Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.
I have repeatedly asked this fraud where he gets his information from. He pissed his pants the first 3 times I asked and wouldn’t answer. Finally when when he was backed into a corner he said “ from bloggers.”
So I asked,” You mean people who have no accountability to anyone?
Again.. he stood in a pool of urine and wouldn’t answer.
Now he shows his cards by using the totally discredited, in the tank for Trump, Gateway Pundit.
Actions speak louder than words.

Everyone on this forum already knows that virtually everything you post is a lie. Why do you bother?
Weak lame attempt. That’s all you ever got.
So now you’re really claiming we didn’t have these conversations?
I’d be embarsssed too if it were me.
I have a great memory and it happened exactly like I said.

Another from your Hall of Shame comments:
I believe every one of Weinstein’s accusers but none of Trump’s accusers.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Man, you are lazy. Just this one time I'll give you some help


He wasn't a student. He was a relative.

So try again.

Also, there's this: Organizers deny claims that they didn’t allow Hunter to speak, saying that as far as they knew he was on the list.

So it seems to me like you're full of shit here.

Of course you believe everything you hear from the..... cough... cough.. 'Organizers'


There's nothing more hideous or dangerous than pure democracy in action. They are an ignorant mob stirred up by professional rabble rousers.

It's important for the mods here to note this guy's rhetoric and why he's a Russian troll. Putin is famously contemptible of democracy and seeks to undermine it around the world, so he dispatches armies of trolls, like bripat9643 here, to spread propaganda about how awful democracy is.

What bripat is saying is almost verbatim what Putin says about democracy.

That's what the Founding Fathers said about democracy, moron.
My security system in this case was a 9mm. And it worked

No it didn't!

The guy still broke in, you didn't shoot him, and he wasn't caught by the police.

So you did nothing. Your gun did nothing.

I don't even think that story happened. I think you just made it up.

And it doesn't account for why you don't take your home security seriously enough. A security alarm is cheaper than a gun (plus, they notify police right away), a kick-plate for a door can withstand 800 lbs of force.

If you were truly serious about protecting your home, you wouldn't be so lazy as to think a gun will do it.

Like I said earlier, you seem mentally unstable. Seek help

My security system in this case was a 9mm. And it worked

No it didn't!

The guy still broke in, you didn't shoot him, and he wasn't caught by the police.

So you did nothing. Your gun did nothing.

I don't even think that story happened. I think you just made it up.

And it doesn't account for why you don't take your home security seriously enough. A security alarm is cheaper than a gun (plus, they notify police right away), a kick-plate for a door can withstand 800 lbs of force.

If you were truly serious about protecting your home, you wouldn't be so lazy as to think a gun will do it.

My gun kept the intruder from continuing his attack.

Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.
I have repeatedly asked this fraud where he gets his information from. He pissed his pants the first 3 times I asked and wouldn’t answer. Finally when when he was backed into a corner he said “ from bloggers.”
So I asked,” You mean people who have no accountability to anyone?
Again.. he stood in a pool of urine and wouldn’t answer.
Now he shows his cards by using the totally discredited, in the tank for Trump, Gateway Pundit.
Actions speak louder than words.

Everyone on this forum already knows that virtually everything you post is a lie. Why do you bother?
Weak lame attempt. That’s all you ever got.
So now you’re really claiming we didn’t have these conversations?
I’d be embarsssed too if it were me.
I have a great memory and it happened exactly like I said.

Another from your Hall of Shame comments:
I believe every one of Weinstein’s accusers but none of Trump’s accusers.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

More of your worthless trash.
Nice rebuttal. Lmao
Your history precedes you and you’ll never live it down.
I bet you already ran crying to the mods about me like you always do.
Your pussification is a hoot.

Thanks for reminding me.
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.
There's nothing more hideous or dangerous than pure democracy in action. They are an ignorant mob stirred up by professional rabble rousers.

It's important for the mods here to note this guy's rhetoric and why he's a Russian troll. Putin is famously contemptible of democracy and seeks to undermine it around the world, so he dispatches armies of trolls, like bripat9643 here, to spread propaganda about how awful democracy is.

What bripat is saying is almost verbatim what Putin says about democracy.
You’re exactly right. He’s the dummy and Putin is the ventriloquist.
There’s no way they differ.

I mean he's literally a Russian troll. Like, completely and totally. There's a few of them on these boards and they come here to test out rhetoric before spreading it across more mainstream social media platforms.
We’ve learned Russian bots totally infiltrated our social media so it’s not a surprise they’ve entered this forum
The trump loving mods probably put out a welcome mat for them.
I was sure pussyboi wasn’t legit when he was against clean air and water for the sole purpose Trump’s doing his damnest by gutting the enforcement part of the EPA.
Anyone still munching Trump’s butt over their own health is a dead giveaway.
Stop with the personal attacks, and get on topic with the OP.
You think they should have just showed up, zero funding and zero organization?

Just call it what it is. Democrat Party propaganda, not some grass-roots movement.

Democrats exploited kids for political gain.
Thanks for repeating exactly what your masters told you to say.
These brave articulate new American heroes have repeatedly said they’re not endorsing any party or particular candidates.

So stick your lies up your ass.

Oh puheeze. They made themselves tools of the Democrat party. Just about everything they say is precanned, focus group tested, Democrat propaganda.
You lie like your president. Ever listen to them speak? See them on 60 Mins last week?
I’m so glad you’re so petrified of this new American revolution started by the students who were on the receiving end of an AR-15.
They are pure democracy in action and they’re voting out your trump enablers.
There's nothing more hideous or dangerous than pure democracy in action. They are an ignorant mob stirred up by professional rabble rousers.
Using the Gateway Pundit doesn’t prove it, ya know.
Typical Democrat astroturf event. Especially revealing was the constant drumbeat about how the students did it all.

Figures. #MarchforOurLives Protests Were Funded and Organized by Democratic National Committee

The liberal mainstream media widely publicized the protests as being student organized.

But, of course, this was complete rubbish. The well-planned events against the Second Amendment were organized and funded by outside groups – including the Democrat Party.

Gee, couldn't they get any RNC funding?
You think they should have just showed up, zero funding and zero organization?

Just call it what it is. Democrat Party propaganda, not some grass-roots movement.

Democrats exploited kids for political gain.
Thanks for repeating exactly what your masters told you to say.
These brave articulate new American heroes have repeatedly said they’re not endorsing any party or particular candidates.

So stick your lies up your ass.

Oh puheeze. They made themselves tools of the Democrat party. Just about everything they say is precanned, focus group tested, Democrat propaganda.
Gee could it be the students are on the right side of history and reflecting how America thinks?

70% of Americans want stricter assault weapon laws — more than ever before
See we never signed up to take care of the rest of the world. We did it out of kindness. So, if some of those who maligned us and some of those who utterly cannot take care of themselves get short strayed a bit then so be it. Other nations that chirp about that can f**k themselves

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