Fifth Day of Thousands of No-Mandate Truckers Rolling to Ottawa, Media Blackout Total #FreedomConvoy2022

That was a great idea according to Fauci. Like I said...he's a "virus groupie"! So why are we listening to the guy who was a major player in the group of idiots who burdened the world with this killer pandemic? Does that make any sense at all?
Meanwhile, the "truckers" in Ottawa have been dancing on the Grave of the Unknown Soldier (yes, the Canadians have one too), pissing on the National War Memorial, going thug on a soup kitchen to grab food, and desecrating the Terry Fox statue.

So, most of Canada thinks they're awful people.

They're threatening to camp out and keep going. Everyone is saying "Good luck. This is Canada, and it's winter." They've had to keep the truckers from trying to heat their tents with vehicle exhaust.

People Exercising Their Rights Today.



I have been saying it for a while ...
No need to worry about a bunch of hillbillies running around with AR-15's ...
Piss of the truckers enough and you may go hungry in short order.

Some of that stuff doesn't deliver itself ...
And I don't like government cheese.

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Estimated now 43 miles long on final approach to Ottawa. Supporters in sub-zero temperatures. Elite has an iron grip on the major media or this would be headline news, long past time to bust the media monopoly. Do not believe the smears. See; Canada Truckers Anti-Mandate Convoy Organizer Explains Goals, #FreedomConvoy2022

Reports are boy Fringe Trudeau on a sudden 5 day vacation.

BREAKING: German Pathology Conference Calls for Halt on COVID Vaccines, Say Autopsies Show Horrific Organ Damage, "Lead to Illness and Death" --

“We herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate stop of the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines.” – Professor Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Professor of Pathology University of Hamburg, Dr. Walter Lang
Top Pathologists Say Autopsies Show COVID Vaccines Cause “Illness and Death,” Self Organ Attacks, Call for Halt to Shots

#FreedomConvoy2022 Demands: We will not go home until:

– Either Trudeau steps down OR

– All experimental mRNA injection mandates (“vaccines”) are lifted, for all of Canada and for all Canadians, and Canadians are free again. No mandates means: No mandatory vaccine, no vaccine passport, no discrimination, no fine regulations/programs, and no segregation.

– The trucking convoy is NOT anti vaccination. It is anti government mandates. Many of us are vaccinated. We simply believe that every Canadian should be free to choose and face no discrimination or restrictions on their freedom due to their choice.

– Truckers will NOT block emergency vehicles at any point, ever, and will even assist any person in need at any point in the convoy or protest. Safety plans are in place. Drivers have been briefed and signed documents at their respective checkpoints.


For full mission statement see official website “Memorandum of Understanding”: M.O.U. -

MORE INFORMATION: Fight for Freedom in Canada Begins, MASSIVE Trucker Protest Against Mandates! Trudeau Must Go! Fight for Freedom in Canada Begins, MASSIVE Trucker Protest Against Mandates! Trudeau Must Go!

Wow, now there trying to steal food from the homeless and blocking streets.

Run dem fuckers over like they would in Florida.
Meanwhile, the "truckers" in Ottawa have been dancing on the Grave of the Unknown Soldier (yes, the Canadians have one too), pissing on the National War Memorial, going thug on a soup kitchen to grab food, and desecrating the Terry Fox statue.

So, most of Canada thinks they're awful people.

They're threatening to camp out and keep going. Everyone is saying "Good luck. This is Canada, and it's winter." They've had to keep the truckers from trying to heat their tents with vehicle exhaust.
Funny sweetheart, but it looks like the non Truckers are supporting the Truckers. Wanna try again?
Show your proof that natural immunity to COVID lasts a lifetime.
Otto do you have reading comprehension problems?

Covid is new--so no proof that natural immunity lasts a lifetime other than natural immunity has already proven to last longer than the faux vaccines and the HISTORY of other VIRUS's hence why I put in black and white for the most the ignorant among us, OTTO, the POSSBILITY in my post.
Meanwhile, the "truckers" in Ottawa have been dancing on the Grave of the Unknown Soldier (yes, the Canadians have one too), pissing on the National War Memorial, going thug on a soup kitchen to grab food, and desecrating the Terry Fox statue.

So, most of Canada thinks they're awful people.

They're threatening to camp out and keep going. Everyone is saying "Good luck. This is Canada, and it's winter." They've had to keep the truckers from trying to heat their tents with vehicle exhaust.
No they are not Moon Bat. You are confused once again.

That soldier(s) died so that Canadians can be free to protest oppressive government policies and they were using that as a symbol of freedom.

Stop with your mindless Left Wing hate. It just makes you look like an asshole. The truckers are doing the right thing.
Ottawa police went full commie on Twitter today if someone wants to post their manifesto have at it.
Amazing how these stupid Moon Bats hate it when the citizens show solidarity against government oppression. They are doing it in a peaceful manner. Unlike our filthy ass Negro thugs that spent six months burning, rioting, looting, murdering and destroying in over 200 American cities.
Otto do you have reading comprehension problems?

Covid is new--so no proof that natural immunity lasts a lifetime other than natural immunity has already proven to last longer than the faux vaccines and the HISTORY of other VIRUS's hence why I put in black and white for the most the ignorant among us, OTTO, the POSSBILITY in my post.
Not according to the CDC. Natural immunity is lasting about 90 days, where vaccine is 6 months.

So, what do you base your opinion on?

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