'Fierce' ISIS Fighters Surrender en Masse

ISIS Fighters, Having Pledged to Fight or Die, Surrender en Masse

What happened to their pledge?

Why wasn't this done before 2017?

DIBIS, Iraq — The prisoners were taken to a waiting room in groups of four, and were told to stand facing the concrete wall, their noses almost touching it, their hands bound behind their backs.

More than a thousand Islamic State fighters passed through that room this past week after they fled their crumbling Iraqi stronghold of Hawija. Instead of the martyrdom they had boasted was their only acceptable fate, they had voluntarily ended up here in the interrogation center of the Kurdish authorities in northern Iraq.

For an extremist group that has made its reputation on its ferociousness, with fighters who would always choose suicide over surrender, the fall of Hawija has been a notable turning point. The group has suffered a string of humiliating defeats in Iraq and Syria, but the number of its shock troops who turned themselves in to Kurdish officials at the center in Dibis was unusually large, more than 1,000 since last Sunday.
'Bout time. You're not actually bitching, are you? It's a whole lot better than having them dispersed throughout Europe. As long as they aren't allowed to. What do you do with POW's once the war is over, btw?
President Obama's strategy regarding degrading and destroying Isis and it's supporters was 80% complete when he left office. Now it's just mopping up the stragglers.

80%, huh?

These thousands of ISIS soldiers that are surrendering represent less than 20% of all ISIS soldiers?

Fascinating...I thought that when Trump took office, ISIS had control of a substantial portion of Iraq....I guess I was wrong. Obama apparently obliterated was just too humble to mention it.:badgrin:

When did thousands of ISIS soldiers surrender prior to this incident?

Islamic State and the crisis in Iraq and Syria in maps

You are just saying shit...and it's bullshit...

So trump should get credit ? What exactly did he do?

He is Commander in Chief of the military...isn't he?

Didn't you slurp Obama's asspipe when Bin Ladin was taken out?

Fuck your hypocrisy.

Look who's talking! Who stood in obama she sat everythime he wanted to do anything with Syria .
Are you drunk? That made zero sense.

F'n Siri! "Who stood in obamas way ".

And I'm working on being drunk .
ISIS Fighters, Having Pledged to Fight or Die, Surrender en Masse

What happened to their pledge?

Why wasn't this done before 2017?

DIBIS, Iraq — The prisoners were taken to a waiting room in groups of four, and were told to stand facing the concrete wall, their noses almost touching it, their hands bound behind their backs.

More than a thousand Islamic State fighters passed through that room this past week after they fled their crumbling Iraqi stronghold of Hawija. Instead of the martyrdom they had boasted was their only acceptable fate, they had voluntarily ended up here in the interrogation center of the Kurdish authorities in northern Iraq.

For an extremist group that has made its reputation on its ferociousness, with fighters who would always choose suicide over surrender, the fall of Hawija has been a notable turning point. The group has suffered a string of humiliating defeats in Iraq and Syria, but the number of its shock troops who turned themselves in to Kurdish officials at the center in Dibis was unusually large, more than 1,000 since last Sunday.

President Obama's strategy regarding degrading and destroying Isis and it's supporters was 80% complete when he left office. Now it's just mopping up the stragglers.

80%, huh?

These thousands of ISIS soldiers that are surrendering represent less than 20% of all ISIS soldiers?

Fascinating...I thought that when Trump took office, ISIS had control of a substantial portion of Iraq....I guess I was wrong. Obama apparently obliterated was just too humble to mention it.:badgrin:

When did thousands of ISIS soldiers surrender prior to this incident?

Islamic State and the crisis in Iraq and Syria in maps

You are just saying shit...and it's bullshit...

So trump should get credit ? What exactly did he do?

a little------he presents a RESOLUTE DEMEANOR which
Obama did not. I do not blame Obama for his tentative
nature-----he was not reared in New York City. As to the
situation in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Turkey, Qatar, Iran,
etc--------it is islam and baathism and shiitism. The best
approach is a combination of wait it out and undercut our
specific enemies. Baathism and Iran and Isis and
Al queida

A "resolute demeanor " lol! What a bunch of crap !

