Fifth Day of Thousands of No-Mandate Truckers Rolling to Ottawa, Media Blackout Total #FreedomConvoy2022

And by thousands, they mean "113". Plus 200 dingleberries in small vehicles clinging on to the convoy's butthairs.

Trump cultists always inflate their numbers by a factor of 50 -100, including the Canadian Trump cultists.

After scheduling their big rally for a day when government wasn't in session, they're claiming they made goverment run away. That's the caliber of people we're seeing here.

The reaction of almost all Canadians is "yawn".
So now you are speaking for "almost all Canadians"? Based on what? A typicial Leftist shill mocking a grass roots uprising against oppressive Leftist government.
So now you are speaking for "almost all Canadians"? Based on what? A typicial Leftist shill mocking a grass roots uprising against oppressive Leftist government.
Somalia has the size government conservatives love.
You'd be a bit more credible if you would proofread your posts.
Cool, you found a typo! Everyone is so impressed.

And it made you so happy, because it gave you an excuse to cry and deflect.

It's really for the best that you've stopped even pretending you can debate any liberal. It's not as if your charade ever fooled anyone. Just keep doing what you do best now, and let those sore-loser tears flow freely.
Five of you regularly posting vax zombies have fallen off the USMB radar since November. Guess who.
Go on, tell us. I think we'd all like to know who you've been stalking.

If I looked, I'm sure I could find a bunch of conservatives who stopped posting. But not being a moron, I'm not going to declare they must have died of COVID.
You're doing that belligerent ignorance thing typical of Trump cultists. Being a piss-gargling cult imbecile yourself, entirely dependent on what informatinon TheParty has chosen to trickle-down your greedy throat, you can't even imagine that other people are different.

We are not like you. You need to understand that not everyone is a cult imbecile.
It hasn't dawned on you yet, Mamooth that you're already in a "cult"! Anthony Fauci is your High Priest...the mask and the jab are your holy sacrament. You're not really any different than Scientology. You have your beliefs...what you've been told by Saint Fauci...and anyone who disagrees with those beliefs has to be evil! Anyone who questions Saint Fauci...must be shouted down!
Estimated now 43 miles long on final approach to Ottawa. Supporters in sub-zero temperatures. Elite has an iron grip on the major media or this would be headline news, long past time to bust the media monopoly. Do not believe the smears. See; Canada Truckers Anti-Mandate Convoy Organizer Explains Goals, #FreedomConvoy2022

Reports are boy Fringe Trudeau on a sudden 5 day vacation.

BREAKING: German Pathology Conference Calls for Halt on COVID Vaccines, Say Autopsies Show Horrific Organ Damage, "Lead to Illness and Death" --

“We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines.” – Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Professor of Pathology University of Hamburg, Dr. Walter Lang
Top Pathologists Say Autopsies Show COVID Vaccines Cause “Illness and Death,” Self Organ Attacks, Call for Halt to Shots

#FreedomConvoy2022 Demands: We will not go home until:

– Either Trudeau steps down OR

– All experimental mRNA injection mandates (“vaccines”) are lifted, for all of Canada and for all Canadians, and Canadians are free again. No mandates means: No mandatory vaccine, no vaccine passport, no discrimination, no fine regulations/programs, and no segregation.

– The trucking convoy is NOT anti vaccination. It is anti government mandates. Many of us are vaccinated. We simply believe that every Canadian should be free to choose and face no discrimination or restrictions on their freedom due to their choice.

– Truckers will NOT block emergency vehicles at any point, ever, and will even assist any person in need at any point in the convoy or protest. Safety plans are in place. Drivers have been briefed and signed documents at their respective checkpoints.


For full mission statement see official website “Memorandum of Understanding”: M.O.U. -

MORE INFORMATION: Fight for Freedom in Canada Begins, MASSIVE Trucker Protest Against Mandates! Trudeau Must Go! Fight for Freedom in Canada Begins, MASSIVE Trucker Protest Against Mandates! Trudeau Must Go!

Looks like cars to me.
And by thousands, they mean "113". Plus 200 dingleberries in small vehicles clinging on to the convoy's butthairs.

Trump cultists always inflate their numbers by a factor of 50 -100, including the Canadian Trump cultists.

After scheduling their big rally for a day when government wasn't in session, they're claiming they made goverment run away. That's the caliber of people we're seeing here.

The reaction of almost all Canadians is "yawn".
Just shut the fuck up Moon Bat.

