"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

No footnotes to this one. Clear as day. Kicks Phineas right up his arse. Love thy neighbour trumps just about everything else you can root out
Do you live your neighbor when you allow rapists into your home to rape your wife and daughter (assuming you have normal family values)
Love thy neighbour seems to be beyond your understanding.
The bible also says to love your enemies....but I know for a fact you don't follow that line.
No footnotes to this one. Clear as day. Kicks Phineas right up his arse. Love thy neighbour trumps just about everything else you can root out
Do you live your neighbor when you allow rapists into your home to rape your wife and daughter (assuming you have normal family values)
Love thy neighbour seems to be beyond your understanding.
The bible also says to love your enemies....but I know for a fact you don't follow that line.
I dont have any enemies.
if man and woman has free will, how come over 85%--almost all--murders are committed by males??...how come females don't commit more murder?
males are more aggressive--more prone to fighting/violence....not total free will
Are you a defense lawyer? Now murderers "can't help themselves"?
if everyone has the same amount of free will--how come males commit over 85% of the murders?? just answer the question..
if it is total free will?
Males have higher testosterone levels, which makes us more likely to be aggressive, that's why 85% of murders are committed by males. We don't all commit murders though, the vast majority don't... So uh, your question is bogus. Some men use their free will to kill, most don't.... So what is the point of this question anyway?
exactly--our natural testosterone ''makes us more likely''....not total free will, is it ?!
but men are more aggressive, also--you just said it
It's still free will when a man chooses to kill. Just because men are more likely to be violent doesn't mean we don't have a choice in whether we get violent or not.
you said it--testosterone naturally makes males more aggressive
also---how come females do not commit more murders?? please--85% is a huge number...we are talking mathematical facts--not fairy tales......you cannot deny 85% is almost all.......why such a small amount of females??
..it doesn't matter if most people don't commit murder.......we are using a group for the testing/facts....just like a scientific hypothesis
Another one that is clueless about the Crusades. LOL. You were public schooled, eh?

Not sure from where you learned about the Crusades (probably in the same Church where they taught you someone lived in a whale for a few years), but Muslims had already been in Europe for 300 years. And in Spain in particular, the Moorish rule produced peace and prosperity where all three major religions lived in harmony. It wasn't until the Spanish Inquisition (Catholics) when things turned to shit there. In fact, Jews and Muslims fought alongside each other during the Crusades, against the Christian rapists.

Fact is the Crusaders were the bad guys who tried (and failed) to kick Muslims out of Jerusalem.

The Crusaders, not the Muslims, were the ones burning, raping, and pillaging their way across Europe and the Middle East.

It's probably been pointed out already that the crusades were a response to hundreds of years of muslim incursion to european lands. That you presume the medieval muslim invaders were less rapey and burney than medieval european crusaders proves your bias.

As for the topic of abortion you keep trying to turn it into a religious issue and not one of common decency, of taking responsibility for your life choices...You can't expect society to maintain it's moral character when you condone and endorse the casual extermination of life for the sake of convenience. Lefties like you care more about endangered eyeless cave fish than you do human embryos.
he is another example--fact!!
most of the murders in my city, are committed in the ''poor--black'' areas--by males
do aliens fly around and shine a blue light on these specific areas to make them ''murder areas''??
or is it socioeconomic/cultural/etc??
The reason most murders are committed in poor black areas is a mixture of socioeconomic, cultural and biological. We were just talking about males having higher testosterone than females. Well, black males have higher testosterone than the other races...that's why they make good athletes..but it can also be a curse when mixed with being poor and having a culture that promotes single motherhood and macho posturing.
No footnotes to this one. Clear as day. Kicks Phineas right up his arse. Love thy neighbour trumps just about everything else you can root out
Do you live your neighbor when you allow rapists into your home to rape your wife and daughter (assuming you have normal family values)
Love thy neighbour seems to be beyond your understanding.
The bible also says to love your enemies....but I know for a fact you don't follow that line.
No footnotes to this one. Clear as day. Kicks Phineas right up his arse. Love thy neighbour trumps just about everything else you can root out
Do you live your neighbor when you allow rapists into your home to rape your wife and daughter (assuming you have normal family values)
Love thy neighbour seems to be beyond your understanding.
The bible also says to love your enemies....but I know for a fact you don't follow that line.
I dont have any enemies.
Sure you do.
humans are selfish..you have to teach them to be nice, etc and have a good home, good father, etc..if not, the human male goes more toward the bad, than the good
..look at kids with toys---''MINE MINE"' and will attack if another kid tries to take their toy..very selfish and aggressive
...naturally born to be selfish and to ''hit''/attack
he is another example--fact!!
most of the murders in my city, are committed in the ''poor--black'' areas--by males
do aliens fly around and shine a blue light on these specific areas to make them ''murder areas''??
or is it socioeconomic/cultural/etc??
The reason most murders are committed in poor black areas is a mixture of socioeconomic, cultural and biological. We were just talking about males having higher testosterone than females. Well, black males have higher testosterone than the other races...that's why they make good athletes..but it can also be a curse when mixed with being poor and having a culture that promotes single motherhood and macho posturing.
How come the worlds murder capitals are in Central America then ? Suggests it is linked to poverty rather than skin colour.
he is another example--fact!!
most of the murders in my city, are committed in the ''poor--black'' areas--by males
do aliens fly around and shine a blue light on these specific areas to make them ''murder areas''??
or is it socioeconomic/cultural/etc??
The reason most murders are committed in poor black areas is a mixture of socioeconomic, cultural and biological. We were just talking about males having higher testosterone than females. Well, black males have higher testosterone than the other races...that's why they make good athletes..but it can also be a curse when mixed with being poor and having a culture that promotes single motherhood and macho posturing.
How come the worlds murder capitals are in Central America then ? Suggests it is linked to poverty rather than skin colour.
fine, whatever--but there is not total free will
What I mean by 'macho posturing' is a lot of males raised in single mother headed households in poor areas tend to go overboard with the tough act because they have no father figure to teach them how to temper their aggressiveness....so they usually have to learn the hard way...getting into fights and all of that.

