Things are more complicated than your greedy idiot megarich GOP brainwashers would have you believe, hater dupe.

So do the mega rich libs love us more ?
Absolutely, dupe. They even want to pay more taxes to help us DUHHHHH.

Then why don't they? There is a place on the tax forms to give more. There is also lots of deductions they could not take but they do. So they really don't want to pay more, they just say they do because it appeases the mindless.
BS. They want your greedy scumbag idiot lying heroes to pay more too DUH, and help the middle class and the country, not an irrelevant drop in the bucket. DUHHHHHHHHHH.

So, they can and they don't thanks for the information. They are no better than anyone else. You see the right will pay what the government tells them to and not a penny more, just like those on the left. LOL!
All to protect their greedy idiot lying mega rich masters, the New BS GOP refuses to invest in America and Americans for 30 years now. Our nonrich and infrastructure are falling apart. And thanks for the corrupt Word Depression you dupes mainly refuse to believe HAPPENED. Your whole fake news TP GOP is a disgrace.
Enjoy the giant tax cut for the 1%. Soon the richest will be paying less than the poor %wise. Another 20 years of this and we'll need a Castro- a socialist one voted in...NOT A COMMUNIST. That's over at least....
When I was stationed in Gitmo, I used to watch the over the air broadcasts from Cuba. Fidel would talk for hours on end.

Once in a while, some of the people there would escape to our base. I had a chance to speak with quite a few of them, and the tales they told were horrible.

Then I would contrast that with the nightly news from communist Cuba and the first thing I noticed about their news broadcasts was that they played upbeat music and martial music during the news. This struck me as very odd and an obvious attempt to manipulate people's emotions while putting out bullshit.

Years later, when Fox News starting doing the exact same thing, I immediately recognized the tactic.

Fox News loves to cue up the doom music before putting out some serious bullshit. They took a page from the commies.
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.
Castro was a murderous animal who killed thousands of his own people. ...
You are confusing Fidel Castro with the American-backed dictator, Bautista.

Castro’s Tugboat Massacre

Counting Castro's Victims

Fidel Castro's mass murder by the numbers

The Infamous Firing Squads |

I don't think there is any confusion other than your own.
Anything about the big number from a respected source? 4k to 30 k killed ain't great, admittedly. How many have been executed here in 60 years? OTOH, they were mainly a-holes. How many did Bautista kill? The US was at war with them before the Bay of Pigs, covertly bombing the heck out of their sugar cane production, etc etc. GD Cold War. How many at that time, how many after?

Frank, you can have Castro as your hero, I have no objection to that. I lose respect for your stand but that works fine for me. I will dislike Casto, you prop him up as your hero. Sorry your hero died.
Not my hero, but things are more complicated than your brainwashing masters have you believe. He seems to be the hero of 80% of the world, according to the Singapore PM. For standing up to the giant Cold War America, and not be crushed.
I remember one day climbing a hill right on the fenceline. The base in Gitmo is surrounded by the largest active minefield in the world.

Too many Cubans had managed to escape to our base, and so Castro started building another fence inside the original fence to make it more difficult for his people to escape.

As I arrived at one of the watchtowers, I could see the Marine at his post up there and he didn't look too good. He was only 18 years old, fresh out of high school.

Just an hour before, one of the Cuban soldiers assigned to the workforce building the new fence decided to make a break for our side. The other Cuban soldiers ran to their truck, pulled out their AKs, and chopped the guy down. Right in front of this kid. There was nothing he could do.