Cons wanted us to send in troops , obama did not . In the end obamas plan worked . Let the Mid East fight for the Mid East .
ISIS Fighters, Having Pledged to Fight or Die, Surrender en Masse

What happened to their pledge?

Why wasn't this done before 2017?

DIBIS, Iraq — The prisoners were taken to a waiting room in groups of four, and were told to stand facing the concrete wall, their noses almost touching it, their hands bound behind their backs.

More than a thousand Islamic State fighters passed through that room this past week after they fled their crumbling Iraqi stronghold of Hawija. Instead of the martyrdom they had boasted was their only acceptable fate, they had voluntarily ended up here in the interrogation center of the Kurdish authorities in northern Iraq.

For an extremist group that has made its reputation on its ferociousness, with fighters who would always choose suicide over surrender, the fall of Hawija has been a notable turning point. The group has suffered a string of humiliating defeats in Iraq and Syria, but the number of its shock troops who turned themselves in to Kurdish officials at the center in Dibis was unusually large, more than 1,000 since last Sunday.

President Obama's strategy regarding degrading and destroying Isis and it's supporters was 80% complete when he left office. Now it's just mopping up the stragglers.

80%, huh?

These thousands of ISIS soldiers that are surrendering represent less than 20% of all ISIS soldiers?

Fascinating...I thought that when Trump took office, ISIS had control of a substantial portion of Iraq....I guess I was wrong. Obama apparently obliterated was just too humble to mention it.:badgrin:

When did thousands of ISIS soldiers surrender prior to this incident?

Islamic State and the crisis in Iraq and Syria in maps

You are just saying shit...and it's bullshit...

So trump should get credit ? What exactly did he do?

a little------he presents a RESOLUTE DEMEANOR which
Obama did not. I do not blame Obama for his tentative
nature-----he was not reared in New York City. As to the
situation in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Turkey, Qatar, Iran,
etc--------it is islam and baathism and shiitism. The best
approach is a combination of wait it out and undercut our
specific enemies. Baathism and Iran and Isis and
Al queida

A "resolute demeanor " lol! What a bunch of crap !

Cons wanted us to send in troops , obama did not . In the end obamas plan worked . Let the Mid East fight for the Mid East .

timmy----attractive idea but TOO simplistic
80%, huh?

These thousands of ISIS soldiers that are surrendering represent less than 20% of all ISIS soldiers?

Fascinating...I thought that when Trump took office, ISIS had control of a substantial portion of Iraq....I guess I was wrong. Obama apparently obliterated was just too humble to mention it.:badgrin:

When did thousands of ISIS soldiers surrender prior to this incident?

Islamic State and the crisis in Iraq and Syria in maps

You are just saying shit...and it's bullshit...

So trump should get credit ? What exactly did he do?

He is Commander in Chief of the military...isn't he?

Didn't you slurp Obama's asspipe when Bin Ladin was taken out?

Fuck your hypocrisy.

Look who's talking! Who stood in obama she sat everythime he wanted to do anything with Syria .
Are you drunk? That made zero sense.

F'n Siri! "Who stood in obamas way ".

And I'm working on being drunk .
Lol, Obama told them when and where he was going to bomb. I tell you what, I would tell somebody twice my size. He could never whoop my ass, if he told me where and when he would be there.
So trump should get credit ? What exactly did he do?

He is Commander in Chief of the military...isn't he?

Didn't you slurp Obama's asspipe when Bin Ladin was taken out?

Fuck your hypocrisy.

Look who's talking! Who stood in obama she sat everythime he wanted to do anything with Syria .
Are you drunk? That made zero sense.

F'n Siri! "Who stood in obamas way ".

And I'm working on being drunk .
Lol, Obama told them when and where he was going to bomb. I tell you what, I would tell somebody twice my size. He could never whoop my ass, if he told me where and when he would be there.

ISIS is the JV team....remember?

