"Fighting racism is a Christian Value "

Speaking out against racism is certainly a good thing. The problem arises when one side of an argument calls the other side racist just to end the any further discussion. It's more than amusing to watch white middle class yuppie larva tell black Trump supporters that they're racist. At this point the term racist has lost all meaning.
And that, of course, is the problem.

Screaming RACIST, whether your target has come within 500 of miles of racism or not, is guaranteed to (a) put your target on the defensive, and (b) avoid open and honest conversation. It solves nothing. It improves nothing. It heals nothing. It only makes things worse. It exacerbates. RACIST. RACIST. RACIST.

The Regressives know this, they know they've criminally diluted a terribly important word, but they're addicted to the behavior. They're not interested in healing or improving things. And it obviously played a part in the national pushback of 2016. Enough people became sick of this ploy, including many honest liberals.

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My argument about whether a fetus is a human being or not is not based on religion or dogma
(There are replies in bold inside the quote)
Yes it is...that's all it's based on. Nothing else. Just that level of stupidity that comes with religion influencing shallow minds like yours.
No, it isn't. My argument is strictly based on biological fact. You are the idiot that doesnt understand biological fact here. Don't forget that. I am not saying don't have an abortion because the bible says so, I'm not even really all that religious, I just know a bit about the bible.

It is based on biological reality.

So then since sperm are just part of the biological reality of conception, masturbation should be prohibited too? Because that's where your argument goes if taken to its most logical conclusion.
Wrong again. The sperm by itself is not a being, once it fertilizes the egg and the process begins....that's when it becomes a state of being in the development of a human being. This shouldn't be so hard to understand. It is a being at conception, though not a fully developed human, it is an existence and it is a human one. You still haven't answered my question...what is a fetus if it isn't a human life form?

What the problem is here...is you are an intellectual and moral coward, too scared to admit that you support the killing of human beings

Abortion isn't any of my business or yours. If you actually gave a shit about it, you'd be supporting contraception and birth control everywhere, on-demand. You'd also support comprehensive sex education in schools to teach children about contraception and borth control. But you don't. So you're the cause of abortion today because your politics suck.
Oh shut the fuck up, you coward. Your side's permissiveness towards promiscuity is why there are so many abortions. If people listened to my side, there would be much less.

The reason you keep denying the biological facts I've presented is because if you admit that fetuses are human beings, you might have to reconsider your position on abortion.

You haven't posted any biological facts. You think that a collection of cells is somehow a human. Well, a turd is also a collection of cells. Are you now suddenly opposed to taking a dump? Fucking loser.
Oh yes I have. A fetus is a state of being in the process in becoming a fully developed human being...it is therefore a human being. Period. End of story.
Phinehas says otherwise.

Phineas Priesthood - Wikipedia

the Israelite Phinehas, grandson of Aaron. Numbers 25:7 According to Numbers 25, Phineas personally executed an Israelite man and a Midianite woman while they were together in the man's tent, running a spear through the two and ending a plague sent by God to punish the Israelites for intermingling sexually and religiously with the Midianite Baal-worshipers. Phineas is commended for having stopped Israel's fall to idolatrous practices brought in by Midianite women, as well as for stopping the desecration of God's sanctuary. Yahweh commends Phineas through Moses as zealous, gives him a "covenant of peace," and grants him and "his seed" an everlasting priesthood
That's not proof.

Yes, it is.

What is "proof" to you, then? Because you can't prove a negative. So the burden of proof would lie on you, wouldn't it?

You made the claim, the burden is on you, fool.

You're grasping and gasping....again. Total waste of time and I'm laughing at your idiocy
I think his strategy to save face and feel like he won an argument is to just wear us down with his stubbornness and ignorance until we just throw our hands up and say "I give up!". That's how most leftist morons behave.
Robert E. Lee’s descendent says speaking out against racism is a Christian value

He also urged white allies to listen to people of color and hear “different experiences of America,” adding that conversation is the first step in the fight against racism and white supremacy.

Absolutely. Here is a true Godly man with a simple yet powerful message. So the Church sacks him.

"Speaking out against racism" has become a witch hunt.

Ask the girls in Rotherham about what it leads to.

Exactly, there is no greater group of racists than Muslims, they are intolerant of anyone who isn't a Muslim, this is why they insist when they decide to squat in Western nations that Westerners adhere and/or adapt to their belief systems as opposed to When in Rome do as the Romans.

The other situation is that there has been racism EVERYWHERE for a very very long time, there was racism in Biblical times and also in pre-Biblical times.

It's a natural human trait to prefer to be and want to be surrounded with your OWN kind, it is actually an abnormal human trait to REJECT your OWN kind and instead to want to surround yourself with multitudes of Alien peoples who you have NOTHING in common with....and that ISN'T in any way racist, wanting to be surrounded with your OWN kind.

The whole issue of racism was instigated by Leftists, primarily so they could brainwash as many idiots in Western nations to hate themselves, hate their Ancestors, hate their Heritage, hate their Culture with the aim of with open arms accepting UNLIMITED amounts of Alien peoples into Western nations.

Fuck that, I nor you nor ANYONE HAS to accept this shit.
Racism has been a stain on society since way before there was any concept of "leftists".

Our "culture" is the result of many different cultures coming together and "your own kind" is mankind.

Racism can take many forms and degrees from apartheid,Jim Crow ,slavery,discrimination and so on.

As Christians we all have a duty to fight it wherever it rears its sick and ugly head.

Surely we can all agree on that ?

Your "fight" against racism has morphed into a witch hunt more concerned with advancing the lefty agenda than any real racial issues.

