Fiat/Chrysler announces 1 billion investment in US manufacturing,2000 new jobs

They paid a little over 6 Billion for a Company in which the US Taxpayer invested 12 Billion.

Here's a deal for you; You go out and pay $60k for a new Ram Diesel and I'll give you $30k for it as long as you put no miles on it.


And yeah, I'm angry. Angry that dimocraps are such lying scum

Auto Bailout Gives Away Chrysler

In the 2009 deal overseen by the Obama administration’s auto task force, Fiat paid no money to acquire its initial 20 percent stake in Chrysler — only contributing some of its intellectual property, instead. Fiat would later pay $2.2 billion to raise its stake in the company to 58.5 percent.

Continuing the bailout shell game, Fiat will now pay fellow bailout recipient UAW $4.4 billion for its stake in Chrysler. All the while, the U.S. government has pitched in more than $12 billion in taxpayer infusions.

In “saving” the American auto industry, Obama gave an American company away. And he gave it away at the expense of pension funds and other secured creditors, which were given a much smaller stake in the new company than they would have been given under traditional bankruptcy proceedings. American manufacturing workers also lost out on the deal; many are now hostages to the woes of Fiat and the Italian economy.
They paid a little over 6 Billion for a Company in which the US Taxpayer invested 12 Billion.

Here's a deal for you; You go out and pay $60k for a new Ram Diesel and I'll give you $30k for it as long as you put no miles on it.


And yeah, I'm angry. Angry that dimocraps are such lying scum

Auto Bailout Gives Away Chrysler

In the 2009 deal overseen by the Obama administration’s auto task force, Fiat paid no money to acquire its initial 20 percent stake in Chrysler — only contributing some of its intellectual property, instead. Fiat would later pay $2.2 billion to raise its stake in the company to 58.5 percent.

Continuing the bailout shell game, Fiat will now pay fellow bailout recipient UAW $4.4 billion for its stake in Chrysler. All the while, the U.S. government has pitched in more than $12 billion in taxpayer infusions.

In “saving” the American auto industry, Obama gave an American company away. And he gave it away at the expense of pension funds and other secured creditors, which were given a much smaller stake in the new company than they would have been given under traditional bankruptcy proceedings. American manufacturing workers also lost out on the deal; many are now hostages to the woes of Fiat and the Italian economy.
And Fiat/Chrysler employ tens of thousands of people and are now profitable and successful. Where as before it was in the hole and screwed.

Thank you Fiat.
They paid a little over 6 Billion for a Company in which the US Taxpayer invested 12 Billion.

Here's a deal for you; You go out and pay $60k for a new Ram Diesel and I'll give you $30k for it as long as you put no miles on it.


And yeah, I'm angry. Angry that dimocraps are such lying scum

Auto Bailout Gives Away Chrysler

In the 2009 deal overseen by the Obama administration’s auto task force, Fiat paid no money to acquire its initial 20 percent stake in Chrysler — only contributing some of its intellectual property, instead. Fiat would later pay $2.2 billion to raise its stake in the company to 58.5 percent.

Continuing the bailout shell game, Fiat will now pay fellow bailout recipient UAW $4.4 billion for its stake in Chrysler. All the while, the U.S. government has pitched in more than $12 billion in taxpayer infusions.

In “saving” the American auto industry, Obama gave an American company away. And he gave it away at the expense of pension funds and other secured creditors, which were given a much smaller stake in the new company than they would have been given under traditional bankruptcy proceedings. American manufacturing workers also lost out on the deal; many are now hostages to the woes of Fiat and the Italian economy.
why are autoworkers willing to lose their stake in a Firm they work at?
They paid a little over 6 Billion for a Company in which the US Taxpayer invested 12 Billion.

Here's a deal for you; You go out and pay $60k for a new Ram Diesel and I'll give you $30k for it as long as you put no miles on it.


