Fifth Day of Thousands of No-Mandate Truckers Rolling to Ottawa, Media Blackout Total #FreedomConvoy2022

Your avatar is played out, just like your sense of success.
Does my avatar offend you?

If you can't answer that question, I'm going to assume you need to go back to either remedial reading or ESL classes. People have been telling me this about you, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Guess I'll have to rethink that.
Does my avatar offend you?

If you can't answer that question, I'm going to assume you need to go back to either remedial reading or ESL classes. People have been telling me this about you, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. Guess I'll have to rethink that.
You really are so proud of yourself over the avatar.

You must linger over the toilet when you crap too.

Good for you.
No, your stupid conspiracy bullshit doesn’t need to be investigated anymore.

I bet that you think polio was just going to disappear before the dude Salk came a long, right.
Can you talk in a decent or serious manor ? No because you are a radical trying to hold on to what you and your radical cohort's have since built with your crazy talk in this country. Gotta keep it up now or you all will be revealed as to the anti-American bull crap artist that you all are.

Holding something together with bull crap is like the little pig that built is house out of straw. It won't hold up but for so long.
Can you talk in a decent or serious manor ? No because you are a radical trying to hold on to what you and your radical cohort's have since built with your crazy talk in this country. Gotta keep it up now or you all will be revealed as to the anti-American bull crap artist that you all are.

Holding something together with bull crap is like the little pig that built is house out of straw. It won't hold up but for so long.
Stop the Stop the Steal.

By asking for proof.
Cuck boy has left the country lol.

Justin Trudeau and his family flee the Canadian capital for a secret location amid security concerns as 50,000 anti-vaccine mandate 'Freedom Convoy' truckers march days after being dismissed as a 'small fringe minority'​


There's really no point in debating antivaxxers. You can't fix crazy. COVID says "FAFO", they say "challenge accepted". It so often doesn't end well.

We tried to save them, they spit in our faces and threatened to kill us. We moved on.

No great loss.

(That's a Steven King quote from "The Stand". I could also go with Vonnegut and use "So it goes.")
You do realize that in The Stand the virus that wipes out most of the world is one that clueless scientists (like Fauci) created in a lab and then couldn't control?

"Crazy" is that you still support a piece of shit like Fauci! He should be explaining to the world why he thought altering viruses to make them stronger was a good idea!
You do realize that in The Stand the virus that wipes out most of the world is one that clueless scientists (like Fauci) created in a lab and then couldn't control?

"Crazy" is that you still support a piece of shit like Fauci! He should be explaining to the world why he thought altering viruses to make them stronger was a good idea!
Or making them jump to humans in order to study their effects on them was a good idea ????? Isn't that what the "gain of function" was all about ? Otherwise the virus wasn't made more lethal because it was already lethal in bats, but it became lethal in humans once it was transmissible to them.
Or making them jump to humans in order to study their effects on them was a good idea ????? Isn't that what the "gain of function" was all about ? Otherwise the virus wasn't made more lethal because it was already lethal in bats, but it became lethal in humans once it was transmissible to them.
That was a great idea according to Fauci. Like I said...he's a "virus groupie"! So why are we listening to the guy who was a major player in the group of idiots who burdened the world with this killer pandemic? Does that make any sense at all?

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