Go hide under your bed with your stupid mask on so you won't get the goddamn virus.
Just shut the fuck up Moon Bat.
Oooh, look. Someone's very upset because the world is laughing at his little truck convoy.

I didn't make you sore-loser kooks faceplant. You do that all by yourselves, so don't cry at me.

Now, we're really hoping your convoy comes to the USA, so we can keep laughing. Can you help make that happen?
It hasn't dawned on you yet, Mamooth that you're already in a "cult"! Anthony Fauci is your High Priest...

You just don't seem to get it. We are not like you. We don't do the messiah-worship thing.

Nowhere ever has any liberal actually said "Golly, Dr. Fauci said it, so I must obey". That only happens in your lunatic imagination.

And why do you imagine the world works that way? Because it's how you think. You blindly follow cult leaders and care nothing about actual facts, so you assume that's how everyone else must live as well. It's not. We are not like you.

We don't care abourt Dr. Fauci. We care about the facts. If Dr. Fauci started spouting crap that contradicted the facts, we'd instantly say so.
You just don't seem to get it. We are not like you. We don't do the messiah-worship thing.

Nowhere ever has any liberal actually said "Golly, Dr. Fauci said it, so I must obey". That only happens in your lunatic imagination.

And why do you imagine the world works that way? Because it's how you think. You blindly follow cult leaders and care nothing about actual facts, so you assume that's how everyone else must live as well. It's not. We are not like you.

We don't care abourt Dr. Fauci. We care about the facts. If Dr. Fauci started spouting crap that contradicted the facts, we'd instantly say so.
That is the funniest thing I've heard in months. Thank you for the priceless entertainment.
Oooh, look. Someone's very upset because the world is laughing at his little truck convoy.

I didn't make you sore-loser kooks faceplant. You do that all by yourselves, so don't cry at me.

Now, we're really hoping your convoy comes to the USA, so we can keep laughing. Can you help make that happen?
The irony is going to be so delicious! I have some lovely spices and exotic Cyprus flake salt to season those words for you when it's time to eat them.

If the booster doesn't get you first.
That is the funniest thing I've heard in months.
I'm surprised you pulled your lips off of Putin's rectum long enough to type that.

I'm sure that's always a problem for you, deciding which of your masters' keisters to smooch at any given moment. You'll have to work it out somehow.

Now, how do your masters say to respond to that? Run and check. You wouldn't want to go off-script. You know your masters hate that.
Hopefully this massive opposition to the oppressive Left Wing government is the start of a movement to take back the country from the Left shit that fucks up everything they touch.
You just don't seem to get it. We are not like you. We don't do the messiah-worship thing.

Nowhere ever has any liberal actually said "Golly, Dr. Fauci said it, so I must obey". That only happens in your lunatic imagination.

And why do you imagine the world works that way? Because it's how you think. You blindly follow cult leaders and care nothing about actual facts, so you assume that's how everyone else must live as well. It's not. We are not like you.

We don't care abourt Dr. Fauci. We care about the facts. If Dr. Fauci started spouting crap that contradicted the facts, we'd instantly say so.
LOL...seriously? You're so brainwashed you don't even realize that Fauci has flip flopped on so many Covid related things that it borders on FARCE! You care about facts? Right.... (eye roll)
I'm surprised you pulled your lips off of Putin's rectum long enough to type that.

I'm sure that's always a problem for you, deciding which of your masters' keisters to smooch at any given moment. You'll have to work it out somehow.

Now, how do your masters say to respond to that? Run and check. You wouldn't want to go off-script. You know your masters hate that.
You'll be begging for that pHARMa when the TDS gets you so fucked up that you'd almost rather that the COVID had got you.
LOL...seriously? You're so brainwashed you don't even realize that Fauci has flip flopped on so many Covid related things that it borders on FARCE! You care about facts? Right.... (eye roll)
I get it. Being a cult imbecile, you fell for every "FAUCI LIED!" scam.

Again, we are not like you. We know the facts, so we know you're lying. You can't gaslight well-informed and intelligent people. You can only gaslight your fellow cult imbeciles.

And you do realize that your "FAUCIFAUCIFAUCI" shrieking marks you as a hardcore cultist, right? You don't see any of the normal people doing that. Only your side does it. That's because cults have to have enemies to demonize. The cultists have to be kept hysterical with hatred. If they're allowed to calm down and think, they'll figure out that the cult is scamming them.

Now, how does the cult tell you to respond to that?

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