthy humans, and what do we do with them when we find them? Look in the Bible, God don’t want to be anywhere near these shitty politics. It’s also lazy and an extremely wornout talking point. I hear “Gawd in school” it’s like hearing “universal background check” it’s that lame and just as lazy as those who say ban guns. God blesses the pagens along with the saints. That’s a not so direct quote from the Bible. Simply being involved with these kids would go allot further then tossing them a Bible to keep schools safe.
Force your so-called god on people?

There you have it folks, stop all the deep thought trivia.
Get families back in church, God back in schools, prohibit educators from programming children with Liberal ideology and run every anchor baby dropping illegal piece of shit out of here starting TODAY. Problem solved.


Thank G-d our first amendment keeps you wackjobs from forcing your religion on everyone else.

now be quiet and go read the constitution even though I know rightwingnuts only care about the 2nd amendment.

Trump supporters, "Don't tell me what to say, what to think, what to feel, what to do ... rather, you must say what I say, think what I think, feel what I feel, and do as I do."

Legitimately the most primitive mindset available to mankind. Sounds familiar, right (fundamentalist Islam, cough**)?


You Wacks are either looking for solutions or you’re not. Which is it? I thought you were outraged?

not YOUR idiot solutions.

perhaps if NRA shills were smarter and actually cared about dead kids.

This has nothing to do with guns it has everything to do with liberals and anything goes ..

Liberal logic.

Translation~ you can't out debate me


you are the masterdebater...or is that masterbater? I always get it confused with you

All you are doing is proving my point, you have to divert the topic of the thread and start attacking people we who are saying the root cause is liberalism and their quest for a modern day anything goes Sodom and gormorrah..

Satan is proud of you :)

You are delusional if you think that conservatives are any more moral than liberals.

Their is not many conservative's left in the United States ... They all died out..

Hell I am not even a conservative.

There are not many moral people left in the united states, regardless of their political persuasion.

Exactly, and who's fault is that?

Liberalism.....in the 1960's started this bullshit.

Force your so-called god on people?

There you have it folks, stop all the deep thought trivia.
Get families back in church, God back in schools, prohibit educators from programming children with Liberal ideology and run every anchor baby dropping illegal piece of shit out of here starting TODAY. Problem solved.


Thank G-d our first amendment keeps you wackjobs from forcing your religion on everyone else.

now be quiet and go read the constitution even though I know rightwingnuts only care about the 2nd amendment.

Trump supporters, "Don't tell me what to say, what to think, what to feel, what to do ... rather, you must say what I say, think what I think, feel what I feel, and do as I do."

Legitimately the most primitive mindset available to mankind. Sounds familiar, right (fundamentalist Islam, cough**)?

You Wacks are either looking for solutions or you’re not. Which is it? I thought you were outraged?

We do not want solutions from racist partisan zealots.
It only took 3 pages for you loons to play the race card.
Like I said earlier you can't deny the deterioration of our schools since God was taken out.

And now these tards want to make it worse and take out the national anthem from our schools..

It's obvious the quest for liberals and their modern day Sodom and gormorrah... anything goes blame an object instead of the behavior.
Force your so-called god on people?

Thank G-d our first amendment keeps you wackjobs from forcing your religion on everyone else.

now be quiet and go read the constitution even though I know rightwingnuts only care about the 2nd amendment.

Trump supporters, "Don't tell me what to say, what to think, what to feel, what to do ... rather, you must say what I say, think what I think, feel what I feel, and do as I do."

Legitimately the most primitive mindset available to mankind. Sounds familiar, right (fundamentalist Islam, cough**)?

You Wacks are either looking for solutions or you’re not. Which is it? I thought you were outraged?

not YOUR idiot solutions.

perhaps if NRA shills were smarter and actually cared about dead kids.

This has nothing to do with guns it has everything to do with liberals and anything goes ..



Oblivious to the fact we never had mass shootings before the 1960s when liberals took over society?

What their was one?
Probably because there was guns at school.
Force your so-called god on people?

Say what you will, my kids went to an Episcopal school where they revered our "so called GOD", nobody was shot.

