Fifth Day of Thousands of No-Mandate Truckers Rolling to Ottawa, Media Blackout Total #FreedomConvoy2022

Estimated now 43 miles long on final approach to Ottawa. Supporters in sub-zero temperatures. Elite has an iron grip on the major media or this would be headline news, long past time to bust the media monopoly. Do not believe the smears. See; Canada Truckers Anti-Mandate Convoy Organizer Explains Goals, #FreedomConvoy2022

Reports are boy Fringe Trudeau on a sudden 5 day vacation.

BREAKING: German Pathology Conference Calls for Halt on COVID Vaccines, Say Autopsies Show Horrific Organ Damage, "Lead to Illness and Death" --

“We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines.” – Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Professor of Pathology University of Hamburg, Dr. Walter Lang
Top Pathologists Say Autopsies Show COVID Vaccines Cause “Illness and Death,” Self Organ Attacks, Call for Halt to Shots

#FreedomConvoy2022 Demands: We will not go home until:

– Either Trudeau steps down OR

– All experimental mRNA injection mandates (“vaccines”) are lifted, for all of Canada and for all Canadians, and Canadians are free again. No mandates means: No mandatory vaccine, no vaccine passport, no discrimination, no fine regulations/programs, and no segregation.

– The trucking convoy is NOT anti vaccination. It is anti government mandates. Many of us are vaccinated. We simply believe that every Canadian should be free to choose and face no discrimination or restrictions on their freedom due to their choice.

– Truckers will NOT block emergency vehicles at any point, ever, and will even assist any person in need at any point in the convoy or protest. Safety plans are in place. Drivers have been briefed and signed documents at their respective checkpoints.


For full mission statement see official website “Memorandum of Understanding”: M.O.U. -

MORE INFORMATION: Fight for Freedom in Canada Begins, MASSIVE Trucker Protest Against Mandates! Trudeau Must Go! Fight for Freedom in Canada Begins, MASSIVE Trucker Protest Against Mandates! Trudeau Must Go!

FJT too
It's making me mostly immune to the latest strain of COVID.

Since I understand the science of mRNA vaccines, no. Almost all of the weirdass things that antivaxxers claim about the vaccines are medically impossible.
That is some rarefied air you breathe, because the real experts, the ones the "The Great Reset" is censoring and all but killing dead, you know guys that went to those shitty, second rate medical schools at Harvard, Oxford, Yale, and Stanford, men who patented or greatly contributed to the patents upon and around mRNA, they say you're likelihood of up and dying from a dose of covid is now 25 x greater then an equal dose in a non-jabbed individual, and importantly, their medical opinions are substantially bolstered by all data now being gathered worldwide!

Not enough for you, above amplification doesn't even begin to encompass the equally amplified risk of death you intellectual abortions now face from blood clots resulting in heart attack/stroke, or nonfatal permanent injury(amputations, neurological disorders, ect)or all but certain emerging rare cancers, all exclusively in the jabbed!

It took intelligence and courage to back away from the jabs/hysteria they carefully crafted around pandemic, courage in face of great pressure brought to bear by a totalitarian fascist coup which controls almost all avenues of communication, all centered around eliminating the United States, and western individualism.

You are not on their team dumb ass, you are just one of their tools of destruction, you retards walked right into it..... :banana:

You're doing that belligerent ignorance thing typical of Trump cultists. Being a piss-gargling cult imbecile yourself, entirely dependent on what informatinon TheParty has chosen to trickle-down your greedy throat, you can't even imagine that other people are different.

We are not like you. You need to understand that not everyone is a cult imbecile.
Wow. Nice try.

But isn't there a creative writing forum around here where your cartoonish drivel would be more appropriate?
That's all it is, not to forget the vengeance they are attempting to use against anyone that resist.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

(Yep, that one got eight cuckoos)

You Trump cult sore-losers live to proclaim how you're all the ultimate victims. You clearly get a sick pervy thrill from making up such fantasies.

As someone should have told you before, that's not normal, and it's not okay. But since you've retreated from normal society and isolated yourselves in cult SafeSpaces, there aren't any normal people areound you to tell you you're acting like a loon. That means it gets left up to me to stage the interventions.
Estimated now 43 miles long on final approach to Ottawa. Supporters in sub-zero temperatures. Elite has an iron grip on the major media or this would be headline news, long past time to bust the media monopoly. Do not believe the smears. See; Canada Truckers Anti-Mandate Convoy Organizer Explains Goals, #FreedomConvoy2022

Reports are boy Fringe Trudeau on a sudden 5 day vacation.

BREAKING: German Pathology Conference Calls for Halt on COVID Vaccines, Say Autopsies Show Horrific Organ Damage, "Lead to Illness and Death" --

“We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines.” – Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Professor of Pathology University of Hamburg, Dr. Walter Lang
Top Pathologists Say Autopsies Show COVID Vaccines Cause “Illness and Death,” Self Organ Attacks, Call for Halt to Shots

#FreedomConvoy2022 Demands: We will not go home until:

– Either Trudeau steps down OR

– All experimental mRNA injection mandates (“vaccines”) are lifted, for all of Canada and for all Canadians, and Canadians are free again. No mandates means: No mandatory vaccine, no vaccine passport, no discrimination, no fine regulations/programs, and no segregation.

– The trucking convoy is NOT anti vaccination. It is anti government mandates. Many of us are vaccinated. We simply believe that every Canadian should be free to choose and face no discrimination or restrictions on their freedom due to their choice.

– Truckers will NOT block emergency vehicles at any point, ever, and will even assist any person in need at any point in the convoy or protest. Safety plans are in place. Drivers have been briefed and signed documents at their respective checkpoints.


For full mission statement see official website “Memorandum of Understanding”: M.O.U. -

MORE INFORMATION: Fight for Freedom in Canada Begins, MASSIVE Trucker Protest Against Mandates! Trudeau Must Go! Fight for Freedom in Canada Begins, MASSIVE Trucker Protest Against Mandates! Trudeau Must Go!

The government should take their licenses to drive until they comply with the job requirements.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

(Yep, that one got eight cuckoos)

You Trump cult sore-losers live to proclaim how you're all the ultimate victims. You clearly get a sick pervy thrill from making up such fantasies.

As someone should have told you before, that's not normal, and it's not okay. But since you've retreaeted from normal society and isolated yourselves in cult SafeSpaces, there aren't any normal people areound you to tell you you're acting like a loon. That means it gets left up to me to stage the interventions.
You'd be a bit more credible if you would proofread your posts.

Oh, on second thought, maybe you just don't actually know how to spell. I thought this was a forum for adults, and I learned to spell all those words by the time I was about eight years old.

:dunno: I guess ignorance can be a choice. :dunno:
You'd be a bit more credible if you would proofread your posts.

Oh, on second thought, maybe you just don't actually know how to spell. I thought this was a forum for adults, and I learned to spell all those words by the time I was about eight years old.

:dunno: I guess ignorance can be a choice. :dunno:
We all know that's not true.

Don't Look Up!

Darwin's coming.

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