"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

The "Ten Commandments" are the iconic example of Christian values and they have been around a lot longer than Robert E. Lee but a 1948 interpretation of the 1st Amendment (by democrats) authorized jack booted thugs armed with sledge hammers to smash the Christian Icon off at least one Court House wall. The crazy artsy left laughed at the exhibit of a Christian Crucifix submerged in an alleged vat of urine and the Christian icon Virgin Mary smeared with animal dung. The point is that lefties have a history of attacking soft targets like statues and Christianity while they ignore or sanction or ridicule real threats to the U.S.
The "Ten Commandments" are the iconic example of Christian values and they have been around a lot longer than Robert E. Lee but a 1948 interpretation of the 1st Amendment (by democrats) authorized jack booted thugs armed with sledge hammers to smash the Christian Icon off at least one Court House wall. The crazy artsy left laughed at the exhibit of a Christian Crucifix submerged in an alleged vat of urine and the Christian icon Virgin Mary smeared with animal dung. The point is that lefties have a history of attacking soft targets like statues and Christianity while they ignore or sanction or ridicule real threats to the U.S.

"The crazy artsy left laughed at the exhibit of a Christian Crucifix submerged in an alleged vat of urine and the Christian icon Virgin Mary smeared with animal dung. The point is that lefties have a history of attacking soft targets like statues and Christianity"

Well that is because the Leftist Maniacs follow the playbook of their God Hating and God Denying heroes, like Marx, Trotsky and Lenin.

It might have something to do with they get their energy from Satan, they turned their back on God a very, very long time ago and their political programme is everything that is the opposite of what God instructs for His people and the opposite of God is Satan, the opposite of Jesus Christ is the Antichrist.

In Russia the very first thing the Bolsheviks did was outlaw Christianity and start dismantling the Churches and murdering priests and nuns.

If you look at Spain, this is also what the Republicans started to do, the Republicans aka the Communists, the brutal assault on Christianity, they also used to dig up the rotting corpses of nuns and priests and display them in the streets.



^^^^ This is Communism, this is the Profound Evil of Marxist Philosophy, a vile and God Hating and God Less nightmare of soul less and demonic people.

Spain would have become the next victim of International Communism, as instructed by Lenin, when he said for them to infest every nation across the world to spread International Communism.

Spain would have fallen were it not for Francisco Franco, he saved Spain from Communism, just like Augusto Pinochet saved Chile from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba and Jorge Videla saved Argentina from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba.

Oh and if any little Snowflake wants to wet their panties about me mentioning Franco, Pinochet and Videla they can fuck off, I repeat:

Franco, Pinochet and Videla were GREAT men, they saved Spain, Chile and Argentina from Communist vermin.
When did I do that? Never. As I've said countless times (and you keep ignoring either deliberately or not) is that if you want to pray to some cloud fairy, go for it. Just do that shit in the privacy of your own home, or in a church. But don't bring that shit to the legislature. There's no place for it.
Therein lies your fallacy envisioning God as an old, white haired, big bearded man sitting in the clouds wrapped into white bedsheets. God is incorporeal, start there. When you realize that, then you can advance further in your studies.
The "Ten Commandments" are the iconic example of Christian values and they have been around a lot longer than Robert E. Lee but a 1948 interpretation of the 1st Amendment (by democrats) authorized jack booted thugs armed with sledge hammers to smash the Christian Icon off at least one Court House wall. The crazy artsy left laughed at the exhibit of a Christian Crucifix submerged in an alleged vat of urine and the Christian icon Virgin Mary smeared with animal dung. The point is that lefties have a history of attacking soft targets like statues and Christianity while they ignore or sanction or ridicule real threats to the U.S.

"The crazy artsy left laughed at the exhibit of a Christian Crucifix submerged in an alleged vat of urine and the Christian icon Virgin Mary smeared with animal dung. The point is that lefties have a history of attacking soft targets like statues and Christianity"

Well that is because the Leftist Maniacs follow the playbook of their God Hating and God Denying heroes, like Marx, Trotsky and Lenin.

It might have something to do with they get their energy from Satan, they turned their back on God a very, very long time ago and their political programme is everything that is the opposite of what God instructs for His people and the opposite of God is Satan, the opposite of Jesus Christ is the Antichrist.