My kids go to a public school...nobody has been shot. God has nothing to do with whether or not your school experiences violence and you're being incredibly ridiculous even proposing that it does.
Force your so-called god on people?

Lefties are real quick to suggest a loss of Liberty for the Right as a solution....but doesn’t it make more sense for the perpetrators and the filthy humans that manifest these actions to lose liberties first?

It make more sense. So say it’s potentate “Broke loser” having to deal with this. How do you identify those perps and filthy humans, and what do we do with them when we find them? Look in the Bible, God don’t want to be anywhere near these shitty politics. It’s also lazy and an extremely wornout talking point. I hear “Gawd in school” it’s like hearing “universal background check” it’s that lame and just as lazy as those who say ban guns. God blesses the pagens along with the saints. That’s a not so direct quote from the Bible. Simply being involved with these kids would go allot further then tossing them a Bible to keep schools safe.

No it wouldn't. Thou shalt not kill used to go a long way in preventing these mass murders. You kicked God out and Satan waltzed right in to fill the void. Nice work.
Bod, you have nothing to fear. God doesn't force Himself on anyone. The choice is yours.
Force your so-called god on people?

Say what you will, my kids went to an Episcopal school where they revered our "so called GOD", nobody was shot.

My kids go to a public school...nobody has been shot. God has nothing to do with whether or not your school experiences violence and you're being incredibly ridiculous even proposing that it does.

So your kids school teaches right from wrong ,the Bible's principal and what the Constitution was founded on..

The more I see guns is irelevant to this conversation.. it has more to do with society and how far we are destroying morals ..
Like I said earlier you can't deny the deterioration of our schools since God was taken out.

And now these tards want to make it worse and take out the national anthem from our schools..

It's obvious the quest for liberals and their modern day Sodom and gormorrah... anything goes blame an object instead of the behavior.
Yes take out anything moral and teach young kids it's okay to be gay. Oh and if you want to change your gender, I will help you without your parents knowing. Also little girl, if you get pregnant I will take you to get an abortion and your parents will not to be told. The liberal way, but absolutely not teach them about God and to treat others with respect.
Force your so-called god on people?

Lefties are real quick to suggest a loss of Liberty for the Right as a solution....but doesn’t it make more sense for the perpetrators and the filthy humans that manifest these actions to lose liberties first?

It make more sense. So say it’s potentate “Broke loser” having to deal with this. How do you identify those perps and filthy humans, and what do we do with them when we find them? Look in the Bible, God don’t want to be anywhere near these shitty politics. It’s also lazy and an extremely wornout talking point. I hear “Gawd in school” it’s like hearing “universal background check” it’s that lame and just as lazy as those who say ban guns. God blesses the pagens along with the saints. That’s a not so direct quote from the Bible. Simply being involved with these kids would go allot further then tossing them a Bible to keep schools safe.

No it wouldn't. Thou shalt not kill used to go a long way in preventing these mass murders. You kicked God out and Satan waltzed right in to fill the void. Nice work.
Bod, you have nothing to fear. God doesn't force Himself on anyone. The choice is yours.

Yeah, but even says in the Bible, knowing it’s wrong to murder is common knowledge. Even pagens know it’s wrong to kill people. Your Satan has always been there per the Bible. How ever you look at it, simply asking a kid how they are doing now an then would go a long way towards getting them to listen about god rather then bashing them in the face with a Bible when something bad happens.
Force your so-called god on people?

Lefties are real quick to suggest a loss of Liberty for the Right as a solution....but doesn’t it make more sense for the perpetrators and the filthy humans that manifest these actions to lose liberties first?

It make more sense. So say it’s potentate “Broke loser” having to deal with this. How do you identify those perps and filthy humans, and what do we do with them when we find them? Look in the Bible, God don’t want to be anywhere near these shitty politics. It’s also lazy and an extremely wornout talking point. I hear “Gawd in school” it’s like hearing “universal background check” it’s that lame and just as lazy as those who say ban guns. God blesses the pagens along with the saints. That’s a not so direct quote from the Bible. Simply being involved with these kids would go allot further then tossing them a Bible to keep schools safe.