Nearly a thousand Islamic State fighters have surrendered to Kurdish forces after the terror group lost its last major city in Iraq, The New York Times reports.

Many of the dejected fighters reportedly have soiled themselves and await interrogation and trial by Kurdish authorities. The mass surrender of the terrorist group is particularly unusual for ISIS, who’ve made a point of fighting to the very last man. In many cases the group made the last days of battle painful for the opposing force by deploying waves of suicide bombers.

One fighter recalled to TheNYT that the ISIS governor of the town of Hawija himself gave the order to surrender in mass. “I believe if the governors are telling us to surrender, it really means that this is the end,” he lamented. “The speed at which the enemy gave up surprised me,” Operation Inherent Resolve commander Lt. Gen. Paul Funk told USATODAY after the battle. “Their leaders are abandoning them.”

Hawija was the last stronghold the terrorist group in Iraq after nearly three years of pitched battle with the Iraqi Security Forces, the Kurdish Peshmerga, and Iranian backed Shiite militias. Still the battle against the terrorist group is not over yet in Iraq. Operation Inherent Resolve noted Thursday that the Iraqi Security Forces “are concurrently conducting operations in Western Anbar province and have already secured the towns of Anah, Rayhanah, and Akashat.”

The terrorist group is also mounting a losing campaign in Syria where the majority of its capital has fallen to the U.S. backed Syrian Democratic Forces. Much of its leadership and core terror planning personnel have now moved to the middle Euphrates river valley where U.S. commanders expect ISIS to make its last stand.

Soiled ISIS Fighters Surrendering In Droves: ‘It Really Means This Is The End’ |
Mod Note:

Three threads on the same topic merged.
and it is to Trumps credit , after all , its the USA under the Present Trump that is arming and supplying the 'kurds' Penny .

Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian and Turkish KURDISTAN. time to free
the mountain ranges of the filth of Turkish, Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian barbarism
Fuck the Kurds and their ISIS allies. It´s the Syrian and Iraqi armies that fight terrorism.
To claim that Obama had ISIS defeated is simply revisionist BULLSHIT by the Progs.

Something they are very good at....just constantly fucking lying...

Here is a NYT article from November 2016:

ISIS Used Chemical Arms at Least 52 Times in Syria and Iraq, Report Says

ISIS Used Chemical Arms at Least 52 Times in Syria and Iraq, Report Says

WASHINGTON — The Islamic State has used chemical weapons, including chlorine and sulfur mustard agents, at least 52 times on the battlefield in Syria and Iraq since it swept to power in 2014, according to a new independent analysis.

More than one-third of those chemical attacks have come in and around Mosul, the Islamic State stronghold in northern Iraq, according to the assessment by the IHS Conflict Monitor, a London-based intelligence collection and analysis service.

The IHS conclusions, which are based on local news reports, social media and Islamic State propaganda, mark the broadest compilation of chemical attacks in the conflict. American and Iraqi military officials have expressed growing alarm over the prospect of additional chemical attacks as the allies press to regain both Mosul and Raqqa, the Islamic State capital in Syria.

“The coalition is concerned about ISIL’s use of chemical weapons,” Col. John Dorrian, a military spokesman in Iraq, said in an email on Monday, using another name for the Islamic State. “ISIL has used them in Iraq and Syria in the past, and we expect them to continue employing these types of weapons.”
To claim that Obama had ISIS defeated is simply revisionist BULLSHIT by the Progs.

Something they are very good at....just constantly fucking lying...

Here is a NYT article from November 2016:

ISIS Used Chemical Arms at Least 52 Times in Syria and Iraq, Report Says

ISIS Used Chemical Arms at Least 52 Times in Syria and Iraq, Report Says

WASHINGTON — The Islamic State has used chemical weapons, including chlorine and sulfur mustard agents, at least 52 times on the battlefield in Syria and Iraq since it swept to power in 2014, according to a new independent analysis.