In Russia the very first thing the Bolsheviks did was ban Christianity and start dismantling the Churches and murdering priests and nuns.

If you look at Spain, this is also what the Republicans started to do, the Republicans aka the Communists, the brutal assault on Christianity, they also used to dig up the rotting corpses of nuns and display them in the streets.

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View attachment 148090

^^^^ This is Communism, this is the Profound Evil of Marxist Philosophy, a vile and God Hating and God Less nightmare of soul less and demonic people.

Spain would have become the next victim of International Communism, as instructed by Lenin, when he said for them to infest every nation across the world to spread International Communism.

Spain would have fallen were it not for Francisco Franco, he saved Spain from Communism, just like Augusto Pinochet saved Chile from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba and Jorge Videla saved Argentina from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba.

Oh and if any little Snowflake wants to wet their panties about me mentioning Franco, Pinochet and Videla they can fuck off, I repeat:

Franco, Pinochet and Videla were GREAT men, they saved Spain, Chile and Argentina from Communist vermin.
I want to make sure people understand that Pinochet was no fascist, no disrespect to Franco... Pinochet initiated all-out capitalism at first, the only government interference in the market was zoning permits and other forms of licensing that were practical and not overbearing. Chile is still the richest Latin american country per capita.though they are reverting back to communism thanks to non-Chileans moving in.
They did not fight in Jesus' name to preserve slavery. The bible calls for the death penalty of 'men stealers'.

Are you fucking kidding? What part of the Bible is that? Because the Old Testament is all about slavery. And yes, the South definitely fought in Christianity's name to preserve slavery. The Confederate Constitution literally said: “invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God.”

Chattel slavery is prohibited and worthy of death in the bible. So American slavery was not blessed by God.

Not sure what the fuck Bible you're reading, but the King James version definitely doesn't say that.
You said
The Confederate Constitution literally said: “invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God.”

Do you know how much the Confederacy saying that means? Not very much. I do not recall Jefferson Davis as an authority on doctrine of any religion.
Why the ones who call themselves conservative are thr least compasionate towards others, wouldnt jesus have helped the refugees? The dreamers? Thr immigrants?
Why is it highly likely a racist and a bigot can be conservative more than. A liberal who doesn't even believe in god.
Pretty much of a blanket statement, and a huge fail.[/QUOT]

Not all of course but it's a fact....in this very forum. The conservatives are the most racist and bigots.
When I revealed I'm a Muslim all the hate coming from the right, from Jesus followers is flattering.
It's still very puzzling why would those who love Jesus the most are the least compassionate and the least forgiving....and the first to deny help to the needy (DACA,refugees, immigrants, ect...)?
I think a lot of these people are fake Christians who use the religion as a cloak for their perverted world view. They have studied the bible long enough to find something to back up their prejudices and thats where it ends.
On this thread they are now claiming that racism is blessed by God. Just like in South Africa and the Confederacy.

What a sorry state of affairs.
Read the Koran and see what Islam says about non-believers and their inferiority to Muslims. They have skipped racism and have gone straight to hate. And it is all sanctioned and encouraged by Muhammad and Allah.

I read it many times and memorize some of it and understand the historical content of it. And it made me peaceful towards n9n Muslims, I even married a non muslim, also most of my closest friends are non Muslims.
Strange huh?
Why the ones who call themselves conservative are thr least compasionate towards others, wouldnt jesus have helped the refugees? The dreamers? Thr immigrants?
Why is it highly likely a racist and a bigot can be conservative more than. A liberal who doesn't even believe in god.
Pretty much of a blanket statement, and a huge fail.[/QUOT]

Not all of course but it's a fact....in this very forum. The conservatives are the most racist and bigots.
When I revealed I'm a Muslim all the hate coming from the right, from Jesus followers is flattering.
It's still very puzzling why would those who love Jesus the most are the least compassionate and the least forgiving....and the first to deny help to the needy (DACA,refugees, immigrants, ect...)?
I think a lot of these people are fake Christians who use the religion as a cloak for their perverted world view. They have studied the bible long enough to find something to back up their prejudices and thats where it ends.
On this thread they are now claiming that racism is blessed by God. Just like in South Africa and the Confederacy.

