Fifth Day of Thousands of No-Mandate Truckers Rolling to Ottawa, Media Blackout Total #FreedomConvoy2022

I'm surprised you pulled your lips off of Putin's rectum long enough to type that.

I'm sure that's always a problem for you, deciding which of your masters' keisters to smooch at any given moment. You'll have to work it out somehow.

Now, how do your masters say to respond to that? Run and check. You wouldn't want to go off-script. You know your masters hate that.
Yet you removed your lips from Trudeau’s anus long enough to post this drivel. Unlike you, some people are able to think for themselves. Not just change their story hour by hour depending on what your God Fauci says today. Which will change tomorrow. And again the day after that. Rinse and repeat.
And by thousands, they mean "113". Plus 200 dingleberries in small vehicles clinging on to the convoy's butthairs.

Trump cultists always inflate their numbers by a factor of 50 -100, including the Canadian Trump cultists.

After scheduling their big rally for a day when government wasn't in session, they're claiming they made goverment run away. That's the caliber of people we're seeing here.

The reaction of almost all Canadians is "yawn".

^^^ Poor widdle woo woo never learned how to count ^^^
Lol, these injections last about six months. The natural immunity I got from chicken pox is still chugging along just fine after 35 years.
Fact... I was in a house full of family members with the chicken pox as a kid, and I never got it, and when my own children got it, well I never got it then either. Sometimes people have a natural immunity to such things, and that's why hundred's of thousands upon thousand's never got the flu shot every year, and they were just fine without it. Then I know people who got the flu shot because the military forced it on them, and they got sick after taking the shot almost every time. When they got out they wouldn't take the flu shot anymore.

Makes one wonder though, what did Fauci and them know about this virus, otherwise that made it so lethal and transmissible ?? Did they somehow know this virus, and it's origins before, and did they know the tell tell signs of it immediately afterwards (post Wuhan) ???

Such things need to be investigated big time if any of the above are suspected.
Fact... I was in a house full of family members with the chicken pox as a kid, and I never got it, and when my own children got it, well I never got it then either. Sometimes people have a natural immunity to such things, and that's why hundred's of thousands upon thousand's never got the flu shot every year, and they were just fine without it. Then I know people who got the flu shot because the military forced it on them, and they got sick after taking the shot almost every time. When they got out they wouldn't take the flu shot anymore.

Makes one wonder though, what did Fauci and them know about this virus, otherwise that made it so lethal and transmissible ?? Did they somehow know this virus, and it's origins before, and did they know the tell tell signs of it immediately afterwards (post Wuhan) ???

Such things need to be investigated big time if any of the above are suspected.
No, your stupid conspiracy bullshit doesn’t need to be investigated anymore.

I bet that you think polio was just going to disappear before the dude Salk came a long, right.
You can't answer a simple question.

And very classy, resorting to insults.
That wasn’t an insult, just an observation.

Did you know that hitler’s NAZI party never killed any Jewish person. They just went on a long vacation.
It's a dead issue and a protest with no direction. The US has already mandated they be vaccinated to enter the country.

Now they're roaming around waving Canadian flags and wondering when somebody will tell them what freedom has gone missing?

Maybe tonight under the cover of darkness, the trouble makers will come out and tell them what they need to protest?

Not much chance of any of the truckers getting out their guns though. Not in Canada!
It's a dead issue and a protest with no direction. The US has already mandated they be vaccinated to enter the country.

Now they're roaming around waving Canadian flags and wondering when somebody will tell them what freedom has gone missing?

Maybe tonight under the cover of darkness, the trouble makers will come out and tell them what they need to protest?

Not much chance of any of the truckers getting out their guns though. Not in Canada!

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