Fifth Day of Thousands of No-Mandate Truckers Rolling to Ottawa, Media Blackout Total #FreedomConvoy2022

Are you drunk?

Just asking. It seems to be the logical explanation.
I realize that life is getting a little scary for you vax zombies, now that the real numbers of vax deaths are becoming evident. I guess you're looking forward to meeting your Saint Fauci in Hell, eh? The pinnacle for you cultists.
I get it. Being a cult imbecile, you fell for every "FAUCI LIED!" scam.

Again, we are not like you. We know the facts, so we know you're lying. You can't gaslight well-informed and intelligent people. You can only gaslight your fellow cult imbeciles.

And you do realize that your "FAUCIFAUCIFAUCI" shrieking marks you as a hardcore cultist, right? You don't see any of the normal people doing that. Only your side does it. That's because cults have to have enemies to demonize. The cultists have to be kept hysterical with hatred. If they're allowed to calm down and think, they'll figure out that the cult is scamming them.

Now, how does the cult tell you to respond to that?
Keep getting the kill shots. We're looking for your name to fall off the radar.
There's really no point in debating antivaxxers. You can't fix crazy. COVID says "FAFO", they say "challenge accepted". It so often doesn't end well.

We tried to save them, they spit in our faces and threatened to kill us. We moved on.

No great loss.

(That's a Steven King quote from "The Stand". I could also go with Vonnegut and use "So it goes.")
And by thousands, they mean "113". Plus 200 dingleberries in small vehicles clinging on to the convoy's butthairs.

Trump cultists always inflate their numbers by a factor of 50 -100, including the Canadian Trump cultists.

After scheduling their big rally for a day when government wasn't in session, they're claiming they made goverment run away. That's the caliber of people we're seeing here.

The reaction of almost all Canadians is "yawn".

Typical Mamooth lie which as usual doesn't make case to support his claim.

Meanwhile several uncensored posts on this can be read here:

Canadian Truckers for Freedom growing fast — 11 convoys, $5m, one convoy said to be 70km long

Facebook shuts down a growing member base of 545,000 and other social media elsewhere. It is clear censorship is growing and getting worse trying to shut down freedom of assembly and protest.

Go fund me has frozen the account that was at least $7.5 million in support of the convoy which will hopefully open eyes to what imbecilic governments like Canada does to people.

Another way to shut down your freedom to protest which is what leftists always wants to happen because they are weak piles of shit who ignores thousands of years of failed authoritarian government experiments that always causes a lot of pain the people who were uses as slaves, serfs and similar.


Freedom Convoy 2022: thousands of trucks take to Canada’s highways against Mandatory Vax


[WATCH] Russell Brand Calls Out Fake News Media for Convoy Protest Blackout, Goes Viral

Pajammas media alive and well.
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There's really no point in debating antivaxxers. You can't fix crazy. COVID says "FAFO", they say "challenge accepted". It so often doesn't end well.

We tried to save them, they spit in our faces and threatened to kill us. We moved on.

No great loss.

(That's a Steven King quote from "The Stand". I could also go with Vonnegut and use "So it goes.")
It's okay. We understand you're scared.
Lol, these injections last about six months. The natural immunity I got from chicken pox is still chugging along just fine after 35 years.
Why the comparison to the chicken pox? Is that relevant to COVID? Also, with the pox vaccine it was effectively wiped out in America.
Oh, you know what Canadians really don't like? Canadians who try to act like Americans. That's one reason why Canadian Trump cultists are so unpopular.
You obviously don’t watch anything except pedo run CNN. Or you would know it takes quite a bit to make Canadians upset. The little dictator wannabe has done exactly that. Trump has nothing to do with Canada. You know who does? Limp wrist Trudeau. He’s unpopular.
You're doing that belligerent ignorance thing typical of Trump cultists. Being a piss-gargling cult imbecile yourself, entirely dependent on what informatinon TheParty has chosen to trickle-down your greedy throat, you can't even imagine that other people are different.

We are not like you. You need to understand that not everyone is a cult imbecile.
Thins ^^^^ from a Fauci cult member who claimed the jab makes you all but immune to Covid. Seems you’re the one gargling piss just like your cult leader Fauci said to.
Oooh, look. Someone's very upset because the world is laughing at his little truck convoy.

I didn't make you sore-loser kooks faceplant. You do that all by yourselves, so don't cry at me.

Now, we're really hoping your convoy comes to the USA, so we can keep laughing. Can you help make that happen?
No, we’re laughing at cultists like you who obediently take your jab whenever you’re told without questioning anything. Your desperate attempt to deflect and deny reality is all on you, so quit crying. Remain ignorant.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo.

(Yep, that one got eight cuckoos)

You Trump cult sore-losers live to proclaim how you're all the ultimate victims. You clearly get a sick pervy thrill from making up such fantasies.

As someone should have told you before, that's not normal, and it's not okay. But since you've retreated from normal society and isolated yourselves in cult SafeSpaces, there aren't any normal people areound you to tell you you're acting like a loon. That means it gets left up to me to stage the interventions.
This coming from a leftist y'all... I rest my case.

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