More than one-third of those chemical attacks have come in and around Mosul, the Islamic State stronghold in northern Iraq, according to the assessment by the IHS Conflict Monitor, a London-based intelligence collection and analysis service.

The IHS conclusions, which are based on local news reports, social media and Islamic State propaganda, mark the broadest compilation of chemical attacks in the conflict. American and Iraqi military officials have expressed growing alarm over the prospect of additional chemical attacks as the allies press to regain both Mosul and Raqqa, the Islamic State capital in Syria.

“The coalition is concerned about ISIL’s use of chemical weapons,” Col. John Dorrian, a military spokesman in Iraq, said in an email on Monday, using another name for the Islamic State. “ISIL has used them in Iraq and Syria in the past, and we expect them to continue employing these types of weapons.”
No one is claiming Obama defeated ISIS. It appears that ISIS is being defeated, or at least losing in Iraq and Syria. A claim is being made that this is the result of trump policies and actions. That claim is being challenged by reviewing and analyzing how the current situation came to being and reviewing the facts of the war in Iraq and Syria over the last few years.
and it is to Trumps credit , after all , its the USA under the Present Trump that is arming and supplying the 'kurds' Penny .

Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian and Turkish KURDISTAN. time to free
the mountain ranges of the filth of Turkish, Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian barbarism
Fuck the Kurds and their ISIS allies. It´s the Syrian and Iraqi armies that fight terrorism.

Fuck you and your Baathist murdering shit. The Kurds and ISIS are not allies-----and the Yazidis who----live in what is---actually KURDISTAN----for the same reason the Kurds live there----TO ESCAPE THE VILE STINKING FILTH OF BAATHISM --------the Syrian and Iraq Baathist shit are mass murderers
ISIS is surrendering enmasse because they know a real man is now in charge of the USA White House and wont put up with their bullshit; Donald J Trump!

and it is to Trumps credit , after all , its the USA under the Present Trump that is arming and supplying the 'kurds' Penny .

Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian and Turkish KURDISTAN. time to free
the mountain ranges of the filth of Turkish, Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian barbarism
Fuck the Kurds and their ISIS allies. It´s the Syrian and Iraqi armies that fight terrorism.

Fuck you and your Baathist murdering shit. The Kurds and ISIS are not allies-----and the Yazidis who----live in what is---actually KURDISTAN----for the same reason the Kurds live there----TO ESCAPE THE VILE STINKING FILTH OF BAATHISM --------the Syrian and Iraq Baathist shit are mass murderers
Filthy Kurds and ISIS are allies and their clashes are fake. Where is Iraqi Kurdistan fighting ISIS? Nowhere. But ISIS surrenders to the Kurds.


"A video has just been released on social media showing the interview of an ISIS fighter from Deir Ezzor who admits that the terrorist group’s forces in the region are forbidden by their commanders from attacking US-backed, Kurdish-led militias.

The interviewee, Mohammed Moussa al-Shawwakh, says that his group, tasked with defending the area around the Conoco Gas Fields, was ordered to allow Kurdish forces to enter the strategic site. The order, he says, came from a top regional emir (leader) called Abu Zaid.

The ISIS fighter’s confession goes on to mention that Kurdish-led forces were also allowed to enter other gas and oil fields in the region in order to make propaganda videos.

Mohammed finishes the interview by saying that he knows for a fact that the US is attempting to establish an alliance between Kurdish forces and ISIS in Deir Ezzor province in order to undermine government-led military efforts to liberate the region."

Breaking video: ISIS fighter admits that ISIS is forbidden to attack Kurdish forces in Deir Ezzor
and it is to Trumps credit , after all , its the USA under the Present Trump that is arming and supplying the 'kurds' Penny .

Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian and Turkish KURDISTAN. time to free
the mountain ranges of the filth of Turkish, Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian barbarism
Fuck the Kurds and their ISIS allies. It´s the Syrian and Iraqi armies that fight terrorism.

