Figure It Out!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011

There is the historical labor force participation rate. It was declining long before anyone even heard of Barack Obama.

We hit double digit unemployment in 2008.

Here are historical oil prices in 2010 dollars:


The Cabinet level Department of Homeland Security was created by a Republican Congress and a Republican President, and was given massive police powers that the SS and the KGB could only have wet dreams about.

The Bush Administration was spying on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, deficit spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse, creating a trillion dollar medical entitlement social welfare program, jailing US citizens without habaes corpus, torturing prisoners, prosecuting several wars, losing guns in Mexico, and experiencing attacks on our overseas missions for years.

I could go on all day. Everything you dipshits are blaming on Obama has been building and going on for a very, very long time.

Figure it out: Obama is a SYMPTOM, not the DISEASE. Our country has been diseased for quite a while now. Wake the fuck up. This did not start in 2009!

Don't be that gullible rube who ignored or who was completely ignorant of what was going on before January 20, 2009. Don't be that gullible rube who believes these things are all new horrors. Don't be the gullilbe rube who eats the manufactured bullshit spoon fed to you from Fox News or Breitbart of the Daily Caller, or God help us all, Sarah Palin.

You are one gullible rube if you believe anything will change if the GOP gets power back again.

We are drowning in filth in both parties. Figure. It. Out.
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The baby boomers are retiring. Right now.

That's about 4,000,000 per year.


This is about the big picture. Our House of Representatives has had a re-election rate in the high 90 percentile for at least half a century. Our Senate has had a re-election rate hovering around 80 percent for the same period.

We have an American Politboro.

They spy on us, they allow predators in our financial markets to steal from us without fear of prosecution or prevention, they accept bribes from oligarchs to tilt the legislative and regulatory field in their favor, and they spew non-stop propaganda to keep the rubes in the dark.

They have created a national sickness. "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it." Then we blame the other guy for the huge debt that was run up to pay for our take. We find a fat black chick and her ObamaPhone to blame for $17 trillion of debt. Meanwhile, we claim our mortgage interest deduction, our employer-sponsored health insurance benefit exemption, and our child tax credits. We give subsidies to just about everyone. But somehow it is the fat black chick's fault we are broke!

We let thieves steal from us and run our economy over a cliff, and think we can solve the problem by taxing the rich more.

Our whole society is batshit crazy.
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The baby boomers are retiring. Right now.

That's about 4,000,000 per year.


This is about the big picture. Our House of Representatives has had a re-election rate in the high 90 percentile for at least half a century. Our Senate has had a re-election rate hovering around 80 percent for the same period.

We have an American Politboro.

They spy on us, they allow predators in our financial markets to steal from us without fear of prosecution or prevention, they accept bribes from oligarchs to tilt the legislative and regulatory field in their favor, and they spew non-stop propaganda to keep the rubes in the dark.

They have created a national sickness. "Gimme gimme gimme, and make that guy over there pay for it." Then we blame the other guy for the huge debt that was run up to pay for our take. We find a fat black chick and her ObamaPhone to blame for $17 trillion of debt. Meanwhile, we claim our mortgage interest deduction, our employer-sponsored health insurance benefit exemption, and our child tax credits. We give subsidies to just about everyone. But somehow it is the fat black chick's fault we are broke!

We let thieves steal from us and run our economy over a cliff, and think we can solve the problem by taxing the rich more.

Our whole society is batshit crazy.

What's your solution?
I did figure it out A LONG TIME AGO, you're a liberal bed wetter.

And yes the economy crashed prior to Obama and Obama promised he could fix it. Course he just made it worse by dragging it out but you won't admit that.
1. I bitched about Free Trade under Clinton, Bush, and Obama.
As far as outsourcing our jobs overseas, I believe NAFTA was the beginning to a shit storm.

2. The Graham Leahy Act allowed shadow trading and companies too big to fail. Took away a key
element of the Glass stiegall Act. Derivatives and Hedgers built a Giant house of cards to the
next universe, and imploded the economy. With the help of both parties.........

3. Obama's policies and decisions have worsened the rate, not help it. So I bitch about him as well.
His job's guy shipped his dang factory off to China..........and he's the one to fix this?

The Status Quo needs to go. They are bought and paid for by their favorite pac. And so it goes on.
One more thing. The OP is just another excuse thread for Obama being a failure.

It's a It's their fault thread.

I hold those in the past accountable, as I hold Obama accountable for being a failure.
I did figure it out A LONG TIME AGO, you're a liberal bed wetter.

And yes the economy crashed prior to Obama and Obama promised he could fix it. Course he just made it worse by dragging it out but you won't admit that.

Are you making a profit with your business? If so the economy has not dead..
I did figure it out A LONG TIME AGO, you're a liberal bed wetter.

And yes the economy crashed prior to Obama and Obama promised he could fix it. Course he just made it worse by dragging it out but you won't admit that.

Are you making a profit with your business? If so the economy has not dead..

The body is still twitching..............That is by no means alive.
I did figure it out A LONG TIME AGO, you're a liberal bed wetter.