What a sorry state of affairs.
Read the Koran and see what Islam says about non-believers and their inferiority to Muslims. They have skipped racism and have gone straight to hate. And it is all sanctioned and encouraged by Muhammad and Allah.
The koran is just like the bible.....a book written by men to prop up a patriarchal religion.
It wasn't the Koran proved it couldn't be written by a human being. Do you research!!
Why the ones who call themselves conservative are thr least compasionate towards others, wouldnt jesus have helped the refugees? The dreamers? Thr immigrants?
Why is it highly likely a racist and a bigot can be conservative more than. A liberal who doesn't even believe in god.
Pretty much of a blanket statement, and a huge fail.[/QUOT]

Not all of course but it's a fact....in this very forum. The conservatives are the most racist and bigots.
When I revealed I'm a Muslim all the hate coming from the right, from Jesus followers is flattering.
It's still very puzzling why would those who love Jesus the most are the least compassionate and the least forgiving....and the first to deny help to the needy (DACA,refugees, immigrants, ect...)?
I think a lot of these people are fake Christians who use the religion as a cloak for their perverted world view. They have studied the bible long enough to find something to back up their prejudices and thats where it ends.
On this thread they are now claiming that racism is blessed by God. Just like in South Africa and the Confederacy.

What a sorry state of affairs.
Read the Koran and see what Islam says about non-believers and their inferiority to Muslims. They have skipped racism and have gone straight to hate. And it is all sanctioned and encouraged by Muhammad and Allah.

I read it many times and memorize some of it and understand the historical content of it. And it made me peaceful towards n9n Muslims, I even married a non muslim, also most of my closest friends are non Muslims.
Strange huh?
"Taqiyya (taqiya, taqiyah, taqiyyah) is a form of Islamic deception. The Quran (16:106 and 3:28) allows Muslims to lie in order to protect themselves or to protect the Muslim community"

Mhmmm, the infidel know.
Pretty much of a blanket statement, and a huge fail.[/QUOT]

Not all of course but it's a fact....in this very forum. The conservatives are the most racist and bigots.
When I revealed I'm a Muslim all the hate coming from the right, from Jesus followers is flattering.
It's still very puzzling why would those who love Jesus the most are the least compassionate and the least forgiving....and the first to deny help to the needy (DACA,refugees, immigrants, ect...)?
I think a lot of these people are fake Christians who use the religion as a cloak for their perverted world view. They have studied the bible long enough to find something to back up their prejudices and thats where it ends.
On this thread they are now claiming that racism is blessed by God. Just like in South Africa and the Confederacy.

What a sorry state of affairs.
Read the Koran and see what Islam says about non-believers and their inferiority to Muslims. They have skipped racism and have gone straight to hate. And it is all sanctioned and encouraged by Muhammad and Allah.

I read it many times and memorize some of it and understand the historical content of it. And it made me peaceful towards n9n Muslims, I even married a non muslim, also most of my closest friends are non Muslims.
Strange huh?
"Taqiyya (taqiya, taqiyah, taqiyyah) is a form of Islamic deception. The Quran (16:106 and 3:28) allows Muslims to lie in order to protect themselves or to protect the Muslim community"

Mhmmm, the infidel know.

Is a teen thrown around in the media and online, I guarantee you I don't know any Muslim who knew what it meant before.
My life is not threatened so I'm telling you what I know as somewhat a Muslim who knows his religion pretty well.
Why the ones who call themselves conservative are thr least compasionate towards others, wouldnt jesus have helped the refugees? The dreamers? Thr immigrants?
Why is it highly likely a racist and a bigot can be conservative more than. A liberal who doesn't even believe in god.
Pretty much of a blanket statement, and a huge fail.[/QUOT]

Not all of course but it's a fact....in this very forum. The conservatives are the most racist and bigots.
When I revealed I'm a Muslim all the hate coming from the right, from Jesus followers is flattering.
It's still very puzzling why would those who love Jesus the most are the least compassionate and the least forgiving....and the first to deny help to the needy (DACA,refugees, immigrants, ect...)?
I think a lot of these people are fake Christians who use the religion as a cloak for their perverted world view. They have studied the bible long enough to find something to back up their prejudices and thats where it ends.
On this thread they are now claiming that racism is blessed by God. Just like in South Africa and the Confederacy.

What a sorry state of affairs.
Read the Koran and see what Islam says about non-believers and their inferiority to Muslims. They have skipped racism and have gone straight to hate. And it is all sanctioned and encouraged by Muhammad and Allah.

