"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

Robert E. Lee’s descendent says speaking out against racism is a Christian value

He also urged white allies to listen to people of color and hear “different experiences of America,” adding that conversation is the first step in the fight against racism and white supremacy.

Absolutely. Here is a true Godly man with a simple yet powerful message. So the Church sacks him.

"Speaking out against racism" has become a witch hunt.

Ask the girls in Rotherham about what it leads to.

Exactly, there is no greater group of racists than Muslims, they are intolerant of anyone who isn't a Muslim, this is why they insist when they decide to squat in Western nations that Westerners adhere and/or adapt to their belief systems as opposed to When in Rome do as the Romans.

The other situation is that there has been racism EVERYWHERE for a very very long time, there was racism in Biblical times and also in pre-Biblical times.

It's a natural human trait to prefer to be and want to be surrounded with your OWN kind, it is actually an abnormal human trait to REJECT your OWN kind and instead to want to surround yourself with multitudes of Alien peoples who you have NOTHING in common with....and that ISN'T in any way racist, wanting to be surrounded with your OWN kind.

The whole issue of racism was instigated by Leftists, primarily so they could brainwash as many idiots in Western nations to hate themselves, hate their Ancestors, hate their Heritage, hate their Culture with the aim of with open arms accepting UNLIMITED amounts of Alien peoples into Western nations.

Fuck that, I nor you nor ANYONE HAS to accept this shit.
Racism has been a stain on society since way before there was any concept of "leftists".

Our "culture" is the result of many different cultures coming together and "your own kind" is mankind.

Racism can take many forms and degrees from apartheid,Jim Crow ,slavery,discrimination and so on.

As Christians we all have a duty to fight it wherever it rears its sick and ugly head.

Surely we can all agree on that ?
A form of human life is what was said.

A form of human life? So that's where the goalposts move now? Well sperm is a form of human life, are you going to prohibit masturbation?
No, but the bible does prohibit it, so if it prohibits masturbation, it's pretty much a given that abortion would be wrong in God's eyes too....so there goes your "abortion isn't covered in the bible" claim.

Boy, you just can't win for losing. Shooting yourself in the foot every time.
Wrong. The gospels were all written before 70 AD

So the Gospels are the Bible? And they were written in English? LOL! Because the Bible wasn't written until nearly 500 years later, in Aramaic. And the current Bible (The King James version) was only written 500 years ago. Isn't it possible things got lost in translation???????

u are just full of misinformation, aren't ya?

Nah, you guys just move the goalposts as you relize your position is more and more vulnerable.
A fetus is in a state of being, dipshit....it exists. And it becomes a fully developed human being over time. It is both a human life and a human being.
Wrong. The gospels were all written before 70 AD

So the Gospels are the Bible? And they were written in English? LOL! Because the Bible wasn't written until nearly 500 years later, in Aramaic. And the current Bible (The King James version) was only written 500 years ago. Isn't it possible things got lost in translation???????

u are just full of misinformation, aren't ya?

Nah, you guys just move the goalposts as you relize your position is more and more vulnerable.
You mentioned Jesus, the most important parts of the NT(the gospels)were written within 70 years of his death...by people who were witnesses to his life story.

You just whined about goal post moving when you do it yourself.

Practice what you preach, bud. Lol
No, but the bible does prohibit it

So I'm gonna stop you right there. Here you are, using a book of fiction as the basis of your scientific thought. Which is ridiculous on so many levels. So now you all are saying that the Bible, while saying nothing of abortion, implies abortion is wrong because masturbation is wrong? So you need a book to tell you touching yourself is wrong? No wonder you people don't know from where babies come.

So what you're doing is making a rhetorical leap to defend your position.
Fighting racism sure seems like a Christian value, yeah.

Screaming RACIST every few minutes to avoid honest conversation and leverage political advantage probably isn't.
I salute your first sentence Mac.

The second one I am dubious about. It looks like an attempt to shut down a debate about what is or isnt racist.

What is considered racist by our society moves with the generations and some folk get left behind. I think that this will always be the case.
A fetus is in a state of being, dipshit

Another goalpost move and this time, it's sophist! Because you're changing the definition of "being" to suit your purposes. I mean at this point, it's like shooting Jesus fish in a barrel with you guys. None of you are on the same page. You try to bend the meaning of words to suit your purposes when it's very clear you contradicted yourselves.

A fetus is a being

No, no, no...one of your fellow Conservatards just said it wasn't a human being. He said it was a "human fetus", not a human being.

You all need to get on the same page. Seriously.
I don't give a rip what anyone else says, a fetus is a state of being in the development of fully developed humans. It is a being by definition.
You mentioned Jesus, the most important parts of the NT(the gospels)were written within 70 years of his death...by people who were witnesses to his life story.

Wait, wait, wait...so now you're determining that certain parts of the bible are more important than others? I thought the whole thing was important! Now you're appearing to pick and choose which parts of the Bible are important for no other reason than to support your weak argument. The gospels may have been written then (no one knows for sure), but the Bible wasn't written as a whole until centuries later, and then nearly an entire millennia until it was re-written again. So, isn't it possible that what you think are "facts" about and/or from the Bible might not necessarily be true in the 1500 years between when the Gospels were supposedly written and when King James I commissioned a new version of the Bible that you use today??????
No, but the bible does prohibit it

So I'm gonna stop you right there. Here you are, using a book of fiction as the basis of your scientific thought. Which is ridiculous on so many levels. So now you all are saying that the Bible, while saying nothing of abortion, implies abortion is wrong because masturbation is wrong? So you need a book to tell you touching yourself is wrong? No wonder you people don't know from where babies come.

So what you're doing is making a rhetorical leap to defend your position.
Smh...you really have a hard time with historical facts and biological realities, man. Go back to school.
Prove it's fiction....if not your post becomes nonsense

You think angels are real? You think bushes can talk? You think someone lived inside a whale? You think everyone comes from Adam and Eve? You think the world was created in 6 days?

These are fictions.
A fetus is in a state of being, dipshit

Another goalpost move and this time, it's sophist! Because you're changing the definition of "being" to suit your purposes. I mean at this point, it's like shooting Jesus fish in a barrel with you guys. None of you are on the same page. You try to bend the meaning of words to suit your purposes when it's very clear you contradicted yourselves.

Hey dumbass, I don't have to be on anyone's page but my own and biological reality. Now quit spazzing out and actually disprove the fact that a human fetus is a state of being and that fact alone makes it a being that is human, or just shut up and go cry in a corner.
Fighting racism sure seems like a Christian value, yeah.

Screaming RACIST every few minutes to avoid honest conversation and leverage political advantage probably isn't.
I salute your first sentence Mac.

The second one I am dubious about. It looks like an attempt to shut down a debate about what is or isnt racist.

What is considered racist by our society moves with the generations and some folk get left behind. I think that this will always be the case.
I have no doubt that someone like you would be "dubious" about my second sentence.
Prove it's fiction....if not your post becomes nonsense

You think angels are real? You think bushes can talk? You think someone lived inside a whale? You think everyone comes from Adam and Eve? You think the world was created in 6 days?

These are fictions.

Don't spew it, prove it. Better people than you have tried for centuries.

Your problem is you state something and expect to be taken as fact...not even close pal.

You're dumber than a stump
Smh...you really have a hard time with historical facts and biological realities, man. Go back to school.

You're the ones who think contraception is abortion...and you're also the ones who apparently don't know the current Bible you refer to was written only 500 years ago, commissioned by an English King who didn't even speak English!

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