Fuck you and your Baathist murdering shit. The Kurds and ISIS are not allies-----and the Yazidis who----live in what is---actually KURDISTAN----for the same reason the Kurds live there----TO ESCAPE THE VILE STINKING FILTH OF BAATHISM --------the Syrian and Iraq Baathist shit are mass murderers
Filthy Kurds and ISIS are allies and their clashes are fake. Where is Iraqi Kurdistan fighting ISIS? Nowhere. But ISIS surrenders to the Kurds.


"A video has just been released on social media showing the interview of an ISIS fighter from Deir Ezzor who admits that the terrorist group’s forces in the region are forbidden by their commanders from attacking US-backed, Kurdish-led militias.

The interviewee, Mohammed Moussa al-Shawwakh, says that his group, tasked with defending the area around the Conoco Gas Fields, was ordered to allow Kurdish forces to enter the strategic site. The order, he says, came from a top regional emir (leader) called Abu Zaid.

The ISIS fighter’s confession goes on to mention that Kurdish-led forces were also allowed to enter other gas and oil fields in the region in order to make propaganda videos.

Mohammed finishes the interview by saying that he knows for a fact that the US is attempting to establish an alliance between Kurdish forces and ISIS in Deir Ezzor province in order to undermine government-led military efforts to liberate the region."

Breaking video: ISIS fighter admits that ISIS is forbidden to attack Kurdish forces in Deir Ezzor

With all due respect, Bleipriester...the Kurds have been fighting and beating ISIS forces for a long, long time! This smells like propaganda put out by Iraq to drive a wedge between the US and the Kurds who would very much like to have their own nation.
and it is to Trumps credit , after all , its the USA under the Present Trump that is arming and supplying the 'kurds' Penny .

Iranian, Iraqi, Syrian and Turkish KURDISTAN. time to free
the mountain ranges of the filth of Turkish, Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian barbarism
Fuck the Kurds and their ISIS allies. It´s the Syrian and Iraqi armies that fight terrorism.

Fuck you and your Baathist murdering shit. The Kurds and ISIS are not allies-----and the Yazidis who----live in what is---actually KURDISTAN----for the same reason the Kurds live there----TO ESCAPE THE VILE STINKING FILTH OF BAATHISM --------the Syrian and Iraq Baathist shit are mass murderers
Filthy Kurds and ISIS are allies and their clashes are fake. Where is Iraqi Kurdistan fighting ISIS? Nowhere. But ISIS surrenders to the Kurds.


"A video has just been released on social media showing the interview of an ISIS fighter from Deir Ezzor who admits that the terrorist group’s forces in the region are forbidden by their commanders from attacking US-backed, Kurdish-led militias.

The interviewee, Mohammed Moussa al-Shawwakh, says that his group, tasked with defending the area around the Conoco Gas Fields, was ordered to allow Kurdish forces to enter the strategic site. The order, he says, came from a top regional emir (leader) called Abu Zaid.

The ISIS fighter’s confession goes on to mention that Kurdish-led forces were also allowed to enter other gas and oil fields in the region in order to make propaganda videos.

Mohammed finishes the interview by saying that he knows for a fact that the US is attempting to establish an alliance between Kurdish forces and ISIS in Deir Ezzor province in order to undermine government-led military efforts to liberate the region."

Breaking video: ISIS fighter admits that ISIS is forbidden to attack Kurdish forces in Deir Ezzor

With all due respect, Bleipriester...the Kurds have been fighting and beating ISIS forces for a long, long time! This smells like propaganda put out by Iraq to drive a wedge between the US and the Kurds who would very much like to have their own nation.
Read the OP article. It´s the Iraqi army that liberated Hawija, there are no Kurds.

Kurds and Iraq signed an agreement that the attack on Hawija will be a joint operation and that the Peshmerga open a way for displaced people. But the Peshmerga did not partake, leaving the Iraqi forces at risk. They also - apparently - did not open a way for displaced people but for ISIS that will probably reinforce their ranks. They also did the same at Mosul, where they promised to help but built trenches against the Iraqi Security Forces, instead. See, what filthy scum they are?

Iraqi army, Peshmerga sign agreement on Hawija offensive

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