I read it many times and memorize some of it and understand the historical content of it. And it made me peaceful towards n9n Muslims, I even married a non muslim, also most of my closest friends are non Muslims.
Strange huh?

There is no history involved in an open-ended command to fight until Islam dominates, but centuries of Islam doing just that. That is what your religion teaches and the hate that goes along with it.
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Pretty much of a blanket statement, and a huge fail.[/QUOT]

Not all of course but it's a fact....in this very forum. The conservatives are the most racist and bigots.
When I revealed I'm a Muslim all the hate coming from the right, from Jesus followers is flattering.
It's still very puzzling why would those who love Jesus the most are the least compassionate and the least forgiving....and the first to deny help to the needy (DACA,refugees, immigrants, ect...)?
I think a lot of these people are fake Christians who use the religion as a cloak for their perverted world view. They have studied the bible long enough to find something to back up their prejudices and thats where it ends.
On this thread they are now claiming that racism is blessed by God. Just like in South Africa and the Confederacy.

What a sorry state of affairs.
Read the Koran and see what Islam says about non-believers and their inferiority to Muslims. They have skipped racism and have gone straight to hate. And it is all sanctioned and encouraged by Muhammad and Allah.

I read it many times and memorize some of it and understand the historical content of it. And it made me peaceful towards n9n Muslims, I even married a non muslim, also most of my closest friends are non Muslims.
Strange huh?

There is no history involved in an open-ended command to fight until Islam dominates. That is what your religion teaches and the hate that goes along with it.

Believe what you want.

Is Islam that has hundreds of military basis all over the world? Is it Islam that invaded many countries in recent history? Is it Islam that toppled regimes and backed dictatorships all over the world? Is it Islam that dictates how others should live and what life style is acceptable? Let's not play holy and answer these questions please.
I think a lot of these people are fake Christians who use the religion as a cloak for their perverted world view. They have studied the bible long enough to find something to back up their prejudices and thats where it ends.
On this thread they are now claiming that racism is blessed by God. Just like in South Africa and the Confederacy.

What a sorry state of affairs.
Read the Koran and see what Islam says about non-believers and their inferiority to Muslims. They have skipped racism and have gone straight to hate. And it is all sanctioned and encouraged by Muhammad and Allah.

I read it many times and memorize some of it and understand the historical content of it. And it made me peaceful towards n9n Muslims, I even married a non muslim, also most of my closest friends are non Muslims.
Strange huh?

There is no history involved in an open-ended command to fight until Islam dominates. That is what your religion teaches and the hate that goes along with it.

Believe what you want.

Is Islam that has hundreds of military basis all over the world? Is it Islam that invaded many countries in recent history? Is it Islam that toppled regimes and backed dictatorships all over the world? Is it Islam that dictates how others should live and what life style is acceptable? Let's not play holy and answer these questions please.
The first answer is aren't you glad they don't? The second question is tricky. If terror orgs count as an invasion then you have Sudan and Nigeria and Somalia and Lybia. Every dictatorship in Islamic countries count? They have plenty.

I bolded your next question. Partly because it is so stupid. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries who do you think is telling these people how to live?
I think a lot of these people are fake Christians who use the religion as a cloak for their perverted world view. They have studied the bible long enough to find something to back up their prejudices and thats where it ends.
On this thread they are now claiming that racism is blessed by God. Just like in South Africa and the Confederacy.

What a sorry state of affairs.
Read the Koran and see what Islam says about non-believers and their inferiority to Muslims. They have skipped racism and have gone straight to hate. And it is all sanctioned and encouraged by Muhammad and Allah.

I read it many times and memorize some of it and understand the historical content of it. And it made me peaceful towards n9n Muslims, I even married a non muslim, also most of my closest friends are non Muslims.
Strange huh?

There is no history involved in an open-ended command to fight until Islam dominates. That is what your religion teaches and the hate that goes along with it.

Believe what you want.

Is Islam that has hundreds of military basis all over the world? Is it Islam that invaded many countries in recent history? Is it Islam that toppled regimes and backed dictatorships all over the world? Is it Islam that dictates how others should live and what life style is acceptable? Let's not play holy and answer these questions please.
The first answer is aren't you glad they don't? The second question is tricky. If terror orgs count as an invasion then you have Sudan and Nigeria and Somalia and Lybia. Every dictatorship in Islamic countries count? They have plenty.