And yes the economy crashed prior to Obama and Obama promised he could fix it. Course he just made it worse by dragging it out but you won't admit that.

Are you making a profit with your business? If so the economy has not dead..

This is not about an individual business. It is about The US Economy. Can we get a President who will accept the accountability and not rely on excuses and a blank check to fix it?
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The baby boomers are retiring. Right now.

That's about 4,000,000 per year.


When I pointed out the numbers earlier I didn't realize that number is very close to correct. Good work!

There is the historical labor force participation rate. It was declining long before anyone even heard of Barack Obama.

We hit double digit unemployment in 2008.

Here are historical oil prices in 2010 dollars:


The Cabinet level Department of Homeland Security was created by a Republican Congress and a Republican President, and was given massive police powers that the SS and the KGB could only have wet dreams about.

The Bush Administration was spying on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, deficit spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse, creating a trillion dollar medical entitlement social welfare program, jailing US citizens without habaes corpus, torturing prisoners, prosecuting several wars, losing guns in Mexico, and experiencing attacks on our overseas missions for years.

I could go on all day. Everything you dipshits are blaming on Obama has been building and going on for a very, very long time.

Figure it out: Obama is a SYMPTOM, not the DISEASE. Our country has been diseased for quite a while now. Wake the fuck up. This did not start in 2009!

Don't be that gullible rube who ignored or who was completely ignorant of what was going on before January 20, 2009. Don't be that gullible rube who believes these things are all new horrors. Don't be the gullilbe rube who eats the manufactured bullshit spoon fed to you from Fox News or Breitbart of the Daily Caller, or God help us all, Sarah Palin.

You are one gullible rube if you believe anything will change if the GOP gets power back again.

We are drowning in filth in both parties. Figure. It. Out.

It's like Obama is some powerless figurehead who never proposed any legislation and never had a Democrat Congress pass it. Like he never existed.
The truth is the participation rate is lower now than in the 1970s. The truth is the UE rate is low because more people have stopped looking for work than found jobs. The truth is we are running unsustainable deficits to keep the economy going.
The truth is Democratic policies have produced nothing but economic failure and misery. Which is what they always do.

The baby boomers are retiring. Right now.

That's about 4,000,000 per year.


Retiring baby boomers are leaving jobs that will be filled by new workers. Their retirement has little effect on the labor participation rate, and especially the steep decline in the last few years.

In fact, the filling of jobs that baby boomers are leaving is where the bulk of the jobs come from that the administration touts as part of their success.

Our economy is not supplying enough jobs for the young people newly entering the work force, let alone the millions that are out of work, and that is the driver behind the falling labor participation rate.

A second serious problem is the labor mismatch. Not enough people trained to fill the high tech jobs that are available.
People keep saying the labor participation rate is where it is because the boomers are retiring when someone retires that means there is a job that needs to be filled it would seem these jobs are not being filled I can think of a few reasons why. The company has decided to down size and do away with the position they have decided to combine that job with another within the company and turn all the responsibilities of both to a single employee or so many have dropped out of the workforce there aren't enough qualified people applying for the jobs. If any or all of these are the reasons the jobs of those retiring are not being filled it would seem to me to be the sign of a still weak and struggling economy.

There is the historical labor force participation rate. It was declining long before anyone even heard of Barack Obama.

We hit double digit unemployment in 2008.

Here are historical oil prices in 2010 dollars:


The Cabinet level Department of Homeland Security was created by a Republican Congress and a Republican President, and was given massive police powers that the SS and the KGB could only have wet dreams about.

The Bush Administration was spying on tens of millions of Americans without warrants, deficit spending like drunken sailors in a whorehouse, creating a trillion dollar medical entitlement social welfare program, jailing US citizens without habaes corpus, torturing prisoners, prosecuting several wars, losing guns in Mexico, and experiencing attacks on our overseas missions for years.

I could go on all day. Everything you dipshits are blaming on Obama has been building and going on for a very, very long time.

Figure it out: Obama is a SYMPTOM, not the DISEASE. Our country has been diseased for quite a while now. Wake the fuck up. This did not start in 2009!

Don't be that gullible rube who ignored or who was completely ignorant of what was going on before January 20, 2009. Don't be that gullible rube who believes these things are all new horrors. Don't be the gullilbe rube who eats the manufactured bullshit spoon fed to you from Fox News or Breitbart of the Daily Caller, or God help us all, Sarah Palin.

You are one gullible rube if you believe anything will change if the GOP gets power back again.

We are drowning in filth in both parties. Figure. It. Out.

It's like Obama is some powerless figurehead who never proposed any legislation and never had a Democrat Congress pass it. Like he never existed.
The truth is the participation rate is lower now than in the 1970s. The truth is the UE rate is low because more people have stopped looking for work than found jobs. The truth is we are running unsustainable deficits to keep the economy going.
The truth is Democratic policies have produced nothing but economic failure and misery. Which is what they always do.

except you dont know anything about the truth.

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