BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.
Castro was a murderous animal who killed thousands of his own people. Thousands more escaped on rickety boats and he used to send the Coast Guard after the boats and they would ram the boats and slice right through them. His prisons were full to the max and prisoners were tortured and starved. His girlfriend Che was a depraved murdering thug and should have been fed to the piranha or alligators. Fidel is roasting in hell tonight. For eternity.
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.
Castro was a murderous animal who killed thousands of his own people. Thousands more escaped on rickety boats and he used to send the Coast Guard after the boats and they would ram the boats and slice right through them. His prisons were full to the max and prisoners were tortured and starved. His girlfriend Che was a depraved murdering thug and should have been fed to the piranha or alligators. Fidel is roasting in hell tonight. For eternity.

To bad its corps was not buried. I would love to shit on his head stone.
Cuba's Fidel Castro, former president, dies aged 90 - BBC News

Fidel Castro, Cuba's former president and leader of the Communist revolution, has died aged 90, state TV has announced.

It provided no further details.

Fidel Castro ruled Cuba as a one-party state for almost half a century before handing over the powers to his brother Raul in 2008.

His supporters praised him as a man who had given Cuba back to the people. But his opponents accused him of brutally suppressing opposition.

In April, Fidel Castro gave a rare speech on the final day of the country's Communist Party congress.

He acknowledged his advanced age but said Cuban communist concepts were still valid and the Cuban people "will be victorious".

Damn. Now we need to find a new world leader to hate for some reason. Who's running things in Canada right now?

Castro's son?

The plot thickens;
Trudeau faces backlash after Castro tribute



BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.

He was a murderous tyrant who enslaved a whole nation.
After Batista and the mob, they loved him. They have the highest literacy and best health and education in Latin America. etc etc. Their economy suqs because of our stupid embargo, same reason they went communist.

They have the worst health and education. You really are delusional.
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.

He was a murderous tyrant who enslaved a whole nation.
After Batista and the mob, they loved him. They have the highest literacy and best health and education in Latin America. etc etc. Their economy suqs because of our stupid embargo, same reason they went communist.

They have the worst health and education. You really are delusional.
Sure, dupe.
Cuba's Health Care System: a Model for the World | The Huffington Post
Aug 8, 2014 - Cuba's health care system is based on preventive medicine and the results ... Doctor of Iberian and Latin American Studies at the University of ...
Missing: heath

Images for cuba education and heath vs latin americaReport images
Image result for cuba education and heath vs latin america
Image result for cuba education and heath vs latin america
Image result for cuba education and heath vs latin america
Image result for cuba education and heath vs latin america
Image result for cuba education and heath vs latin america
More images for cuba education and heath vs latin america
World Bank: Cuba Has the Best Education System in Latin America ...
Oct 3, 2014 - According to the international organization, Cuba is the only country in Latin America and the Caribbean to have a high quality education ...
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.

He was a murderous tyrant who enslaved a whole nation.
After Batista and the mob, they loved him. They have the highest literacy and best health and education in Latin America. etc etc. Their economy suqs because of our stupid embargo, same reason they went communist.

They have the worst health and education. You really are delusional.
Wrong. Are you people that delusional that you're misinformed hatred goes beyond actual facts.
Every single president of the US during Castro's time has way more blood on their hands. Not even comparable. So stop using terms like tyrant unless you are speaking of the likes of Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy...etc.

Yes, but he was an imperial dictator that the left loves. He kept wages low, no big corporations making money, you followed the leader wether you agree or not. You have no voice. Liberals love that crap. It would by utopia for Tyrone slop trough.
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.
What an asshole you are.
Things are more complicated than your greedy idiot megarich GOP brainwashers would have you believe, hater dupe.

So do the mega rich libs love us more ?
Absolutely, dupe. They even want to pay more taxes to help us DUHHHHH.

Then why don't they? There is a place on the tax forms to give more. There is also lots of deductions they could not take but they do. So they really don't want to pay more, they just say they do because it appeases the mindless.
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.
Castro was a murderous animal who killed thousands of his own people. ...
You are confusing Fidel Castro with the American-backed dictator, Bautista.

Castro’s Tugboat Massacre

Counting Castro's Victims

Fidel Castro's mass murder by the numbers

The Infamous Firing Squads |

I don't think there is any confusion other than your own.
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.
What an asshole you are.
Things are more complicated than your greedy idiot megarich GOP brainwashers would have you believe, hater dupe.

So do the mega rich libs love us more ?
Absolutely, dupe. They even want to pay more taxes to help us DUHHHHH.

Then why don't they? There is a place on the tax forms to give more. There is also lots of deductions they could not take but they do. So they really don't want to pay more, they just say they do because it appeases the mindless.
BS. They want your greedy scumbag idiot lying heroes to pay more too DUH, and help the middle class and the country, not an irrelevant drop in the bucket. DUHHHHHHHHHH.
Every single president of the US during Castro's time has way more blood on their hands. Not even comparable. So stop using terms like tyrant unless you are speaking of the likes of Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy...etc.
Hell yes we have blood on our hands. Our enemies blood. Fuck them. Castro has his own citizens blood on his hands. Evidently you're too stupid to appreciate the difference.
What an asshole you are.
Things are more complicated than your greedy idiot megarich GOP brainwashers would have you believe, hater dupe.

So do the mega rich libs love us more ?
Absolutely, dupe. They even want to pay more taxes to help us DUHHHHH.

Then why don't they? There is a place on the tax forms to give more. There is also lots of deductions they could not take but they do. So they really don't want to pay more, they just say they do because it appeases the mindless.
BS. They want your greedy scumbag idiot lying heroes to pay more too DUH, and help the middle class and the country, not an irrelevant drop in the bucket. DUHHHHHHHHHH.

So, they can and they don't thanks for the information. They are no better than anyone else. You see the right will pay what the government tells them to and not a penny more, just like those on the left. LOL!
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.
Castro was a murderous animal who killed thousands of his own people. ...
You are confusing Fidel Castro with the American-backed dictator, Bautista.

Castro’s Tugboat Massacre

Counting Castro's Victims

Fidel Castro's mass murder by the numbers

The Infamous Firing Squads |

I don't think there is any confusion other than your own.
Anything about the big number from a respected source? 4k to 30 k killed ain't great, admittedly. How many have been executed here in 60 years? OTOH, they were mainly a-holes. How many did Bautista kill? The US was at war with them before the Bay of Pigs, covertly bombing the heck out of their sugar cane production, etc etc. GD Cold War. How many at that time, how many after?
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.
Castro was a murderous animal who killed thousands of his own people. ...
You are confusing Fidel Castro with the American-backed dictator, Bautista.

Castro’s Tugboat Massacre

Counting Castro's Victims

Fidel Castro's mass murder by the numbers

The Infamous Firing Squads |

I don't think there is any confusion other than your own.
Anything about the big number from a respected source? 4k to 30 k killed ain't great, admittedly. How many have been executed here in 60 years? OTOH, they were mainly a-holes. How many did Bautista kill? The US was at war with them before the Bay of Pigs, covertly bombing the heck out of their sugar cane production, etc etc. GD Cold War. How many at that time, how many after?

Frank, you can have Castro as your hero, I have no objection to that. I lose respect for your stand but that works fine for me. I will dislike Casto, you prop him up as your hero. Sorry your hero died.

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