I bolded your next question. Partly because it is so stupid. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries who do you think is telling these people how to live?

I expected rhat you turn a blind eye....Sudan is a sovereign country so is Nigeria and they are battling few terrorists and they weren't invaded and occupied, like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan ect....
Why would a country need hundreds of basis all over the world?
Everything you hate about Islam, is practiced by our foreign politics, we bomb others, we remove leaders who don't obey us, we still resources, we are guerrillas and terrorist organizations, we start conflicts, ect....deny all of that ?
Why were the Jim Crow laws bad according to your atheism?

Never said I was an atheist. So again, this is you doing the Christian thing of constructing straw men. You guys have constructed so many straw men in this thread that you could do a shot-for-shot remake of the Wicker Man if you had Nic Cage and $5.

Jim Crow was institutionalized, religious-based discrimination. You don't need religion to grasp the abhorrence of that.

"You guys have constructed so many straw men in this thread that you could do a shot-for-shot remake of the Wicker Man if you had Nic Cage and $5."

Not too surprising that you know fucking nothing about films either lol.

Um that Nicolas Cage version of "The Wicker Man" WAS A REMAKE.... and ALL involved in deciding to REMAKE "The Wicker Man" should be taken out and fucking shot.

Brief situation where I combine my Film Thread in the TV Section and my Music Thread in the Music Section into this one happening in this the Current Events Section:

The original film "The Wicker Man" made in 1973 and directed by Robin Hardy and featuring Edward Woodward, Christopher Lee, Britt Ekland, Lindsay Kemp, Ingrid Pitt and Diane Cilento is a work of ART and it's brilliant and it has a good soundtrack by a band called Magnet who never existed as a band at all in real life. Magnet was mainly just Paul Giovanni and a group of his friends he called in to help him perform the soundtrack that he had written.


Here is the original trailer to the original film....MEGA!

In one scene Sgt. Neil Howie (Edward Woodward), the virgin police officer sent to Summerisle to investigate the disappearance of a young girl Rowan Morrison, is looking through a creepy semi-graveyard in his search for Rowan Morrison and he sees a grave which the headstone reads:

"Here lies Beech Buchanan, protected by the ejaculation of serpents."

impuretrash I know you like Death Metal type things, anyhow there was once a band called Hard To Swallow on Household Name Records, Hard To Swallow were not Death Metal, they were Hardcore/Grindcore, anyhow and they released an album in 1998 called "Protected By The Ejaculation of Serpents"


The full album all 24 minutes of it is on YouTube:

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Read the Koran and see what Islam says about non-believers and their inferiority to Muslims. They have skipped racism and have gone straight to hate. And it is all sanctioned and encouraged by Muhammad and Allah.

I read it many times and memorize some of it and understand the historical content of it. And it made me peaceful towards n9n Muslims, I even married a non muslim, also most of my closest friends are non Muslims.
Strange huh?

There is no history involved in an open-ended command to fight until Islam dominates. That is what your religion teaches and the hate that goes along with it.

Believe what you want.

Is Islam that has hundreds of military basis all over the world? Is it Islam that invaded many countries in recent history? Is it Islam that toppled regimes and backed dictatorships all over the world? Is it Islam that dictates how others should live and what life style is acceptable? Let's not play holy and answer these questions please.
The first answer is aren't you glad they don't? The second question is tricky. If terror orgs count as an invasion then you have Sudan and Nigeria and Somalia and Lybia. Every dictatorship in Islamic countries count? They have plenty.

I bolded your next question. Partly because it is so stupid. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries who do you think is telling these people how to live?

I expected rhat you turn a blind eye....Sudan is a sovereign country so is Nigeria and they are battling few terrorists and they weren't invaded and occupied, like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan ect....
Why would a country need hundreds of basis all over the world?
Everything you hate about Islam, is practiced by our foreign politics, we bomb others, we remove leaders who don't obey us, we still resources, we are guerrillas and terrorist organizations, we start conflicts, ect....deny all of that ?
Why live in such a terrible country? And there are more than a few terrorists in those countries.
I read it many times and memorize some of it and understand the historical content of it. And it made me peaceful towards n9n Muslims, I even married a non muslim, also most of my closest friends are non Muslims.
Strange huh?