As demonstrated by the, at least 1400 girls raped, tortured and enslaved due to political correctness in Rotherham.
Robert E. Lee’s descendent says speaking out against racism is a Christian value

He also urged white allies to listen to people of color and hear “different experiences of America,” adding that conversation is the first step in the fight against racism and white supremacy.

Absolutely. Here is a true Godly man with a simple yet powerful message. So the Church sacks him.

"Speaking out against racism" has become a witch hunt.

Ask the girls in Rotherham about what it leads to.

Exactly, there is no greater group of racists than Muslims, they are intolerant of anyone who isn't a Muslim, this is why they insist when they decide to squat in Western nations that Westerners adhere and/or adapt to their belief systems as opposed to When in Rome do as the Romans.

The other situation is that there has been racism EVERYWHERE for a very very long time, there was racism in Biblical times and also in pre-Biblical times.

It's a natural human trait to prefer to be and want to be surrounded with your OWN kind, it is actually an abnormal human trait to REJECT your OWN kind and instead to want to surround yourself with multitudes of Alien peoples who you have NOTHING in common with....and that ISN'T in any way racist, wanting to be surrounded with your OWN kind.

The whole issue of racism was instigated by Leftists, primarily so they could brainwash as many idiots in Western nations to hate themselves, hate their Ancestors, hate their Heritage, hate their Culture with the aim of with open arms accepting UNLIMITED amounts of Alien peoples into Western nations.

Fuck that, I nor you nor ANYONE HAS to accept this shit.
Racism has been a stain on society since way before there was any concept of "leftists".

Our "culture" is the result of many different cultures coming together and "your own kind" is mankind.

Racism can take many forms and degrees from apartheid,Jim Crow ,slavery,discrimination and so on.

As Christians we all have a duty to fight it wherever it rears its sick and ugly head.

Surely we can all agree on that ?

Maybe just Brits, and Germans are a stain of European society?

Both groups went nuts abusing people trying to eradicate unique, and diverse people in Genocide.
Now both groups are going nuts supporting abuse for their own, to eradicate their own unique, and diverse people by Suicide.
And you know that the story of Jonah and the Whale isn't actually a metaphor how?

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Hold the phone here.

So, three questions:

1. What is the metaphor?
2. If that story is a metaphor, then couldn't everything else be a metaphor too? Including the Gospels? Including Jesus himself?
3. If the Bible is unclear on when it's being metaphorical and when it isn't, how are you (the reader) supposed to know when it's talking metaphorically?
That's not proof.

Yes, it is.

What is "proof" to you, then? Because you can't prove a negative. So the burden of proof would lie on you, wouldn't it?

You made the claim, the burden is on you, fool.

You're grasping and gasping....again. Total waste of time and I'm laughing at your idiocy
I think his strategy to save face and feel like he won an argument is to just wear us down with his stubbornness and ignorance until we just throw our hands up and say "I give up!". That's how most leftist morons behave.

Won't work, he's just digging himself deeper with every comment.
remember the Inquisition and the Crusades where the Christians murdered people

You don't have the very first clue what the Crusades were about, totally obvious
the Christians attacked Christians for $$$ to pay for the Crusades !!!
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
and don't forget that in every major city, priest ''sinned'' against children--molesting them--then the hierarchy made it worse by trying to cover it up
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I think his strategy to save face and feel like he won an argument is to just wear us down with his stubbornness and ignorance until we just throw our hands up and say "I give up!". That's how most leftist morons behave.

That would be your strategy of avoidance, deflection, and redefining words.
remember the Inquisition and the Crusades where the Christians murdered people

You don't have the very first clue what the Crusades were about, totally obvious
the Christians attacked Christians for $$$ to pay for the Crusades !!!
Siege of Zara - Wikipedia
and don't forget that in every major city, priest ''sinned'' against children--molesting them--then the hierarchy made it worse by trying to cover it up

The Muslims encroached upon Europe, the Christians kicked them out....true story
And you know that the story of Jonah and the Whale isn't actually a metaphor how?

So you think someone lived inside a whale for a few years? And I never said it was a metaphor of any kind. If it is a metaphor, then what is the actual metaphor? And if it is a metaphor, doesn't that mean that any other story in that fictional book could be a metaphor too? And if that is true, how does the Bible make it clear to those reading it that it's being metaphorical and not literal? Because there's no disclaimers there.
And you know that the story of Jonah and the Whale isn't actually a metaphor how?

Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Hold the phone here.

So, three questions:

1. What is the metaphor?
2. If that story is a metaphor, then couldn't everything else be a metaphor too? Including the Gospels? Including Jesus himself?
3. If the Bible is unclear on when it's being metaphorical and when it isn't, how are you (the reader) supposed to know when it's talking metaphorically?
No dipshit, there is literally archeological evidence of many biblical stories and locations. You are an uneducated dolt. The fact that Jews exist alone proves the bible cannot be totally fake. You are slow, boy.
That's not proof.

Yes, it is.

What is "proof" to you, then? Because you can't prove a negative. So the burden of proof would lie on you, wouldn't it?

You made the claim, the burden is on you, fool.

You're grasping and gasping....again. Total waste of time and I'm laughing at your idiocy
I think his strategy to save face and feel like he won an argument is to just wear us down with his stubbornness and ignorance until we just throw our hands up and say "I give up!". That's how most leftist morons behave.

Won't work, he's just digging himself deeper with every comment.
I know right. Well I'll be back in awhile to see how much further he has dug himself in the hole. Lol
The Muslims encroached upon Europe, the Christians kicked them out....true story

So that's why Christians controlled Jerusalem for 1000 years, and why the middle east is full of Muslims?!?!?!

What a fucking idiot.

The Byzantines were the Christians who hired European Christians to burn, rape, and pillage the Muslims who were living in the middle east, and who outnumbered the Christians.

The Crusaders were the bad guys.

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