Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.
Read it and weep. It may have taken kids to spark a conversation, but the country is behind gun control. Try to pretend it's just a bunch of school kids if you want. It will come back to bite you if you do.

Ask the same people to define an assault weapon, or change the term to "semi-automatic rifle"
I don't care what you call it or what you quibble it isn't. I don't know that all semiautomatics need to be banned. That would never pass.

Yet you word the poll right and you can get people to think it's a good idea.

And if we keep raising the legal age for things to 21 why should they be trusted to vote at 18?
Why would Fox "word the poll right" to have that outcome?

And I think raising the age of sale is totally useless.

The news department at FOX is very liberal. Just consider Sheppard Smith and Mike Wallace. They are both big libs.
Democrats have to pay people to demonstrate for them. There are only so many real Moon Bats and they can sometimes be spread pretty thin.
By that logic, the entire republican congress is as much of a joke, as they are funded by the NRA, Wall street, big oil, the Koch brothers, etc. I agree with you that democratic power structures will exploit this situation, just as both parties always do.

"Wall street"? Guess again.....they're deep into the deep state....Hillary was giving secret speeches to Goldman Sachs execs for years.
Um what? Did you read what I wrote? Wall street funds both parties.
Hillary Clinton was/is a stooge of Wall street as is Trump.
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.
You think they should have just showed up, zero funding and zero organization? :cuckoo:
/----/ Yes Spanky. That is what "Organic" or "Grassroots" mean, otherwise it's just a dumbed down version of the Macy's Day Parade.
View attachment 184769
Organizing a national march is not “organic” or “grassroots” and nobody ever said so. By your logic, you condemn the march for life as well.
/——/ The students are being used as pawns so their outrage can’t be questioned.
Who paid for the buses/food/accomodations for these budding Socialists? Of course the answer is 'other Socialists'.
Who paid for the buses/food/accomodations for these budding Socialists? Of course the answer is 'other Socialists'.

Limousine Libtards that are just dying to make this country a socialist shithole.
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.
Read it and weep. It may have taken kids to spark a conversation, but the country is behind gun control. Try to pretend it's just a bunch of school kids if you want. It will come back to bite you if you do.

Ask the same people to define an assault weapon, or change the term to "semi-automatic rifle"
I don't care what you call it or what you quibble it isn't. I don't know that all semiautomatics need to be banned. That would never pass.

Yet you word the poll right and you can get people to think it's a good idea.

And if we keep raising the legal age for things to 21 why should they be trusted to vote at 18?
While working on repealing PA can work to get the 26th Amendment repealed.

And our usually how and not why "debater" rears her ugly head.

"fuh fuh fuh, it's teh law, fuh fuh fuh" is not debating.
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.

Gee, the Democratic Party supports gun control. Who knew?
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.

Gee, the Democratic Party supports gun control. Who knew?

We always knew the Democrat Party was a party of assholes, didn't we?
The kid's very clear that any money donated comes with no strings attached.
that they would make all the choices in how its used.
yes of course every one will try and exploit the situation
the hard right has already photo shopped a photo of Gonzolas ripping up a gun target
& photo shopped it to show her ripping up a copy of the Constitution.
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.

Gee, the Democratic Party supports gun control. Who knew?

We always knew the Democrat Party was a party of assholes, didn't we?
The ultimate aim of the lever-pullers in the gun control movement is to ban all guns. But if we allow the extremists of both sides to control the debate, that is what will eventually happen.

People in both parties are getting sick of the 12,000 gun homicides each year and watching the NRA buy up politicians to prevent anything being done about it because gun sales are more important to them than saving lives.

Just as with health care, the Republicans have done NOTHING about a problem we have had for DECADES.

Meanwhile, the Democrats have telegraphed exactly what they would do about both problems if they get a chance.

Sooner or later, the American people will choose the Democratic Plan A over the NRA-owned Republican plan of doing NOTHING.

That's why this movement is resonating.
Just found the list this morning of the funding and not the dnc, gateway pundit and you spew fake. If you really care who funded it then you do the research or wallow in your fakeness.
I don't understand how the funding matters. They did the same thing during the campaign.

Funding matters to me, who is backing a movement from the Tea Party, to OWS to this demonstration. There are agendas out there and who backs the agenda should be made public. I was for OWS until if found out who and what the real agenda was for. Same with the Tea Party.
I should think the "Agenda" is perfectly clear. If you are reading any more than that in to it, you're not getting out enough.

I follow the money, that is where you find the real agenda. Is the movement to get Congress to change gun laws and make it tougher to acquire guns? Is it to ban semi-automatics? Is it to ban guns altogether big difference and who and what is backing it is where the real agenda is.

They made it quit clear their end goal is to repeal the 2nd Amendment. Then they gave the communist salute.

No they didn't you idiot, they made it quite clear they wanted to ban AR's and have more stringent laws to get your grubby little hands on a gun and from your posts you look like one who definitely needs a mental evaluation before purchasing anything lethal.
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.

Gee, the Democratic Party supports gun control. Who knew?

The supporters of this charade claimed it was "spontaneous" and that the students organized it. Both claims are lies. It was a DNC campaign event, paid for and organized by the DNC and George Soros.
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Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.

Gee, the Democratic Party supports gun control. Who knew?

The supports of this charade claimed it was "spontaneous" and that the students organized it. Both claims are lies. It was a DNC campaign even, paid for and organized by the DNC and George Soros.
And extraterrestrial Jews!
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.

Gee, the Democratic Party supports gun control. Who knew?

We always knew the Democrat Party was a party of assholes, didn't we?
The ultimate aim of the lever-pullers in the gun control movement is to ban all guns. But if we allow the extremists of both sides to control the debate, that is what will eventually happen.

People in both parties are getting sick of the 12,000 gun homicides each year and watching the NRA buy up politicians to prevent anything being done about it because gun sales are more important to them than saving lives.

Just as with health care, the Republicans have done NOTHING about a problem we have had for DECADES.

Meanwhile, the Democrats have telegraphed exactly what they would do about both problems if they get a chance.

Sooner or later, the American people will choose the Democratic Plan A over the NRA-owned Republican plan of doing NOTHING.

That's why this movement is resonating.
Calling people who defend the 2nd Amendment is a typical leftwing tactic. No matter how many concessions are made, they are still labelled "extremists." They continue to apply this tactic until our rights are whittled away to nothing.

You're only fooling the already deluded.
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.

Gee, the Democratic Party supports gun control. Who knew?

The supports of this charade claimed it was "spontaneous" and that the students organized it. Both claims are lies. It was a DNC campaign even, paid for and organized by the DNC and George Soros.
And extraterrestrial Jews!

Go fuck yourself, asshole.
The NRA never funds "spontaneous" protests.

Nuh-uh. Never.

It sure does suck when you are getting out-maneuvered, doesn't it.
The kid's very clear that any money donated comes with no strings attached.
that they would make all the choices in how its used.
yes of course every one will try and exploit the situation
the hard right has already photo shopped a photo of Gonzolas ripping up a gun target
& photo shopped it to show her ripping up a copy of the Constitution.

How does that prove it wasn't a fake astroturf event?

The media and the DNC cherry picked the people to orrganize the event, so how would they not get exactly what they want?

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