"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

remember the Inquisition and the Crusades where the Christians murdered people

You don't have the very first clue what the Crusades were about, totally obvious
the Christians attacked Christians for $$$ to pay for the Crusades !!!
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
and don't forget that in every major city, priest ''sinned'' against children--molesting them--then the hierarchy made it worse by trying to cover it up

Western Europeans suck, just like Arabs, and Africans suck.

Pretty much everything South of Hungary, and West Poland should be renamed the looting, shooting, Chimp spasms race.... A feral race of disgusting savages.
Western Europe today is pretty much the best place to live in the world that there has ever been since the dawn of time. That is why Eastern European countries want to be a part of it.
Phinehas says otherwise.

Phineas Priesthood - Wikipedia

the Israelite Phinehas, grandson of Aaron. Numbers 25:7 According to Numbers 25, Phineas personally executed an Israelite man and a Midianite woman while they were together in the man's tent, running a spear through the two and ending a plague sent by God to punish the Israelites for intermingling sexually and religiously with the Midianite Baal-worshipers. Phineas is commended for having stopped Israel's fall to idolatrous practices brought in by Midianite women, as well as for stopping the desecration of God's sanctuary. Yahweh commends Phineas through Moses as zealous, gives him a "covenant of peace," and grants him and "his seed" an everlasting priesthood
Oh dear. Is this a justification for racism ? I dont understand the point you make ?

I'm not a practicing Christian, but Phinehas proves your assertions wrong.
Which assertions ?
He's laughing at your ignorant ass.

How do you know he's laughing if you don't even know if he exists? Again, seems like you're full of shit. Seems like your faith is full of shit. Seems like your entire belief system is full of shit.

Go bother someone else, loon. You're freaking stupid

No answer with regard to God letting the Holocaust happen to his chosen people? What happened there? Why did God let 6,000,000 Jews be slaughtered?

Free will, He gave it to all of us.

See you are clueless...not the first clue what your blubbering about.
Oh dear. Is this a justification for racism ? I dont understand the point you make ?

Because Moors in 700 AD took slaves, that makes it OK for Christians to rape, pillage, and murder their way through the Middle East several centuries later. That's his point.

Well, you specifically said the Islamic invasions of Europe only bought, harmony, and prosperity.

So, I'm calling out your revision of history.

If you didn't notice, I called out Western Europeans earlier as scum for attacking fellow Christians in the 4th Crusade.

While the initial motives of the Crusades may have been just, in the end Western Europeans just seemed to go nuts looting, and shooting.
Free will, He gave it to all of us.

So free will is why 6,000,000 Jews were killed, or free will is why you think God exists? Looks like you just regurgitated out free will because you had nothing to say and didn't want to give the appearance like you lost the debate.

So what are you talking about with regard to free will? Free will as it relates to the Holocaust, how?

You're saying God let 6,000,000 Jews be killed because of "free will"? Who would worship a God like that!?!?!?! Someone with serious mental issues, like you.
Phinehas says otherwise.

Phineas Priesthood - Wikipedia

the Israelite Phinehas, grandson of Aaron. Numbers 25:7 According to Numbers 25, Phineas personally executed an Israelite man and a Midianite woman while they were together in the man's tent, running a spear through the two and ending a plague sent by God to punish the Israelites for intermingling sexually and religiously with the Midianite Baal-worshipers. Phineas is commended for having stopped Israel's fall to idolatrous practices brought in by Midianite women, as well as for stopping the desecration of God's sanctuary. Yahweh commends Phineas through Moses as zealous, gives him a "covenant of peace," and grants him and "his seed" an everlasting priesthood
Oh dear. Is this a justification for racism ? I dont understand the point you make ?

I'm not a practicing Christian, but Phinehas proves your assertions wrong.
Which assertions ?

Your assertion that it's a Christian value to denounce Racism, oh contraire, according to Phinehas, it would appear that resisting mixing of ethnics, is more along the lines of a Christian value.
Well, you specifically said the Islamic invasions of Europe only bought, harmony, and prosperity.

Not what I said, and that book you cited actually does say there was much peace and prosperity in the peninsula into the "reconquista" (AKA Spanish Inquisition). Did slavery happen? Yes. But slavery was the norm in that world at the time. But how does that justify massacring people 300 years later in the middle east? It doesn't. It's just you trying to find moral equivalence.

If you didn't notice, I called out Western Europeans earlier as scum for attacking fellow Christians in the 4th Crusade.

European Christians attacked everyone in the Middle East; Jews, Christians, Muslims...and they lost. Over and over. So I'm not sure why you would want to invoke them as the good guys when they weren't at all.

