Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.
You think they should have just showed up, zero funding and zero organization? :cuckoo:

No, we all understand the goal of the Democrats and far left is complete gun confiscation like Hogg promotes

Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.
So this pathological liar uses a chronic lying web site the Gateway Pundit as a source.
This student movement is scaring the shit out of all the right wing media, it’s readers and the NRA.
None of them care if our students and citizens organs are being blown to bits by weapons only the military and police should possess.
The ultimate aim of the lever-pullers in the gun control movement is to ban all guns. But if we allow the extremists of both sides to control the debate, that is what will eventually happen.

People in both parties are getting sick of the 12,000 gun homicides each year and watching the NRA buy up politicians to prevent anything being done about it because gun sales are more important to them than saving lives.

Just as with health care, the Republicans have done NOTHING about a problem we have had for DECADES.

Meanwhile, the Democrats have telegraphed exactly what they would do about both problems if they get a chance.

Sooner or later, the American people will choose the Democratic Plan A over the NRA-owned Republican plan of doing NOTHING.

That's why this movement is resonating.

You're pretty much right. I used to think these silly half-measures for gun control (universal background checks, mental health evaluations, mandatory gun insurance) would work, but Conservatives have convinced me they won't because ultimately, a criminal can get a gun if they really want one. So I buy that argument from them now, and it's precisely why my position has changed from debating gun control to debating gun ownership.

Ammosexuals have convinced me that no compromise on those feel-good gun measures will work, so if gun control doesn't work, then banning guns is the only possible solution left other than inaction, which isn't palatable.
Bright Fart says “ Fact checks are fake news.”
Then uses the absolute worst web site on the web as a source. Gateway Pundit.
Dimwit has no shame whatsoever.
Lets see. The democrats screwed over Bernie Sanders, paid for a hit piece on Trump. and now they fund a field trip for youngster who were more interested in hanging out with friends at the hotel with fresh delivered pizza and soda.

Oh, and playing shooting type video games where the 'winner' is determined by which player stacks up the most bodies

The supports of this charade claimed it was "spontaneous" and that the students organized it. Both claims are lies. It was a DNC campaign event, paid for and organized by the DNC and George Soros.

Then the DNC needs to answer why they couldn't motivate that many people to the polls for Hillary Clinton...even though they kinda did and she got more votes than any other Presidential candidate in history other than Obama in 2008.
No, we all understand the goal of the Democrats and far left is complete gun confiscation like Hogg promotes

Eventually, that is what will happen because your plan of inaction is not palatable, and this new generation of voters is vehemently anti-guns.

You only have yourself to thank for that.
No, we all understand the goal of the Democrats and far left is complete gun confiscation like Hogg promotes

Eventually, that is what will happen because your plan of inaction is not palatable, and this new generation of voters is vehemently anti-guns.

You only have yourself to thank for that.

We will be waiting for the little Hitler boys and girls

Good times

We will be waiting for the little Hitler boys and girls

No, because you'll die off from old age and your kids will then trash your guns. Unless there's a gun buyback sooner in which case your kids will sell your principles out.
These kids are a joke. I have enjoyed the laughs. Please,, lets continue

Sounds to me like they've got you scared. You think they're Hitlers. That's what you called them. Clearly, they have you scared for your fetish.
The students permitted no adults to speak at the rallies and refused to accept a penny from any group that had any conditions on their money.
There’s also a fake video being spread on the internet of Emma Gonzalez tearing up the Constitution.
No, Emma Gonzalez did not tear up a photo of the Constitution - CNN

Gee I wonder who would sink so low to put out this lie.

Each of the student leaders from Parkland have gotten multiple death threats.
Gee I wonder who could be doing that.
They denied other Parkland students who have a different idea from speaking. Follows the pattern


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