You can be sure that Marine, wherever he is today, is hoisting a glass to celebrate Castro's death. As am I.
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.
Castro was a murderous animal who killed thousands of his own people. ...
You are confusing Fidel Castro with the American-backed dictator, Bautista.
I was in the Army and went to Lebanon during the Lebanese Crisis in 1958 for a month. I was on a troop ship anchored off Havana for three days in 1961 at the start of the Cuban Crisis. In Feb '62 I was in the 4th ID and went to Berlin in Feb '62 during the Berlin Crisis. Castro wasn't involved in the Lebanese Crisis but he sure as hell was in the other two. In 1959 Castro won his revolution. I wrote earlier in this thread about how the Americans were involved and how Castro went from becoming a folk hero freedom fighter to becoming one of the most hated murderous dictators in the world. When he died they should have thrown him in a hog pen. There's no confusion about it except Liberals love and worship evil.
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.
Castro was a murderous animal who killed thousands of his own people. ...
You are confusing Fidel Castro with the American-backed dictator, Bautista.
I was in the Army and went to Lebanon during the Lebanese Crisis in 1958 for a month. I was on a troop ship anchored off Havana for three days in 1961 at the start of the Cuban Crisis. In Feb '62 I was in the 4th ID and went to Berlin in Feb '62 during the Berlin Crisis. Castro wasn't involved in the Lebanese Crisis but he sure as hell was in the other two. In 1959 Castro won his revolution. I wrote earlier in this thread about how the Americans were involved and how Castro went from becoming a folk hero freedom fighter to becoming one of the most hated murderous dictators in the world. When he died they should have thrown him in a hog pen. There's no confusion about it except Liberals love and worship evil.
Simple solution for uninformed and misinformed...See link of MANY US attacks on Cuba BEFORE Fidel decided on totalitarian communism and the USSR. GD Cold War Republicans...still are lol.
Girls hold Cuban flags as part of a tribute following the announcement of the death of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro in San Salvador. (Photo by Reuters)

People turned out for Stalin and Mao when they died too. So what?
In other countries ? Fidel is a figure of admiration all over this world in India Russia China Latin America and in Asia he is admired

You should go live there. They will take you, but don't ask to come back when your utopia becomes a dystopia!

Sent from my iPhone using
Girls hold Cuban flags as part of a tribute following the announcement of the death of Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro in San Salvador. (Photo by Reuters)

People turned out for Stalin and Mao when they died too. So what?
In other countries ? Fidel is a figure of admiration all over this world in India Russia China Latin America and in Asia he is admired

You should go live there. They will take you, but don't ask to come back when your utopia becomes a dystopia!

Sent from my iPhone using
No, they won't. And they have a good ID card because hypocrite GOP is not in charge.
But his revolution had started. Maybe you should research multiple sources rather than believe simply what ,you are fed.
And you failed to mention Castro kidnapped,and held 30 US seamen, and additional US civilians, held them for over 3 weeks, threatened US companies in Cuba for financial support, closed down water supplies, etc. in 1958, prior to this statement. You also failed to add the part where -if neccessary- was used. You are a red commie and your kind is not welcome here in the US.

What are you talking about. Please provide evidence of this and Castro was not in power in 1958.
So do the mega rich libs love us more ?
Absolutely, dupe. They even want to pay more taxes to help us DUHHHHH.

Then why don't they? There is a place on the tax forms to give more. There is also lots of deductions they could not take but they do. So they really don't want to pay more, they just say they do because it appeases the mindless.
BS. They want your greedy scumbag idiot lying heroes to pay more too DUH, and help the middle class and the country, not an irrelevant drop in the bucket. DUHHHHHHHHHH.

So, they can and they don't thanks for the information. They are no better than anyone else. You see the right will pay what the government tells them to and not a penny more, just like those on the left. LOL!
All to protect their greedy idiot lying mega rich masters, the New BS GOP refuses to invest in America and Americans for 30 years now. Our nonrich and infrastructure are falling apart. And thanks for the corrupt Word Depression you dupes mainly refuse to believe HAPPENED. Your whole fake news TP GOP is a disgrace.
Enjoy the giant tax cut for the 1%. Soon the richest will be paying less than the poor %wise. Another 20 years of this and we'll need a Castro- a socialist one voted in...NOT A COMMUNIST. That's over at least....

BS and more BS! I like how you gloss over the fact that the rich asses on the left don't pay higher taxes because it isn't fair? LOL! You dumb idiots have been saying that for decades yet you let your liberal rich off the hook. Too funny.
Castro was a murderous animal who killed thousands of his own people. ...
You are confusing Fidel Castro with the American-backed dictator, Bautista.

Castro’s Tugboat Massacre

Counting Castro's Victims

Fidel Castro's mass murder by the numbers

The Infamous Firing Squads |

I don't think there is any confusion other than your own.
Anything about the big number from a respected source? 4k to 30 k killed ain't great, admittedly. How many have been executed here in 60 years? OTOH, they were mainly a-holes. How many did Bautista kill? The US was at war with them before the Bay of Pigs, covertly bombing the heck out of their sugar cane production, etc etc. GD Cold War. How many at that time, how many after?