No it wouldn't. Thou shalt not kill used to go a long way in preventing these mass murders. You kicked God out and Satan waltzed right in to fill the void. Nice work.
Bod, you have nothing to fear. God doesn't force Himself on anyone. The choice is yours.


Thou shall not kill

Only justification I can see one shall kill is in defense or to eat animals..

Not to abort babies, it's legal and all but morally wrong.
Force your so-called god on people?

Lefties are real quick to suggest a loss of Liberty for the Right as a solution....but doesn’t it make more sense for the perpetrators and the filthy humans that manifest these actions to lose liberties first?

It make more sense. So say it’s potentate “Broke loser” having to deal with this. How do you identify those perps and filthy humans, and what do we do with them when we find them? Look in the Bible, God don’t want to be anywhere near these shitty politics. It’s also lazy and an extremely wornout talking point. I hear “Gawd in school” it’s like hearing “universal background check” it’s that lame and just as lazy as those who say ban guns. God blesses the pagens along with the saints. That’s a not so direct quote from the Bible. Simply being involved with these kids would go allot further then tossing them a Bible to keep schools safe.

No it wouldn't. Thou shalt not kill used to go a long way in preventing these mass murders. You kicked God out and Satan waltzed right in to fill the void. Nice work.
Bod, you have nothing to fear. God doesn't force Himself on anyone. The choice is yours.

Yeah, but even says in the Bible, knowing it’s wrong to murder is common knowledge. Even pagens know it’s wrong to kill people. Your Satan has always been there per the Bible. How ever you look at it, simply asking a kid how they are doing now an then would go a long way towards getting them to listen about god rather then bashing them in the face with a Bible when something bad happens.

Ive never seen anyone bash anyone in the face with a Bible....Literally or figuratively speaking. Sounds dramatic though.
Force your so-called god on people?

Lefties are real quick to suggest a loss of Liberty for the Right as a solution....but doesn’t it make more sense for the perpetrators and the filthy humans that manifest these actions to lose liberties first?

It make more sense. So say it’s potentate “Broke loser” having to deal with this. How do you identify those perps and filthy humans, and what do we do with them when we find them? Look in the Bible, God don’t want to be anywhere near these shitty politics. It’s also lazy and an extremely wornout talking point. I hear “Gawd in school” it’s like hearing “universal background check” it’s that lame and just as lazy as those who say ban guns. God blesses the pagens along with the saints. That’s a not so direct quote from the Bible. Simply being involved with these kids would go allot further then tossing them a Bible to keep schools safe.

No it wouldn't. Thou shalt not kill used to go a long way in preventing these mass murders. You kicked God out and Satan waltzed right in to fill the void. Nice work.
Bod, you have nothing to fear. God doesn't force Himself on anyone. The choice is yours.


Thou shall not kill

Only justification I can see one shall kill is in defense or to eat animals..

Not to abort babies, it's legal and all but morally wrong.

It is, and you don’t have to be a Christian to believe that. Even says so in the good book. Teaching John 3:16 in school won’t stop shootings. But being involved will.
There you have it folks, stop all the deep thought trivia.
Get families back in church, God back in schools, prohibit educators from programming children with Liberal ideology and run every anchor baby dropping illegal piece of shit out of here starting TODAY. Problem solved.

What... like stop the championing of 'Moral Relativism' and go back to our National roots, stemming from Judaeo Christian principles....
Force your so-called god on people?

Lefties are real quick to suggest a loss of Liberty for the Right as a solution....but doesn’t it make more sense for the perpetrators and the filthy humans that manifest these actions to lose liberties first?

It make more sense. So say it’s potentate “Broke loser” having to deal with this. How do you identify those perps and filthy humans, and what do we do with them when we find them? Look in the Bible, God don’t want to be anywhere near these shitty politics. It’s also lazy and an extremely wornout talking point. I hear “Gawd in school” it’s like hearing “universal background check” it’s that lame and just as lazy as those who say ban guns. God blesses the pagens along with the saints. That’s a not so direct quote from the Bible. Simply being involved with these kids would go allot further then tossing them a Bible to keep schools safe.