And yeah, I'm angry. Angry that dimocraps are such lying scum

Auto Bailout Gives Away Chrysler

In the 2009 deal overseen by the Obama administration’s auto task force, Fiat paid no money to acquire its initial 20 percent stake in Chrysler — only contributing some of its intellectual property, instead. Fiat would later pay $2.2 billion to raise its stake in the company to 58.5 percent.

Continuing the bailout shell game, Fiat will now pay fellow bailout recipient UAW $4.4 billion for its stake in Chrysler. All the while, the U.S. government has pitched in more than $12 billion in taxpayer infusions.

In “saving” the American auto industry, Obama gave an American company away. And he gave it away at the expense of pension funds and other secured creditors, which were given a much smaller stake in the new company than they would have been given under traditional bankruptcy proceedings. American manufacturing workers also lost out on the deal; many are now hostages to the woes of Fiat and the Italian economy.
why are autoworkers willing to lose their stake in a Firm they work at?
Because the alternative was to lose everything
And Fiat/Chrysler employ tens of thousands of people and are now profitable and successful. Where as before it was in the hole and screwed.

Thank you Fiat.

And ALL that PROFIT goes to a Foreign Country.

Thank you, obama.

Besides, Chrysler would have been bought up. No doubt about it. None.

But the UAW would have been kicked out the door.

Which is what the ENTIRE Auto Bailout was about -- Saving the UAW, NOT the Auto Companies.

Anybody that denies that is either stupid or a dimocrap. Same thing, really.

They would have been bought up. ALL of them..... Dodge, Chrysler, Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac...... Every last one of them.

In the biggest car market on Earth? There is no question they would have been bought up.

The UAW is what killed the car companies.

And the UAW is who the Lying Cocksucker in Chief bailed out. NOT the companies themselves.

Besides that, most people don't know that Generic Motors still owes the American tax Payer somewhere in the neighborhood of 23 BILLION DOLLARS.

And Crapler.....? Billions more.

And there was no need to throw that money at them. Every last one of them would have been bought.

dimocraps are lying, thieving scum.
Because the alternative was to lose everything

That is a lie.

The biggest auto market on the Planet at the time and nobody would have bought the GM entities? A lie.

Penske was in the process of buying up Chevrolet but whent yhe lying, thieving, corrupt, criminal dimocrap scum informed him he would have to keep the UAW, he walked away.

You just lie. It's all you do.

And you wonder why you got beat down like a cur dog in an election the whole world thought was a slam-dunk??
And Fiat/Chrysler employ tens of thousands of people and are now profitable and successful. Where as before it was in the hole and screwed.

Thank you Fiat.

And ALL that PROFIT goes to a Foreign Country.

Thank you, obama.

Besides, Chrysler would have been bought up. No doubt about it. None.

But the UAW would have been kicked out the door.

Which is what the ENTIRE Auto Bailout was about -- Saving the UAW, NOT the Auto Companies.

Anybody that denies that is either stupid or a dimocrap. Same thing, really.

They would have been bought up. ALL of them..... Dodge, Chrysler, Chevrolet, Buick, Cadillac...... Every last one of them.

In the biggest car market on Earth? There is no question they would have been bought up.

The UAW is what killed the car companies.

And the UAW is who the Lying Cocksucker in Chief bailed out. NOT the companies themselves.

Besides that, most people don't know that Generic Motors still owes the American tax Payer somewhere in the neighborhood of 23 BILLION DOLLARS.

And Crapler.....? Billions more.

And there was no need to throw that money at them. Every last one of them would have been bought.

dimocraps are lying, thieving scum.
Sorry you feel that way. Anyways congratulations to Fiat for turning Chrysler around, employing so many Americans, and using your profits to invest in America.

Here little guy: Anger Management
They paid a little over 6 Billion for a Company in which the US Taxpayer invested 12 Billion.

Here's a deal for you; You go out and pay $60k for a new Ram Diesel and I'll give you $30k for it as long as you put no miles on it.


And yeah, I'm angry. Angry that dimocraps are such lying scum

Auto Bailout Gives Away Chrysler

In the 2009 deal overseen by the Obama administration’s auto task force, Fiat paid no money to acquire its initial 20 percent stake in Chrysler — only contributing some of its intellectual property, instead. Fiat would later pay $2.2 billion to raise its stake in the company to 58.5 percent.