Frank, you can have Castro as your hero, I have no objection to that. I lose respect for your stand but that works fine for me. I will dislike Casto, you prop him up as your hero. Sorry your hero died.
Not my hero, but things are more complicated than your brainwashing masters have you believe. He seems to be the hero of 80% of the world, according to the Singapore PM. For standing up to the giant Cold War America, and not be crushed.

So you just defend him, got it. Not your hero, but you will go out of your way to defend him. LOL!!!!!
Absolutely, dupe. They even want to pay more taxes to help us DUHHHHH.

Then why don't they? There is a place on the tax forms to give more. There is also lots of deductions they could not take but they do. So they really don't want to pay more, they just say they do because it appeases the mindless.
BS. They want your greedy scumbag idiot lying heroes to pay more too DUH, and help the middle class and the country, not an irrelevant drop in the bucket. DUHHHHHHHHHH.

So, they can and they don't thanks for the information. They are no better than anyone else. You see the right will pay what the government tells them to and not a penny more, just like those on the left. LOL!
All to protect their greedy idiot lying mega rich masters, the New BS GOP refuses to invest in America and Americans for 30 years now. Our nonrich and infrastructure are falling apart. And thanks for the corrupt Word Depression you dupes mainly refuse to believe HAPPENED. Your whole fake news TP GOP is a disgrace.
Enjoy the giant tax cut for the 1%. Soon the richest will be paying less than the poor %wise. Another 20 years of this and we'll need a Castro- a socialist one voted in...NOT A COMMUNIST. That's over at least....

BS and more BS! I like how you gloss over the fact that the rich asses on the left don't pay higher taxes because it isn't fair? LOL! You dumb idiots have been saying that for decades yet you let your liberal rich off the hook. Too funny.
It's obvious who protects the greedy rich. DUH. And no bs, fool.
BS, dupes. We've supported many worse dictators. He wasn't a terrorist, he was a revolutionary, and actually killed relatively few. We forced him into the arms of the USSR. GD Cold War stupidity.
Castro was a murderous animal who killed thousands of his own people. ...
You are confusing Fidel Castro with the American-backed dictator, Bautista.
I was in the Army and went to Lebanon during the Lebanese Crisis in 1958 for a month. I was on a troop ship anchored off Havana for three days in 1961 at the start of the Cuban Crisis. In Feb '62 I was in the 4th ID and went to Berlin in Feb '62 during the Berlin Crisis. Castro wasn't involved in the Lebanese Crisis but he sure as hell was in the other two. In 1959 Castro won his revolution. I wrote earlier in this thread about how the Americans were involved and how Castro went from becoming a folk hero freedom fighter to becoming one of the most hated murderous dictators in the world. When he died they should have thrown him in a hog pen. There's no confusion about it except Liberals love and worship evil.
Simple solution for uninformed and misinformed...See link of MANY US attacks on Cuba BEFORE Fidel decided on totalitarian communism and the USSR. GD Cold War Republicans...still are lol.
How many adult Cuban natives do you know? None according to the left wing Communist propaganda you spout.
Then why don't they? There is a place on the tax forms to give more. There is also lots of deductions they could not take but they do. So they really don't want to pay more, they just say they do because it appeases the mindless.
BS. They want your greedy scumbag idiot lying heroes to pay more too DUH, and help the middle class and the country, not an irrelevant drop in the bucket. DUHHHHHHHHHH.

So, they can and they don't thanks for the information. They are no better than anyone else. You see the right will pay what the government tells them to and not a penny more, just like those on the left. LOL!
All to protect their greedy idiot lying mega rich masters, the New BS GOP refuses to invest in America and Americans for 30 years now. Our nonrich and infrastructure are falling apart. And thanks for the corrupt Word Depression you dupes mainly refuse to believe HAPPENED. Your whole fake news TP GOP is a disgrace.
Enjoy the giant tax cut for the 1%. Soon the richest will be paying less than the poor %wise. Another 20 years of this and we'll need a Castro- a socialist one voted in...NOT A COMMUNIST. That's over at least....

BS and more BS! I like how you gloss over the fact that the rich asses on the left don't pay higher taxes because it isn't fair? LOL! You dumb idiots have been saying that for decades yet you let your liberal rich off the hook. Too funny.
It's obvious who protects the greedy rich. DUH. And no bs, fool.