There is no history involved in an open-ended command to fight until Islam dominates. That is what your religion teaches and the hate that goes along with it.

Believe what you want.

Is Islam that has hundreds of military basis all over the world? Is it Islam that invaded many countries in recent history? Is it Islam that toppled regimes and backed dictatorships all over the world? Is it Islam that dictates how others should live and what life style is acceptable? Let's not play holy and answer these questions please.
The first answer is aren't you glad they don't? The second question is tricky. If terror orgs count as an invasion then you have Sudan and Nigeria and Somalia and Lybia. Every dictatorship in Islamic countries count? They have plenty.

I bolded your next question. Partly because it is so stupid. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries who do you think is telling these people how to live?

I expected rhat you turn a blind eye....Sudan is a sovereign country so is Nigeria and they are battling few terrorists and they weren't invaded and occupied, like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan ect....
Why would a country need hundreds of basis all over the world?
Everything you hate about Islam, is practiced by our foreign politics, we bomb others, we remove leaders who don't obey us, we still resources, we are guerrillas and terrorist organizations, we start conflicts, ect....deny all of that ?
Why live in such a terrible country? And there are more than a few terrorists in those countries.
What do you mean?
I read it many times and memorize some of it and understand the historical content of it. And it made me peaceful towards n9n Muslims, I even married a non muslim, also most of my closest friends are non Muslims.
Strange huh?

There is no history involved in an open-ended command to fight until Islam dominates. That is what your religion teaches and the hate that goes along with it.

Believe what you want.

Is Islam that has hundreds of military basis all over the world? Is it Islam that invaded many countries in recent history? Is it Islam that toppled regimes and backed dictatorships all over the world? Is it Islam that dictates how others should live and what life style is acceptable? Let's not play holy and answer these questions please.
The first answer is aren't you glad they don't? The second question is tricky. If terror orgs count as an invasion then you have Sudan and Nigeria and Somalia and Lybia. Every dictatorship in Islamic countries count? They have plenty.

I bolded your next question. Partly because it is so stupid. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries who do you think is telling these people how to live?

I expected rhat you turn a blind eye....Sudan is a sovereign country so is Nigeria and they are battling few terrorists and they weren't invaded and occupied, like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan ect....
Why would a country need hundreds of basis all over the world?
Everything you hate about Islam, is practiced by our foreign politics, we bomb others, we remove leaders who don't obey us, we still resources, we are guerrillas and terrorist organizations, we start conflicts, ect....deny all of that ?
Why live in such a terrible country? And there are more than a few terrorists in those countries.

Issa is an Islamist so he is going to reduce Islamic Terrorists to just a few terrorists.
Read the Koran and see what Islam says about non-believers and their inferiority to Muslims. They have skipped racism and have gone straight to hate. And it is all sanctioned and encouraged by Muhammad and Allah.

I read it many times and memorize some of it and understand the historical content of it. And it made me peaceful towards n9n Muslims, I even married a non muslim, also most of my closest friends are non Muslims.
Strange huh?

There is no history involved in an open-ended command to fight until Islam dominates. That is what your religion teaches and the hate that goes along with it.

Believe what you want.

Is Islam that has hundreds of military basis all over the world? Is it Islam that invaded many countries in recent history? Is it Islam that toppled regimes and backed dictatorships all over the world? Is it Islam that dictates how others should live and what life style is acceptable? Let's not play holy and answer these questions please.
The first answer is aren't you glad they don't? The second question is tricky. If terror orgs count as an invasion then you have Sudan and Nigeria and Somalia and Lybia. Every dictatorship in Islamic countries count? They have plenty.

I bolded your next question. Partly because it is so stupid. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries who do you think is telling these people how to live?

I expected rhat you turn a blind eye....Sudan is a sovereign country so is Nigeria and they are battling few terrorists and they weren't invaded and occupied, like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan ect....
Why would a country need hundreds of basis all over the world?
Everything you hate about Islam, is practiced by our foreign politics, we bomb others, we remove leaders who don't obey us, we still resources, we are guerrillas and terrorist organizations, we start conflicts, ect....deny all of that ?

"Sudan is a sovereign country so is Nigeria and they are battling few terrorists"

Yes Al-Shabaab and Boko Haram are just a few terrorists :rolleyes-41:

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