Continuing the bailout shell game, Fiat will now pay fellow bailout recipient UAW $4.4 billion for its stake in Chrysler. All the while, the U.S. government has pitched in more than $12 billion in taxpayer infusions.

In “saving” the American auto industry, Obama gave an American company away. And he gave it away at the expense of pension funds and other secured creditors, which were given a much smaller stake in the new company than they would have been given under traditional bankruptcy proceedings. American manufacturing workers also lost out on the deal; many are now hostages to the woes of Fiat and the Italian economy.
why are autoworkers willing to lose their stake in a Firm they work at?
Because the alternative was to lose everything
can they not raise more money?
Because the alternative was to lose everything

That is a lie.

The biggest auto market on the Planet at the time and nobody would have bought the GM entities? A lie.

Penske was in the process of buying up Chevrolet but whent yhe lying, thieving, corrupt, criminal dimocrap scum informed him he would have to keep the UAW, he walked away.

You just lie. It's all you do.

And you wonder why you got beat down like a cur dog in an election the whole world thought was a slam-dunk??
I don't wonder. Lies, fake news, and the Russians are why we lost, even while so many millions more voted against Trump than did for him.
They paid a little over 6 Billion for a Company in which the US Taxpayer invested 12 Billion.

Here's a deal for you; You go out and pay $60k for a new Ram Diesel and I'll give you $30k for it as long as you put no miles on it.


And yeah, I'm angry. Angry that dimocraps are such lying scum

Auto Bailout Gives Away Chrysler

In the 2009 deal overseen by the Obama administration’s auto task force, Fiat paid no money to acquire its initial 20 percent stake in Chrysler — only contributing some of its intellectual property, instead. Fiat would later pay $2.2 billion to raise its stake in the company to 58.5 percent.

Continuing the bailout shell game, Fiat will now pay fellow bailout recipient UAW $4.4 billion for its stake in Chrysler. All the while, the U.S. government has pitched in more than $12 billion in taxpayer infusions.

In “saving” the American auto industry, Obama gave an American company away. And he gave it away at the expense of pension funds and other secured creditors, which were given a much smaller stake in the new company than they would have been given under traditional bankruptcy proceedings. American manufacturing workers also lost out on the deal; many are now hostages to the woes of Fiat and the Italian economy.
why are autoworkers willing to lose their stake in a Firm they work at?
Because the alternative was to lose everything
can they not raise more money?
Like by holding a few car washes and bake sales?
a business move like that takes planning, sometimes years. Trumpbots give their Daddy credit for something that had been decided long before the election even began.

They paid a little over 6 Billion for a Company in which the US Taxpayer invested 12 Billion.

Here's a deal for you; You go out and pay $60k for a new Ram Diesel and I'll give you $30k for it as long as you put no miles on it.


And yeah, I'm angry. Angry that dimocraps are such lying scum

Auto Bailout Gives Away Chrysler

In the 2009 deal overseen by the Obama administration’s auto task force, Fiat paid no money to acquire its initial 20 percent stake in Chrysler — only contributing some of its intellectual property, instead. Fiat would later pay $2.2 billion to raise its stake in the company to 58.5 percent.

Continuing the bailout shell game, Fiat will now pay fellow bailout recipient UAW $4.4 billion for its stake in Chrysler. All the while, the U.S. government has pitched in more than $12 billion in taxpayer infusions.

In “saving” the American auto industry, Obama gave an American company away. And he gave it away at the expense of pension funds and other secured creditors, which were given a much smaller stake in the new company than they would have been given under traditional bankruptcy proceedings. American manufacturing workers also lost out on the deal; many are now hostages to the woes of Fiat and the Italian economy.
why are autoworkers willing to lose their stake in a Firm they work at?
Because the alternative was to lose everything
can they not raise more money?
Like by holding a few car washes and bake sales?
what ever it takes, to take capital control locally. it is what locals, should be good for.

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