Yes, Hillary has done it well for awhile, I think that is why she lost.
Let's look at the real Cuban helathcare
Free Healthcare? |

The Myth of Cuban Health Care


To be sure, there is excellent health care on Cuba — just not for ordinary Cubans. Dr. Jaime Suchlicki of the University of Miami’s Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies explains that there is not just one system, or even two: There are three. The first is for foreigners who come to Cuba specifically for medical care. This is known as “medical tourism.” The tourists pay in hard currency, which provides oxygen to the regime. And the facilities in which they are treated are First World: clean, well supplied, state-of-the-art.

The foreigners-only facilities do a big business in what you might call vanity treatments: Botox, liposuction, and breast implants. Remember, too, that there are many separate, or segregated, facilities on Cuba. People speak of “tourism apartheid.” For example, there are separate hotels, separate beaches, separate restaurants — separate everything. As you can well imagine, this causes widespread resentment in the general population.

The second health-care system is for Cuban elites — the Party, the military, official artists and writers, and so on. In the Soviet Union, these people were called the “nomenklatura.” And their system, like the one for medical tourists, is top-notch.

Then there is the real Cuban system, the one that ordinary people must use — and it is wretched. Testimony and documentation on the subject are vast. Hospitals and clinics are crumbling. Conditions are so unsanitary, patients may be better off at home, whatever home is. If they do have to go to the hospital, they must bring their own bedsheets, soap, towels, food, light bulbs — even toilet paper. And basic medications are scarce. In Sicko, even sophisticated medications are plentiful and cheap. In the real Cuba, finding an aspirin can be a chore. And an antibiotic will fetch a fortune on the black market.

A nurse spoke to Isabel Vincent of Canada’s National Post. “We have nothing,” said the nurse. “I haven’t seen aspirin in a Cuban store here for more than a year. If you have any pills in your purse, I’ll take them. Even if they have passed their expiry date.”

The equipment that doctors have to work with is either antiquated or nonexistent. Doctors have been known to reuse latex gloves — there is no choice. When they travel to the island, on errands of mercy, American doctors make sure to take as much equipment and as many supplies as they can carry. One told the Associated Press, “The [Cuban] doctors are pretty well trained, but they have nothing to work with. It’s like operating with knives and spoons.”

Only available to the elite.

well it is because we actually have health care

you know things like motorized ambulances unlike what an average Cuban gets

pictured here

More propaganda. Go back and read some actual history.

This is from 2004.

There are 35 coordinating centers, serving 169 municipalities, and ambulances are activated and deployed by the designated community healthcare provider when a medical condition requires transport and further stabilization. The SIUM operates 600 basic ambulances, as well as 38 intermediate and 38 intensive care units, most of which are located in the capital city of Havana. That's 12 years ago.
Prehospital Cardiac Care Cuban Style |

Keep up the propaganda.
Last edited:

Only available to the elite.
well it is because we actually have health care

you know things like motorized ambulances unlike what an average Cuban gets

pictured here

More propaganda. Go back and read some actual history.

This is from 2004.

There are 35 coordinating centers, serving 169 municipalities, and ambulances are activated and deployed by the designated community healthcare provider when a medical condition requires transport and further stabilization. The SIUM operates 600 basic ambulances, as well as 38 intermediate and 38 intensive care units, most of which are located in the capital city of Havana. That's 12 years ago.
Prehospital Cardiac Care Cuban Style |

Keep up the propaganda.

leftards are ok with burying their heads in the sand
It amazes me they question nothing they are hand feed.

Only available to the elite.
More propaganda. Go back and read some actual history.

This is from 2004.

There are 35 coordinating centers, serving 169 municipalities, and ambulances are activated and deployed by the designated community healthcare provider when a medical condition requires transport and further stabilization. The SIUM operates 600 basic ambulances, as well as 38 intermediate and 38 intensive care units, most of which are located in the capital city of Havana. That's 12 years ago.
Prehospital Cardiac Care Cuban Style |

Keep up the propaganda.

leftards are ok with burying their heads in the sand
It amazes me they question nothing they are hand feed.

Only available to the elite.
This is from 2004.

There are 35 coordinating centers, serving 169 municipalities, and ambulances are activated and deployed by the designated community healthcare provider when a medical condition requires transport and further stabilization. The SIUM operates 600 basic ambulances, as well as 38 intermediate and 38 intensive care units, most of which are located in the capital city of Havana. That's 12 years ago.
Prehospital Cardiac Care Cuban Style |

Keep up the propaganda.

leftards are ok with burying their heads in the sand

because they have been brainwashed since they started kindergarten in many instances

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