This is true regardless of race, but add the higher testosterone levels and well... You see what happens.
So i
What I mean by 'macho posturing' is a lot of males raised in single mother headed households in poor areas tend to go overboard with the tough act because they have no father figure to teach them how to temper their aggressiveness....so they usually have to learn the hard way...getting into fights and all of that.

This is true regardless of race, but add the higher testosterone levels and well... You see what happens.
So its not a black thing then, its about poverty and environment.
humans are selfish..you have to teach them to be nice, etc and have a good home, good father, etc..if not, the human male goes more toward the bad, than the good
..look at kids with toys---''MINE MINE"' and will attack if another kid tries to take their toy..very selfish and aggressive
...naturally born to be selfish and to ''hit''/attack
Sure. I agree with that.
here is yet another example-fact:
out of all the people in the world you would expect not to commit a sin--priest have been molesting children--in most major cities.....and this doesn't count all the other sinful priests
...if there is free will, wouldn't you expect priest--of all people--not to sin??
he is another example--fact!!
most of the murders in my city, are committed in the ''poor--black'' areas--by males
do aliens fly around and shine a blue light on these specific areas to make them ''murder areas''??
or is it socioeconomic/cultural/etc??
The reason most murders are committed in poor black areas is a mixture of socioeconomic, cultural and biological. We were just talking about males having higher testosterone than females. Well, black males have higher testosterone than the other races...that's why they make good athletes..but it can also be a curse when mixed with being poor and having a culture that promotes single motherhood and macho posturing.
How come the worlds murder capitals are in Central America then ? Suggests it is linked to poverty rather than skin colour.
There are blacks in Central America, you know that right? But again, high testosterone, being poor and a culture that puts a lot of emphasis on machismo.
he is another example--fact!!
most of the murders in my city, are committed in the ''poor--black'' areas--by males
do aliens fly around and shine a blue light on these specific areas to make them ''murder areas''??
or is it socioeconomic/cultural/etc??
The reason most murders are committed in poor black areas is a mixture of socioeconomic, cultural and biological. We were just talking about males having higher testosterone than females. Well, black males have higher testosterone than the other races...that's why they make good athletes..but it can also be a curse when mixed with being poor and having a culture that promotes single motherhood and macho posturing.
How come the worlds murder capitals are in Central America then ? Suggests it is linked to poverty rather than skin colour.

Central Americans are very much Native American, with only traces of Spaniard.

Native Americans in Nunavut, Canada have fairly high incomes, and still have high murder rates.

So, yes, Native Americans seem to have a higher tendency towards murder, regardless of poverty.

Blacks in Prince George's County, Maryland also have fairly high incomes, and also see high murder rates.

So, yes Blacks seem to have high murder rates, regardless of poverty, as well.
here is yet another example-fact:
out of all the people in the world you would expect not to commit a sin--priest have been molesting children--in most major cities.....and this doesn't count all the other sinful priests
...if there is free will, wouldn't you expect priest--of all people--not to sin??
Child molesting filth will often look to get into positions of trust and authority, easier to take advantage of kids that way. Look at all the school teachers molesting kids too.
How come the worlds murder capitals are in Central America then ? Suggests it is linked to poverty rather than skin colour.

most people in central america are the descendants of tribal people known for sacrificing human beings to their serpent god in brutal rituals.
he is another example--fact!!
most of the murders in my city, are committed in the ''poor--black'' areas--by males
do aliens fly around and shine a blue light on these specific areas to make them ''murder areas''??
or is it socioeconomic/cultural/etc??
The reason most murders are committed in poor black areas is a mixture of socioeconomic, cultural and biological. We were just talking about males having higher testosterone than females. Well, black males have higher testosterone than the other races...that's why they make good athletes..but it can also be a curse when mixed with being poor and having a culture that promotes single motherhood and macho posturing.
How come the worlds murder capitals are in Central America then ? Suggests it is linked to poverty rather than skin colour.

Central Americans are very much Native American, with only traces of Spaniard.

Native Americans in Nunavut, Canada have fairly high incomes, and still have high murder rates.

So, yes, Native Americans seem to have a higher tendency towards murder, regardless of poverty.

Blacks in Prince George's County, Maryland also have fairly high incomes, and also see high murder rates.

So, yes Blacks seem to have high murder rates, regardless of poverty, as well.
So i
What I mean by 'macho posturing' is a lot of males raised in single mother headed households in poor areas tend to go overboard with the tough act because they have no father figure to teach them how to temper their aggressiveness....so they usually have to learn the hard way...getting into fights and all of that.

This is true regardless of race, but add the higher testosterone levels and well... You see what happens.
So its not a black thing then, its about poverty and environment.
It's all of it, but in my opinion...environment and culture play the biggest role.
How come the worlds murder capitals are in Central America then ? Suggests it is linked to poverty rather than skin colour.

most people in central america are the descendants of tribal people known for sacrificing human beings to their serpent god in brutal rituals.
Oh lord. They are all Christians now. Isnt that more relevant ?
How come the worlds murder capitals are in Central America then ? Suggests it is linked to poverty rather than skin colour.

most people in central america are the descendants of tribal people known for sacrificing human beings to their serpent god in brutal rituals.
Oh lord. They are all Christians now. Isnt that more relevant ?
Uh, not really. A lot are Catholics, but not all of them.

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