No it wouldn't. Thou shalt not kill used to go a long way in preventing these mass murders. You kicked God out and Satan waltzed right in to fill the void. Nice work.
Bod, you have nothing to fear. God doesn't force Himself on anyone. The choice is yours.

Yeah, but even says in the Bible, knowing it’s wrong to murder is common knowledge. Even pagens know it’s wrong to kill people. Your Satan has always been there per the Bible. How ever you look at it, simply asking a kid how they are doing now an then would go a long way towards getting them to listen about god rather then bashing them in the face with a Bible when something bad happens.

Ive never seen anyone bash anyone in the face with a Bible....Literally or figuratively speaking. Sounds dramatic though.

It is. And as annoying as hearing infowhores blather about machine guns in children’s hand and the NRA is a terriorist group.
Force your so-called god on people?

Lefties are real quick to suggest a loss of Liberty for the Right as a solution....but doesn’t it make more sense for the perpetrators and the filthy humans that manifest these actions to lose liberties first?

It make more sense. So say it’s potentate “Broke loser” having to deal with this. How do you identify those perps and filthy humans, and what do we do with them when we find them? Look in the Bible, God don’t want to be anywhere near these shitty politics. It’s also lazy and an extremely wornout talking point. I hear “Gawd in school” it’s like hearing “universal background check” it’s that lame and just as lazy as those who say ban guns. God blesses the pagens along with the saints. That’s a not so direct quote from the Bible. Simply being involved with these kids would go allot further then tossing them a Bible to keep schools safe.

No it wouldn't. Thou shalt not kill used to go a long way in preventing these mass murders. You kicked God out and Satan waltzed right in to fill the void. Nice work.
Bod, you have nothing to fear. God doesn't force Himself on anyone. The choice is yours.

Yeah, but even says in the Bible, knowing it’s wrong to murder is common knowledge. Even pagens know it’s wrong to kill people. Your Satan has always been there per the Bible. How ever you look at it, simply asking a kid how they are doing now an then would go a long way towards getting them to listen about god rather then bashing them in the face with a Bible when something bad happens.

Ive never seen anyone bash anyone in the face with a Bible....Literally or figuratively speaking. Sounds dramatic though.

It's all about justification in their imoral life styles .. I don't justify the evil crap I did in my life..

I did it , I knew it was wrong and evil..

But I refuse to justify it.
Lefties are real quick to suggest a loss of Liberty for the Right as a solution....but doesn’t it make more sense for the perpetrators and the filthy humans that manifest these actions to lose liberties first?

It make more sense. So say it’s potentate “Broke loser” having to deal with this. How do you identify those perps and filthy humans, and what do we do with them when we find them? Look in the Bible, God don’t want to be anywhere near these shitty politics. It’s also lazy and an extremely wornout talking point. I hear “Gawd in school” it’s like hearing “universal background check” it’s that lame and just as lazy as those who say ban guns. God blesses the pagens along with the saints. That’s a not so direct quote from the Bible. Simply being involved with these kids would go allot further then tossing them a Bible to keep schools safe.

No it wouldn't. Thou shalt not kill used to go a long way in preventing these mass murders. You kicked God out and Satan waltzed right in to fill the void. Nice work.
Bod, you have nothing to fear. God doesn't force Himself on anyone. The choice is yours.

Yeah, but even says in the Bible, knowing it’s wrong to murder is common knowledge. Even pagens know it’s wrong to kill people. Your Satan has always been there per the Bible. How ever you look at it, simply asking a kid how they are doing now an then would go a long way towards getting them to listen about god rather then bashing them in the face with a Bible when something bad happens.

Ive never seen anyone bash anyone in the face with a Bible....Literally or figuratively speaking. Sounds dramatic though.

It is. And as annoying as hearing infowhores blather about machine guns in children’s hand and the NRA is a terriorist group.
Should the 'legal' US populous be armed as suggested / encouraged by our framers in the Constitution...???

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