While the initial motives of the Crusades may have been just, in the end Western Europeans just seemed to go nuts looting, and shooting.

Their motives were never just. Just like how the motives of most Christians today aren't just. The motivation is the same for those people as it's always been; murder, pillage, rape...that's the Christian way.
WW2 ---- 60 MILLION dead....whole cities destroyed, and burned
millions more raped/robbed/wounded/etc
millions dislocated --- losing their homes...etc
and this after christ came.....????
...I know--I know your answer--''it's god's will, it's god's plan''......
great plan there
remember the Inquisition and the Crusades where the Christians murdered people

You don't have the very first clue what the Crusades were about, totally obvious
the Christians attacked Christians for $$$ to pay for the Crusades !!!
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
and don't forget that in every major city, priest ''sinned'' against children--molesting them--then the hierarchy made it worse by trying to cover it up

Western Europeans suck, just like Arabs, and Africans suck.

Pretty much everything South of Hungary, and West Poland should be renamed the looting, shooting, Chimp spasms race.... A feral race of disgusting savages.
Western Europe today is pretty much the best place to live in the world that there has ever been since the dawn of time. That is why Eastern European countries want to be a part of it.

Western Europeans are sadistic, they've always been since the dawn of time, they were in Colonialism genocide, and still are in Multiculturalism suicide.
WW2 ---- 60 MILLION dead....whole cities destroyed, and burned
millions raped/robbed/wounded/etc
millions dislocated --- losing their homes...etc
and this after christ came.....????
...I know--I know your answer--''it's god's will, it's god's plan''......

It's free will. You're too stupid to grasp it even if I tried to explain it
It's free will. You're too stupid to grasp it even if I tried to explain it

How is it "free will"? Don't understand what you mean. What kind of God would stand aside while 6,000,000 of his "chosen people" are gassed by Nazis?

God gave us all free will, to make mistakes or live under His laws. He's not a babysitter.Your time here is simply one huge trial and you'll be judged at the end.

You're not going to fare so well. Blasphemy is a huge no no
Well, you specifically said the Islamic invasions of Europe only bought, harmony, and prosperity.

Not what I said, and that book you cited actually does say there was much peace and prosperity in the peninsula into the "reconquista" (AKA Spanish Inquisition). Did slavery happen? Yes. But slavery was the norm in that world at the time. But how does that justify massacring people 300 years later in the middle east? It doesn't. It's just you trying to find moral equivalence.

If you didn't notice, I called out Western Europeans earlier as scum for attacking fellow Christians in the 4th Crusade.

European Christians attacked everyone in the Middle East; Jews, Christians, Muslims...and they lost. Over and over. So I'm not sure why you would want to invoke them as the good guys when they weren't at all.

While the initial motives of the Crusades may have been just, in the end Western Europeans just seemed to go nuts looting, and shooting.

Their motives were never just. Just like how the motives of most Christians today aren't just. The motivation is the same for those people as it's always been; murder, pillage, rape...that's the Christian way.

When did I say that Crusaders were the good guys?

The Spaniards rightfully had the right to take back Spain.
Why do you seem to think otherwise?
WW2 ---- 60 MILLION dead....whole cities destroyed, and burned
millions raped/robbed/wounded/etc
millions dislocated --- losing their homes...etc
and this after christ came.....????
...I know--I know your answer--''it's god's will, it's god's plan''......

It's free will. You're too stupid to grasp it even if I tried to explain it
yes--that's the other answer...free will ...I hear it all the time...
--still, it's a great creation, yes?? man murdering and destroying??!!!??
god gave man the ability to destroy--so in the end, god is responsible
god created everything--yes or no? then he is responsible....great plan
WW2 ---- 60 MILLION dead....whole cities destroyed, and burned
millions raped/robbed/wounded/etc
millions dislocated --- losing their homes...etc
and this after christ came.....????
...I know--I know your answer--''it's god's will, it's god's plan''......

It's free will. You're too stupid to grasp it even if I tried to explain it
yes--that's the other answer...free will ...I hear it all the time...
--still, it's a great creation, yes?? man murdering and destroying??!!!??
god gave man the ability to destroy--so in the end, god is responsible
god created everything--yes or no? then he is responsible....great plan

No, man is responsible for his actions. You blame your parents for all the mistakes you've made?

Think hard now
There is no way you can prove His non existence. Checkmate

That's not a checkmate, it's an abrogation of responsibility.
If God exists, He exists outside of His creation. That only makes logical sense...when or if you have ever built something...were you inside what you built or outside of it?
???? !!!?? what?
When you create something, are you inside your creation or outside of it?

What do you not understand about that question?

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